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My 1st Playthrough

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So I finally decided to get into the world of Jap. Fire Emblem and started my 1st playthrough

So far I'm on Chapter 8 and these are the characters I am training :






As is the way I play, I am doing this "for fun" and when I go into a chapter, I only use the characters I plan on using for Endgame

So now I ask for assistance!

If you have any suggestions as to who I should use or drop or replace, all will be appreciated!

Also, I've heard of 2 different routes, if you could fill me in on that, I would much appreciate it!

If anyone could wants to give me any bits of info, I'm open to all aid ^_^

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The characters you are using right now are good. Don't bother training Roy too much, he has quite a long time before he promotes.

There are two places in the game where you can change the chapters you go to. If in Chapter 9 you visit the left village or none , you will go to chapters 10A and 11A. Meanwhile, if you go to the right village, you will go to 10B and 11B. In route A you get Echidna (a female hero) and Lalum (dancer), while in route B you get Bartre (a warrior) and Elphin (bard). You also get Gonzales (a brigand), Klein (sniper), Tate (pegasus) and Geese (pirate) regardless of the route you choose.

Meanwhile, after chapter 16/16x the game splits depending on the levels of your pegasus and nomads. If the EXP Thany and Tate have gotten is greater or equal than the EXP that Sue and Shin got, you will go to 17A until 20Ax. If Sue and Shin's gained EXP is greater, you will go to 17B until 20Bx. In the B route, you fight mostly nomads, while in the A route you fight moslty pegasus. You get Yuno (A falcoknight) if you go to route A, while you get Dayan (A nomad trooper) if you go to route B. You also get Niime (a druid) regardless of what route you choose.

Personaly I prefer A route for the first split, while B route for the second, but you are free to choose. Also, to get to the real end of the game, you will need to go to all the gaidens. The requirements to get them are here.

You may also want to use this site since it has a large amount of information about all the games in the series.

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Also, try to keep the following characters alive:



Sophia (easier said than done)









This will allow you to access every Gaiden chapter for Divine weapons. If you miss or break any Divine weapons, you won't be able to access the last three chapters.

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Also, for the Gaiden requirements, the units it says to keep alive must participate in the chapter. Just clearing that up.

If you plan on using Gonzales, go the A route, since on the B route he's higher-leveled, but has the same bases. He's a Brigand (awesome critical).

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Also, for the Gaiden requirements, the units it says to keep alive must participate in the chapter. Just clearing that up.

False. I've never deployed Zeiss in chapter 21, yet I still get it every time. Neither have I deployed Zealot in chapter 20A or Sue in 20B, but the gaiden still appears.



For the characters who must be alive, you do not need to bring them out in the chapter.

Edited by Krad
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Its probably a bit to late for this but you should have used Lugh. Due to his high speed, he levels up fairly quickly and turns out to be a life saver late game. Also I suggest using:

No bow users



thany(probably to late for that)



No armour knights (if you were using characters you're not bringing to the endgame, I'd say use douglas for B route. But...)

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False. I've never deployed Zeiss in chapter 21, yet I still get it every time. Neither have I deployed Zealot in chapter 20A or Sue in 20B, but the gaiden still appears.


Whoops, memory failed me! :(

I should have reread that before I posted. Sorry The Nomadic Trooper.

Edited by MGS: Metal Gear Solid
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Actually, Shin is pretty beast for a bow user. The foot bow users aren't that great, though. Sue's speed's good, but her strength is not screw-proof.

I suggest using Shin. But if you want to go Illia instead of Sacae(Pegs versus Nomads), make sure Thany and Tate's combined level is higher than Sue and Shin's.

Fir is also good provided that you level her in those axefest chapters. Swordmasters are pretty beast in this game. They get +30 to their Crit instead of +15.

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Woops, I've been away and haven't played a whole lot, but here's my progress now

Chapter 11

Rutger - level 19

Gonzales - level 14

Clarine - level 19

Shin - level 13 (almost 14)

Elphin - level 1

Dieck - level 3 Hero

Lance - level 2 Paladin

Roy - level 17

Is that good for being this far into the game?

Do you think I'll have any issues with promotions?

Where do I get promotion items in this game anyway? (what chapter, etc)

Still accepting unit reccomendations as well

(Any unit not listed here should be assumed as their start level upon recruiting since I only deploy those I actually use)

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That seems a bit high for that point of the game, but yeah, you're fine in terms of levels.

Also, I wouldn't recommend Lilina at all since she has terrible Speed. I'm not sure what it's like in Normal Mode but I guess she wouldn't be able to double most stuff (she gets doubled by everything in Hard Mode). Lugh and Ray aren't that great since you don't need Magic too much, but they're still decent if a bit fragile.

You get promotion items by keeping the NPC troops alive (the guys Klein, Percival and Tate come with), and also from certain villages. Theres a Secret Shop in Chapter 16 on the top-left corner that sells promotion items, so you can use that if you need more promotion items.

Also, keep Douglas alive in Chapter 16. He needs to be alive to unlock the Gaiden. You can put him to Sleep, or use a low STR unit with an Iron Sword to distract him.

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Lilina turned out pretty good for me, but that was after two speed wings. I don't recommend using her for the same reasons stated above. I do, however, recommend Shin, Fir, Ray, and Miredy (and possibly Zeiss as well).

Why aren't you using Lugh? He's the best mage available in terms of recruitment and stats (for the most part).

