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Top 5

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1. Aran

2. Tauroneo

3. Gatrie

4. Tanith

5. Sigrun


1. Stefan

2. Elincia

3. Renning

4. Mia

5. Zihark


1. Haar

2. Titania

3. Kieran

4. Nolan

5. Jill


1. Shinon

2. Rolf

3. Geoffery

4. Leo

5. Astrid


1. Bastian

2. Micaiah

3. Calill

4. Laura

5. Oliver


1. Laura

2. Micaiah

3. Elincia

4. Oliver

Edited by Generic Officer
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Top Posters In This Topic


1. Nolan

2. Haar

3. Jill

4. Boyd

5. Titania/Kieran


1. Nephenee

2. Gatrie

3. Oscar

4. Aran

5. Geoffrey


1. Ike

2. Mia

3. Edward

4. Zihark

5. Stefan


1. Soren

2. Micaiah

3. Laura

4. Calill

5. Ilyana


1. Shinon

2. Rolf

3. Leonardo

4. Astrid


1. Micaiah

2. Elincia

3. Laura

4. Mist

5. Rhys

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1 Lucia

2 Renning

3 Makalov

4 Ike

5 Elincia


1 Tanith

2 Marcia

3 Sigrun

4 Aran

5 Danved


1 Kieran

2 Titania

3 Nolan

4 Jill


1 Rolf

2 Shinon


1 Tormod

2 Micaiah

3 Calill

4 Bastian

5 Ilyana


1 Muarim

2 Skrimir

3 Ranulf

4 Kyza

5 Janaff

Edited by Slowking
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Ooh, here are mine. :3

Axe users:

1. Boyd

2. Ike

3. Kieran

4. Haar

5. Titania

Sword users:

1. Ike

2. Edward

3. Elincia

4. Lucia

5. Zihark

Lance users:

1. Oscar

2. Gatrie

3. Nephenee

4. Marcia

5. Sigrun

Bow users:

1. Shinon

2. Rolf

Sorry, but Leo and Astrid are just terrible.

Magic users/healers:

1. Soren

2. Rhys

3. Mist

4. Laura

I don't use any others besides Micaiah and she's too uber fail.


1. Ranulf

2. Muarim

3. Caineghis

4. Tibarn

5. Skrimir

That's that. :3 Sothe is really good too though.

Edited by Eternal Bond
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1: Elincia because canto + healer = boner.

1: Mist because see above.

3: Laura because she helps the Brigade so damn much.

4: That bishop in 3-9 for saving Marcia like a billion times.

5: Rhys.

Elincia made me laugh, she is pretty awesome i just dont get quite that exited =p


1. Aran

2. Tauroneo

3. Gatrie

4. Tanith

5. Sigrun

thats a(for lack of a better word)unique list, just sayin no one has aran at 1 yet or nobody has no nephenee so props to you for being different.


1 Lucia

2 Renning

3 Makalov

4 Ike

5 Elincia


1 Tanith

2 Marcia

3 Sigrun

4 Aran

5 Danved


1 Kieran

2 Titania

3 Nolan

4 Jill


1 Rolf

2 Shinon


1 Tormod

2 Micaiah

3 Calill

4 Bastian

5 Ilyana


1 Muarim

2 Skrimir

3 Ranulf

4 Kyza

5 Janaff

wow this is a cool list, lucia #1 followed by Tanith #1 and then a kieran at 1(i like kieran alot i just cant stand his caps in this game =/...)and then you have rolf, tormod who could be considered awesome for making P1 quicker and doorbreaking 4-4. Muarim no 1 is pretty neat too.

all in all i just like the variety but i like how most people use certain characters, so thanks to all the replies cause i just wanna know who people are usin. =]

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I guess if it's just favorites and who we use...

Limited to how much I feel is worth mentioning.


