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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 9: Over the wyvern mountain and through the dark woods


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"Well, Eric was asked the last question, so he would be the one to ask you." said Morgan.

"Ooh, truth or dare? We used to play this all the time back in cou--the church." she corrected herself.

Truth is boring, he knows pretty much all there is to know "Dare me to do something Sir Eric." Charlotte said with a smile.

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"Can't I just pass this one off to someone else?" Eric asked.

"No. That'd ruin the fun!" Dani said. "C'mon, dare her! Daare her~ Daare her~"

"Alright, alright. Just give me a few minutes. That last dare is pretty hard to top."

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"... Alright, I cannot decide which of these three I should dare you to do, so I will give you the options. Option one, is to take a vow of silence. For tomorrow, and tomorrow only, you would be prohibited from speaking even one word, be it in Common, Jerdonese, or the nomad tongue. Option two, is to wake up Kelas," he said, pointing towards the sleeping nomad. "It sounds simple, but are you ready to face the wrath of both her, and her horse? Moving on, option three, is easily the most awkward one," he said. "You would have to kiss someone in this group. Not a Jerdon kiss, mind you."

"What the hell, Eric?," Dani said.

"You can blame Miss Princess for a day, for that one," he replied. "That is probably the one thing that could top her dare, honestly."

"So, milady," he said. "The choice is yours."

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"Well a vow of silence would just be boring." Charlotte said. She thought about the third option. She didn't know anyone in the group that well except Sir Eric. Although, now that she thought about it, would kissing him really be so bad? He was so kind and loyal and brave...but this was not the right time. Not in front of everyone else.

"I think I will go for option 2." she decided. She crept over slowly and carefully to where the nomad had drifted off to sleep. Unfortunately, she was so busy watching her target that she did not watch her footing and tripped over a tree root. She fell towards the nomad!

Charlotte instinctively put her hands out to break her fall and ended up grabbing the nomad's chest!

"Oh, you're a girl! I mean uh...sorry about that." Charlotte quickly apologized and got off Kelas. The nomad's eyes were filled with shock and perhaps rage.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Kelas was abruptly awoken by someone slamming into her chest. The new girl was sprawled on top of her. She scrambled to her feet, backpedaling. "<Demon?! Accursed-->" she managed, staring at Charlotte's eyes, searching for flashes of blue. "What you--" She noticed everyone sitting around normally, and some were-- laughing? "What's going on?!" Kelas demanded, still backing away.

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OOC: Charlotte's eyes are brown for reference

"I tripped on a tree root, and uh you were there." she said apologetically. "Err I didn't mean to grab you in the chest area." she said, turning pink.

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OOC: Yeah, I actually looked that up (because of course if they were blue to begin with, well, more mayhem.)

"...I see." No blue... "Please be more careful."

The girl did seem innocent, but now Kelas was too nervous to sleep on the ground. She climbed a strong-looking tree, settling onto a branch and hoping that she didn't move and fall off in her sleep. Exhaustion quickly won over nerves, and she was asleep again.

"I... think you... scared her," Arrin commented quietly.

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"I'm uh not really in the mood for truth or dare anymore." said Charlotte nervously. "I think it would be best if I went back to bed." She settled back into her bedroll.

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"Guh...Helios...why'd you swipe the tequila from me?I'm warning you,it's stronger than you think it is..." Damian said,walking over towards the circle of people.

"What are you guys doing?"

All of a sudden,Aiya pounced him from behind!

"They're playing truth or dare!I always loved that game,we should play too Damian!"

"Truth or dare,eh?Guess it couldn't hurt."

The two of them then sat in the circle.

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"Alright then. My apologies about that, milady," Eric said. To the soldiers, he said. "Alright then. Since Lady Charlotte is out, I guess, one of you two can go next."

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At Arrin's request for permission to go to bed, Tessa laughed.

"Silly! It doesn't start until to-morrow. And don't think you'll get out of it early by trying to start it ahead of time either," she wagged her finger at him imperiously as she added the last bit.

"But how are you tired again already? You had more sleep than any of us, sound asleep in the saddle for most of the morning... I guess I won't stop you, but I am kind of disappointed. You'll be missing out on the rest of the fun."

