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Iced's FR Nuzlocke Run


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Exactly what it says it the title, I'm doing a Nuzlocke run ( if you don't know what that is see here) of FR.

I can update this almost daily thanks to having a actual GBA I can play on the walk home from school, although that means I also can't post screenshots unless you love rubbish quality with wondrous amounts of glare.

I'll be using the "one Pokemon center use per town" rule as well as the others before it.

I tend to name pokes the first thing that comes into my head so don't question some of the weird things I end up naming them.

Also I am named Charlie and my Rival is Dick which I thought was quite funny being an actual name and all (although It was at 11:30 so maybe I was just tired)

now to start! :awesome:

As of starting this thread I just got to pewter city.

I picked Squirtle (which I named Robert) at the start, mostly because of the fact that I have really never used him and his high defense will be wonderful.

Got to Veridian without much trouble, Robert is now LV7, oaks parcel blablabla caught a Rattata (Lara) on the way back, she died before I got back to Veridian though (stupid Pidgy :angry: )

Next I decided to see what pokes I could get around the area. Managed to get a LV4 Pidgy (Suise) above Veridian and a LV5 Manky (Frank) on the route where you fight your rival. Trained them both to LV7

I was considering fighting Dick at this point but I just ended up skipping him as I was under-leveled, low on potions and money and couldn't afford to lose anyone at this point.

Used the Pokemon center and headed on to Veriadian forest.

And what a hard slog that was!! seriously it was horrible, unfortunately got a Kakuna (Yardaby, don't ask) so I wasn't too thrilled at that. The trainers were about the same level as me and Robert and Frank were hard to use thanks to there best moves being nearly worthless, Suise really shined though as soon as she learnt gust. I almost lost Robert to poison towards the end, but thank god there was an antidote lying in the middle of the road (Rob had about 3 health left :sweatdrop: )

I finally got out and saved my game (oh and caught a Weedle (Doug))

team is as follows

Robert LV10

Lara LV3 (deceased)

Suise LV 11

Frank LV 8

Doug LV 4

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Good luck dude. :mellow: By the way, I finished my run of FE8 using only Lords and recruits. It was epic.

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What happens if you choose both the "catch first pokemon of the route" rule, and the "only 6 pokemon" rule? Is it necessary to catch the first pokemon, or can you abstain from catching a pokemon on that route?

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What happens if you choose both the "catch first pokemon of the route" rule, and the "only 6 pokemon" rule? Is it necessary to catch the first pokemon, or can you abstain from catching a pokemon on that route?

you don't have to catch a pokemon in each route but if you don't catch the first one then you can't catch any others in that route. That includes Legendarys.

Time for update 2: The world is a poison type!

I had some rather unfortunate events today.

As you know I had just got into Pewter, having only lost one poke, soooo I was feeling pretty good about that. the gym was nothing interesting.

Frank handled the random camper, who's speech really annoys me every time I play the game ("Your 1000 lightyears away from facing Brock" and "Darn! Light-years isn't time! It measures distance!" when you beat him, for those who don't remember) I know Nintendo's trying to be clever and all, but something like "your 100 miles away from facing Brock" would still convey the same meaning despite miles (kilometers sounds terrible in the context) being a measurement of distance. I dunno maybe it's just me.

And Brock was even less interesting, Robert just sweeped his entire party despite being up to 4 levels lower, Haven't decided if I'm going to teach anyone rocktomb yet.

I used the rest of my PP and healthiness to train a bit without using any potions, used the PKMNcenter and purchased 1 Pokeball, 3 potions, 1 antidote and an escape rope (I'm dreading MT.Moon) I'm now broke and can't even afford to get into the Pewter museum.

and then disaster struck :(

I was going through the route, not too much trouble ("shorts are comfy and easy to wear" :awesome: ) although I was forced to use one of my potions and the antidote (bloody Weedles) skipped a few trainers and finally got to the grass, and then... Susie took a crit from a Spearow killing her :sob: I was absolutely crushed. ( I did end up catching said Spearow who I named David) I decided to train David reasoning that a bird type would still be useful. david got up 1 level before being poisend, I decided to use the MT.Moon PKMNcenter to save him. and what do I get first battle out of it? another fucking crit from another wild Spearow! (it's good I wasn't too attached to David otherwise I would have ragequit)

Released both David and Suise, healed up and headed into MT.Moon (dun, dun, dun!) I got Zubat (phillip) <_< By now I was considering giving up as I was really hanging out for a Geodude to make up for my losses, but I trudged on! Did you know it's possible to get though MT.Moon only battling 2 trainers? I know because I've done it :awesome: . I also discovered why Manky is so disliked, it's because EVERY BLOODY POKEMON AT THE START IS AT LEAST HALF POISON OR BUG!! seriously why is fighting even weak to poison that doesn't make any sense!

