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wall of healers

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I was in the mood to start a new FE6 PT, and decided to do a magic + roy only PT. guess I wasn't thinking straight when deciding that, I'm now at lilina's chapter before recruiting her. my team exists of Lugh, Roy and the 3 healers.

but I found out that it isn't that terrible to have 3 healers. They can now easily form up a defensive line and start healing each other, and nobody will attack Lugh or Roy when I don't want to.

I've also started "training" merlinus, makes good healing experience with 1 enemy closed in and continuously healing him. Merlinus has about 50 xp now, this PT is not good if you'd like to go for turncount (not like I ever want to).

did anyone ever play a PT like this? does anyone have any good ideas that might make this easier? and who should I promote first? I'd say Ellen, she's level 13. (Roy level 17, Lugh level 19, Clarine level 7, Saul level 11, Lilina level 1)

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I'd promote Lugh first. Besides making him much stronger, you also get another healer (yay!). On the other hand, you need more offense, so probably the first healer to reach Lv20 will be your best choice.

You get the second Guiding Ring in Ch14. I would probably abuse Lilina as much as possible, get her standing on her own two feet, then get Lugh on Lv20 and use the first Guiding Ring on him, then push to get Ellen to Lv20 before Ch14's end, where you can promote her.

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I'd promote Lugh first.

okay, I did that (he was level 20)I think I will let the next ring go to Ellen

end of chapter 8x

Roy - 18.68

Merlinus - 1.94

Ellen - 15.62

Lugh - 1.21 (Sage)

Clarine - 9.32

Saul - 15.39

Lilina - 14.10

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So what magic units are you planning to use all together?

I'll be using the first 9 recruitable magic users, 9+Roy makes 10 for final chapter. (wait, should I even count Roy?)

Merlinus just leveled up, he gained hp, speed and luck. (lolz)

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I thought you could only bring 8 units to the final chapter, since Fa is forced.

oops, forgot that. first 8 + roy + fa

end of chapter 9

Roy - 20.--

Merlinus - 2.16

Ellen - 19.26

Lugh - 3.14

Clarine - 9.68

Saul - 16.55

Lilina - 18.10

looks like I will also be using Ray, Cecilia and Sofiya. meaning I will have 2 sages, 2 priests, 2 Valkyries and 2 druids, nice balanced.

end of chapter 10

Roy - 20.--

Merlinus - 2.32 (he is getting to weak now, won't mention him after this)

Ellen - 20.--

Lugh - 4.73

Clarine - 10.41

Saul - 16.66

Lilina - 20.--

end of chapter 11

Roy - 20.--

Ellen - 20.--

Lugh - 6.91

Clarine - 11.18

Saul - 17.45

Lilina - 20.--

end of chapter 12

Roy - 20.--

Ellen - 20.--

Lugh - 8.59

Clarine - 12.35

Saul - 18.46

Lilina - 20.--

Ray - 12.87

think I'll stop for today~

or not...

end of chapter 12x

Roy - 20.--

Ellen - 20.--

Lugh - 9.72

Clarine - 14.6

Saul - 18.46

Lilina - 20.--

Ray - 16.95

Edited by whase
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Normal, obviously, since he didn't mention Ellen and Clarine being OHKOed.

normal indeed, but even here they would be OHKOed if they would actually hit her. for Ellen, I mean, she has 1 defense.

never even played hard mode FE6, IMO normal is hard enough for this FE, and I'm not exactly a tactical genius. I'll just make my only challenges, and this is a nice one I think.

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Save up your Gold and buy at least 4 Guiding Rings from the Ch16 Secret Shop.

I bought 5, I forgot I'm not using Hugh, so I bought him too~

so I was not at home this weekend (= no Internet), but I did continue my PT

end of chapter 17

Roy - 20.--

Ellen - 19.30(promoted)

Lugh - 19.74

Clarine - 9.19(promoted)

Saul - 5.90 (promoted)

Lilina - 7.2 (promoted)

Ray - 3.31 (promoted)

Sophia - 4.23(promoted)

Cecilia - 10.50

also, this looks weird; Ellen has luck and resistance capped, and the stat between them is only 5 (def).

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Not really. Her average stats state that she can indeed cap both Luck and Res at levels 15 and 18 respectively, while her average Def at 20/20 is a mere 3.85. With only 5% Def growth, she's extremely blessed to have 5 Def.

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Not really. Her average stats state that she can indeed cap both Luck and Res at levels 15 and 18 respectively, while her average Def at 20/20 is a mere 3.85. With only 5% Def growth, she's extremely blessed to have 5 Def.

I said it looks weird, not special :P

It's more an opinion than a fact I guess

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I said it looks weird, not special :P

It's more an opinion than a fact I guess

I agree it would look weird/funny. Not unexpected, just odd-looking.

30     5     30

Looks pretty funny to me.

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end of chapter 20

Roy - 20.--

Ellen - 19.88

Lugh - 19.86

Clarine - 12.4

Saul - 14.39

Lilina - 9.92

Ray - 9.22

Sophia - 9.72

Cecilia - 12.55

this is getting old, I'm just barging through the chapters now.

also, getting supports is like taking forever(, except for RoyxLilina).

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end of chapter 20

Roy - 20.--

Ellen - 19.88

Lugh - 19.86

Clarine - 12.4

Saul - 14.39

Lilina - 9.92

Ray - 9.22

Sophia - 9.72

Cecilia - 12.55

this is getting old, I'm just barging through the chapters now.

also, getting supports is like taking forever(, except for RoyxLilina).

Well, of course it's a stomping. That should be expected. surviving early on with so few attackers must have taken many many turns, which would result in tons of healing, which leads to epic levels, which leads to way way better stats than enemies. Hence, godstomp ensues.

still, you made it through the hard part. You could probably quit now, really. I guess you have units with s rank in all 3 magics now, right? Hopefully that means chapter 24 won't be too painful.

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I guess you have units with s rank in all 3 magics now, right?

weapon levels:

Roy - A swords

Ellen - S light, S staves

Lugh - S anima, E staves

Clarine - B anima, S staves

Saul - A light, S staves

Lilina - S anima, E staves

Ray - S dark, E staves

Sophia - S dark, E staves

Cecilia - S anima, C staves

I have quite a few S' yes, was still planning on getting everyone to psysic staff level, unnecessary though with already 3 S'. guess I'll quit it then.

(next chapter, spear of ice 20x, has lots of annoying walls to knock down. can you blame me for stopping?)

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You have THREE potential users of Eclipse (takes down a wall to 1hp). There's 99 reasons to quit now but breaking walls ain't one.

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You have THREE potential users of Eclipse (takes down a wall to 1hp). There's 99 reasons to quit now but breaking walls ain't one.

for me it is, deal with it.

I just hate spilling weapons on stuff you don't even get xp for, also hate when peoples ain't doubling or having 0% chance to crit.

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But wall breaking is so much fun. Just go straight for the throne. You can easily get to it by only using the middle group of units and breaking only 4 walls.

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in this FE I'm always saving up to buy as many boots as I can near the end, it's really fun to have more movement than any enemy.

this means I have only been using basic and free tomes the entire game. Like I always do.

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