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POR Transfers

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Who are some of the best characters to get POR transfers for? I'm planning on playing through POR with them, and then using them in RD as well. I'd like at least 10, enough for the RD endgame.


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Glad you asked, since I finished beating my FE9 transfer run yesterday...

Ike: Str, Skill, Spd & Res

Titania: Str, Skill & Spd

Oscar: Str, Skill & Spd

Shinon: Str, Skill, Spd & Def

Soren: Mag, Skill, Spd & Res

Mia: Str, Skill, Spd & Def

Ilyana: Str, Spd & Res

Marcia: Str, Skill, Spd & Def

Mist: Str, Mag, Skill, Spd, Def & Res (S-rank in swords)

Volke: Str, Skill & Spd

Nephenee: Str, Skill, Spd & Def

Jill: Str, Skill, Spd & Def

Makalov: Str, Skill, Spd & Def

Devdan: Str, Skill & Spd

Tanith: Str, Skill & Spd

Haar: Str, Skill & Spd

Lucia: Str; Skill & Spd

Elincia: Str, Mag, Spd & Res (S-rank in swords)

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It depends. If you want to minimise the overall turncount and make some chapters easier, you should get transfers for:






-One of Geoffrey/Kieran (Or both if possible)



-Sothe if possible

-Giffca since it's the easiest one to get.

Other characters who greatly benefit from transfers:




-Haar (A SPD transfer, while hard, does wonders)


But pretty much any character would gladly accept a transfer.

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I recommend


Jill (capped hp would be awesome)









Geoffrey and Astrid are very easy to do because of Paragon, but he'd pay off more of course.

You could also easily staff spam with Elincia to have her cap some stats.

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Priority should go to:





Geoffrey, Kieran and Makalov can all get transfers easily, but it's debatable how helpful they are when they have lousy stats to begin with. Marcia and Tanith can also get transfers and have better statistical bases, but availability issues mean the impact is small. Boyd, Rolf, and Soren can get transfers to help them with their speed, but they still have issues without a Speedwing or BEXP. If you're willing to abuse for unrealistic stats, Ilyana, Haar, Elincia and Sothe are also good choices.

Edited by Slowking
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Glad you asked, since I finished beating my FE9 transfer run yesterday...

Ike: Str, Skill, Spd & Res

Titania: Str, Skill & Spd

Oscar: Str, Skill & Spd

Shinon: Str, Skill, Spd & Def

Soren: Mag, Skill, Spd & Res

Mia: Str, Skill, Spd & Def

Ilyana: Str, Spd & Res

Marcia: Str, Skill, Spd & Def

Mist: Str, Mag, Skill, Spd, Def & Res (S-rank in swords)

Volke: Str, Skill & Spd

Nephenee: Str, Skill, Spd & Def

Jill: Str, Skill, Spd & Def

Makalov: Str, Skill, Spd & Def

Devdan: Str, Skill & Spd

Tanith: Str, Skill & Spd

Haar: Str, Skill & Spd

Lucia: Str; Skill & Spd

Elincia: Str, Mag, Spd & Res (S-rank in swords)

Did you actually get all those? kudos to you if you did, and why do you need S-rank in swords, i have glitched wii for EM(of course i just thought i got a piece a shit wii, which they all are-.-) which is what i beat PoR on so i just recently did transfers. so im new to transfer scene i guess.

basically everyone soul said would be good, but boyd, titania and haar all with speed would be amazing, just speedwing boyd and he'll own.you dont have to but its harder. any staff wielder you can abuse and they'll cap something...Elincia and mist would like a mage cap.

and remember to use giffca. =]

Edited by King Soren
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Did you actually get all those? kudos to you if you did, and why do you need S-rank in swords

Yes. I finished before yesterday.

As for the S-rank in swords: I thought Elincia would have a pretty low rank in swords in FE10, so I gave it to her, but since it isn't very useful in FE10, I mostly did it so Elincia could use Vague Katti in FE9.