1. Ike

2. Mia

3. Elincia

4. Zihark


1. Nephenee

2. Marcia

3. Gatrie

4. Tanith


1. Jill

2. Boyd


1. Shinon

2. Astrid/Rolf

Magic & healing:

1. Mist

2. Micaiah

3. Calill


1. Volug

2. Janaff

3. Ulki

4. Ranulf

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my favourites:


1. Edward

2. Ike

3. Zihark

4. Elincia

5. Mia


1. Oscar

2. Marcia

3. Gatrie

4. Nephenee

5. Geoffrey


1. Boyd

2. Jill

3. Kieran

4. Haar

5. Titania


1. Rolf

2. Shinon

3. Oscar


1. Tormod

2. Rhys

3. Calill

4. Elincia

5. Mist

Laguz: (normally I don't use them)

1. Janaff

2. Ranulf

3. Ulki

4. Mordecai

5. Maurim

Edited by Killer Poleax
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I'm really not seeing how Boyd is on, let alone top of, any lists? I mean, he's incredibly slow, even for an axe user, and is among people who simply outclass him. If I wanted to use an axe user from the GMs, I'd choose Haar first, then Titania, then Gatrie, and Boyd wouldn't even get a look in. Gatrie in fact completely outclasses Boyd - higher bases and higher or very close growths everywhere that matters (STR, SPD, DEF).

Anyway, for the sake of the topic:


1: Haar

2: Titania

3: Nolan

4: Gatrie

5: Jill


1: Gatrie

2: Nephenee

3: Aran

4: Sigrun

5: Tanith


1: Ike

2: Zihark

3: Mia

4: Mist

5: Elincia


1: Shinon

2: Rolf

3: Geoffrey

4: Leonardo

5: Oscar


1: Micaiah

2: Laura

3: Mist

4: Elincia

5: Rhys


1: Soren

2: Micaiah

3: Tormod

4: Callil

5: Bastian


1: Volug

2: Ulki

3: Janaff

4: Nailah

5: Ranulf

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I'm really not seeing how Boyd is on, let alone top of, any lists? I mean, he's incredibly slow, even for an axe user, and is among people who simply outclass him. If I wanted to use an axe user from the GMs, I'd choose Haar first, then Titania, then Gatrie, and Boyd wouldn't even get a look in. Gatrie in fact completely outclasses Boyd - higher bases and higher or very close growths everywhere that matters (STR, SPD, DEF).

well I play on normal mode and he's great for me there. I'd choose him over the other 3. also I'm not efficient crazy either

Edited by Killer Poleax
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I'm really not seeing how Boyd is on, let alone top of, any lists? I mean, he's incredibly slow, even for an axe user, and is among people who simply outclass him. If I wanted to use an axe user from the GMs, I'd choose Haar first, then Titania, then Gatrie, and Boyd wouldn't even get a look in. Gatrie in fact completely outclasses Boyd - higher bases and higher or very close growths everywhere that matters (STR, SPD, DEF).

Gatrie may have a higher speed growth, but the cap? thats what slows him down. haar and titan i understand if you perfer mobility and boyd takes a little work to use, but after being trained he's IMO the best player phase beorc unit in the game. and with a transfer he's doing much better than others and can double sooner, what people dont realise is that his speed growth isnt terrible(45 the same as rolf and sothe)his base may suck but his cap is 35 which is pretty damnn good. haar titan and boyd are just preferences on movement and if you want a unit thats good now or later but you can still train boyd in P3(its a looooong part, especially for GM) so Do you still think Gatrie outclasses Boyd with his so called higher str growth Boyd has 65 Gatrie 60 Lol check your facts before posting...

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Gatrie may have a higher speed growth, but the cap? thats what slows him down. haar and titan i understand if you perfer mobility and boyd takes a little work to use, but after being trained he's IMO the best player phase beorc unit in the game. and with a transfer he's doing much better than others and can double sooner, what people dont realise is that his speed growth isnt terrible(45 the same as rolf and sothe)his base may suck but his cap is 35 which is pretty damnn good. haar titan and boyd are just preferences on movement and if you want a unit thats good now or later but you can still train boyd in P3(its a looooong part, especially for GM).

