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Let's Ask FE Characters!


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Abel: She's okay now...

Hey Geoffrey and Kieran!!!! *rides into them like hell, is currently in Mage Knight form* Guess what your queen needed another staff and magic user, so I got called... yadda... yadda... yadda... blah... blah.... blah... *shows proof* blahh... blahh.. blahh.... *The other CRK's are cringing from the talkative talk-box of doom* blahh... blah.... So any thoughts?? *Is holding a Flood tome in his hands*

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But wait... Serra is there!! *Scene ensues*

Serra; Hi good sir knights... Mind if I could know your names? I bet you're all awesome right? Then that means.. BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH... YADDA YADDA YADDA (x400,000 times)

Gatrie: I only like trees in skirts....

Hey Kieran, what can you say to my Physic-stave spamming on the Axemen HnH? Sorry I healed Othin once... had to do it for a friend...

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Glass: No... The freaking gods say I'm related to ceramics... I'm too peerless for those...

Kieran, what if you get KO'ed in the Axemen HnH despite of my Heal/Physic/Cure spamming? Will you think I'm evil? *Generates sparkly eyes that beat the shit out of Neimi's whining*

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Keiran: Yes generic one, now leave me alone :|

Keiran, Cain, Kent, will you teach me how to be an awesone red cav? I already know how to be a pirate

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Kieran: Haha, of course! Just leave it to us, the amazing Red Cavalier Trio!

Forde and Noish: ...

Kieran: Shoo, you two failures. You stain the name of the Red Cavalier!

Cain: Forde's not that bad...


So, Lakche... Would you be the bearer of my children?

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Lakche: Prove your worth by defeating me, and then we'll talk.

Shanan: ... it's true. Ever since her ascension to Queen of the World status, I couldn't even touch her in duels (though that might attibuted to her taking over Balmung), and Sety can't even keep up anymore.

Lakche: 52AS, bitches.

Lakche, how does being potentially THE fastest character in FE feel?

(unless I missed somebody that can go over 52 AS)

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Lakche: Nope, I'm just the fastest of all sword fighters in the entire universe. No way I can be beaten, not in a millenia.

Hey Al, are you and Tiena still ruling the lands she owned, now that Lycian League joined together under a banner?

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Lakche: You're not an official Fire Emblem character, so I'm still Fire Emblem's fastest sword fighter.

Tinny: Don't worry Zak, you're still number one for me.

So Altina, not offending you, but Ragnell or Alondite are really heavy weapons that even Ike or Zelgius managed to wield with minor troubles, what's your secret to wield any of those swords?

Edited by Light Lord
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Levin: Because they speak so impudently towards me. I really do feel terrible about Fury, but I can't let my feelings get in the way of what needs to be done.

So Delmund, why does your sister refer to Fin as her father?

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Titania: Well, I'm ahead, but Jill seems to have a larger fan-base here, so...

Jill: Im'a win! :awesome:

Sety, it seems you've decided to try to steal Julia from Skasaher now, huh? I'm not dropping my guard.

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Sety: Really? *Hides flowers but Elwinds you in the face*

L'Arachel!! *Insert really teary eyes here* Can you teach how to become a better healer? Please?? *sparkly sad eyes* And oh... please teach me how to use some deadly offensive magics?

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L'Arachel: Well, I guess I could help you with the heaing, but I can't teach you dealy magic, since I know light magic only.

Hey Hector, now that peace has returned to Elibe and Roy married Lilina, uniting the Lycian League, what are your thoughts?

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Hector: I'm dead. :(

I hope Lilina bears a son.

Sety: Really? *Hides flowers but Elwinds you in the face*

*Dodges and gives a critical nutshot for massive damage, amd takes crown*

So Geese, how does it feel to be crowned "Best Pirate in FE"? *Presents crown*

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Ohohoho... Roy... That's because I find her magic powerful... I'm interested in magic, and I talk in formal speak... So, yeah... no hard feelings since I already know your relationship status....

Gant: *too confused at the moment*

L'Arachel? If I'm gonna heal someone... can I use this Transfuse spell I got?

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