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Mini Mafia Round 6A


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Rules: Standard rules apply, such as don't talk when you're dead, if you are not in the game don't talk etc.

Asides from that the following applies:

  • The game starts in the day.
  • The mafia DO NOT know their partner until Night 1, and may only communicate at night.
  • Similar to the above, you may not post during the night. Breaking this rule is grounds for a modkill
  • No PMs are allowed in this game. The only PM allowed will be the Mafia, and only at night.
  • This setup is must lynch: The town cannot choose to no lynch.
  • Days will end after 72 hours, when someone has a majority of votes, or when someone is unquestionably going to be lynched.

The game is one of the following setups:

Setup 1:

3 Townies, 1 Cop, 1 Watcher, 1 Mafioso, 1 Hooker

Setup 2:

3 Townies, 1 Cop, 1 Doctor, 1 Mafioso, 1 Hooker

Setup 3:

3 Townies, 1 Watcher, 1 Doctor, 1 Mafioso, 1 Godfather

Setup 4:

5 Townies, 1 Mafioso, 1 Godfather

[spoiler=Role Descriptions]

You are a Townie. You have no special abilities at night. You win with the town.
You are the Cop. Each night you can investigate one player and find out if they are innocent or mafia. You win with the town.
You are the Doctor. Each night you can save one player. If that player is attacked at night, they will not die. Neither you or the town will be informed that you saved this player. You win with the town
You are the Watcher. Each night, you can watch one player. You will know who visited that player at night. You cannot be hooked by the hooker. You win with the town.
You are a Mafioso. Asides from killing at night, you have no special abilities. You will find out your partner on night 1. You win with the mafia.
You are the Hooker. Each night, you may hook one player, preventing them from performing their special abilities. You will find out your partner on night 1. You win with the mafia.
You are the Godfather. In addition to killing at night, you are aware that there is no Cop in the town. You will find out your partner on night 1. You win with the mafia.

The Mafia wins!

Fayt Zelpher the Godfather

Bizz the Mafioso


General Spoon the townie - Day 1 (Burned alive)

Life the townie - Night 1 (Died somehow)

Core the townie - Day 2 (Thrown in Jail & Blown up)

Sync the townie - Day 2 (Mafia uprising)

Lightning the townie - Day 2 (Mafia uprising)

Edited by I Eat Tables
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Vote: General Spoon

While Fayt was quick to point the finger, Spoon did something that he never does. AKA continue a bandwagon on someone. That's fishy to me.

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I will agree that Spoon's behavior was really odd there. <__< Fayt threw a random vote and he was just like "lol okay"

Normally he'd be like "I'm going to vote Fayt" or something else random of the sort

I'm going to wait and see what he has to say about it, though

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This game better get more discussion than this <___<

In another place I play at, I saw twenty pages of discussion in a day

and they have 72-hour day phases there, man

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Yeah, I was going to add my point to that. Sync, I'm sorry, but that was just so sheepish of you and I am so tired of sheep. <__<

Nobody knows who anyone is, as Spoon has mentioned twice now, so random votes out of the dark just happen.

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I just don't have anything to add at this point. No claims, no knowledge of anything... It's just that I don't think that there's anything to do but wait for nightfall. No one else seems to have any thoughts, and I still think that the Lightning lynch is viable, so I haven't said anything more.

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I would like to point this out again.

Fucking nobody knows who anybody else is.

On that note, unvote Lightning, vote Sync.

That is irrelevant, as your suspicion included nobody else. Its not like we thought you were bussing.

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That is irrelevant, as your suspicion included nobody else. Its not like we thought you were bussing.

I did. That's why I voted for him. Spoon never joins bandwagons.

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That makes 4/7. All of the town goes to sleep. No posting until daybreaks.

An angry town shoves General Spoon into the middle of the crowd.

"Why're you actin' so out of character?"

"He's one of them!"

"Kill it with fire!"

And that's what they did. General Spoon the townie was burned at the stake.

It is now night phase. The mafia will now learn their partner. All players with night actions should send them in.

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Life the townie was dragged outside his house then chucked into the nearby swamp. He might have been able to swim to freedom, were it not for the iron ball attached to his feet.

It is now day phase. It's also 3 town to 2 mafia, so you have to lynch correctly or the mafia wins.

Edited by I Eat Tables
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Life the townie was dragged outside his house then chucked into the nearby swamp. He might have been able to swim to freedom, were it not for the iron ball attached to his feet.

I live in Toronto. There's no nearby swamp. Thank you and try again.

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Life the townie was dragged across the border and left to die in Canada. He might have been able to walk back, were he not buried under 3 metres of snow.

It is now day phase. It's also 3 town to 2 mafia, so you have to lynch correctly or the mafia wins.

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Life the townie was dragged across the border and left to die in Canada. He might have been able to walk back, were he not buried under 3 metres of snow.

I'm not one to bitch but... TORONTO IS IN CANADA. GET IT RIGHT, YOU BRIT!

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Just doing this for fun, feel free to shoot me.

Life the townie was dragged across the provincial borders and left to die in Moncton, New Brunswick. He might have been able to walk back, were he not ran over repeatedly by two disgruntled Mini Mafia substitutes.

It is now day phase. It's also 3 town to 2 mafia, so you have to lynch correctly or the mafia wins.

And there you go, Admiral.


Edited by Snike
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