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I really shouldn't be posting this right now... Oh well.


I'm yet another fan of the Fire Emblem series of games. I've played all of the Fire Emblem games released outside of Japan, plus Fire Emblem 6 (I got about halfway through 4 then got bored of 1 FPS action).

...And that's just about everything I can think of that you'd care about.

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Hi StP, enjoy your stay.


Chen would like to give you a hug.

Also, telling people about yourself is how you make friends. So don't say, 'I told you stuff that I think you'd care about', makes you seem fake.

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Hello and welcome to the forest, enjoy your stay around!

Also, that picture is creepy.

Don't worry, he wants to hug you.

My doctor's advice was sit on the couch playing videogames for two weeks.

I would like that! It's been a month since I last played a videogame...well, not so accurate.

Never mind, hope you like your stay once again and see you around the forums.

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Thinking of Soren as a Pichu is scary.

Anyway, welcome to Serenes. Don't go too Far from the Forest and you'll be okay.

True on both counts.

At any rate, hi! :awesome:

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