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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 8: To Catch a [s]Predator[/s] Demonic, soul-sucking mesh


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Cess's horse troted through the forest. Trevor was being walked by Tessa while Esphyr rode, and Charlotte and Kelas were on Francis. Irina was flying over head, keeping look out just in case the wyverns came back. The others were walking. When they got to the top of a hill, you could see the valley below open up before them.

"I think I can see the bottom. We'll be there in no time. And I think I see the sun coming up too."

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"Gods, what now," Kelas muttered, stringing her bow. Arrin was somehow asleep in Francis' saddle; she saw no reason to wake him. There were only two of them. All right, that meant there were at least six, but better to not do anything other than prepare until the situation had been assessed...

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Finally emerging out of the forest, the mage found herself in a large valley. Looking around, she saw a group of horses and wyverns coming down one of the side of the valley, and a pair of travelers coming down the opposite side.

"Maybe the big group were the ones from last night. Better check. If not, I can ask for directions, too," she said to herself, heading in the direction of the larger group.

"Hey~," she said, as she approached them. "I'm kind of lost. Does anyone of you know which way Halton is?"

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Alferis approached them with caution. He was wondering how they'd react to him coming back. After all, he did pop out of nowhere and demanded money. It wasn't much, but he still wished he made a better impression. As he approached closer, he knew that he seemed very dangerous, so he tried to appear as nonthreatening as possible.

How would he explain his true reasons for sticking with them after they passed through the mountain? This was something he had to think hard about.

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Reika frowned as the group noticed them, there didn't seem to be any sign of them getting ready to attack, but it was obvious they were on edge, *Sigh* I really don't enjoy tossing these around, Calamity" she summoned the blades once again, and tossed both daggers over at the group to land close to Morgan, the witch who'd been so interested in these weapons before. It wasn't much of a gesture, but she supposed the witch was smart enough to understand it's meaning, if not, well, they'd just have to find another way.

"As I said before Alferis, these people aren't exactly friendly so keep your guard up."

Edited by Kanami
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"You don't think I know that?" said Alferis. He saw what Reika did with her daggers. He was very curious about them, they were clearly magical blades. Were they daggers filled with dark magic? Could they possibly be Crimson weapons? He would have to ask her about them, though judging by how little he knew Reika, he decided to keep his questions to himself until later, much later. Right now, getting into the group was the main problem.

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OOC: Yay catch up post -___-

(Past): As the wyverns decended upon them Heinz dismounted his horse and began throwing his knives, alternating which hand he was using each time. Left right left right left right. Eventually through a combined effort they were able to successfully drive or kill most of the wyverns, only to have Irina start crying over their deaths.

Heinz snorted. "Why would you have more sympathy for a wyvern than a human? Both kill for a profit of sorts, and gold buys food for bandits just as well as wyverns kill. It's just more direct, that's all. Sympathy is only good for those who do not have to fight." Another girl tried to comfort Irina and Heinz rolled his eyes. Heart does you no good in a combat siutation, how are they even still alive? Irina especially, what has the great Ivanko even taught her?

(Present): Wonder how long it'll take before she runs away? Her dreams are as likely to happen as us to not be attacked. As if on cue, the cleric named Charlotte cried out, sighting bandits. "Two of them? If those are bandits, they're more disorganized and stupid then most. They're coming right at us, in plain sight. My guess is they are travelers. If not, prepare for an ambush." Heinz took out another knife, holding it loosely in his right hand.

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