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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 9: Over the wyvern mountain and through the dark woods


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Esphyr seemed to be quite receptive.When Damian had pulled her in,she let out a surprised squeak.

'She really is cute like this'

Afterward,she had wrapped her arms around his chest and the contact had lasted for several minutes.

After Esphyr pulled away,she had chosen Irina as her target,and soon after,Tessa asked if most kisses lasted that long.

"It depends on who is kissing,Tessa." Damian replied,before sitting down.

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Isotov and Irina

Iso: A ... fine soup? (What the hell is this?)

Irina: So basically ... if I was hungry ... who would I eat?

Looking over everyone in the group, she quickly made her decision.

Irina: Heh. Eric's about tallest, and therefore the biggest meal, so I'd eat him first no question ^_^

Iso: :wtf: (She answered in literally three seconds!)

Irina: Aiya, you're up! Truth or Dare?

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"Huh... Wait!" Suddenly blushing brightly, she turned back to Dani, and spluttered a bit. "W-w-was that what you meant by your question earlier? I... I must have misinterpreted entirely. I guess, I'm disqualified then, aren't I?"

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"Or, you could just correct yourself," Dani said. "It's funner that way."

Eric sighed. "Knowing my luck, I'd be eaten first, even if I was shorter."

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Damian had sat down,and retrieved the bottle of tequila from Helios,who had thought it was cheap beer.He noticed that Esphyr was eyeing it.

"Did you want a drink,Esphyr?" Damian asked her,holding up the bottle.

"My turn?Alright then,bring it on,Irina,I choose dare!" Aiya replied,excited to see what Irina would come up with.

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Alferis walked back to camp with the leaves in his pockets. He knew they wouldn't be happy that he spent most of his money on spiritleaves. On the other hand, he had plenty of rations and they could come very handy should they meet an enemy.

He sat down next to Eric.

"What'd I miss?"

OOC: Again, did I price the leaves correctly?

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"Not much, besides a kiss," Eric said. "What did you get?"

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Isotov and Irina

Irina: Yeah, if you were too short, Kiev would eat you instead of me, Eric.

She then turned to Aiya again.

Irina: (We've reached the kissing stage so to top it ... ) Aiya, I dare you to get on top of someone, and stay there until you're next turn. The person can't be Damian, and they have to be lying on their back! ^_^

Iso: ... ... ... (my sister is an awful person)

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"Spiritleaves. If we meet an enemy or someone untrustworthy, we could slip it into their drink or food. Or we could use them as bargaining chips. I wouldn't count on the latter though. I only got a few."

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"Nice. A bit underhanded, but that's life. Just, don't use them in a dare, please."

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Damian quickly poured Esphyr a drink,and passed it to her.

"Cheers." He said,holding up his own.

"That is an interesting dare Irina,very sneaky...not sneaky enough though." Aiya said,pouncing on Irina herself!

She pushed Irina down onto her back and laid herself down on top of her.

"Okay...Alferis,that was your name,right?Truth or Dare?" She said to the man who had just reappeared.

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"Esphyr and Damian, the two with the tequila," Eric said. "You're up, I guess."

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Esphyr had raised her glass and responded,and both downed the strong tequila.

"I love scaled dares,they are always so fun." Aiya said,now straddling Irina's hips,and began playing with her hair a little bit while thinking of a good dare.

"I want you to...come onto Morgan." She said,ensuring Morgan herself did not hear her,and gesturing slightly so Alferis knew who she was referring to.

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Speaking very softly, hoping everybody was too busy caught up in the current events, but forcing herself to abide by the rules of the game, Tessa updated her answer for Dani.

"...Damian, I guess. I don't really know, but he looked like he knew what he was doing..."

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Morgan shoved Alferis away and wiped her mouth.

"Ugh. Was there an insipid dare to give me some sort of airborne disease?"

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Isotov and Irina

Kiev watched curiously as Aiya climbed on top of Irina. Wondering what they were doing. Kiev was usually the one being ridden, but Irina seemed to be open to the idea of being ridden herself. Perhaps he could rider her from time to time. Maybe she would fly him around he wondered ... or perhaps this was just a human female thing ... he wasn't sure.

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"It is pretty strong,yeah.Do you want another?"

Alferis had gone farther than Aiya had expected him to,and had kissed the shamaness.She was not amused,as expected.

Then,a low moaning shout.

"... Aiyaaaa!"

It seemed to be from Chase.

"I'm sorry Chase,but I can't help you with your orgasm right now."

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