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Make FE characters meet another one?


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Navarre, Ayra, Lakche, Skasher, Shannan, Shiva, Mareeta, Fir, Karel, Rutger, Guy, Joshua, Marissa, Zihark, Mia, and Edward (gasps for air) have a giant sparring match

The Swordmaster fangirl in me will pay big money to see that happen. :wub:

My money's on either Lakche or Shanan.

Bonus points if all the guys are shirtless.

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Okay, last one now:

Heather and Lucius A Support

Lucius: Heather.

Heather: What do you want?

Lucius: You should stop stealing.

Heather: What do you know? You don't know what it's like to have to take care of yourself!

Lucius: No, I don't. But, I lost both of my parents at a young age. You at least still have your mother. Heather, her sickness is really being caused by her worry for you.

Heather: I only started stealing so I could afford the medicine.....My father abandoned us when I was ten. Deadbeat men! That's why I hate them, including you!

Lucius: Hate me if you must, Heather. But your mother needs you, more than she needs money or medicine. Please, consider my words, Heather.....

Heather: I suppose.....Lucius, if all men were as gentle and as caring as you.....You really could be a woman, you know?

Lucius: Heather, please.....When I was a child, I was often ridiculed for my feminine appearance.

Heather: What!? But that's your greatest asset!

Lucius: I don't see how that.....Oh. Now I understand. That's why you.....You must be......a les....

Heather: Say no more, Lucius. I know that you church folk don't approve of my lifestyle. But I want to be with someone who cares about me, someone who understands me. No man is capable of showing me the love that I desire.

Lucius: Heather, what matters is that you take care of your mother. If you still need money.....

Heather: Lucius! Where did you get that?

Lucius: This is all the money I've saved up on my travels. People across the land have been so kind to me.....I made a vow to Blessed Elimine that I would not use this money for selfish purposes, but only to benefit others. Heather, if you have need of this, it is yours.

Heather: Lucius,I.....I don't know what to say. But, I'm not going to take it from you.

Lucius: But why?

Heather: I don't take things from nice people. Lucius.....Maybe you should come home with me. I'm sure my mother would like to see you again.

Lucius: Yes, I would like to see her again as well.

Heather: We can go when we are done with this army.

Lucius: Yes. May Blessed Elimine protect us both.....

Ending of Heather and Lucius

After the war, Heather brought Lucius to her hometown. Her mother's sickness had vanished without a trace, and it was not long before Lucius decided to break his vows and marry Heather. Lucius enabled Heather to give up her stealing ways once and for all. Yet even in the toughest times, the two always had money.....

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It wasn't my idea, I just built on it. Maybe this is just me, but I think characters from Elibe and Tellius go well together. I'm gonna try Gatrie x Serra next.

Gatrie and Serra (C Support)

Serra: Hello there.

Gatrie: Oh, what can I do for you, miss?

Serra: There's some big, nasty enemies over there, and little old me can't possibly take them on alone.....I need a big,strong man to help me.

Gatrie: Never fear! The Great Gatrie will help you! Not even a hundred enemies can scratch my tough physique!

Serra: Oh, Gatrie! That sounds like such a strong name....I'm Serra.

Gatrie: Serra! You shall be under my protection henceforth!

Serra: Great! And if you get beat up, I can heal you with my staff.

Gatrie: Your wonderful smile is all the healing I need, Serra. But, I won't get beat up! Watch me gain victory!

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I picked it because in the actual FE7 game, Serra has a support with Oswin, who is an Armor Knight like Gatrie. But while Oswin basically tells Serra that she is a brat, Gatrie is a lot more likely to cater to Serra's whims. Here's what their B Support might look like:

Gatrie: Owwww.....

Serra: Geez, Gatrie! You really got yourself beat up back there!

Gatrie: Oh, Serra! I did not mean to fail you, my lovely maiden.

Serra: I've seen other men do crazy things to try and impress me, but nothing like you just did!

Gatrie: I'm sorry, Serra. But that one bandit had a hammer.....When he came at me, I nearly thought that I was finished. But you screamed "Eeeeeeee!" at the top of your lungs. That frightened the bandit enough to let his guard down, and I claimed victory! Serra, we are meant to be! You shall be my light, and I shall be your knight in shining armor!

Serra: Uh.....Gatrie, I don't think.....