Gatrie caps at 23, which he hits very quickly. As soon as he's not doubling a lot, he can take a Master Crown - it's generally accepted he's the best option for it. Boyd does take work to use, and that's why he shouldn't be up there - unlike almost every other GM he's not great from start to finish, and because of his lowish SPD growth he's not doubling really anything until at least 3-8 (I'm only using 5 units in my axe only playthough, and at 3-7 Boyd is still only doubling Generals with average SPD). He will only reach his cap after... wait, never, without a moderate dose of BEXP anyway, and even then he's not hitting it until endgame. Still, he does double fairly reliably after promotion - well over halfway through part 3. Titania and Haar are better in almost every way than Boyd - better at first, and better later, except for endgame which is the easiest part of the game anyway.

Do you still think Gatrie outclasses Boyd with his so called higher str growth Boyd has 65 Gatrie 60 Lol check your facts before posting...
Gatrie in fact completely outclasses Boyd - higher bases and higher or very close growths everywhere that matters (STR, SPD, DEF).


Boyd never really ends up very good. After promoting, he's almost as good as attacking as a trained Haar - except Haar has innate Cancel, flying, higher movement and higher DEF, so in addition to ORKOing everything easily and having two weapon types (Crossbows don't count) he's able to actually survive a lot longer. Gatrie after promoting is doubling everything up to endgame except perhaps Swordmasters, and he can promote far earlier than Boyd can. Really, Boyd doesn't do anything Gatrie or Haar can do, and they can do it better. There is, after all, a reason for this:

[spoiler=Tier list]Top (4)





High (12)













Upper Middle (13)



Black Knight











Middle (14)














Lower Middle (16)

















Low (10)











Bottom (4)





And that's based on Hard mode, where a lot of the units above him that would be doubling on Normal mode, don't. On Normal, Boyd's non doubling relative to them would push him lower.

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Before reading the thread, I assumed this was the top 5 of the actual weapons. So just for fun... (raw stats do not make the weapon "best," how well it can be used does):


1. Brave Axe

2. Steel Poleaxe

3. Forged Hand Axe

4. Hammer

5. Tarvos


1. Javelin

2. Steel Greatlance

3. Brave Lance

4. Forged Silver Lance

5. Killer Lance


1. Steel Blade

2. Ragnell

3. Brave Sword

4. Tempest Blade

5. Forged Iron Sword


1. Brave Bow

2. Silencer

3. Killer Bow

4. Steel Longbow

5. Bowgun


1. Steel Knife

2. Beast Killer

3. Silver Dagger

4. Peshkatz

5. Baselard


1. Fang (Wolf)

2. Talon (Hawk)

3. Great Talon (Tibarn)

4. Great Fang (Nailah)

5. Fang (Tiger)


1. Thani

2. Forged Fire

3. Elwind

4. Meteor

5. Nosferatu


1. Physic

2. Mend

3. Sleep

4. Heal

5. Rescue

Stat Boosters

1. Speedwings

2. Dracoshield

3. Energy Drop

4. Arms Scroll

5. Seraph Robe


1. Concoction

2. Laguz Stone

3. Olivi Grass

4. Pure Water

5. Chest Key


1. Paragon

2. Adept

3. Resolve

4. Celerity

5. Nihil/Disarm

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Gatrie may have a higher speed growth, but the cap? thats what slows him down. haar and titan i understand if you perfer mobility and boyd takes a little work to use, but after being trained he's IMO the best player phase beorc unit in the game. and with a transfer he's doing much better than others and can double sooner, what people dont realise is that his speed growth isnt terrible(45 the same as rolf and sothe)his base may suck but his cap is 35 which is pretty damnn good. haar titan and boyd are just preferences on movement and if you want a unit thats good now or later but you can still train boyd in P3(its a looooong part, especially for GM) so Do you still think Gatrie outclasses Boyd with his so called higher str growth Boyd has 65 Gatrie 60 Lol check your facts before posting...

First bold: Does it really matter how good his cap is if he'll almost never reach it? No.

Second bold: He said that Gatrie either had higher or very close growths everywhere that matters, which is true.