I have prepared a list to back up my claim:

poison or bug pokes:








and those are really common pokemon! I've also probably missed some, it's a wonder hundreds of people don't die a year from stepping on weedles!

Eventually I got though mount moon getting some of the important items I could including: rare candy, starpeice and a moonstone (selling).

I am now saved outside mount moon with the following team:

Robert LV16

Frank LV 14

Phillip LV8

Yardaby: LV4

Doug LV4

Suise LV 12 (deceased)

David LV 9 (deceased)

And just to get people posting a bit more:

also should I teach Mega punch (kick is out of the question, PP is too low) to Frank or Robert? both would really benefit from it and I'm probably going to need it to beat Misty. I am having trouble deciding.

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Frank handled the random camper, who's speech really annoys me every time I play the game ("Your 1000 lightyears away from facing Brock" and "Darn! Light-years isn't time! It measures distance!" when you beat him, for those who don't remember) I know Nintendo's trying to be clever and all, but something like "your 100 miles away from facing Brock" would still convey the same meaning despite miles (kilometers sounds terrible in the context) being a measurement of distance. I dunno maybe it's just me.

Oh lol. I remember that line ever since I first heard it in Blue. I think the camper (i.e. Nintendo) wanted to initially think that he's talking about time (like "you're 1000 years away from facing Brock") but after he loses and realizes that you'll face him anyway, he explains that he was actually talking about distance. Either way, it doesn't make sense since there is no way Brock, or anyone else in Kanto, could be 1000 lightyears away from you.

Mega Punch: Give it to Frank. His attack should be way higher than Robert's (unless the IVs and Nature screwed it up big time) and it'll be much more noticeable after he evolves. Robert should focus on special attacks (Water and Ice) instead.

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Oh lol. I remember that line ever since I first heard it in Blue. I think the camper (i.e. Nintendo) wanted to initially think that he's talking about time (like "you're 1000 years away from facing Brock") but after he loses and realizes that you'll face him anyway, he explains that he was actually talking about distance. Either way, it doesn't make sense since there is no way Brock, or anyone else in Kanto, could be 1000 lightyears away from you.

The Jr. Trainer does not actually "correct" himself; he just admits that he made the mistake of thinking light years measured time. His statement is not intended to be true assuming the correct definition of light year.

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Update 3! sweet and sour!

A short one this time, I haven't had much time to play lately. (not that it matters, it's not like anyone is actually following this thread <_< )

I did end up teaching Mega Punch to Frank. I got a Spearow in the grass west of Cerulean and named her Hilda.

I sold all my stuff that I found in MT.Moon (other than that rare candy of course) and went broke again in preparation for Dick. also leveled Frank up to 16, accidentally taught him fury swipes over scratch >_<

I finally mustered up the courage to challenge Dick, expecting to lose at least Frank or Robert in the fight, But I diden't!! :awesome: (I was surprised too) it did come at the cost of Doug, Yardaby and Phillip though. They valiantly gave there lives to give me a turn to heal Rob and Frank. Basically Rob handled Pidgyotto, Frank took care of Bulbasaur and the other two came easily.

Nugget bridge proved to be a lot easier than Dick, got to the top and claimed what will end up being more Potions. and this is the best bit of all, CAUGHT AN ODDISH(WILBER)!!!!!!!!!(and at LV14 too!!) NOW MISTY MIGHT BE POSSIBLE!

Trained my new treasure against the hikers in the area, and then saved my game before something horrible befell me.

Team is as follows:

Robert LV18

Frank LV 18

Phillip LV8 (deseased)

Yardaby: LV4 (deceased)

Doug LV5 (deceased)

Hilda LV 8

Wilber LV 17

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Update 3! sweet and sour!

About time!

