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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 8: To Catch a [s]Predator[/s] Demonic, soul-sucking mesh


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Seeing Cess and Charlotte head into the stables, Eric made for the entrance, then turned around, to buy time for the two. Before the pursuing soldiers could react, one of their number was headless, but in return, the other three scored hits on the traveler's chest and side. Then, he saw the cleric ride out of the stable. OK, she's safe, now worry about yourself, he told himself, breathing heavily. Focus. The soldiers were lunging now, and there seemed to be no escape route. Then.... Time slowed down, and the spears seemed to be moving at a snail's pace, slowly advancing to impale his flesh. Strike. Disappearing, there were three quick slashes, and the soldiers all fell, blood spurting from their necks. Reappearing, Eric didn't even stagger from that attack, sheathing his weapon well out of reach of the blood spray. He entered the stables to find no one. Returning outside, the traveler ran for the town exit, seemingly unaware of his injuries.

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Ulfy showed up carrying Damian, Aiya, and Chase.

"I suppose we should retreat." said Morgan. "I am still worried about Helios though, and the further we go the slimmer our chances to relocate him become."

So am I criminal now? I wonder if these people are truly innocent...or if they are liars. thought Charlotte.

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"Helios can wait. I missed the armor, so reinforcements will be coming soon. Let's get out of here," Eric said, catching up with the group.

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As they drew towards the village, Kelas and Arrin went off to sell the horses they captured. Heinz politely declined, I still haven't gotten a chance to properly empty these saddlebags. perhaps I can do that tonight. I also need to talk to this Damian and work out my pay. Just then, a group of soldiers spotted them and began to chase after Veskal, calling them all bandits.

Heinz merely snorted. Bandits? Since when was such a hopeless group as this considered a band of bandits? "Hasn't anyone done anything to clear this group's name?" Heinz muttered. "Unless we do that, why did anyone even think we could get away with entering this town and not being noticed?" At least it's only Chase who appears to be recognizable, at least.

He, along with the others quickly fled from the village. Looking around, Heinz noticed an unfamiliar girl along with the fortune-telling shaman. "Say, who's the newcomer? Are you attempting to kidnap her?" he queried.

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"I would not quite say kidnapped, since I did come of my own choice, though I feel very uncomfortable traveling with a band of criminals and I'm not sure I wish to stay." said Charlotte anxiously.

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"... Right, about that... Milady, may I have a word?" Eric asked,stepping away from the group. "In private?"

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"I...suppose so." said Charlotte, dismounting from the horse.

As they walked off, Charlotte noticed a gaping wound in his shoulder.

"Sacrebleu!" she cried out in surprise. She put her hand over her mouth as if to erase what she said and tried again "Err, your shoulder...you are bleeding sir."

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"... That can wait, but it's an example of why I did not want you to come along," Eric said, upon seeing Charlotte's reaction. "Princesse Charlotte, cette aventure n'est pas une des histoires que tu aimes. Pas meme proche. Ca c'etait pourquoi que je veulait que tu restais chez l'eglise." <Princess Charlotte, this adventure is not like those stories you love. Not even close. That's why I wanted you to stay at the church.>

Edit: OOC: Copyrights to the translation brackets held by The Clockwork Alchemist. All rights reserved.

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"You speak Jerdonian!?" Charlotte said, taken aback. "But I thought all the other Jerdonians were killed..."

"Unless you're a Septimian spy...you tried to get me away from the others. And you know I'm the princess..." she backed away slowly from Eric.

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"... You've seen me around the capital, Milady. I was Duke Arckson's apprentice, remember?" Eric said. "And that is not entirely true. Derek, Duke Arckson's son, and Danielle, his daughter, are still alive, to start. Also, the blitz only hit the capital. There ARE survivors, Milady. Trust me on that one."

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Chase rode along with the group rather unhappy with whoever had decided to hire the newcomer, but relieved that Helios hadn't yet reached them. They arrived at a town that was apparently called Hamburg, and let Kelas sell the horse when she offered to. He was now listening to everyone debate over why they were criminals, and he said "Probably because we broke the law or something. Is that really surprising to anyone?"

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"You do seem familiar..." said Charlotte. She puzzled. "I do not know your name, but you are Jerdonian. It does gladden my heart to know that I am not the only survivor."

"If so many Jerdonians yet live, than that only furthers the need for me to travel and at least try to do something. As princess of Jerdon, I refuse to act as a scullery maid, locked in some poor, provincial town the rest of my life. I admit I do not yet have a plan to reclaim our country, but I will not just waste away here."

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"... Very well, milady. I would suggest, however, that you keep your identity secret, at least, until we reach somewhere safer. I doubt that it would aid our chances if both Septimian and Elyisimian soldiers pursue the group. Shall we return to the group? Oh, and my name is Eric. I apologise for not mentioning that sooner."

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"Very well Sir Eric. I shall attempt to keep my identity a secret as best I can."

"Let us return. Although I would like to stop you shoulder from bleeding if you don't mind, the sight of blood...distresses me." She leaned over and pressed her staff up against the wound, closing it with healing magic.

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"Thank you, milady," the Jerdonian said, feeling the wound reseal itself. Leading the princess back to the group, he said. "Well, let's get out of the area. Reinforcements may very well arrive at any moment."

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Nearby, hidden out of site, a young man eavesdropped on the conversation. "An army is after them? Hmmmm..." he thought to himself. Alferis wasn't exactly loved by any army. In fact, there was a bounty out for him right now. Having no idea whether or not they were truly trustworthy, Alferis stepped back. He would keep his eye on them.

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Charlotte and Eric had snuck off somewhere. The remnants of the platoon of soldiers had surrendered and were trying to get away. Kiev had calmed down, had smashed a soldier or two, and seemed to be falling asleep, while Tessa was looking after Esphyr after her mention of leeches.

"We seem to cause more trouble then we solve. We need to get out of this town, anyone have any ideas where to go?"

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Isotov and Irina

Irina: We should probably just get out of Elyisima. Every time we try to move around here, we get attacked. I kind of miss home too.

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"I second that! I hate Eliyisma anyways. Don't care if it's technically my homeland, I never knew where my parents were really from anyways. Let's go somewhere else- Septimus, maybe?"

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"We could go to Halton, I guess. I'd rather not head to Septimus," Eric said. "I... Dislike that country, to say the least."

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"Halton's too official for me. Been there once. Hate it. Too much military around. We'd be caught quickly and carted off back to Eliyisma and jailed. Most of us, anyways."

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"Well, with Septimus, we're dead as soon as we cross the border. Plus, we have Damian and Aiya. Honestly, I'd risk getting deported over heading to Septimus."

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"We could go to Jardon, there could be something there. But otherwise I know where we could go. My home country, the Shoon Islands."

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"... We'd need a boat to get to Jerdon, without passing through Septimus. Shoon Islands might be an idea. By the way, how do you know of Jerdon?"

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Isotov and Irina

Irina: The Shoon Islands? Ugh ... is it me or do all magic people like the sand?

Iso: It's just you.

Irina: I still support the Halton road, plus, if we go there, I can make a quick run and visit home. We could always head out to somewhere else on the way I guess.

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