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Coalition of Thread Derailing Citizens(CTDC)


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Recruiting status: OPEN

Current Members: Erk, EmeraldFox, Soul, Furetchen Arrowroot, Griulf

Application: Copy paste and fill out


Forum age:

Best attribute:

Trolling specialities:

Are you a tactical trolling operative:

Do you have prior trolling experience, if so give examples:

Can you think strategically and quick when trolling:

Have you any existing trolling history:

Are you a team based troll:

Do you possess the will to learn trolling tactics:

Can you understand advanced troll teachings:

Do you believe you can dedicate yourself to the coalition:

Final question, if you found yourself staring down the maw of a stupid ass topic made by a member (E.G. Crashgordon), what would you do?

If you pass selections unlike a muppet, the signature required is this.

Proud member of the Coalition of Thread Derailing Citizens(CTDC)


Any stupid ass topics must be posted in by at least one member of the Coalition so as to show our arm reaches far within the forest. Also, do not limit your trolling to FfTF, make sure you troll other topics as well.



Edited by Erk
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For an example, I will fill out the application.

Name: Erk

Forum age: 2 years

Best attribute: awesome jewfro

Trolling specialities: saying ' does not =/= funny'

Are you a tactical trolling operative: yes

Do you have prior trolling experience, if so give examples: yes, crashgordon

Can you think strategically and quick when trolling: yes

Have you any existing trolling history: yes

Are you a team based troll: no, but I will learn

Do you possess the will to learn trolling tactics: yes

Can you understand advanced troll teachings: barely

Do you believe you can dedicate yourself to the coalition: yes

Final question, if you found yourself staring down the maw of a stupid ass topic made by a member (E.G. Crashgordon), what would you do? Use barely detectable sarcasm and piss him off, then complain he was being a sarcastic jerk.

Edited by Erk
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That is only getting me in by wanting to check your reply you know.

Sadly you must fill out the application, as only the first derailer will get free access.

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Sadly you must fill out the application, as only the first derailer will get free access.

Here's mine then:

Name: Soul

Forum age: 11/2 years

Best attribute: Are you kidding me...?

Trolling specialities: Trolling JewTube n00bs.

Are you a tactical trolling operative: Yes.

Do you have prior trolling experience, if so give examples: Arguing against christians over RED & Skillet and their song meanings.

Can you think strategically and quick when trolling: Yes. Very.

Have you any existing trolling history: Nope.

Are you a team based troll: Nope.

Do you possess the will to learn trolling tactics: Maybe.

Can you understand advanced troll teachings: Nope.

Do you believe you can dedicate yourself to the coalition: The what?

Final question, if you found yourself staring down the maw of a stupid ass topic made by a member (E.G. Crashgordon), what would you do? Eh....

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your in tho soul.

I can make it more gentlemanly if you want.

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Name: Griulf

Forum age: Too old to answer that question

Best attribute: I dunno

Trolling specialities:


Are you a tactical trolling operative: Wut

Do you have prior trolling experience, if so give examples: I dunno

Can you think strategically and quick when trolling: If I must

Have you any existing trolling history: Maybe

Are you a team based troll: If I can use other members, I do so

Do you possess the will to learn trolling tactics: Yes?

Can you understand advanced troll teachings: I dunno

Do you believe you can dedicate yourself to the coalition: Maybe

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Name: Shove it up your arse.

Forum age: Shove it up your arse.

Best attribute: I'm Irish. Fuck you.

Trolling specialities: I'm Irish, fuck you.

Are you a tactical trolling operative: With caffeine, yes.

Do you have prior trolling experience, if so give examples: Kinda. I flamed that guy, who's name I don't recall.

Can you think strategically and quick when trolling: yes

Have you any existing trolling history: You already asked me this, asshole.

Are you a team based troll: Shove it up your arse.

Do you possess the will to learn trolling tactics: Yeah

Can you understand advanced troll teachings: Yeah.

Do you believe you can dedicate yourself to the coalition: Shove it up your arse.

Final question, if you found yourself staring down the maw of a stupid ass topic made by a member (E.G. Crashgordon), what would you do? He's English. I'm Irish-Australian. A fight would ensue, and I would win.

Edited by Furetchen Arrowroot
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