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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 8: To Catch a [s]Predator[/s] Demonic, soul-sucking mesh


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Fortune telling. Such superstitious nonsense. wrote Katie in her tome, not caring if any of the others read or not. There is no way to predict the future, not even the Goddess can. Why should this one man claim more knowledge than her?

As she wrote the last line, the stench of swamp came up anew as the soft sound of a gentle breeze riffling through the trees, bringing in a fresh draft of stench-laded air, came from about them.

"Morgan." asked Esphyr, a bit worried. "Tell me, is there anything about this swamp we need to be worried about? Why does it seem to not be a main route?"

"Oh. I can answer that. Many years ago, during the war, there was a battle here. The hero's botched a ambush like the idiots they are, and now people consider it to be bad luck, even after I take them through it without incident." said Helen.

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The girl seemed very determined.

"Um, I suppose so, but I'd have to wait to do Eric's till the morning. Let me try.

1. Lock, something you want is being protected,

2. Sword, a sword will cause you great distress,

3. Illusion, something near you isn't as it appears,

4. Love, you are in love with something close to you,

5. Power, you will gain a powerful ability, very soon."

Cess sighed. He fell onto his back utterly exhausted. He didn't even put his things back into his bag. But he couldn't help thinking of that demon and Aiya's fortune."

Edited by psychout50
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Isotov and Irina

With Katie's cloak firmly in his grasp, he leaned over to see what she'd written.

Iso: eh ... I prefer to see if I can't carve out my own path. Hopefully his fortunes actually do some good for people.

Irina: I can barely hear you with Katie's cape in your mouth :/

Iso: It's not in my mouth! Can't you smell that?!

Irina: You've got your own c- ohhhh ... I get it ^_^

Iso: ??? Hers is larger -_-

Irina: Sure, sure ^_^ ( <_< )

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Morgan leaned over and put Cess's things back in his bag.

She made a shooing motion with her hands "No more fortunes, he's going to divine himself into unconsciousness at this rate."

"You have to learn to say no at some point."Morgan said, chastising Cess.

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Kamilla looked at Helen, and cocked her head, "Weird lady come here often?" she said to herself, before deciding it wasn't important, she doubted anyone would come here willingly, so the idea of the woman bringing travellers through here didn't make any sense, but the 'grown ups' would probably think of something.

Having cut up the cloth and knicking her finger a few times, she noticed Tessa had fallen behind them, she looked over and waved "Hello Tessa~" she said making sure she didn't seem too friendly, after all she'd ditched the group earlier. "Kamilla is bandit now!" she said indicating the cloth covering her face. "Tessa play too?" she asked trying to hand the troubadour part of the cloth she'd cut out.

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Happiness.She had gotten her fortune told,she always loved deciphering them.


The shaman fell backwards from exhaustion.

"Are you okay?I'm so sorry...do you need anything?"

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At Kamilla's honest and warmhearted attempt at sharing friendship, or something akin to it, Tessa smiled broadly. Drawing up alongside the cart, she extended her arm out to take the offered cloth scrap, before tying it around her face in the same fashion as Kamilla had.

"Hehehe, thanks. So I suppose you're the head bandit, and I'm one of your followers then?"

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Kamilla cocked her head to the side "Head bandit? I don't wanna be no bandit head. Bandit look ugly and dumb.." she said, not forgetting to take a glance at Helios...."Ummm Kamilla be thief then! And she steals..." she looked around for something to grab but couldn't find anything. "Hmmm Kamilla wait for gold to appear, and then she snatch it!" looking around, she noticed Arrin who was still coughing.

"Tessa's friend want to be thief too?" she asked before pulling out another strip of cloth. She stuffed up several times, but had a good dozen strips which she'd planned on handing around, but everyone else seem content.

(Sorry Snike, missed your post until now, go ahead and send me those glasses)

As she turned to face Tessa again she noticed Eric in the background talking to someone, she'd noticed him waving earlier, but had to apologize to Morgan first, and after she'd done that, had been too busy trying to prevent the nasty smell from making her gag.

"Why's it stinky?" Kamilla asked Tessa, though Eric was in hearing distance now. She didn't know what a marsh was, and had heard monsters lived in them that would eat little girls like her up. But didn't think it would smell this bad. "Why is everyone going to stinky swamp then?" she asked after she'd got a reply.

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The trip was taking awhile, and with both of his hands being used to keep Katie's cloak over his mouth, he didn't have much to do. Eventually he slumped over against her and fell asleep.


Irina had been holding onto the side of the wagon while Kiev walked close enough to the wagon to catch her if she fell(kid hanging onto a grocery cart trick). Iso was asleep now, and in all the places ....

Irina: *sigh* Well I guess I should just wait until we get to wherever we're going to be sleeping tonight.

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"Yes, thank you," said Arrin, accepting the piece of cloth gratefully and somehow tying it over his face without losing his balance in the saddle. Through the makeshift mask he said, "We certainly all look like robbers now. Oh, and we're going into the swamp to get rid of some monsters," he added.

The lull in the conversation reminded Kelas of something. Even before the incident of the morning, she'd been thinking: she needed a melee weapon, one that could be wielded one-handed. The attack had just driven the point further. She pulled up alongside the cart, making sure Amari didn't stumble into the ruts left by the wheels. "Aiya. At some point, when we have time... can you teach me to use a sword?"

OOC: Arrin doesn't know when to shut up. I'm aware.

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OOC: Edited it 7 minutes before you posted. I mean like hours difference.

