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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 8: To Catch a [s]Predator[/s] Demonic, soul-sucking mesh


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"A demon dragon? Well, I have this healing staff and light tome. I don't think demons or dragons use those, they are more inclined to go with the clawing and the biting, or so I've heard." replied Charlotte.

Morgan had her mare go over to be sold with the rest. It did not seem to increase efficiency all that much.

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"Not e'nuff to deal with yer kind" he replied, seemingly referring to Kelas's background, but actually referring to the way she'd tried to sell the horses. "10gold for each head you got" he said not even bothering to inspect the horses. He knew how under-priced his demand was, the army seldom probably wouldn't be interested in purchasing, after all there were not shortages of the things these days, and while Halton seemed to be gathering horses, trading with them would be a waste of time due to tariffs and taxes.

Seeing Kelas's expression the man smirked "Yeah, thought so, go'on ya'll easily get triple that at the capitol" he paused, then shook his head "Nay, I've changed ma'mind I'll pay ya 20 gold a head, Ma's been complaining I never put meat on the table anymore lately"

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"Don't mind him, we just had a bit of an incident today," Eric said, as the other began to disperse. "So, you're really just ready to up and leave? If you live here, wouldn't your family worry about you?"

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"Clerics are enocuraged to...live simply." Charlotte said with a grimace. "And I am orphaned, I...don't have a family. I don't think anyone at the church is going to miss me very much."

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So, she heard. "Well, I doubt this journey is going to be simple. Far from it. You may even die. Are you sure you want to take that risk?"

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"High bred chargers? Tough meat, make it 15gold" he said not at all phased by the look on Kelas's face, "Yeah, take your horses elsewhere, closest dealer you'll find around here is old Joe in the village 5 hours that way" the man said indicating to his left. "Horses ain't exactly a boomin industry, and Hamburgs not exactly known for her horses" he finished.

Kelas seemed to decide arguing was hopeless and turned to leave.

"I'd be the only dealer dumb enough to set up business round here, say hi to Joe for me" and with that he returned to his ale.

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"Well I am not completely helpless. Besides, I'll have a whole group of powerful warriors protecting me, it shouldn't go too badly."

"I'm not accomplishing anything here anyway. I cannot just sit here the rest of my life scrubbing windows and washing floors and wishing I were somewhere else." Charlotte said forcefully.

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"'Somewhere else' may mean being on the wrong end of a blade, milady, but, I guess words will not convince you, as usual," Eric slipped. "... Very well. Do as you wish," he said, heading for the inn.

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Cess headed into the inn. It looked quite cozy, with a second floor, a large dining area, and a fireplace with a roaring fire. He approached what seemed to be the innkeaper.

"Let's see, Istov and Katie, Esphyr and Irina, Damian and Aiya, Eric and Chase, Morgan and that new guy, Arrin and Kelas, and me. That's everyone right?"

"Excuse me sir. I'd like some rooms."

"Well too bad, we don't like you're kinda around here. You can take your money and get out."

"My kind, sir?"

"Mages! Don't want none. Can't stand magic. Only people who know how to weild good honest weapons can stay here! You heard me! Leave!"

Cess turned and headed back outside. The others weren't going to like this.

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"So what kind of adventure are you all on? Slaying dragons sounds very exciting to me, a demon dragon even more so. I never did get your name by the way." Charlotte said, following the man into the inn.

Morgan ran into Cess coming outside "Was there a problem in there?" she inquired.

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"More like half a problem. Istov, you, Arrin, and Me can't stay in the inn tonight. Something against mages." Cess sighed. "We might as well go look for somewhere else to stay."

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"There aren't any nearby villages, not as far as I could tell. I am personally fine with camping out, I have experience in such matters." replied Morgan. "Kelas may prefer to sleep outdoors as well and can help prepare a campsite."

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"Scummer, trying to trick us into thinking there weren't traders in a road town," Kelas muttered, heading off down the street. "Bet that wasn't even his barn-- ah, here we are." She had found a livery stable.

