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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 9: Over the wyvern mountain and through the dark woods


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"No need to worry bout it too much.The jolt from using my Gae-Borg will bring me up to fighting shape,and it should be a similar deal for Esphyr.Aiya hasn't had that much yet,and she's a mean drunk if you piss her off...I'd feel sorry for the other guy,he'd get his face smashed in."

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"Then don't drink it," Dani said, beginning to play with Chase's hair now. "Anyways, someone should drag him off to a bedroll. I would, but I'm too busy cuddling with handsome.♥"

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"Something wrong Irina?" Aiya said,wrapping herself more tightly around her.

She had just finished her second shot,and the effects were starting to get to her,as she was wearing a blush on her face for no apparent reason.

"Hehe...I get it.Are you starting to feel hot?" Aiya joked,playfully,running her hand down Irina's back and nuzzling her neck.

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OOC: Sorry, uploading issues :P

Isotov and Irina

Iso: Alright, Esphyr. I dare you to ... ... you know what? I could use a back rub. Give me a back rub. A long one ^_^

Irina: Someone's acting like a noble.

When Aiya inquired about Irina's condition, she answered her quick.

Irina: We've been like this for almost an hour hahahah! My body's all warm XD

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"We have been like this for a while,haven't we?" Aiya agreed,burying her face into the nape of Irina's neck,and tracing several patterns on her thigh with her finger.

"Still,you're warm,and the air is starting to get a little cold.So it's nice here."

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"A little bit.Only two shots,though.Does it really matter?" Aiya replied sincerely,moving up Irina's thigh slightly,and rubbing her back with her free hand,like Isotov had requested of Esphyr.

"Why do you ask?If you are getting tense from the cold,I can give you a massage~"

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"A bash rub?" asked Esphyr, sounding confused. "Why would you want one of those? Ah well. I promished." she said, getting up. She quickly made her way over behind her target, her hands descending down Iso's back...



And she had no idea as to what to do after. She had never received or seen a rub in her life and had only felt one once when Damian had given her one back at TISME. "Ummm... I think I'm out." she said after a moment. Then she went over to Damian, sitting back down beside him. "What's a backrub like anywashs?" she asked, confused.

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"A backrub?It's pretty simple,really.It helps relax the muscles,relieve tension.It feels good and it's good for your body." Damian told her as she sat down next to him.

"If you take off your armour,I can show you."

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Isotov and Irina

Iso: I'm not giving up that easily. Katie! Truth or Dare?

Irina: (Hey ... is Aiya coming onto me? She must've had more than just a couple of shots) Are you suuure you wanna give me a massage without being dared to? ^_^

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OOC: First serious post in a while

It was beautiful. A land full candy. There was candy growing off trees. He skipped towards one but then it all went black. A man in white appeared in front of him. Before Helios had a chance the man advanced the man grabbed his forehead. Helios couldnt move. "Dagger decided to join". A sly smile formed on his face. "They made a mockery off me too". "Imbeciles". The man looked down at Helios. "You made the candy go away" Helios said. "Disgusting" the man said throwing him aside. "They might do something to you that you will regret". Helios struggled to get up. The man snapped. "Huh" Helios said waking up.

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"I don't mind dropping out.Besides,with all the girls left,I'm most likely gonna be pole dancing soon if I stay in.If you want me to give you a backrub,it's no problem,Esphyr." Damian said in response to her confusion.

"Why would that be a problem?If you want me to wait until this is over though,that's alright.I wouldn't wanna distract you from any dares." Aiya said,tauntingly,and continued to tease Irina,moving on to gently nibbling her earlobe.

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OOC: Preying on misinterpretation in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...

Isotov and Irina

Iso: I'm getting a little envious of Chase and Damian over there, but I also want to top all of the dares so far. I dare you to sleep with me tonight.

Irina: ... WHAT THE-

Hearing Irina's panic, Kiev woke up his eyes darting from one person to the next! Not seeing anything out of order other than Irina's mating ritual, he put his head back down. The other girl then began nibbling on Irina's ear now too. It was most assuredly a mating ritual, but where was the male? Curious, he put his head back up and watched.

Irina: Uhhh ... Aiya?

EDIT: Changed things to fit in the Aiya bit.

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Irina jolted up slightly,surprising Aiya,but she managed to keep her grip.

"What's wrong Irina?So what if Isotov asked Katie to have sex with him,it's all part of the game,and she'll likely turn him down anyway."

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