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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 8: To Catch a [s]Predator[/s] Demonic, soul-sucking mesh


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Isotov and Irina

Charlotte finished mending Kiev's wound just as the soldiers appeared! Kiev immediately stood up and stood between Irina, Charlotte, and the soldiers while he snarled at them!

Irina turned to Charlotte to clarify!

Irina: Well we will be heroes, but first we have to clear our names and all :sweatdrop:

Iso: Well ... here we go again ....

Irina: Oh come on!! >_<

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"... According to these soldiers, at least, we're bandits," Eric said, drawing his sword. "Here they come."

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"Just getting it out, to deflect arrows. Or if some idiot tries to ram me," Eric said. "Let's go."

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"So you're criminals? I...didn't think it would be like this at all. I...have to go." Charlotte ran from the soldiers into the nearby clearing.

"More soldiers to kill then?" asked Morgan nonchalantly.

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A soldier who'd lead the charge lunged out and tried to skewer Eric, while another two rushed passed them and surrounded Eric on three sides, making sure he couldn't escape. The lead soldier grinned, "Die bandit!" he shouted as he thrusted his spear at Eric.

Another soldier had caught up to the injured, it was unlikely that some would be able to outrun trained soldiers anyway, not in their current state. :P

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Isotov and Irina

Iso: Irina, remind me to punch Kiev in the back of the head once we're safe.

Irina: Oh don't you start with me, you Katie slave! Let's just get out of here! No killing! If they come at us, knock'em down and keep going!

As Charlotte ran, Morgan asked a quick question.

Morgan: More soldiers to kill then?

Iso: Are you insane? Let's just get out of here before they catch us! Go get that cleric! They might think she's with us and attack her too!

Kiev quickly head butted a soldier that came too close! Another jumped in the air and came down swinging, but Kiev spinned around, and smacked him through a window with his tail! He flew across the room and landed at the Innkeeper's feet!

Innkeeper: You're payin for the damage ... right?

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"Too slow," Eric said, barely jumping over the spear. In the process of doing so, the traveler pushed the lead soldier with his sword, who had lunged in his attempt to skewer him, causing the man to fall flat on his face. Landing on the soldier and ducking blows from the other two soldiers, Eric ran past them over to the clearing, in an effort to get to Charlotte before the soldiers did.

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It was hopeless... wait. Hope... An idea. She didn't know if it would work, what policies were like here, but it was worth a shot...

Kelas grabbed Arrin and Tessa by the arms and pulled them into the church next door. Standing in the doorway, she shouted, "Sanctuary! We claim sanctuary!"

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Cess took out his tome and flung a quick spell at the soldiers, being careful not to kill them. The cleric girl from earlier ran towards the center off town, but he made sure to grab her by the arm and drag her to the stables.

"Sorry, sister. But looks like you've joined our little group now."

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The soldier who'd been headbutted, fell right on the spear of a fellow soldier who looked bewildered.

And as the innkeeper finsihed speaking it was obvious that the man wasn't going to respond, not with his neck leaning at that angle.

A man in armor snarled as Kelas claimed sanctuary, there were regulations against attacking those under the churches protection. But they only applied if the church accepted them, otherwise they'd be no different from bandits occupying a church. And he could always claim that the churchies were in danger if he didn't slay the trio. Deciding to deal with them later he sent what remained of his men at the other members of the group.

OoC: 4 more soldiers + Leader guy, this isn't the capitol, and only patrol guards are around, though reinforcements might arrive later

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Charlotte looked at the strange man who grabbed her arm.

"I...I don't want to be a criminal." she said. "And that hurts." she said, wringing her arm loose of him.

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"I'm not quite sure why they're criminals in the first place. They seem like good people that wouldn't do something bad on purpose. Sorry, but I need to get you out of danger. Go hide in the stable and take my horse for now. We need to get out of the city."

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One of the men tried to grab Esphyr as well, only to have a small jet of blood squirt up into his eye as he gripped her wrist and a small squeal of a certain invertebrate-type being sound out. Esphyr quickly looked down at her wrist before her eyes widened in horror.

"LEECH" she screamed, ripping away from the man as she dashed off in a panic, leech guts still attached to her arm. After a short dash away, she seemed to calm down for a moment and raised her wrist up to her eye to wipe away the exhaustion, only to spot the guts again and take off in another panic.

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Kelas scanned the street: there weren't that many of them, they might actually make it out... "Change in plan! Sorry, Father," she added, noticing a flustered-looking priest further back in the church. She ran out the door, vaulting into the saddle. The other soldiers were falling quickly. "Everyone! Let's go!" she called, swooping down to pull Esphyr up behind her as she saw the panicked swordswoman running in the street. Arrin was already galloping, holding onto the saddle for dear life. Kelas turned for the town gates, checking behind to see if the others were following.

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Charlotte looked nervously at the man. What to do, if she left she might be branded a criminal, if she stayed she might be locked up anyway.

Charlotte took the man's offer. "Thank you" she said, getting on the horse and riding away with surprising skill.

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The cleric galloped away towards the town gate. He could see Tessa and Kelas in the distance. She'd be safe with them. Then he realized.

"W-wait! Don't just take the horse! I was going to ride it too!" He hurried up and went after her.

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Isotov and Irina

Without wasting a second, Irina hopped onto Kiev and swung her lance by the blunt end, knocking the next soldier flat on his face! He was in pain, but alive! Another soldier rushed her as Iso boarded behind her, and Kiev headbutted him onto his back! He survived too, but his pride was still bruised! Kiev quickly took off kicking up a mountain of dust! Irina flew straight to where Katie was and Iso hauled her up before they flew off again!

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OoC Kicking you all out.

The armored man glared as the group retreated out the town gate, most of them being on mounts he had no chance of defeating them now, and the rest of his men lay sprawled across the area dead or unconscious. "Incompetent fools" he yelled, "Someone get me a carrier pigeon, I hate to ask for help from those city dwellers but we clearly can't handle them ourselves." He looked around, noticing that none of his men were responding, huffed and headed off to send the message.

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Now aflight, having been picked up by their respective carriers, neither Esphyr or Katie had much else to do beside Esphyr's panicked yelling at the sight of the leech guts. In her fear, she swept her hand down along her arm, wiping them off out of a lucky sweep, and at last allowing her to calm down.

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"There might be a road to the North. We could try heading there. I don't think anyone want's to go back to the swamp, and we're to far from the capital. Do we have everyone?"

Cess looked around. Chase, Damian, and Aiya seemed to be missing.

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