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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 9: Over the wyvern mountain and through the dark woods


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"Of course it's a romance question." said Esphyr, rolling her eyes. "Anyways... I... Ummm..." her cheeks turned a lovely shade of beet red. "I'm sure everyone knows I've... errr... Spent some time with Damian back at TISME. It's nothing major though! We're... Well... We are but we're not at THAT level yet! I mean, no, don't think of it like that! I'm not about to have a little Damian crawling about inside me but we are... We haven't even really kissed yet!" she exclaimed at last, almost bursting out the answer. It was true though, at least... Had she kissed him? She couldn't remember at all. If she had it had been in a heated romance and not in a knowledgable way.

"Anyways, Morgan!" she blurted out, hoping she had finished fast enough for others to forget. "Truth or Dare?"

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Isotov and Irina

Irina: I'd say it's been about a minute, but I could watch this all night ^_^

Iso: Kiev won't watch all night <_<

Irina: Huh?

Iso pointed out Kiev who was now considering the possibility that perhaps Tessa had turned Helios into an actual dog. Perhaps his flesh was merely a disguise. Perhaps if he tore Helios apart, he could find the dog inside and eat it.

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"Hey! It's only been two minutes!" Dani exclaimed. "You're out!"

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"You just called it three minutes. And, uh, Irinie over there just said it was only about a minute, about a minute ago," Dani pointed out. "So, you're out. Tough luck."

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"Alright... Why do you think you left your family? I don't mean why they say you left, but... No one enjoys having their child out and not being able to do anything about it, even an adopted child is cared for. Yet, what was her name, Phlegmeth? You haven't told us anything about it. Also, may I suggest we all take a shot before answering from now on? Morgan excluded for now of course."

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Isotov and Irina

Irina: Helios ... :3 ... if you want to keep playing, you owe Tessa another two minutes XD

Iso: You're terrible.

Irina: :3

Kiev looked at Helios again. He seemed normal. The dog must have been wisked away by dark magic. He then turned to Morgan. She used dark magic, he'd seen her do it. He would have to keep an eye on her so he would not lose any more meals.

Irina: I don't drink, but if you want the stakes upped, I'll happily enforce a new rule. Each subsequent question or dare must be more extreme than the last :hat:

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"Yes, Doggie," Dani said, "We will. I'm OK with the new rule. Makes things interesting."

Eric groaned, but said nothing.

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"Flemeth was my... caretaker for many years, not my biological mother. She killed my biological parents I suspect, though we never talked about it. As for why I left her care, we disagreed over who had the rights to possessing my body."

"Anyway, you there, thunder mage chef girl, Truth or Dare?"

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"Hey!" Dani said, backing away from Helios. "Stop barking at me! It was Tessa who dared you to do that, so yap at her!" To the shamaness, she said, "Dare."

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"I dare you never to miss our enemies with your spells again. Your aim on those mountain wyverns was rather atrocious, you will probably fry one of us at some point or another." Morgan said authoritatively

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"Hey she has to take a shot" Helios said going over to Damian. He sneaked into his pack and took out a bottle of beer. He put it in his mouth and brought it back. "That should be three minutes, Irina".

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Isotov and Irina

The wind mage had been inhabited by the dog again! He couldn't let the chance pass him by this time, he had to act now, the dog would be his! Right before he was able to pounce, a piece of meat was put in front of him! He followed the arm to its source. Irina! She was holding it up for him.

Irina: I know how you get ... here ^_^

Kiev took the meat and quickly downed it. Satisfied, he could let the dog go ... for now. The next time Helios showed any sign of being possessed by the dog, he would strike.

Irina then turned to Helios.

Irina: Ten more seconds ^_^

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"Uhh... Alright, then," Dani said. "I'll try not too."

Turning to the troubador on the wyvern, she said, "Truth or Dare?"

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Reika returned, having had an uneventful meal she looked around at the group and frowned, they were all sitting in a circle talking about something and for a second she thought they were planning something sinister when she noticed the healer girl sitting atop one of those winged lizards edging the creature to pounce on one of the mages who was on all fours making dog noises.

"Alcohol?" she said out loud quickly shaking her head. She'd seen what alcohol could do to bandits but this was a rather, unusual sight.

She'd noticed a few shadows moving around in the dark earlier, and was wondering if the group was spying on her, but apparently they were all here doing.... well whatever they were doing. "I really hope that you don't usually drink this much" she commented noticing the drinks.

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Helios started barking at Eric while counting to ten in his head. "Ten thats it" Helios said getting up and dusting himself off. He took the beer bottle and held it out to Dani. "Take a shot".

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"I personally think drinking alcohol is not a good idea." said Morgan, looking disapprovingly at the group. "It lowers one's physical and cognitive abilities, thus decreasing vigilance."

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