As for Mist, I tend to use her as a swordfighter most of all, so she starts out with an A rank in FE10.

i have glitched wii for EM(of course i just thought i got a piece a shit wii, which they all are-.-) which is what i beat PoR on so i just recently did transfers. so im new to transfer scene i guess.

basically everyone soul said would be good, but boyd, titania and haar all with speed would be amazing, just speedwing boyd and he'll own.you dont have to but its harder. any staff wielder you can abuse and they'll cap something...Elincia and mist would like a mage cap.

and remember to use giffca. =]

I have indeed played it on EM to get these much characters to transfer. Haar was probably the hardest one, it required Luck, bands and a Speedwings to have him cap Spd.

Non of the characters you mentioned would really need the Speedwings, I give it to Rhys.

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Yes. I finished before yesterday.

As for the S-rank in swords: I thought Elincia would have a pretty low rank in swords in FE10, so I gave it to her, but since it isn't very useful in FE10, I mostly did it so Elincia could use Vague Katti in FE9.

As for Mist, I tend to use her as a swordfighter most of all, so she starts out with an A rank in FE10.

I have indeed played it on EM to get these much characters to transfer. Haar was probably the hardest one, it required Luck, bands and a Speedwings to have him cap Spd.

Non of the characters you mentioned would really need the Speedwings, I give it to Rhys.

does bexp go down on HM in PoR cause that is what my current PT is on...

also, can you reset to get different levels on PoR because everytime i do its the exact same level is this do to playing on fixed?

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does bexp go down on HM in PoR cause that is what my current PT is on...

also, can you reset to get different levels on PoR because everytime i do its the exact same level is this do to playing on fixed?

Well, not really. You just get less BEXP on HM. Try NM when it comes to transfers.

Yes, I heard you can't BEXP abuse the same way on Fixed Mode, you must rely on Growth Points for that.

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does bexp go down on HM in PoR cause that is what my current PT is on...

also, can you reset to get different levels on PoR because everytime i do its the exact same level is this do to playing on fixed?

If you are on fixed then it is...well...fixed! You aren't getting different levels (though with switching weapons the growths change a tiny bit, so on occasion you could gain/lose 1 point somewhere, but it isn't like you wouldn't have gotten it the next level anyway). And yes, you get less bexp on HM than NM in PoR. Also, I'm sure you get less cexp (exp for hitting/killing things). Oh, if you want to go crazy with bexp, check out some of the topics here about fixed mode. You can really mess with a characters' growth rates by giving either 1 exp, 2 exp, or 3 exp at a time in the base. Or you could give 10 at a time and give +5% to each odd growth. The even growths (10, 20, 30, etc) would remain unaffected.

Oh, and it's the RD disc that has the problem with PoR EM. some discs are "fixed" and don't have that problem. The wii has nothing to do with it. There is nothing wrong with the wii.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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If you are on fixed then it is...well...fixed! You aren't getting different levels (though with switching weapons the growths change a tiny bit, so on occasion you could gain/lose 1 point somewhere, but it isn't like you wouldn't have gotten it the next level anyway). And yes, you get less bexp on HM than NM in PoR. Also, I'm sure you get less cexp (exp for hitting/killing things). Oh, if you want to go crazy with bexp, check out some of the topics here about fixed mode. You can really mess with a characters' growth rates by giving either 1 exp, 2 exp, or 3 exp at a time in the base. Or you could give 10 at a time and give +5% to each odd growth. The even growths (10, 20, 30, etc) would remain unaffected.

Oh, and it's the RD disc that has the problem with PoR EM. some discs are "fixed" and don't have that problem. The wii has nothing to do with it. There is nothing wrong with the wii.

topic where? XP

i knew i should have done NM =/ but i think i can still get some good transfers.(i only did HM cause i thought i heard somebody saying if you want transfer to work on HM in RD you have to play HM in PoR

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topic where? XP


starting in post #9 is where it gets interesting.

Let's take Lethe, for an example. Her growths are:

130% hp, 50% str, 5% mag, 65% skl, 70% spd, 50% lck, 40% def, 25% res.

You can give her 1 exp at a time in the base. Her growths become:

100% hp, 100% str, 0% mag, 100% skl, 100% spd, 100% lck, 0% def, 0% res.