A short one this time, I haven't had much time to play lately. (not that it matters, it's not like anyone is actually following this thread <_< )


I did end up teaching Mega Punch to Frank. I got a Spearow in the grass west of Cerulean and named her Hilda.

Awesome. Having a flying type can come in handy for Erika.

I sold all my stuff that I found in MT.Moon (other than that rare candy of course) and went broke again in preparation for Dick. also leveled Frank up to 16, accidentally taught him fury swipes over scratch >_<

Fury Swipes is better anyway.

I finally mustered up the courage to challenge Dick, expecting to lose at least Frank or Robert in the fight, But I diden't!! :awesome: (I was surprised too) it did come at the cost of Doug, Yardaby and Phillip though. They valiantly gave there lives to give me a turn to heal Rob and Frank. Basically Rob handled Pidgyotto, Frank took care of Bulbasaur and the other two came easily.

Uh oh. If your rival killed three of your Pokemon, Misty would show even less mercy...

Nugget bridge proved to be a lot easier than Dick, got to the top and claimed what will end up being more Potions. and this is the best bit of all, CAUGHT AN ODDISH(WILBER)!!!!!!!!!(and at LV14 too!!) NOW MISTY MIGHT BE POSSIBLE!

Oh, yeah, awesome! Congrats on getting an Oddish! Misty shouldn't be too difficult now.

Trained my new treasure against the hikers in the area, and then saved my game before something horrible befell me.

Team is as follows:

Robert LV18

Frank LV 18

Phillip LV8 (deseased)

Yardaby: LV4 (deceased)

Doug LV5 (deceased)

Hilda LV 8

Wilber LV 17

They seem pretty good to me. cept Hilda. Do you plan to trade her for Ch'ding (Farfetch'd), because it could learn both Cut and Fly.

Also, Misty's Staryu (Lv 18) has Tackle, Harden, Recover, and Water Pulse. Starmie (Lv 21) has Swift, Recover, Rapid Spin, and Water Pulse. No Psychic moves so Frank and Wilber have nothing to fear. Frank resists Water Pulse but confusion can screw you up. Also, Recover can make them pretty annoying to deal with.

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Fury Swipes is better anyway.

not with 15 PP it's not.

They seem pretty good to me. cept Hilda. Do you plan to trade her for Ch'ding (Farfetch'd), because it could learn both Cut and Fly.

Also, Misty's Staryu (Lv 18) has Tackle, Harden, Recover, and Water Pulse. Starmie (Lv 21) has Swift, Recover, Rapid Spin, and Water Pulse. No Psychic moves so Frank and Wilber have nothing to fear. Frank resists Water Pulse but confusion can screw you up. Also, Recover can make them pretty annoying to deal with.

perhaps, I'm not sure yet, do you remember what level Farfetch'd comes at? the growing quick thanks to trade may help me a lot.

yeah, as long as I don't run out of PP for absorb Misty shouldn't be to hard, Surge is my next problem though...

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not with 15 PP it's not.

Oh, right. Limited Pokemon Center trips?

perhaps, I'm not sure yet, do you remember what level Farfetch'd comes at? the growing quick thanks to trade may help me a lot.

I believe in FRLG, the level of the Pokemon you get is always the same as the level of the Pokemon you traded in. I just checked right now confirmed this. However, if you plan to use Farfetch'd for anything other than HM slavery, it should be worth noting that Fearow has better stats than Farfetch'd in everything except SpD (with only one base point difference), especially in Attack and Speed, the stats that actually matter.

yeah, as long as I don't run out of PP for absorb Misty shouldn't be to hard, Surge is my next problem though...

Absorb has 25 PP, I'm sure you'll do fine. As for Surge, the only attacks his Pokemon have are Shock Wave, Quick Attack, and SonicBoom. The normal attacks shouldn't do too much damage so Wilber's electrical resistance should let it last for quite a while.

Before you fight Surge, I think you should at least enter Diglett's cave. You're bound to find a Diglett over there (or a Dugtrio, if you're super lucky) and it should help take care of Surge, having an immunity to both Shock Wave and Thunder Wave while being able to hit back with a super effective Magnitude or Dig. Watch out for Quick Attack and SonicBoom though, since Diglett has bad Defense and horrible HP.

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Another short update, I'll start playing more on Tuesday I promise.

All the Really bad stuff happens.