Kelas was pleased to discover that Arrin knew how to bargain, and they left the stables with a good chunk of money. "And they barely needed convincing that Amari and Francis weren't for sale!" she exclaimed happily as they headed back to the inn.

"I think Amari did the convincing on that one," Arrin quipped, remembering the bite marks the mare had left on the hostlers' arm.

"What's wrong?" Kelas asked as they returned to the group, noticing that people looked troubled.

After they'd explained, Arrin asked, "Well, is there maybe another inn in town?"

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"I'm alright with camping," Eric said, as Kelas and her brother approached the group, laden with money. "I would ask Charlotte about that one."

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"No. The man even said there was only one inn. And the town isn't that big to start with. We're out of luck. Esphyr should probably go get a room. She's still muttering about leeches."

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Esphyr gave a quick shiver across her spine once again at the mention of the dragon. Why had the demons come to defend them? And the zombies too? It didn't make sense at all to the mercenary girl, but still... now was the time for inns and sleep; not for figuring out demonic treasons. Despite the negative response her companion had gotten when asking for a room, she still felt the need to ask and approached the innkeeper.

"Excuse me, but... do you have a room for a woman most certainly not a mage?" she asked. "As well as something that doesn't involve water that gets rid of swamp smell?"

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"Old Winthrop does get fussy around mages I'm afraid. A fire mage burned his inn down once." Charlotte replied.

"There's a nice clearing right outside of town, you could sleep there if you wished to camp. I..guess I should join you, I don't have any money."

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Isotov and Irina

Iso: Fire mage?! Eg- ... umm so we're camping outside ... when an inn is right there? Gotta love Elysimia. Every time I come here something ... interesting happens.

He hung his head and sighed. Meanwhile, Kiev started wandering around on his own. He came up to the inn's door and stood up with his paws against the wall. When Irina realized what he was doing, she panicked!

Irina: *gasp* Oh my goodness, no!! :o

Kiev! Don't!!

The wyvern started running his paws down the wall repeatedly making preposterously loud scratching sounds, and the wood was tearing away by the pound! She quickly rushed over and pulled him off! When he sat down, his attention went straight to his wound again, and he started biting it to make the inching and pain stop!

Irina: Ohhhh. Dammit. Hey! We're out of the swamp now! Can someone see to Kiev's injury?! It's driving him nuts, and who knows what was on that dragon's claws! It might be infected!

EDIT: Added fire mage bit.

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"I see... Sorry to trouble you, but could you lead us there, milady?" Eric asked, just before the wyvern freaked out.

"... I have no idea how to deal with such things. Anyone here know how?"

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"Well I do know how to use a staff. Is it going to bite?" Charlotte asked with nervousness in her voice "I've never used my staff on a wyvern before..."

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Isotov and Irina

Irina: He's never bitten anyone that didn't deserve it. I'll ... keep him calm for you, just hurry. Wyverns get really uncontrollable when they can't get any relief. He's either going to tear this place apart, or pass out.

Iso: What a hassle :/

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As Kiev started using the inn as a scratching post, a heavily armored man called out "Oi, you lot, what the hell do you think you're doing?" Several more armored men came running on to the scene apparently some sort of patrol, As one of the men approached the group he recognized a face "Hey, that's that Veshkal kid!" he yelled loud enough for the others to hear. "Group must be those wanted arson bandits that were giving the troops at the capitol a hard time" another one added.

The heavily armored man, smirked "Well well well, what do we have here, bunch of smelly bandits, the smell suits you" he said grinning.

Captain: Kill the bandits, make sure to keep count of who killed who if you want your monthly bonus.

Soldier: Sir? Kill? Shouldn't we capture-

Captain: No you bloody fool, dangerous criminals don't deserve to live, you know what happened at Selizara.

Soldier: Seli.... *An image of Hamburg going boom runs through the soldiers head*

Captain: "Get'em!"

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"OK" Charlotte said. She nervously walked forward and placed the business end of her staff next to the large claw marks. She made a quick prayer to the Goddess and a light appeared.

"I think you'll still have to tend to it, but the worst of it is gone I think." Charlotte said to Irina.

"Bandits?" Charlotte said with surprise. "I thought you all were heroes!"

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