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Sain: What are you implying, good sir?

Gheb, 1.) Your family history states otherwise. 2.) No... Just, no...

Renault, one of my relatives says you look like Angeal Hewley. Any truth to this?

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Oliver: Wait, what are you talking about? I'm not like that. That's Gheb!

Gheb: Yeah? Oh boy!

Oliver: Quick, run!

Hey Levin, Tiltyu, why do you not have a Phinora conversation with each other?

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Levin: We both suffered from amnesia due to those hammers hitting us in the cranium...

Wolt, Gordin and Rebecca meet Rolf... Now lil' Rolfie say hi to those three... What can you say to each other?

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wolt:'I've been cloned without knowing it!?!'

Gordin:'if you don't mind, I have to go help Marth.'

Rebecca:'aw how cute, can I keep him?'

Rolf:'help, Boyd? Oscar? where am I? why are these people staring at me?*snif*'

Reyson, would you maybe rather be a hawk than a heron?

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Sable Order of Knights: Well, being a squadron made completely of cavaliers helped. We could escape quickly on our steeds. Also, WE ARE THE SABLE ORDER OF KNIGHTS! WE ARE AWESOME!! Kieran syndrome

Ellerean if you're better than Merric, why did you have to steal Starlight from him?

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Ellerean: Because then I can be even better then him.

Delmund. I know we had our violent battles and stuff, but that was only because you used to be a GS. Now that you no longer are... Could you help me take the rest down?

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Narshen: What? I'm the best wyvern rider in the series!

*Gets 1-rounded by Miledy with a brave lance.*

Delmund, most of your pals quit. The GS is run by Sety and people you don't know.

Miledy, how did you become the best playable wyvern rider in the series?

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