I used Sofiya (bad idea) on my first playthrough instead of Ray. Sofiya's Speed is horrible. Don't use her. :)

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Of the characters you have yet to recruit...

-Ray is okay, but nothing special. Typical Shaman, really.

-Cath has decent stats but is a Thief and should never be used for combat.

-Miledy is awesome, even in NM. Use her.

-Percival is also awesome.

-Cecilia is fine as a filler unit to help out with healing, but has poor combat. She's fine to Aircalibur a Pegasus or Wyvern, but don't expect her to do much more.

-Sophia sucks beyond all description, but keep her alive for the Gaiden.

-Igrene is a badass, but again, is only 'okay' at best. She might be worth bringing along because she takes no effort to get going, and has decent combat. Snipers have plenty of uses here, being good in Sacae to counter Nomads, or blick Pegasi, or take down Wyverns.

-Fa might be worth using just to blick Mamkutes, since she's forced into the final chapter and you may as well train her.

-Douglas sucks. Way too slow.

-Hugh is okay, but not great. He's also expensive, which means less promotion items/killer weapons/angelic robes/Physic staves for everyone else.

-Zeiss has a very shaky start and poor Lance Rank and speed. I'd avoid him.

-Niime is very fragile and needs an Angelic Robe or two to be able to fight, but takes no effort to train and comes with great weapon ranks and decent offensive stats. If you don't train Ray, she can take Apocalypse and blick Mamkutes and Wyverns, and provide healing and Restore and Warp support.

-Yodel is like Niime - a pre-packaged magic user. He joins later, and has a worse magic type (Light), but he has no serious competition for Aureola. He has worse offensive stats, but better defensive stats than Niime.

-Dayan joins very late, but has decent speed for a pre-promote and 8 move, so he's not awful and can easily be fielded in later maps where you have tons of deployment slots.

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  • 2 weeks later...

He's a Brigand (awesome critical).

Only that he is actually worse in the Normal Mode for having worser base Skill stats and not being able to grow enough for a long time. Sure there is a free Skill Book or two to fix that. Although, they're better off being sold.


About the route for Sacae or Ilia, recommended to go to Ilia in first playthroough as the route there is easier. If you go to Sacae, make sure to have Miledy have Delphi Shield to get bow users there to waste their turns, so you'll have an easier time there.

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Isn't his SKL growth only like 5% anyways? That only gives him a 23% chance at getting any skill from HM bonuses. His other HM bonuses help much more.

It's actually 15%, which is still bad, but come on it's skill not a stat which is THAT important, would you rather he had 15% strength? Even with poor skill Gonzales hit is still pretty decent if you have WTA and are using killer axes and he doubles enemies too which gives him a higher chance to critical in at least one of the hits which will usually kill...

Edited by Brighton
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SKL's pretty huge for Gonzo. I mean, imagine if he had exceptionally good skill on top of all of his other great stats. His poor skill really holds him back.

Maybe they did it to balance the characters more? Although Sophia and Wendy...

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It's actually 15%, which is still bad, but come on it's skill not a stat which is THAT important, would you rather he had 15% strength? Even with poor skill Gonzales hit is still pretty decent if you have WTA and are using killer axes and he doubles enemies too which gives him a higher chance to critical in at least one of the hits which will usually kill...

The only thing that I'm unsure of is whether a crit activates a hit if the hit % in the RNG results in a miss. Because in some of the other FE games a critical will miss if the hit % results in a miss in the RNG. Unsure...but the RNG in the GBA games results a hit if either a hit % or Crit % activates in the RNG.

SKL's pretty huge for Gonzo. I mean, imagine if he had exceptionally good skill on top of all of his other great stats. His poor skill really holds him back.

I'm guessing the game designers wanted to give Gonzy more of a challenge to raise in the NM as the chapters would be too easy if he had good skill from the start.

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The only thing that I'm unsure of is whether a crit activates a hit if the hit % in the RNG results in a miss. Because in some of the other FE games a critical will miss if the hit % results in a miss in the RNG. Unsure...but the RNG in the GBA games results a hit if either a hit % or Crit % activates in the RNG.

I've never heard of a Fire Emblem with those mechanics before, but in this game a character has to hit the enemy before they have a chance to critical. If a character has 30% real hit and 50 critical, they have 15% chance to critical hit.

At the very least due to bad skill Lot isn't completely outclassed when Gonzales joins in NM (as well as worse supports and slightly worse durability).

Edited by Brighton
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It's actually 15%, which is still bad, but come on it's skill not a stat which is THAT important, would you rather he had 15% strength? Even with poor skill Gonzales hit is still pretty decent if you have WTA and are using killer axes and he doubles enemies too which gives him a higher chance to critical in at least one of the hits which will usually kill...

Actually, since slize was talking about the HM bonuses, I should probably point out that HM bonuses come from levels of class growths. Brigand has a respectable 30% skill growth, and so Gonzo's 8 levels of HM bonuses are coming from that. 2.4 on average, which is why you get 5 -> 7.4 on the averages when you click to look at HM.

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About the route for Sacae or Ilia, recommended to go to Ilia in first playthrough as the route there is easier. If you go to Sacae, make sure to have Miledy have Delphi Shield to get bow users there to waste their turns, so you'll have an easier time there.

I definately agree with you on that point. My first playthrough I ended up going the Sacae route, not fun as there were longbow and bolting users aplenty. Although I've never played Illia route, I heard it being so much easier than Sacae, which was very difficult, even in normal mode.

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