You may remember that I ended my last update with turning off the game "before something horrible befell me" well, turns out something (or rather many things) would.

I started training Hilda, reasoning that it will be the easiest way to beat Erika. But as we all know by now, Spearows (Friend or foe) all hate me and Hilda succumbs to a critical peck from yet another bloody Spearow.

I pretty much just though "screw it" at this point and proceeded to go and challenge Misty. Having already defeated those idiots is the gym with my wondrous Wilber (who really needs an offensive move other than absorb) I marched right up to Misty and battled her.

And oh, what a mistake it was, Although Staryu shouldn't have been too much trouble Wilber insisted on getting confused from every single water pulse (and there were about 5) and subsequently hurting himself about 90% of the time. eventually I killed Staryu thanks to poison.

I was then forced to switch out Wilber thanks to nearly killing himself in confusion (how does a Oddish hurt itself in confusing? drink weed killer?) but what does frank get on the first turn of Starmie's terror? A GODDAMN WATER PULSE CRIT! and all thanks to Franks pitiful Sp.Def I will be digging one more grave after this battle (hopefully only one) and just to add insult to injury, there goes my Mega punch.

in the end Starmie wasn't too much trouble, Wilber just used Sleep powder and Rob tackled it to death. got the Cascade badge and Water Pulse, perhaps I'll teach it to Robert :newyears:

at this point I wasn't really intending to use the PKMNCenter but I ended up anyway.

Nothing much to say about getting to Bill, although I somehow managed to battle I think every Trainer on the way despite trying to avoid them. (I still diden't get that item that you need the camper to move for :sob: )

So now I'm saved outside the house that the team rocket guy crashed with about $1000 and 10 potions.

By the way, does anyone remember where you get the fishing rod?

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I pretty much just though "screw it" at this point and proceeded to go and challenge Misty. Having already defeated those idiots is the gym with my wondrous Wilber (who really needs an offensive move other than absorb) I marched right up to Misty and battled her.

And oh, what a mistake it was

I consider Misty the hardest challenge in FR/LG (well, Sabrina is too). There's just no decent pokémon against her (or attacks on supposedly good ones).

Nothing much to say about getting to Bill, although I somehow managed to battle I think every Trainer on the way despite trying to avoid them. (I still diden't get that item that you need the camper to move for :sob: )

It's a Protein, not that noticeable unless you can't buy that stuff.

So now I'm saved outside the house that the team rocket guy crashed with about $1000 and 10 potions.

Machop + Drowzee... Wilbert can probably handle Machop thanks to poison typing but put him to sleep, if you poison it, Guts will activate (sleep also activates it but it hasn't any attacks while sleeping). Just don't send Wilbert against Drowzee unless you want another funeral.

By the way, does anyone remember where you get the fishing rod?

You can get the Old Rod in Vermillion city. I believe it's the house next to the Pokémon Center. But at this point it'll be only Magikarp and the rare Tentacool...

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This is probably the most entertaining thing I have ever read. I am a fan of the way you tell what happened...

Also, good luck as you continue this play through.

thanks ^_^

This isn't so much of an update as it is an announcement as to why I haven't been updating lately.

As you probably know I haven't been updating this for about a week or two which is a fair way off the "every day" that I promised. This is for a few reasons. one because I know the SS.Anne is going to give me huge amounts of grief, but we'll get to that later. The other major factor is the fact that I currently have exams on and will do until the end of the week, this obviously doesn't give me much time to play, let alone update. The are quite a few other reasons but they are quite small and I'm sure none of you care about my life. :lol:

But, I may as well tell about the small amount I have done, shouldn't I?

as I booted the game it dawned upon me (actually I just saw my friend playing LeafGreen) that they don't sell basic potions from Vermilion onwards. So like any sane person on a Nuzlocke run (Sane!? Nuzlocke!? how does that work!?) I wandered over to the poke-mart, and oh, lets just say if he can make sales like that, the poke-mart kings (oh god, pokemart kings, they should totally be the team rocket of 5th gen) are probably going to give that checkout chick a raise. I spent every cent I had on potions. :awesome:

after that little spending spree, I headed towards Vermilion the Rocket goon was handled with relative ease. and wen't south towards my destination, brilliantly I caught a pidgy (Lucy) who was two levels away from evolving in the grass above daycare.

