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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 9: Over the wyvern mountain and through the dark woods


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Sleep with you? How about 'no'. Rather, how about Irina channels me and slaps you three times for that?

"Whoa... Not a good thing to ashk." said Esphyr, watching. "Anywash. Shur. Dropsh out and you can give me a bash rug." said Esphyr, giggling softly under her breath.

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"Alright then. hey you guys,I'm dropping out of the game,okay?" Damian said,so the others could hear him clearly,then turned back to Esphyr.

"Alright,take off your armour and lay on your stomach.If you're wearing something underneath it,it would help if you took off your shirt too,but if you aren't,don't worry about it."

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Alferis guessed that Katie would probably not go through with it. Didn't they know each other for only a short while? He figured he should drop out before he was dared to do something really bad.

He looked at Reika to see how she was finding all this.

"That's it. I'm out."

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OOC: I hope that puts an end to Cynthia's crap XD

Isotov and Irina

Iso: *sigh* it was worth a try -_-

Irina: Hahahaaaah!! Oh, I thought you meant sex!

Iso: Umm ... no, I just meant sharing a bedroll but ... I guess it makes no difference now. *sigh* ... do I have to choose someone else again?

Irina: Yep ^_^

Iso: Dammit ... Irina, truth or-

Irina: Dare!

Iso: Hmpf ... I dare you to skip your turn.

Irina: ... ... ... you bastard XD

Iso: Helios ... truth or dare?

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"If you wish, Milady. If not, I suppose we can stay here, for a little while, so they can finish up," Eric said, sure that the game was devolving as he spoke.


"Damn!" Dani said. "Iso's got guts."

Edit: added 'game'.

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"Now that that is out of your system,let's get comfy again,K Irina?" Aiya said,pushing Irina back down onto the ground,and resuming her earlier activites.

"Your hair smells like [Lavender(you can change this if it matters to you}],it's nice." Aiya said to her,taking whiffs of the sweet scent while playing with Irina's earlobe.


'If you would rather do this privately,then we can move somewhere else,sure." Damian replied,picking her up bridal style.

"Where would you like to go,Esphyr?"

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"Eeep!" squeaked Esphyr as she was lifted up off the ground. "Ummm... Anywhere ish fine so long as iths privash... Hic!" she said before looking over at Aiya. "Hey Aiya! Damia... UrP! Damian ish gonna give me a backrub, okay?"

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Isotov and Irina

Irina: I had no idea you were sooo ... brave.

Iso: Nothing ventured, nothing gained. (not that tonight really does anything for me ... we seemed to be just tempting aggression and romance) Helios, My question for you is ... what the hell prompted this change of yours? You were mostly a stubborn loner with no manners until a couple of nights ago. Did you find religion or something?

Irina: I know, Helios has been strange lately. It's confusing.

Before Helios answered, Iso leaned closer to Katie and whispered into her ear.(whisper as in none of you peeps heard nothin! -_- )

Iso:Hey, I'm sorry for putting you on the spot like that. I hope you're not too upset with me :sweatdrop:

OOC: Funny that you should mention her smelling good. Shanice likes the way Irina smells too. Never decided why though XD

Despite Aiya's odd behavior, Irina was too comfortable to complain. And the complements were starting to ... win her over.

Irina: Oh ... thank you, Aiya. I'm not sure what to think coming from a girl- huh? What's with the nibbling? :/

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"Go for it,hehe.Irina'll keep me company for now." Aiya said,moving her nibbles from Irina's ear to the nape of her neck,undoing the top of her shirt to access it.

"Hehe,don't worry about that,Irina...the nibbling?It's soothing,and you have a nice flavour,too...just relax,it feels good when you don't worry about it."


"There you go,then.Let's go." Damian said,carrying Esphyr a little ways away behind some tree cover.

"Is this good,or do you want to go further?"

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"What change" Helios said. "I was always like this". "At least thats how i think i was" He said while scratching his head. "Um lets see". "Katie, Truth or dare"?

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Isotov and Irina

Iso: It's uh ... actually been closer to a week now, but I understand ... I'd prefer to win over the teacher in you first anyway ^_^

Irina: *gulp* (What's going on?) :/

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Upon hearing Esphyr ask to go in a little deeper,Damian smiled at her.

"Deeper,eh?I think I can do that." He told her,and steadying himself,he lunged forward,pushing himself deeper inside the damp,dark bushes.She held onto him tightly at the sudden,quick movement,and her whole body rocked against him as he stopped several meters deeper inside.

"This better?"


"You seem nervous,Irina...it's okay." Aiya said soothingly,gently massaging her back and thighs while furthering her assault on Irina's neck.

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Charlotte saw Aiya mounting Irina and Damian and Esphyr were suspiciously absent.

She turned away "Ah, perhaps rejoin the group later Sir Eric?"

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"Yes Damian." she said, looking up at him, the moonlight reflecting in her eyes. She hugged him closed before she flung herself out of his grasp, not to flee, but rather so that she could undo the light armor that protected her. However, such a thing was difficult to do when imbibed and she had trouble with the knots.


No I don't know.

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"Hold on." Damian said,and quickly undid the ties keeping the armour attached to Esphyr's body.

As he pulled it off of her,his hands ran gently across her stomach and sides,and then he pulled it off of her.

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Isotov and Irina

Irina: Nervous? No ... n-not nervous ... confused as hell but not nervous.

Kiev finally gave into his curiosity. There was no male trying to mate with either of them. Perhaps one of them was secretly a male. He walked over for a closer look and put his head right down near Aiya and Irina's faces.

Irina: O-oh ... hi, Kiev :sweatdrop:

Kiev: ???

Iso: (A mute? Right ... Harold .... )

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"No need to be confused.I'm just gonna relax the tension in your body,and give you a nice time.What's so confusing about that?" Aiya said,before noticing Kiev had come over out of curiosity.

"Oh,hello Kiev.You don't need to worry,I'm not gonna hurt Irina."

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"Yes, Milady," Eric said, turning away from the pair, "Perhaps we should. A walk, then?"

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"I would enjoy that." answered Charlotte.

'So how did you end up becoming Duke Arckson's apprentice Sir Eric? If I recall correctly, he already has a son well trained in swordmanship, taking on another unknown apprentice seems odd."

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