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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 9: Over the wyvern mountain and through the dark woods


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OOC: Moegan! Like Morgan, but cuter!

"... He actually went through with it? Really?" Eric said.

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"Yes, but if I dared you to stab yourself, would you do it? Though, since Morgan hasn't killed you, I guess it's OK.

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"I'll keep that in mind." Damian said,pouring Esphyr another shot.

"Hey Damian,can you get me one too?" Aiya asked,still atop Irina.

"Sure thing,Aiya." Damian said,passing a filled shotglass to her.

"Oh,calm down,Chase...wait!Has Chase gone yet?"

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"... That's why you pick truth," Eric said. "Unless they press you into taking a dare."

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"Dare!" Dani said, excitedly. "Truth's never that exciting!"

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Feeling relieved that her correction to her mistake had passed without further incident, Tessa was enjoying the continuation of the game. Chase's sudden outbursts were a bit confusing, but then again, the outlaw never made any sense in ordinary situations, so why should she expect that here? When Morgan rebuked the group for not picking more sensible choices, she started grinning widely again. That was just like Sis. Thinking back on things, actually... Tessa thought that her choice was probably the most practical of any others, aside from Morgan's own, but those hadn't really seemed to be in the right spirit of things...

Content to wait and watch until her next turn, she was curious what was still to come.

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"Alright," Dani said, a mischievious grin on her face. Getting up, she walked over to the outlaw, and, sitting down next to him, snuggled her head against his arm. "Hey, handsome," she continued, wanton winking.

"Back to the game. Uh... Iso, Truth or Dare?"

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Isotov and Irina

Iso: Uh oh ...

Irina: Pick dare ^_^

Iso: ... *gulp* ....

Irina: Come on ... you know you want to get dared. Look at the wonderful results :awesome:

Iso: There's another girl straddling you, Irina.

Irina: Pick dare!

Iso: *sigh* ... Dare.

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"Dare? Cool. Well, then, Iso, go kiss three girls. Right now."

"And you said I was bad," Eric sighed.

"That was.. different. Anyways, get to it, Mr Fire Mage!"

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"Aww, come on! I just want to cuddle..," Dani said, rubbing his arm. "Can't you unwind?"

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"Pipe down fruitcake! I thought you were more of a man than this, especially if you're attracted to Morgan. No offense to her at all, but you've got to admit that takes guts."

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Isotov and Irina

Irina: Dani, you are awesome! XD

Iso: T-three?! (I'm more of a one woman kind of guy) What? Can she do that?

Irina: Yep! Pick three girls and kiss them.

Iso: Alf got off lucky, I might not ...

He looked around to see who he would pick. Well Katie was his obvious first choice, Irina was enjoying this game too much as it was so she was out. After taking a good fifteen seconds to decide, he picked Katie, Dani, and Aiya.

Iso: Okay, since you're both right here, I'll start with you two.

Irina: Hey! On the lips, coward!

Iso: Irina, shut up- *sigh*

Trying to keep it relatively simple, he first kissed Aiya, while Irina giggled. The shaking prolonged the kiss a bit as Iso couldn't keep Aiya steady.

OOC: Will handle other kisses in very short order XD

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"Why are you all ordering each other to touch one another in various ways? Isn't this game supposed to increase productivity?" Morgan asked perplexed at all the events occuring.

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"Good work Dani." Aiya said,flashing her a smile,before Isotov came over to her.

He seemed to be having trouble with Aiya's position,so she lifted herself up and planted her lips on his.

"Now was that so difficult?You're shaking." Aiya said,the smirk easily heard in her voice.

In Aiya's new,higher position,Irina could clearly see up her skirt from her own laid back position.

Hearing Morgan's question,Aiya responded.

"No,no Morgan.This is just for fun,is all."

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"No problem," Dani said, before taking Chase's arm and putting it around her waist. "How about a hug, handsome, before I go give Iso a kiss?" she asked, opening her arms wide.

Of course. How did I not see this one coming? Eric thought, amused at the scene. What happens in Melisia, stays in Melisia, I guess.

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