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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 9: Over the wyvern mountain and through the dark woods


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"Oh Sir Eric, that's terrible!" said Charlotte. "To lose both your parent and all your money...I can empathize. I wish I could have done something for you."

"Still, Duke Arckson was a fine man for taking you in. He will be sorely missed...as will many others." she said with a sad look.

"I think you are too hard on yourself Sir Eric. You are a very impressive swordsman and you have a strong will. I think you may even surpass Duke Arckson some day." she said with a smile.

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"Sho... You like her mush more." said Esphyr. Oddly enough, she didn't seem mad or angry but rather... well... Pleased. "Damian... Pleash... I hate it when people lie to me in jobsh. You're Aiya's man. Not mine. Not yet." she said before pulling him close to give him a full on hug, likely pulling his entire weight down on top of her. Still, she rubbed her head against his own with a somewhat happy look. "Don't give me a mission I cash't handle. Don't try to farce me to make you mime. I don't shink of myself as worthless; I jush know my place. Shanks for being shupportive, but... Wash... In Halton, they shupport multiple marriages, right?"

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"I'm glad you are seeing your own worth Esphyr.And like I said,you don't need to thank me for something like that.I'll always support you,Esphyr."

She seemed...content.

"Hmm?Multiple marriages?Yeah,they're common practice in Halton...are you saying you wanna be my wife?" he asked her,wondering if her mention of it was just a query,or something more.

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"Aiya seemed content enough for now.I can spend a night away...we have a great view of the stars...we could just fall asleep here..." Damian began,the drowsiness starting to overcome him.

"Wha...whadayya say...Esphyr...*yawn*...we can sleep on the grass tonight..."


"Dare,eh?I was hoping you would say that,hehe~" Aiya said to her,a grin plastered on her face.

"Alright Irina...I want you to take your shirt off for me.Anything you've got underneath,too.As well as all of your armour."

Edited by Ether
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Eric smiled. "The material things, I do not mind, but the death of my father, who I had just began to know, was a bit tough. The Goddess bless his souls, along with Master Arckson's and all those who died, in the invasion." Upon hearing the third comment, he bowed again. "It pleases me that my liege praises me so. I still have a long way to go, however, but I shall do my best to protect you. "

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Isotov and Irina

Iso: Irina, don't. It's not worth it.

Irina: >_<

Iso: Irinaaa ...

Irina: ... can't ... lose ... to- Helioooos :sob:

OOC: Irina's a small C size by the way -_-

As Iso hung his head, Irina, slowly began undoing her chestplate ...

Irina: ... can I at least use my hair for cover? :(

Iso: This game has officially gone too far.

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"Well the least I can do is return your estate to you Sir Eric. For your very valiant service in defending the crown of course. The Lady truly smiled upon me when she sent you to Hamburg."

"Shall we be heading back soon? How long does this... sort of thing usually take?" she inquired with a raised eyebrow.

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"Helios asked Katie,so he's out,because she was already out when he asked her.As for covering..." Aiya moved so Irina's chest was only visible to Irina herself and Aiya.

"That's all I can do for you,sweetie.Are you gonna finish?"

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Dani stared at the two women. "Uh, I think this went far enough. The game's off," she said. "I mean, there's kids around. C'mon."


"Perhaps," Eric said, "But that will have to be after Jerdon is restored. As for heading back, I will let you decide. Games like that may very well stretch the night." A few seconds passed, and he saw that Charlotte was struggling to stay awake. "Are you weary, Princess? If you wish, I can carry you back to camp... If that is alright with you, and if you do not find that... vulgar."

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Isotov and Irina

Irina: *sigh* okay ... it's not the first time the game has gone this far, just never thought it'd be me :/

Iso: ... okay I'm done. If it come back around to me, things are going to start catching on fire. Goodnight, guys.

He then turned to Katie, and leaned in again, making sure to whisper.

Iso: Slap me if you want ... I'd understand, but it's not too late to at least sleep close by each other ... no not the same bedroll of course ^_^

Irina didn't take long removing all of her armor save for everything below her belt. Using Aiya for cover made things a little less intense.

Irina: I know it's just a game ... but dammit I wanna win >_<

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"No, Sir Eric, I find it very gentlemanly of you to offer and I accept. I am so tired that I can probably ignore any fraternizing going on anyway." Charlotte said with a smile.

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That will be okay Iso. she wrote with a smile. There is no problem with sleeping near each other at all. As she finished writing, she bent forwards and gave him a small hug. Honestly though, there was one question I was worried someone would ask.

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Isotov and Irina

Iso: What question was that? I might want to ask anyway

He smirked trying to tease her a bit.

Viveka's Squadron

Later that day, Viveka and her knights had take a severe wrong turn and ended up at a port. After finding out that no group matching the description the Haltonian fire starting bandits, they decided to head the other way, up to that strange country. Before they had the chance though, they themselves were attacked by bandits and robbed. Tracking down the bandits led them on a very long chase. it would be a long while before they found the group, and the threat of the mercenaries was increasing.

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"Very well," Eric said, before gently picking Charlotte up. Wrapping the long part of his coat over her, he slowly made his way back to the camp, sure to avoid Damian and Esphyr and any other couple that may have been out in the woods, before eventually reaching Charlotte's bed roll, where Tessa was unrolling her own cot. Placing the princess softly onto her bed roll, Eric whispered, "Bonne nuit,", before nodding at the troubador, and returning to the campfire.

"I'm not going to even ask," Eric said, when he saw Irina taking off her armor.

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