Tessa yawned here, and wobbled a bit on top of Kiev. Drowsiness was fighting hard to claim her, but she wasn't about to let it win that easily. Not while things were still so interesting!

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"Well,if you want me to continue,then...Esphyr,truth or Dare?" Damian said,as Eric lead Charlotte back to her bedroll.

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Alferis was laughing his head off all throughout the game, and was curious about what kind of dare to that Tessa was going to have to do.

The he had an idea.

He walked out of camp back to town, confident that no one would mind his absence. He would be back soon anyway.

Now he wondered if he could get some of the bread this late, for after all, it was the main product of this town based on all everything he saw and heard, and if he was correct (the town would be a forefront to all drug runners and outside customers in the nearby towns), the bakery would definitely remain open at all hours.

The bread would prove most useful.

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"Dare,eh?Alright...I dare you to..." Damian said,in response to Esphyr selecting dare.

'Hmm...what to say,what to say...'

Suddenly,Aiya leans over to Damian and whispers in his ear.No one else hears what is said.

"Are you sure?"

"Yup,go on."

"Well,alright.Esphyr,I dare you to kiss me." He said simply,smirking at her.She seemed to turn red,and the others in the circle looked at her expectantly.

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He walked into town, and found the bakery. The room was dark, but Alferis knew from experience that dark rooms meant nothing for whether or a business like this would stay open, though he wondered if the owner would still be here considering how open he was about the nature of his products. He knocked the door with a sharp rap.

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At the request, Esphyr turned a beet red hue. Her earlier admission of not having actually kissed Damian seemed to be backfiring now. She could feel the heat of her body rising, making the dare ever so distracting. For a moment, she contemplated shifting it to Aiya; after all, she had suggested the dare, but that only made it worse. She was a girl and at least Damian was male!

"Alright." she said, glancing to the group quickly before she stood up and approached Damian, waiting for him to rise up and kiss her.

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"So I guess you want me to finish this,then?" Damian said before rising.

Esphyr's face was painted with a deep blush,and she seemed to be breathing heavily.

'Looks like she's nervous...still,she looks cute like this.' Damian noted to himself,before moving forward.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her in,sealing her lips with his.He gently rubbed her lower lip with his tongue,hoping she would understand the message.

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Damian pulled Esphyr in by her waist, electing a small squeak of surprise from the mercenary before his lips locked with hers in a passionate embrace. An electric twinge shot through Esphyr's body as the two kissed; a twinge made all the more electric as his tongue softly rubbed against her lip. She was unsure as to the significance or to even what she was supposed to do at the unusual touch. Was she supposed to make her own tongue rub against his lip, or entwine with his? Still... she was happy. Slowly, her own arms laced around his chest before she pulled him close in a hug even as they remained locked in a kiss.

"That good enough?" she asked, breaking away after a moment. "Ummm... Irina!" she blurted out.

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Isotov and Irina

Irina: Yes! I'm up! I'll go with truth this time. Always good to get in at least one truth, and one dare ^_^

Iso: You know that they're just going to ask you something embarrassing right?

Irina: Like what? I've got nothing to hide >:)

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"Ummmm..." stalled Esphyr, her head clouded with the recent kiss and unsure of what to ask. "What happened during your last wyvern related dare?" she blurted out, unsure of what she had just asked herself as she turned back to Damian and gave him a soft smile.

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"Yes?" said the baker opening the door.

"Are you still open tonight? I want to buy some of your bread.

"What? Are you crazy? It's very late out and I need to sleep. Get lost."

Alferis sighed and pulled out all his money.

"How much would it cost to stay open for a few minutes?"

"2 gold."

"Fine. How much does your bread cost?"

"3 gold a loaf."

"How much for would I get for Spirit Leaf seperately?"

"Why would you need that?"

"Easier to carry around,"

"Two gold. How many spiritleaves?"

"I'll take five."

"All right. Let me fetch some from the back."

In a couple of minutes, he came back.

"Here you go."

"Thanks." Alferis gave the baker 12 gold coins and walked out the door.

OOC note: Did I make the bread and spiritleaves too cheap? Too expensive? I can change it around if you want.

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