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Hi guys! I'm new here.... and I used to lurk around here and noticed that this is a fun and awesome community to join in....

I also like Fire Emblem and have finished the 3 GBA games.... Sacred Stones is my favorite among the three... and I'm looking forward to play

FE9 and 10 someday... cause some of the characters caught my attention due to their humor....

I am also an Final Fantasy/Resident Evil fan... (3/4 FF fan though), as well if any of you dudes know these games...

You can call me Frost (hence username lol) for short... XDD

*Insert Shakespearean accent here* Pleasures to meet you all! Good day!

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Hi Frost. Enjoy your stay here, and hope you enjoy PoR and RD when you play them :).

Yeah... I know... I was liek "OMG WANT" when I saw Kieran's egoistical AWESOMENESS and I would love to witness Oliver's hilariousness myself....

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Hello Frost and welcome to the community of Serenes Forest.

Enjoy your stay around.

Also, FE 9 and 10 are awesome, I really recommend you playing them when you have the chance.

I'll await the day for me to see Kieran yelling "AWESOME!"

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I am also a FF fan(sort of) though sadly I have never completed a game. Which is your favorite?

Well... FFIV, FFVI and FFIX are my favorites....

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