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This is totally a formality.


Age: Late teens.

Race: Human

Appearance: Active and spunky-looking teenager. Has her mother's eyes and hair (blue) but her father's facial structure. Tends to wear punky sort of clothes, with lot of bare midriffs and such. Fair skin. Pretty.

Weapons: She has a carved stick made of heavy and solid wood that she uses both to direct her spells and, on occasion, bop people on the head.

Magic: Learning ice magic. She's no Eltiar, but she's getting there.

Backstory: She's Eltiar's daughter and sees Stark as being like an uncle.

Other: Pretty cool gal.



Age: Apparently late twenty. Which means it isn't.

Race: Apparently human. Which means he isn't.

Appearance: Very tall. He's got dark brown hair and green eyes, with angular features.Long coat. Carries a glaive (long polearm, like a spear but with a sword blade instead of just a pointy thing)

Weapons: Aforementioned glaive. His fists can be pretty deadly too.

Magic: Sort of.

Backstory: Known as "Dragoon", is a member of the same cell as Morgen "The Scourge" and the late Shu.

Other: Totally not a dragon.

Edited by SuperFush
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Name: Darrian Cooke

Age: Late teens

Race: Human

Appearance: About 5' 9", pretty scrawny, Dark brown hair that comes down to about the ears.

Weapons: Bow and arrows, pretty much it

Magic (if applicable): Nahhh

Backstory: Born in the capital, he became a merchant's apprentice as soon as he was able to, in order to start making a living.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Name: Kiratsa

Age: 21

Race: Lizardman

Appearance: Green scales with a tint of black to them. Aquamarine eyes and a gentle look on his face at nearly all times. Wears a chain shirt and and bandanna.

Weapons: Lizard Sword (Wide shortsword with a blue hilt and feathers around it), wood shortspear, buckler.

Magic: Has knowledge of primitive ancient earth magic, though he can only cast very basic spells, like vines, or very small tremors and shockwaves. These take up a good portion of his energy and only uses them when his weapons cannot suffice. He has some natural talent for water magic but has no knowledge of any spells from there. Aside from that, he isn't very magically inclined.

Backstory: Son of the tribal shaman of a race of swamp dwelling lizards, Kiratsa hated humans like most of his kind, staying away from them whenever possible. Unfortunately, a rival of his framed Kiratsa for murder and he was cast out into the world of humans. Having learned to adapt to their ways, Kiratsa has learned to tolerate humans better, his hate lessened. He works as a mercenary and desperately wants to clear his name and serve as his tribe's head warrior.

Other: Kiratsa is very simple and terse, distrusting humans on a general principle. He enjoys food and wine and good fights, but always talks about how much better Lizardman culture is. He's a decent enough fighter, skilled in the basics of the spear and has a decent knowledge of swordfighting, his natural lizard strength and skill making up for his lack of polish. He's not as good as more advanced swordsmen though, but he can use most weapons.

Edited by Yoshimitsu
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I must be really bored to be signing up for two RPs with the same character. Within 5 minutes of each other.

Name: Cam(tech)

Age: 16

Race: Human

Appearance: 9rqa1y.jpg

Weapons: Whatever he picks up.

Magic (if applicable): None

Backstory: An amnesiac wanderer trying to find out who he really is ((COPOUT GO))

Other: Loyal to a fault, also is known to walk away from fights out of boredom. Also a bit of an arrogant prick.

((For future reference, I don't use OOC:: tags like everyone else. I use double parentheses instead.))

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I don't think this'll be approved, for quite a few reasons. First off, the nature of the character - not only is he a pretty blatant self-insert, but amnesia as a plot device is rarely well-written, which, if you've seen the RP, is kinda something that we're going for. For another thing, unlike a ton of people on this board, there's really no good way to get a judge of your writing. I mean, to my knowledge, you've only made two short, simple posts in Psych's RP, which isn't exactly saying much about you. And for a final thing, using self-inserts and random amnesia is damning enough, but to acknowledge them as cop-outs blindly just doesn't really fit what we have planned for this story.

If you want to actually participate, I'd suggest making a serious character, or perhaps PMing e_s with ideas. For now, though...

Yeah, I'm gonna guess that you're not gonna get in.

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Not gonna lie, camtech, not too optimistic about this one, it doesn't seem like you really put any thought into this it's a self-insert..with amnesia.

also, not a fan of OoC in RP posts. there's a chat topic for OoC convo, in post it kind of mucks up any kind of flow we may have going.

I'll probably say yes if you make an actual character, but as of yet, no.

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  • 1 month later...




Appearance:blond hair, simple leather shirt and pants

Weapons:blade of elements (good side) (backstory will explain it)

Magic (if applicable):all kinds (backstory will explain)

Backstory:Coming from a mysterious land James makes himself an assassin in order to find a way to kill a dark side of him self. This dark side was released when he first entered the land and now he must use the blade of elements that only chooses one wielder to kill that dark spawn. A seal is placed on his back and that's where his magic comes from. He only uses certain amounts of magic depending on how bad the situation is if he cannot use the blade alone to kill the enemies. He works alone and almost has the tactician skill of Rutem. Though an assassin he has had countless times where he almost killed Prophet, General Zerral, and Lord Tahkysis without them knowing. The dark spawn of him always teleports him away and the dark spawn will get a description as well.

Other:He somehow flirts with women when he never notices(at least he focuses on stopping evil)

Name:Dark Spawn of James



Appearance: like james but a minor tint of black

Weapon: blade of elements (evil side)

Magic: all

Backstory:the evil spawn of James and has stopped assassinations of Prophet, General Zerral, and Lord Tahkysis. He also is the reason why there is an increase in dark forces.

Other:He will show no mercy ally or foe.

what do you think of this?

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You read the sign ups, I'll give you that much.

But there are issues here. First Your character looks pretty OP from first glance. Having been involved in the assassination attempts of several pretty OP chars as is. Able to use all kinds of magic, which would require some pretty hefty explanation as we currently have exactly 1 guy who can match that claim, and a) he doesn't also use 'The Blade of the Elements', and b) he is kind of a clean-up killer for this Organization of superbadasses whose specific role is to eliminate super badasses. On the subject of that Blade of The Elements, btw... I'll need an explanation of how it differs from a regular sword before I'd let it through.

Second, he seems really cliche. Not that I mind cliche, but I'm more of a fan of turning cliches on their heads.

That said, shoot me a PM, we'll work out some minor stuff, and get you RPing ASAP.

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well the sword also doesn't always work i forgot to put that in so one day the sword will just be a sword...also he had to train for years in order to use the sword....also well lets make it that the sword only will be used in those deadly situations or at near death without it and here is the threat level

1-4:no threat

5-8:minor threat

9-12:semi major threat

13-16:major threat

17-20:deadly threat

oh and also he''s lazy at times and i mean LAZY

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That still doesn't solve much, because if he's a peerless swordsman as well as a masterful mage, he's still raver overpowered.

Those numbers are pretty arbitrary and meaningless without some sort of comparison. I mean, what qualifies as a 3? What qualifies as a 16? What do we compare it to?

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well he acts like a common villager but he gets into trouble without weapons...trust me he isn't always on missions or fighting...plus well i guess we can go up to d rank magic spells in fe and c rank swords...i don't think that still solves much.....ok scratch the blade of elements idea and using magic

it'll be an evil spawn of someone appears...guys fights as a myrmidon instead...and also putting in lazy helps as well and being a semi good tactician can be a great edit as well...avoiding the gary stu and op area

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