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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 8: To Catch a [s]Predator[/s] Demonic, soul-sucking mesh


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Note: Comes after right after post #678.

While he was observing the group and their fight with the wyvern, he realized that Reika just went into a nearby cave. Soon, he saw two wyverns fly in the cave.

"Reika!" he shouted, concerned to her safety. He charged in the cave, tomahawk raised and brought it down on the wing of one of the wings of the wyverns.

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"You really like that horse, don't you? Ah well, I'll never understand why people care so much for animals... Doesn't matter. I can carry someone. Anyone need carrying?"

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OOC: Nice work Cuddles, very believable ^_^

The two remaining wyverns hissed at Reika! She didn't come out for some reason, and they weren't going to risk getting burned, yet alone angering their mother. Their only job was to guard the nest while she was gone, and now one of their siblings was dead.

One of them looked down at his fallen kin and quickly jerked the dagger from its head! The blade wasn't edible, so it chucked the blade over its shoulder and returned its attention to her! She still hadn't come out. But they heard the sounds of the others approaching from afar. They would only have to wait her out at this point if she didn't make it past them.

Isotov and Irina

Irina: You really want to show off don't you, Esphyr? :/

Iso: What was that nation you mentioned before?

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"Speaking of carrying things, I've been carrying this around for a while," Eric said, drawing the iron blade. "It's yours, right? Here you go," he continued, offering the merc the weapon.

OOC: Snowy, there's your sword back.

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"Hmmm, Fire, smoke, and calamity all I need" Reika mused as she outstretched her hand, "Though I don't want to stay here for long, so time to get out of here, Calamity" she summoned her weapon back into her hand, repeating the process with the other wyvern, It took her 3 times as many tries, but they seemed intent on sitting outside instead of coming in, most likely waiting for reinforcements. Just as she was about to start on the third, the other let out a high pitched wail, as if it'd been injured. Slightly irritated that she wouldn't be able to boast killing 3 wyverns alone, yet relieved at the same time, she summoned Calamity into her hands again, and decided that her reinforcements weren't going to kill her prey.

She noticed the shadow, who'd barely jumped back in time to avoid an attack by the wyvern, "Don't you die on me Alferis, I expect you to lead me out of these mountains after we're done with this" she said tossing a few more daggers at the wyvern, trying to draw it's attention towards her as Alferis continued to spar with the wyvern outside.

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"Don't worry. Dying isn't exactly what I have in mind," he replied, hitting the wyvern below the jaw with his axe, killing it.

"Wow. What did you do to get it so angry! I've never seen them this enraged," remarked Alferis, attempting to duck under the wing of another wyvern, but getting hit in the chest, knocking him prone.

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Arrin had apparently been caught up in something, and hadn't noticed that Tessa was already on the job, but she certainly welcomed the second set of hands when Charlotte came over to assist. The three of them working together got the horse fixed up again quickly. Wiping her brow and looking around, Tessa turned to the newcomer. They hadn't been formally introduced, so she stuck out her hand, "Charlotte, was it? I'm Tessa. I look forward to working with you again in the future." She finished with a polite bow, and took stock of the situation once more. The wyverns seemed to be retreating. Perhaps it was finally over?

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OoC: We've actually killed three..... ah well, say there was 4, one hiding somewhere.

Tossing Calamity at the beast and finally striking her mark between the eyes, the last of the wyverns collapsed to the ground, walking over to Alferis she frowned, clearly upset, "I thought I told you not to get killed?" she offered her hand unsure if the man would take it.

"As for what enraged them you can see if you go in there" she said indicating the cave which was still emitting smoke. Actually go in there anyway, she said grabbing the mans arm Cess moment. Smoke should help with preventing further wyvern encounters. She noticed Alferis looking at the nest and she shrugged her shoulder "Personal agenda, don't ask" she said content that he'd been in the smoke for long enough, "Better head out soon, can't be sure when the owner of this cave'll return"

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"Pleased to meet you as well." she said, shaking the girl's hand politely and curtsying in return.

"Sir Eric, another problem?" Charlotte asked approaching the myrmidon. 'The wyverns appear to be gone..."

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"I believe I mentioned this earlier, milady, but there was another magic user aiding us," Eric said, switching to his formal manner. "Who they are, and why they were doing that, is what I want to know."

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"Another staff user?" asked Esphyr, seemingly annoyed at yet another user of the divine. "Ah well, she's a nice girl at least. Better than some other members of our group for certain."

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Charlotte shrygged "Perhaps they have a hatred of wyverns? I think we are leaving this area though, if this person wishes to ally themselves with us, they will probably make themselves known eventually."

She sat down "Walking through these mountains, it's becoming very difficult."

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"Does anyone need a ride?" Cess offered a seat to someone on his horse. Everyone was heading down the other side of the pass at the moment, and it would be quicker on horseback.

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"Thank you err." Charlotte paused, unsure of the nomad's gender. She got up rather effortlessly on Amari and let Kelas lead.

Morgan took Cess's offer and climbed on his horse behind him.

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Tessa winced a bit at Esphyr's recent comments, but didn't say anything. She'd thought she'd started to get back on good terms with the mercenary, but perhaps there was still quite a ways to go after all?

When Esphyr asked for a ride, however, she decided to try to extend an olive branch. "I could let you ride Trevor, Esphyr, if you're willing?" The troubadour made a move to dismount and lead the horse instead.

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"Well, would either of you want to be carried?" Eric asked, at Esphyr's comment. "Because I'm not carrying anyone at the moment. Feel free to tell me."

Meanwhile, the mage was in the forest now, uncertain of which way to go.

"Great, I'm lost. I should've looked before I ran in," she said. "Whatever, if I wander around enough, I'll find that group... I think."

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Isotov and Irina

Iso: Umm, before we go, where's Katie?

He felt a light tap on his shoulder and turned around to see Katie standing behind him.

Iso: !!! ... how do you do that? :blink: ... umm ... Irina, if we can't get a ride-

Irina: Sure ... why not? I love my job <_<

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OoC: Missed the three part. Oops.

Alferis walked out of the cave clutching his chest. It wasn't that serious a wound. It was cut a bit and he would be bruised, but nothing to worry about. He walked about, looking for the travelers who fought the wyverns. There weren't so many now, but like Reika said, safety in numbers.

"Hey Reika, why don't join up with the travelers?"

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"Hmm safety in numbers, I suppose she said to herself, while I'm against the idea of joining up with those Halton mutts, I suppose they did have what looked like a healer in the group, whether they'll help or not is another matter, but I suppose any decent sister would have to."

She grabbed her pack and looked over to the group, she'd originally just intended to spy on them from afar, but she figured she may as well utilize any meatshields she could.

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"Thanks for letting me ride Tessa." said Esphyr as she approached Trevor. With a careful, vaguely experienced motion, she put her foot in one stirrup before getting up and flinging her leg over to mount.

As for Katie, who is appearently part ninja, a thin smile crossed her lips as Irina offered to transport the pair as well.

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