I really don't understand why the guard won't let me though the path though, it's not like the dark tunnel is any more inconvenient there's not even any pokemon in there!

My money troubles are over! I caught a Meowth (Harry) in the grass above vermilion (also named after a friend that moved to new Zealand who was a bit of a money hording dick) unfortuantly he's at a low level and I have no idea when it learns pay-day soooo I may have to wait a while.

not much happened afterwards, basically I just trained Lucy and swap trained harry against the weak trainers in the area Before I remembered that the SS.Anne has to be done before the gym and I was starting to get low on PP.

I have no idea how I'm going to complete this horrid ship, any advice is more than welcome.


Robert LV21

Wilber LV20

Harry LV 14

Lucy LV 18

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thanks ^_^

This isn't so much of an update as it is an announcement as to why I haven't been updating lately.

As you probably know I haven't been updating this for about a week or two which is a fair way off the "every day" that I promised. This is for a few reasons. one because I know the SS.Anne is going to give me huge amounts of grief, but we'll get to that later. The other major factor is the fact that I currently have exams on and will do until the end of the week, this obviously doesn't give me much time to play, let alone update.

Good luck with the rest of your exams then.

The are quite a few other reasons but they are quite small and I'm sure none of you care about my life. :lol:

I do.

But, I may as well tell about the small amount I have done, shouldn't I?

as I booted the game it dawned upon me (actually I just saw my friend playing LeafGreen) that they don't sell basic potions from Vermilion onwards. So like any sane person on a Nuzlocke run (Sane!? Nuzlocke!? how does that work!?) I wandered over to the poke-mart, and oh, lets just say if he can make sales like that, the poke-mart kings (oh god, pokemart kings, they should totally be the team rocket of 5th gen) are probably going to give that checkout chick a raise. I spent every cent I had on potions. :awesome:

Are you sure you'll have enough money to buy Pokeballs later? If you have no Pokeballs when you enter Diglett's cave, you might as well surrender to Surge and quit the game.

after that little spending spree, I headed towards Vermilion the Rocket goon was handled with relative ease. and wen't south towards my destination, brilliantly I caught a pidgy (Lucy) who was two levels away from evolving in the grass above daycare.

More flying types are good since Erika might be problematic later.

I really don't understand why the guard won't let me though the path though, it's not like the dark tunnel is any more inconvenient there's not even any pokemon in there!

Team Rocket probably threatened them or something like that.

My money troubles are over! I caught a Meowth (Harry) in the grass above vermilion (also named after a friend that moved to new Zealand who was a bit of a money hording dick) unfortuantly he's at a low level and I have no idea when it learns pay-day soooo I may have to wait a while.


not much happened afterwards, basically I just trained Lucy and swap trained harry against the weak trainers in the area Before I remembered that the SS.Anne has to be done before the gym and I was starting to get low on PP.

I have no idea how I'm going to complete this horrid ship, any advice is more than welcome.


Robert LV21

Wilber LV20

Harry LV 14

Lucy LV 18

What's wrong with the ship? There's a room where you could heal so just make sure you visit that whenever you run low on health or PP. Also, you could first battle the trainers in the east of Vermillion and capture something over there (probably a Drowzee or something). Also, there's Diglett's Cave where you could get a free Diglett that can help against Surge.

Also, Meowth learns Pay Day at Level 18. Also,

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Good luck with the rest of your exams then.

I do.

awwwwww, thanks LB!

Are you sure you'll have enough money to buy Pokeballs later? If you have no Pokeballs when you enter Diglett's cave, you might as well surrender to Surge and quit the game.

Team Rocket probably threatened them or something like that.

I have ten already and you get a great ball on the boat so I should be fine.

so what he lets you go, potentially at the risk of getting killed by a international criminal organization for some coffee!

What's wrong with the ship? There's a room where you could heal so just make sure you visit that whenever you run low on health or PP. Also, you could first battle the trainers in the east of Vermillion and capture something over there (probably a Drowzee or something). Also, there's Diglett's Cave where you could get a free Diglett that can help against Surge.

Also, Meowth learns Pay Day at Level 18.

the healing lady counts as a pokemon center for these purposes. also I can't really train because as I said I'm running low on PP that I need for the Anne.

thanks, only four more levels then.

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awwwwww, thanks LB!

You're welcome

I have ten already and you get a great ball on the boat so I should be fine.