The rest: As for the transfer bit, Boyd's only got a 17% chance of capping speed on average. That's pretty iffy. Haar has two weapon types to choose from, along with better mobility and defense, which means that he can see more combat and live longer. Sure, Part 3 may be long, but Boyd never shines during it at all.

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Gatrie caps at 23, which he hits very quickly. As soon as he's not doubling a lot, he can take a Master Crown - it's generally accepted he's the best option for it. Boyd does take work to use, and that's why he shouldn't be up there - unlike almost every other GM he's not great from start to finish, and because of his lowish SPD growth he's not doubling really anything until at least 3-8 (I'm only using 5 units in my axe only playthough, and at 3-7 Boyd is still only doubling Generals with average SPD). He will only reach his cap after... wait, never, without a moderate dose of BEXP anyway, and even then he's not hitting it until endgame. Still, he does double fairly reliably after promotion - well over halfway through part 3. Titania and Haar are better in almost every way than Boyd - better at first, and better later, except for endgame which is the easiest part of the game anyway.


Boyd never really ends up very good. After promoting, he's almost as good as attacking as a trained Haar - except Haar has innate Cancel, flying, higher movement and higher DEF, so in addition to ORKOing everything easily and having two weapon types (Crossbows don't count) he's able to actually survive a lot longer. Gatrie after promoting is doubling everything up to endgame except perhaps Swordmasters, and he can promote far earlier than Boyd can. Really, Boyd doesn't do anything Gatrie or Haar can do, and they can do it better. There is, after all, a reason for this:

gatrie dosen't double everything until endgame, and he has problems until he's promoted so assuming you want to use a master crown you could use on Haar who also benefits greatly from it.

boyd hits much much harder than gatrie or haar, if he doubles it, he kills it, and Gatrie is hardly an axe user since he'd rather take a wishblade. and so take away gatrie and Boyd is number 5 on tiers, gatrie, titan, jill, haar and nolan probably are more realistic characters to use from an effeciancy stand point, but people put boyd at #1 because its completely opinion. and again most people count Gatrie as a lancer so that answers one of your initial questions as to why boyd is on so many people's lists.(they simply want an awesome badass hardhitting doubling 3rd tier unit.)

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gatrie dosen't double everything until endgame, and he has problems until he's promoted so assuming you want to use a master crown you could use on Haar who also benefits greatly from it.

boyd hits much much harder than gatrie or haar, if he doubles it, he kills it, and Gatrie is hardly an axe user since he'd rather take a wishblade. and so take away gatrie and Boyd is number 5 on tiers, gatrie, titan, jill, haar and nolan probably are more realistic characters to use from an effeciancy stand point, but people put boyd at #1 because its completely opinion. and again most people count Gatrie as a lancer so that answers one of your initial questions as to why boyd is on so many people's lists.(they simply want an awesome badass hardhitting doubling 3rd tier unit.)

Slight problem: Boyd almost never doubles until he promotes. Also, he's not hitting that much harder than Haar or Gatrie, really. As for Haar and the master crown, I'd rather not gimp him by crowning him before he caps speed. At any rate, Boyd still can't hold a candle to Gatrie. Also, I fail to see how the Wishblade is relevant to this argument since you don't get it until 4-E-2.

Edited by Ein Lanford
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gatrie dosen't double everything until endgame, and he has problems until he's promoted so assuming you want to use a master crown you could use on Haar who also benefits greatly from it.

boyd hits much much harder than gatrie or haar, if he doubles it, he kills it, and Gatrie is hardly an axe user since he'd rather take a wishblade. and so take away gatrie and Boyd is number 5 on tiers, gatrie, titan, jill, haar and nolan probably are more realistic characters to use from an effeciancy stand point, but people put boyd at #1 because its completely opinion. and again most people count Gatrie as a lancer so that answers one of your initial questions as to why boyd is on so many people's lists.(they simply want an awesome badass hardhitting doubling 3rd tier unit.)