Hearing Tessa ask if he was alright, Eric smiled under his coat.

"Don't worry. This isn't too difficult. I've been through much worse back at home," he said. Home... For a second, the traveler frowned, but reset his face as Kamilla handed Tessa a piece of cloth.

"I guess we're your thief followers, now," he added, after Kamilla said she wanted to be a thief.

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Helen's cart rolled along the wooden path, passing by several pools and puddles of swampy water until, at last, it camp upon a wide fen just as the final rays of sunlight crept down in a spooky dissolve that cast its way through the entire marsh. As the amber rays of evening turned into the light hues of nightly blue, a sight both wondrous and eerie suddenly surrounded them. Throughout the waters of the fen, a sudden illumination radiated forth as the waters light up with a green hue and the air became choked with the scent of wind magic.

"Marsh lights. Nothing to be worried about." offered Helen, hoping to trick the non-magical members of the group.

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Kamilla shook her head, "If Kamilla leader, then Kamilla say we turn back right now and get away from stinky swamp" she said, knowing full well that her suggestion would be rejected.

Arrin took her offer, and wrapped the cloth around his face. He then replied, the words "getting rid of monsters" catching Kamilla's ear and not letting go. "Kamilla doesn't like this monster, cause monster probably smell really really bad" She couldn't help but wonder why they were all going off vounteering to kill off monsters, but that wasn't her business, it wasn't like they'd get rewarded much for it anyway. After all, that's what volunteer was, crappy pay, and a hard task. Not really seeing the sense in going any further into the swamp, she contemplated jumping off and running away, but she didn't want to leave her cousin, or Tessa behind.


As the path started getting dodgy, the soldiers dismounted, tying their horses to tree's and taking off their armor. They weren't stupid enough to enter a swamp fully armored and on horseback as it'd only slow them down, and in the off chance that they fell into the swamp, heavy plate metal was definitely not going to help them survive. Most of them continued following with the group with nothing but a sword, their clothes and rucksack.

They'd fallen a bit behind but had caught right back up after a short jog.

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"Esphyr's fortune, Glow."

Cess felt uncomfortable. And not because of the stench. He sat up. The soldiers seemed to still be following them. He ate of piece of bread he still had in his pack, and decided to look out on the field.

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A jolt shocked Arrin awake: the lights had been mesmerizing him, and Francis had stepped into a rut. "Are you sure they're just marsh lights? They're making me nervous," he said, regaining his balance.

Edit: All I added was ", regaining his balance"

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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Esphyr pulled herself up to glance over the side of the cart and down into the water of the fen below. Underneath the surface of the water, she could see the faint motions of creatures that radiated the green light. Though it was difficult to make out what they were due to their glow and the water, a sudden realization came over her.

"Leeches! There is leeches in the water!" she exclaimed, backing down and into the cart, her eyes wide in shock.

"Well duh. It IS a marsh after all." replied Helen.

"Do leeches glow in most marshes?" asked Esphyr.

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Isotov and Irina

While Isotov slept, he was having a rather strange dream. He was even talking aloud. His voice was slightly obscured through Katie's cloak, but anyone with good hearing could make out the words.

Iso: ... shut up, Morgan ... ... if the guards find out that Helios is the demon king, Katie ... won't be able to make a cake ... ... if that happens, I'll throw the damn wyvern at you .... nugh ....

Irina: :blink:

Iso: Tessa ... quick ... shoot Ixion so we can make a break for it ... ... Kiev will ... pick up Arrin ... on the way ... I hope ....

He tightly held her cloak trying to get comfortable again. The smell was starting to wake him up.

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"Those wouldn't be flying leeches, would they?" Eric asked. "I've heard that a while back, some spirit got attacked by leeches, and they gained flight from its' blood. Please don't tell me these are the same ones."

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"Hold that thought--" Kelas swayed in the saddle: Amari was kicking up her feet now, dancing about to avoid the leeches. The carthorse was doing the same; Arrin was barely staying in the saddle as Francis stamped at the water. "You might have warned us," she grumbled.

The talk of magic made her more suspicious, and she drew her bow. "Right, what's actually going on here? Don't say you're keeping us safe, because it's obviously false," she warned the wagon driver.

OOC: Snowy, wrong thread, I think.

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"Me and my fortunes. Well as long as no one falls in the water, we should be safe right?"

Cess hated leeches, and he wasn't exactly a strong swimmer either. He just hoped they couldn't fly that well, at least enough not to make it out of the muck.

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Kamilla, noticed Isotov rambling and decided to go poke him awake, she didn't know what leeches were but as far as she knew, fire solved everything, in terms of destruction anyway, and judging by the tone of the others, they'd need as much destructive power as possible. "Isotov-Irina's brother, wakey wakey, she said poking him in the face. She noticed Katie's disapproving look. "Why does bluehead not say anything? Always writing stuff down, is silly Kamilla thinks" she said making distance between herself and Katie just in case she got angry again.

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Isotov and Irina

Iso: Urgh ... Helios ... ... Helios ... stop ... smelling so bad! Urgn ... dammit ... I can't breathe ....

Suddenly Iso shot up and freed his head from Katie's cloak!

Iso: I can't stand it anymore!! >_<

Irina: What's with you?

Iso: This damn marsh gas is driving me crazy! I dreamed that we were cornered by Elyisimian patrols and Morgan wouldn't shut up about the demon king or something. The whole time I could smell this horrible stench! Urgh ... I've smelled this type of gas before, but I can't stand it for this long!

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