Gatrie: Tell me, Serra.

Serra: Tell you about what, Gatrie?

Gatrie: These other men who have tried crazy things to impress you.....Tell me about my rivals.

Serra: Well, I know an Ostian thief who just can't seem to keep his eyes off of me. He really should be carrying out his duties for Lord Hector, but I catch him staring at me all the time.

Gatrie: No thief is a match for the Great Gatrie! Serra, tell me the next time that lecherous thief is looking at you, and I'll pound him into the ground!

Serra: Gatrie, you don't need to beat him up. Just having you with me.....I feel safe. I know you'll jump into any wave of foes for me, won't you?

Gatrie: Of course I will, Serra. As long as you are there to surprise our foes with your lyrical screams! (Gatrie leaves)

Serra: That man is clearly out of his mind.....But, I certainly don't mind having a dumb bodyguard. A beautiful girl like me needs a male minion every once in a while.....

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LULZ, Serra.... Always so hilarious as usual....

I think if Serra or L'Arachel meet Clarine or Kieran.... that would be disastrously hilarious!

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Yeah, since Kieran always beats himself up in training, Serra could heal him. Maybe you can write the supports for that. I'm gonna go ahead and finish up Gatrie and Serra.

Gatrie and Serra (A Support)

Serra: Oh, Gatrie!

Gatrie: Serra! My shining light! How do you fare this fine day?

Serra: Gatrie, what were you doing talking to those girls over there?

Gatrie: Huh? They.....They were just acquaintances, Serra!

Serra: You seemed pretty familiar with them, Gatrie. You almost seemed like you were.....hitting on them.

Gatrie: N-No I wasn't!

Serra: Gah, I knew it! You're just like a certain cavalier of Caelin that I know! I'm just your next victim, aren't I, Gatrie?

Gatrie: Serra, please listen to me.....

Serra: Am I not cute or adorable enough? Why can no man stay committed to me?

Gatrie: Serra, I am committed to you.

Serra: How can I trust you, when you go and talk to women behind my back?!

Gatrie: Serra, those women were wedding planners.

Serra: Wh-What?!

Gatrie: Serra.....I have never felt this way about any woman in my life. Yes, in the past, I've been a womanizer. But, you were the first woman to ever save my life. I want to be your knight.....forever. So, I ask you, maiden Serra. Will you marry me?

Serra: Ohmigosh!!!!! Look at the size of that ring! Gatrie.....Wow,you really do care about me! Gatrie.....I grew up in a convent, where I had almost nothing. I'm a lot like you. Just as you were trying to hit on girls, I was trying to hit on guys to fill the void in my life.....But you're the first one who actually risked his life in battle to protect me. It was just us two against those bandits.....Gatrie, it is clear to me that we should be together. I'm going to work hard and be your shining light.

Gatrie: That is such great news to my heart, Serra. With the Great Gatrie at your side, no one shall harm you!

Ending of Gatrie and Serra

After the war, Gatrie gave up his job as a Greil Mercenary to be with his beloved Serra. Gatrie enrolled in the knighthood of Ostia, where he worked for the good of the kingdom. But, more than anything, Gatrie fought to protect Serra. With Serra's healing staff and her healing smile, Gatrie came through battle after battle without a scratch.

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I'm going to write the Kieran X L'Arachel supports instead.... and also I'll see if I can pull off Clarine X Serra for teh lulz.... or better... L'Arachel X Serra... XDD

LULZ.... Kieran X L'Arachel support here... (Level C Support)

The support reeks of L'Arachel X Innes... lolreferences....

L'Arachel: Why hello there!

Kieran: Oh... hi there...

L'Arachel: I guess this is our first time to talk in complete privacy isn't it? Well I am L'Arachel from the Theocracy of Rausten, it is a pleasure to meet you out here....

Kieran: You face Kieran, the second commander of Crimea's Royal Knights!

L'Arachel: Hmm.. royal knights you say? Well.. Rausten has a rather organized system with our Knights...

Kieran: WHAT?!

L'Arachel: Yes, my dear...

Kieran: You're saying that your knights are better than us, Crimeans?!?

L'Arachel: Yes, and if you want to prove that your knights are better.... How about our knights do a little competition in some events, shall we??

Kieran: We'll see about that you prancing prude! You will face your doom!