Gatrie doesn't double *Everything*, but he doubles most enemies, considering he hits 23 SPD by --/15 and starts at --/10, which he reaches by about 3-4. Haar's speed is slightly shaky too, so Haar prefers to level up and BEXP a few levels of SPD. Hence, Gatrie is generally the best option for the Crown, but even without it, 23 SPD doubles most enemies up to and past 3-7, around when he'd promote. For comparison, Boyd doesn't reach 23 SPD until about --/19, and after they promote, Gatries SPD is again higher until he caps. Generally, Gatrie has no problems with his SPD, and has the STR to 2RKO.

Boyd's STR doesn't beat Gatries until --/16, and he's still not doubling consistently at that point. He doesn't beat Haar until --/19, and when Boyd has reached that, Haar has promoted anyway, and, oh yeah, Haar has a much higher STR growth - 5% higher than Boyd's, so it's only when Boyd caps STR - some time during part 4, possibly even endgame, that he's hitting harder than Haar. Gatrie's primary weapons are Lances, but he can use every axe except the Urvan, so why shouldn't he be an axe user?

I suppose in terms of opinion, if you place weight on the easy endgame then yes, Boyd can easily be a decent character. But there's no way he could be better than Haar, or Jill, or Nolan, or Titania, and that's already 4 units who are almost empirically above him. If you accept Gatrie as an axe user, you have your 5th, and Boyd is out of the competition.

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Before reading the thread, I assumed this was the top 5 of the actual weapons. So just for fun... (raw stats do not make the weapon "best," how well it can be used does):


1. Brave Axe

2. Steel Poleaxe

3. Forged Hand Axe

4. Hammer

5. Tarvos


1. Javelin

2. Steel Greatlance

3. Brave Lance

4. Forged Silver Lance

5. Killer Lance


1. Steel Blade

2. Ragnell

3. Brave Sword

4. Tempest Blade

5. Forged Iron Sword


1. Brave Bow

2. Silencer

3. Killer Bow

4. Steel Longbow

5. Bowgun


1. Steel Knife

2. Beast Killer

3. Silver Dagger

4. Peshkatz

5. Baselard


1. Fang (Wolf)

2. Talon (Hawk)

3. Great Talon (Tibarn)

4. Great Fang (Nailah)

5. Fang (Tiger)


1. Thani

2. Forged Fire

3. Elwind

4. Meteor

5. Nosferatu


1. Physic

2. Mend

3. Sleep

4. Heal

5. Rescue

Stat Boosters

1. Speedwings

2. Dracoshield

3. Energy Drop

4. Arms Scroll

5. Seraph Robe


1. Concoction

2. Laguz Stone

3. Olivi Grass

4. Pure Water

5. Chest Key


1. Paragon

2. Adept

3. Resolve

4. Celerity

5. Nihil/Disarm

Really, I fail to see how a longbow of any sort, let alone a steel longbow, can be considered one of the best bows in the game. Attacking at 3 range means losing 30 accuracy, and with the fact that longbows have crappy accuracy to begin with... As Sonic says, that's NO GOOD. Also, longbows become obsolete once Marksmen enter the equation.

Edited by Ein Lanford
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Really, I fail to see how a longbow of any sort, let alone a steel longbow, can be considered one of the best bows in the game. Attacking at 3 range means losing 30 accuracy, and with the fact that longbows have crappy accuracy to begin with... As Sonic says, that's NO GOOD. Also, longbows become obsolete once Marksmen enter the equation.

Most bows suck, so it's kind of a reach to find a "top 5" anyway. I suppose one could argue the Double Bow is so good in the 4 1/2 chapters it exists (more like 2 1/2 really) that it deserves #4 or #5, and Bowgun is assuming flying sniping, *-foe abuse, and Disarm, so that's certainly debatable.
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I would certainly say Double Bow gets more use in it's 4 1/2 chapters than Steel Longbows get over the entire game. Comparing Steel Longbow to Steel Bows, it gains 2mt and 1 range at the cost of 8wt, 20 hit (it has 30 effective hit at 3 range) and costing almost 7 times as much per use. I'd definitely put Steel Bows in it's place, for the good hit, mt, availablity and cost balance.