Oh, that's good enough then.

so what he lets you go, potentially at the risk of getting killed by a international criminal organization for some coffee!

Three days without water...

the healing lady counts as a pokemon center for these purposes. also I can't really train because as I said I'm running low on PP that I need for the Anne.

In that case, maybe you should just go in, do as many battles as possible, and then go to the healing person when you're low on health. And then you go straight to your rival and beat him/her up and leave the ship as soon as you get Cut.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Soo the reason I have been ignoring this thread for the past few days few weeks

month mostly comes from the fact that I lost my GBA for quite a while. But I've found it now and all is good, so hopefully I should be able to get back on track.

Forgive me if my detail is kind of vague at the start as I lost my GBA about halfway though the Anne and me being my lazy self refuses to write notes (I kind of improvise this entire thing)

Alrighty time to finally update my log :awesome:

Part4: Oh, status effects how I despise thee.

When we left of last time I was fearing boarding that terrible ship, and oh, how I was right. that thing is hell! It isn't helped at all by the fact that the completionist part of me feels the need to defeat every trainer on board, So thats how I started, going though the cabins fight all I could find, slowly switch-training Harry (and boy, you would not believe how quickly that chews though potions) This also meant the decently leveled members of my party were getting very little experience.

Now, I'm pretty sure I've had a rant about status effects in the past (poison in particular)

but seriously I have the worst luck in Pokemon history when it comes to status effects, if I can get poisoned I will, if I can get confused I will and it's the same for every other bloody status effect! I purchased 10(!) antidotes about 1/4th though the ship and ended up using 7(!) (plus some others I wasn't counting) of them at the end and all thanks to bloody Tentacools and there bloody poison sting! and what makes it worse there are like 900000000 Tentacools on this boat!

Now I was starting to get very annoyed at this point, having to continually run back to the mart to get antidotes (Eventually buying the 10 I mentioned above) but my troubles were finally over! (or so I thought) Wilber evolved! I'm kind of pissed he didn't learn any sort of offensive move though <_< I really need one other than shitty Absorb.

Finally Harry got to level 19, I had gotten all the items aboard and I decided it was time to bite the bullet and face Dick!

Now, I knew this wasn't going to be an easy fight when I began but oh Lordy it was tough, for the uneducated among us your rivals party at this point is as follows: Pidgyotto LV19, Ivysaur LV21, Raticate LV16 and Kadabra LV18. Very similar to my own. Robert (now level 22) easily handled the 'otto losing only about half his health. I was forced to switch out for my own bird of prey when Ivysaur was sent out, and you know what the forced thing i get is? 2 STATUS EFFECTS IN A ROW! . I'll tell you sleep and Leech seed is damn nasty. eventually thanks to the art of spamming "A" and using a potion here and there Pidgygotto emerged victorious!

Now we move on to, in my opinion the hardest part of the fight. Robert was healed up and sent back out for Raticate who then precoded to do the cheapest thing ever and spam the hell out of Hyperfang, theres not much else to say about this part despite it being the hardest.

Kadabra was much the same until I realized Robert knew bite. :lol:

saw the captain, somehow managed to rub his back from the side :blink: and got the hell of this nightmarish vessel. oh, and Pidgyotto also learned gust at one point.

At this point I decided to impose a new rule upon myself as I could see this getting rather easy with a few emotional setbacks from this point on. I am now forced to use and train a full party of six at all times with 2 exceptions: I do not have 6 poke's (in which I will train how ever many I have) or one of my only six is Magicrap (I'm not putting myself though that torture)

with that out the way I cought myself a level 20 Diglet (Bert, who I realized after is female :lol: ) and a LV14 Ekans (Gloria) bringing me to 6. I also taught Diglet cut because lol Diglet

Not much to say about the Gym, I basically just magnitude-ed it into submission, including Surge, Bert did die to a critical Quick attack from Raichu, throwing me into an incredibly slow fight were Wilber's poison was the only form of damage, but hey who cares, thats all Bert was ever going to be useful for anyway.

Now just something that got me thinking, it's stated in the game multiple times that Surge is American now that implies that Pokemon takes place in the same would as our own. He also says that Electric Pokemon saved him during the war. So does this mean the wars between nations are fought with Electric rodents ect... rather than firearms and other weapons! wow Pokemon just keeps getting weirder :lol:

and on that note this brings me to the end of my longest update yet!

