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Nolan: World domination? I did actually try, but I got pwnt by the WTA.

Sety, I know were enemies, but enemies often have to work together. There's this guy beating Tinny up, like really badly. I can't stop him on my own. Could you help me pwn him?

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Sety: Depends, after saving her can I carry her away in my arms? 8D

Marcus, how's it feel being a dark magic using sage? With anima and staves too of course.

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Marcus: It's awesome! And as a bonus, ERL no longer wants to kill me!

Fine Sety, but you have to bring her back immediately afterwords.

So Skasaher, I'm gonna do a run where you pwn everything. Your thoughts?

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Skasaher: Awesome! Now I get to pwn everything twice, since LB's doing a run as well! Take that, sis!

Lakche: I still have Continue over you.

Skasaher: Ah dammit.

Seth, I used my megafangirl powers to rally help and brought your scores back up in the men's HnH. Thoughts?

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Sothe: I want to be a belly dancer, Micaiah~ said it would be cute, and no one dares ignore her Mary-Sue-ness.

Dadgar, do you have a little crush? On Evyel~

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Kyle: Because I excel i- wait, I cant say durability? Just use Franz Lumi. Im pitiful.

Eyvel, why are you the best Jagen ever? *sees the others glaring* ... *flees*

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Chiki: I'm older than you, though~ Us dragons just age slower, no? :3

But Kyle, this is the Renais Knights + Lords run! And you're Ephraim's A support, Can't drop you.

Kyle, are you going to try to get faster? Or at least be tankier?

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Sety: Im a Sage, with lots of magic *rapist laugh*

Tiki: Im not a loli!! You meaner!

Kyle: Should thought about it. Put me in an arena.

Seth, I was referring to Pure Jeigans, not Oifeys. And Freys not an Oifey, his bases suck. But his growths are win.

Dadga, why are you the second best Pure Jeigan?

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Forde: Wait! That makes me a weakling if I dont have higher STR! I demand some energy rings.

Colm, hows it feel being a warrior (OMG HAXHAXHAX lol) ?

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Colm: But I want to steal some stuff! *Kleptomania activates*

Forde, it's nothing to worry about. He's currently tying STR with Franz who has a massive level lead over both of you, and Ephraim who's, well, Ephraim.

Seth, how does it feel to Javelincrit that bastard Valter in the face for a beautiful OHKO?

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Forde: Well, I'm well rested, unlike Kyle, so I'm more aware of my surroundings (lol awareness skill). I don't train as much though, so I'm not as strong as he is. G' night!


Seth: It was great! Next time though, can I use the Gungnir?

So Delmund, being an ex-Grl Stealr, I figured you'd know this. Is Justin Bieber the Grl Stealrz leader?

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Seth: That schmexy nastard is soooo easy to OHKO its hilarious.

Delmund: No, you are. You have split personality disorder, and are that obsessed with Tinny.

Neimi, hows it feel to be a loli cav?

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Neimi: But I'm not a loli! I want my bow back! *cries*

Delmund! What the he-

Oh wait, its just an evil robot.




Oh shiiiiiiit!

Skasaher, are you an evil clone robot sent to muddle me so that the real you can sneak in and Steal Tinny like Delmund's doing?!

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