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Gatrie doesn't double *Everything*, but he doubles most enemies, considering he hits 23 SPD by --/15 and starts at --/10, which he reaches by about 3-4. Haar's speed is slightly shaky too, so Haar prefers to level up and BEXP a few levels of SPD. Hence, Gatrie is generally the best option for the Crown, but even without it, 23 SPD doubles most enemies up to and past 3-7, around when he'd promote. For comparison, Boyd doesn't reach 23 SPD until about --/19, and after they promote, Gatries SPD is again higher until he caps. Generally, Gatrie has no problems with his SPD, and has the STR to 2RKO.

Boyd's STR doesn't beat Gatries until --/16, and he's still not doubling consistently at that point. He doesn't beat Haar until --/19, and when Boyd has reached that, Haar has promoted anyway, and, oh yeah, Haar has a much higher STR growth - 5% higher than Boyd's, so it's only when Boyd caps STR - some time during part 4, possibly even endgame, that he's hitting harder than Haar. Gatrie's primary weapons are Lances, but he can use every axe except the Urvan, so why shouldn't he be an axe user?

I suppose in terms of opinion, if you place weight on the easy endgame then yes, Boyd can easily be a decent character. But there's no way he could be better than Haar, or Jill, or Nolan, or Titania, and that's already 4 units who are almost empirically above him. If you accept Gatrie as an axe user, you have your 5th, and Boyd is out of the competition.

Boyd isn't completely based on endgame, he's a tank in P4, which is pretty nice having a guy who you can count on to take out armours without a hammer, and for P3 bowguns are pretty nice for flyers giving him a little bit of something over gatrie, genrally gatrie, titan, haar, jill and nolan will have better stats, but a transfer (which many people personnally have and this is personal list) does wonders for boyd

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Boyd isn't completely based on endgame, he's a tank in P4, which is pretty nice having a guy who you can count on to take out armours without a hammer, and for P3 bowguns are pretty nice for flyers giving him a little bit of something over gatrie, genrally gatrie, titan, haar, jill and nolan will have better stats, but a transfer (which many people personnally have and this is personal list) does wonders for boyd

What exactly are bowguns doing for Boyd in part 3? Nothing, seeing as you're only seeing wyverns for flyers in the Mercenaries' maps. Also, I say again, a speed transfer is pretty iffy for Boyd.

Edited by Ein Lanford
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What exactly are bowguns doing for Boyd in part 3? Nothing, seeing as you're only seeing wyverns for flyers in the Mercenaries' maps. Also, I say again, a speed transfer is pretty iffy for Boyd.

It can help him not get doubled maybe?

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Boyd capping speed is not far fetched at all its not far fetched one bit. and darn it i said P3? i meant P4 sorry.

The point is, some people including myself like having a character like boyd because he's fun to use, and this is opion based so people like myself aren't saying that boyd is always better than gatrie or haar, i think gatrie is a hell of alot better but boyd doesnt suck sack like alot of people say, thats all im trying to get across here. and i dont find training him to be a hassle or cost me extra turns, but what about one thing no one has mentioned, boyd can Triangle Attack. This gives him an advantage not many other characters have.(critical is one hit with boyd....)

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Boyd capping speed is not far fetched at all its not far fetched one bit. and darn it i said P3? i meant P4 sorry.

The point is, some people including myself like having a character like boyd because he's fun to use, and this is opion based so people like myself aren't saying that boyd is always better than gatrie or haar, i think gatrie is a hell of alot better but boyd doesnt suck sack like alot of people say, thats all im trying to get across here. and i dont find training him to be a hassle or cost me extra turns, but what about one thing no one has mentioned, boyd can Triangle Attack. This gives him an advantage not many other characters have.(critical is one hit with boyd....)

It's only a significant advantage if he goes Tibarn's route, really. Also, the triangle attack isn't much help for Boyd seeing as he HAS to wield a crossbow to use it, and... Crossbows aren't much of anything special unless they're getting effective damage or are used for disarming purposes.

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