Robert (Wartortle) LV23

Lucy (Pidgyotto) LV20

Wilber (Gloom) LV22

Harry (Meowth) LV19

Gloria (Ekans) LV14

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Soo the reason I have been ignoring this thread for the past few days few weeks

month mostly comes from the fact that I lost my GBA for quite a while. But I've found it now and all is good, so hopefully I should be able to get back on track.

Well, I'm glad to know that you finally found it.

Forgive me if my detail is kind of vague at the start as I lost my GBA about halfway though the Anne and me being my lazy self refuses to write notes (I kind of improvise this entire thing)

Alrighty time to finally update my log :awesome:

Part4: Oh, status effects how I despise thee.

When we left of last time I was fearing boarding that terrible ship, and oh, how I was right. that thing is hell! It isn't helped at all by the fact that the completionist part of me feels the need to defeat every trainer on board, So thats how I started, going though the cabins fight all I could find, slowly switch-training Harry (and boy, you would not believe how quickly that chews though potions) This also meant the decently leveled members of my party were getting very little experience.

It was worth it. The higher-level Pokemon would grow slower anyway and saving Harry's training for later would make it more difficult. And he's your money source so you have to make sure he's strong enough to survive.

Now, I'm pretty sure I've had a rant about status effects in the past (poison in particular)

but seriously I have the worst luck in Pokemon history when it comes to status effects, if I can get poisoned I will, if I can get confused I will and it's the same for every other bloody status effect! I purchased 10(!) antidotes about 1/4th though the ship and ended up using 7(!) (plus some others I wasn't counting) of them at the end and all thanks to bloody Tentacools and there bloody poison sting! and what makes it worse there are like 900000000 Tentacools on this boat!

Ouch, that's really bad. The RNG must really hate you. I always despised those stupid Tentacools. Wilber is immune to poison though, and Grass is Neutral against Tentacool, so he might have helped.

Now I was starting to get very annoyed at this point, having to continually run back to the mart to get antidotes (Eventually buying the 10 I mentioned above) but my troubles were finally over! (or so I thought) Wilber evolved! I'm kind of pissed he didn't learn any sort of offensive move though <_< I really need one other than shitty Absorb.

Absorb does wonders against all those Rock/Ground Pokemon. And Erika will give you the Giga Drain TM, which has 3 times the power of Absorb (but 5 PP) so that should help. Oddish learns Acid at Level 23, but Gloom would have to wait until Level 24. It has 40 BP (60 after STAB), 100 Acc, and hits all the Grass types in Celadon Gym for at least neutral Damage (and is super effective against Erika's Tangela).

As for a Grass attack, you should have found a TM for Bullet Seed in Mt Moon. If you still have it (no reason why you shouldn't), you could teach it to Wilber.

Finally Harry got to level 19, I had gotten all the items aboard and I decided it was time to bite the bullet and face Dick!

Yay, your money troubles are now officially over!

Now, I knew this wasn't going to be an easy fight when I began but oh Lordy it was tough, for the uneducated among us your rivals party at this point is as follows: Pidgyotto LV19, Ivysaur LV21, Raticate LV16 and Kadabra LV18. Very similar to my own. Robert (now level 22) easily handled the 'otto losing only about half his health. I was forced to switch out for my own bird of prey when Ivysaur was sent out, and you know what the forced thing i get is? 2 STATUS EFFECTS IN A ROW! . I'll tell you sleep and Leech seed is damn nasty. eventually thanks to the art of spamming "A" and using a potion here and there Pidgygotto emerged victorious!

You could switch out to get rid of Leech Seed, you know.

Now we move on to, in my opinion the hardest part of the fight. Robert was healed up and sent back out for Raticate who then precoded to do the cheapest thing ever and spam the hell out of Hyperfang, theres not much else to say about this part despite it being the hardest.

Kadabra was much the same until I realized Robert knew bite. :lol:

You just killed your rival's Rattatta. The next time you see your rival, he'll be standing next to the grave, mourning for the loss of his beloved rodent. Nuzlocke runs are so harsh...

saw the captain, somehow managed to rub his back from the side :blink: and got the hell of this nightmarish vessel. oh, and Pidgyotto also learned gust at one point.