L'Arachel: Ohohoho.... what a hot headed man are you! You will soon face my righteousness and my powerful divinity!

(LULZ, clash of the egomaniacs)

Edited by Frostbite
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Navarre, Ayra, Lakche, Skasher, Shannan, Shiva, Mareeta, Fir, Karel, Rutger, Guy, Joshua, Marissa, Zihark, Mia, and Edward (gasps for air) have a giant sparring match

Eltoshan, Raven, and Epharim see whose litle sister is the best ;-D

Do want. GO JOSHUA GO!

*kicks Raven out and left the 2 epic boys alone*

That's better. :wub:

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I don't think anyone has said this but I'd REALLY like to see my two favorite characters meet. Ross and Boyd. XD I can only imagine them training together or Ross trying to prove to Boyd that he is a true Warrior. (I should make supports.)

Something else I would find funny would be Pelleas and Lute for some reason.

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I did not realize this topic turned into Make-A-Support-Conversation. . .but I don't mind at all. Keep 'em coming!

Well... two FE characters meeting does make sense! XDD

I don't think anyone has said this but I'd REALLY like to see my two favorite characters meet. Ross and Boyd. XD I can only imagine them training together or Ross trying to prove to Boyd that he is a true Warrior. (I should make supports.)

Something else I would find funny would be Pelleas and Lute for some reason.

Ross and Boyd would have one hell of a fight while Pelleas and Lute meeting means the revival of the crazy supports that Lute had with lolKnoll... XDD

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Fe7 Hector meets fe6 Zephiel

H what u kill me excuse me for a minute "goes back to own time in ch 28 battle before dawn"

Z ???

H "runs in and kills Zephiel

Eliwood what are u doing Hector?

H saving my life

in other place where all fe meets

Zephiel what??? "vanishes"

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Gatrie meets Sain. Commence every girl in the continents of Tellius and Elibe to get hit on. Oh and Lucius. Gatrie would probably hit on him...


I sense mass rejection coming on from this one.

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Gatrie meets Sain. Commence every girl in the continents of Tellius and Elibe to get hit on. Oh and Lucius. Gatrie would probably hit on him...

SPEED DATES ANYONE?? Saul V.S Sain V.S Gatrie!


I sense mass rejection coming on from this one.

Ohohoho! True! True! All teh womanizers will end up crying at the end or worse... get smacked by Echidna the man-lady!

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I sense mass rejection coming on from this one.

You know what would be worse:

Gatrie x Clarine or Priscilla.

Man, Gatrie would get rejected so fast by those two, it would be a riot(Pris because she's an Etrurian noble and Gat's a mercenary knight(same deal with Heath except that he's a deserter from Bern), Clarine because of Rutger.). L'arachel too, except that Gat wouldn't want to join the Circus of the Dead and she has Ephraim anyway.

Actual Convo:

Gatrie: Hey beautiful.

Priscilla: Excuse me? Have we met?

Gatrie: No, but when I look at you, it's like we've met eons ago!

Prissy: Um, ok.

Gatrie: My name's Gatrie. What's yours?

Prissy: I'm Priscilla, a vassal to Count Caerleon of Etruria.

Gatrie: A noblewoman, eh? I think I just got luckygee_wiz_emoticon.gifwub.gif

Raven: I couldn't help but overhear your conversation, good sir knight.

Gatrie: WTF, man. I was only hitting on this girl here, guy.

Raven: That's my fucking SISTER, retard!

Gatrie: Can we still hang out, Pris?

Prissy: This isn't going to work out for us. You know how Raven is. He doesn't like strange men hitting on me. And unfortunately, that includes you.

Raven: GTFO, NOW!angry.gifangry.gif Oh and don't bother coming back. Be a good knight and go back to Tellius. We Elibians don't need your [str-based AS loss modifying] or the laguz!


Gatrie: Hey guys.

Sain: You too? I always thought I would get teh girlz. But no. Why? Because Raven always intervenes, and as of right now, only Guy can see her.

Saul: OH come on, Sain. You know balls about girls. At least I have a girl who loves me(looks at Dorothy, who is turning away from him)

Levin: Hehe. I get all the ladies in my game. But I chose Fury because I want my son to be completely ridiculous, and who has Pursuit.

Eltosian: Why are you four even talking about womanizing anyway? Be like me and bang my sister do something real, like mercenary work.

All four: NO!

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