You can give her 2 exp at a time:

150% hp, 50% str, 0% mag, 50% skl, 50% spd, 50% lck, 50% def, 50% res.

3 at a time:

133.33% hp, 66.66% str, 0% mag, 66.66% skl, 66.66% spd, 66.66% lck, 33.33% def, 33.33% res.

10 at a time:

130% hp, 50% str, 10% mag, 70% skl, 70% spd, 50% lck, 40% def, 30% res.

Basically, take a growth, multiply by x, round to the nearest hundred (50s round up), then divide by x. That's their growths if you give them exp in chunks of x exp. You can see that, while it takes a long time, you can significantly alter the growths of any character by giving them exp in small chunks. The bigger the chunks, the smaller the changes. This is a result of the game calculating "growth points" as an integer. Every time you get x exp, it gives you [x * growth rate = growth points] in each stat. You need 100+ growth points in a stat for the game to give you a +1 next time you gain a level. 200+ growth points gets you a +2. And since "growth points" is an integer, it rounds off. 5 exp points with a 50% growth would get you 2.5 growth points, but that becomes 3 growth points due to rounding. And in effect, for those 5 exp points, you might as well have had a 60% growth. If you give a unit 5 levels using 5 exp at a time (must do this 100 times to get 5 levels) you would get 3 points in that stat, rather than the 2.5 that a character would get on average (and the 2 you'd get on fixed mode if you gave 100 exp at a time since 250 growth points only gets a +2).

i knew i should have done NM =/ but i think i can still get some good transfers.(i only did HM cause i thought i heard somebody saying if you want transfer to work on HM in RD you have to play HM in PoR

Well, I can tell you that isn't true.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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starting in post #9 is where it gets interesting.

Let's take Lethe, for an example. Her growths are:

130% hp, 50% str, 5% mag, 65% skl, 70% spd, 50% lck, 40% def, 25% res.

You can give her 1 exp at a time in the base. Her growths become:

100% hp, 100% str, 0% mag, 100% skl, 100% spd, 100% lck, 0% def, 0% res.

You can give her 2 exp at a time:

150% hp, 50% str, 0% mag, 50% skl, 50% spd, 50% lck, 50% def, 50% res.

3 at a time:

133.33% hp, 66.66% str, 0% mag, 66.66% skl, 66.66% spd, 66.66% lck, 33.33% def, 33.33% res.

10 at a time:

130% hp, 50% str, 10% mag, 70% skl, 70% spd, 50% lck, 40% def, 30% res.

Basically, take a growth, multiply by x, round to the nearest hundred (50s round up), then divide by x. That's their growths if you give them exp in chunks of x exp. You can see that, while it takes a long time, you can significantly alter the growths of any character by giving them exp in small chunks. The bigger the chunks, the smaller the changes. This is a result of the game calculating "growth points" as an integer. Every time you get x exp, it gives you [x * growth rate = growth points] in each stat. You need 100+ growth points in a stat for the game to give you a +1 next time you gain a level. 200+ growth points gets you a +2. And since "growth points" is an integer, it rounds off. 5 exp points with a 50% growth would get you 2.5 growth points, but that becomes 3 growth points due to rounding. And in effect, for those 5 exp points, you might as well have had a 60% growth. If you give a unit 5 levels using 5 exp at a time (must do this 100 times to get 5 levels) you would get 3 points in that stat, rather than the 2.5 that a character would get on average (and the 2 you'd get on fixed mode if you gave 100 exp at a time since 250 growth points only gets a +2).

Well, I can tell you that isn't true.

thats some crazy shit, ike gets all those levels with just a killer weapon + wyvern knight band ftw? and when he caps switch to slim...pretty frikin awesome.

really helpful as for everything else too, i can do alot of capping now =]

and soul, i bet ulki kicks ass with str cause then he's as good as janaff except better(if that makes sense)

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He has more Avo than Janaff, like before, but now bears the same base Atk. It also helps a bit with chip damage if you need to revert him and have him gain good Exp by kicking.

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Actually, how does Sothe's transfer work?

Basically, Sothe's lvl 20 PoR stats become his base stats in RD. However, the max his Res can reach is 15 in RD, even if it was higher in the PoR transfer.

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