Pidgey learns Gust at Level Nine. How on Weyard did he not know it until now? Or did you actually mean Whirlwind?

At this point I decided to impose a new rule upon myself as I could see this getting rather easy with a few emotional setbacks from this point on. I am now forced to use and train a full party of six at all times with 2 exceptions: I do not have 6 poke's (in which I will train how ever many I have) or one of my only six is Magicrap (I'm not putting myself though that torture)

The Gyarados will be worth it

with that out the way I cought myself a level 20 Diglet (Bert, who I realized after is female :lol: ) and a LV14 Ekans (Gloria) bringing me to 6. I also taught Diglet cut because lol Diglet

Ah, you got an Ekans. Missed the Drowzee then.

Not much to say about the Gym, I basically just magnitude-ed it into submission, including Surge, Bert did die to a critical Quick attack from Raichu, throwing me into an incredibly slow fight were Wilber's poison was the only form of damage, but hey who cares, thats all Bert was ever going to be useful for anyway.

Bert has puny HP so that's to be expected. And yeah, Bert would have been pretty useless after that.

Now just something that got me thinking, it's stated in the game multiple times that Surge is American now that implies that Pokemon takes place in the same would as our own. He also says that Electric Pokemon saved him during the war. So does this mean the wars between nations are fought with Electric rodents ect... rather than firearms and other weapons! wow Pokemon just keeps getting weirder :lol:

Yup, apparently they start using their Pokemon instead of resorting to weapons.

and on that note this brings me to the end of my longest update yet!

Robert (Wartortle) LV23

Lucy (Pidgyotto) LV20

Wilber (Gloom) LV22

Harry (Meowth) LV19

Gloria (Ekans) LV14

Those levels look good. You could have captured Gloria before you entered the ship though, which would have helped a lot seeing how she's immune to poison. The others have good levels though.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, I've broken my arm -_- which makes it a damn pain to play my game-boy (not to mention type) so I'm kind of set back. you'll be happy to know I'm almost at lavender town though :awesome:

I maneged to get about halfway though rock tunnel completely on memory and luck, no flash whatsoever because I forgot where to get it XD

Gloria has cought up to everyone and thats about the most interesting thing that there is.

sorry for not posting more, I'm really not in the mood for long updates, I'll do a long re-cap when I've recovered I guess.

Edited by Iced
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I maneged to get though rock tunnel completely on memory and luck, no flash whatsoever because I forgot where to get it XD

South of the Pewter City exit to Diglett Cave, past the tree you can Cut down, is a building with one of Oak's aids. Talk to him, he'll give you Flash if you've registered 10 or more Pokemon in your Pokedex.

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  • 2 weeks later...

4.5 no-one lives forever

Rock tunnel is an absolute bitch first of all, I lost no less than 3 pokes (Gloria, a Manky I caught in the Tunnel and Harry) in the second half of the tunnel. partly because I got lost and had no escape ropes, and also because I ran out of potions and kept running into trainers.

I eventually just rolled though with Wilber and Robert once I had found my way.

coming out I arrived at the town with perhaps the greatest music ever, but instead of doing the smart thing and healing up and buying more potions I continued east, hoping to catch a Growlith or something to refill my ranks and then return to Lavender.

Well in short a scientist Turned at just the wrong moment hurtling me into a battle from which I would not return. He had 2 Grimers and a Muk I think. The Grimer was annoying yes but it was the Muk who finally ended me by spamming Sludge and getting constant crits while I missed every second attack. I Blacked out.

So, I don't really know what to do now, I could always revert to my last save (halfway though the RT) but then again thats kind of against the rules.

My defeat was probably due to the fact that I forced myself to use 6 pokes, meaning my party quickly became under leveled.

so, what I'm really asking is do you guys particularly want me to continue with this or shall I accept my fate and stop?

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I really want you to continue with this. Like Spoon said, you can try it again.

This is still a Nuzlocke run though so it's not supposed to be allowed. However, you could resume from your last save, go to the nearest grass/cave/etc, catch a Pokemon and then deposit ALL of the Pokemon that died to the Muk in an alternate universe. Since they already died, you won't be allowed to use them (otherwise, it wouldn't be Nuzlocke).

How does that sound? What's dead will remain dead as per the Nuzlocke rules but you'll still be able to continue and entertain all of the viewers here.

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