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You missed my point by so much there it's hilarious. I was saying that's why I'm not going to join this RP, whereas you guys were trying to change the RP. I'm just stating an opinion, not forcing it on others.

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Yeah that wasn't funny at all. Point is you were trying to change a system we already had, while we're just saying we don't like it so we won't play it.

....lol? I think part of the issue in this topic is that people need to loosen up... he's not insulting you, you know.

Now, as I've been in both several of Snowy's RPs and a couple of e_s's RPs, I think it might be alright if I state my opinion on this.

Snowy's RPs (stat systems, defined world, ect) tend to play out more like an RPG. You have stats, and a lot of it is leveling up and customizing characters and such. (at least the ones I was in)

e_s's RPs (free form) tend to end up more like a book. It's all about the characters and what they do, not so much about their strength or expertise.

Neither is wrong, they're just different. I think I kinda lost where I was going with this as well, so I'll stop now.

Also, like I said, no need to be so serious. D: It's supposed to be fun, if you get too serious the fun starts to wane....

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He kinda was insulting me. He basically copy-pasted something I said when he complained about Snowy's RP, and changed a few words.

EDIT: Here's my post for reference...

For the people who think numbers are stupid, good for you. Don't play then. If you're going to say "the whole system's stupid" when everyone else is okay with it, then that's not our problem to make the system based on how you want it. If you want to play without numbers, great. Do it somewhere else.

Edited by Lightning
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I never tried to change the RP, I just shared my opinion on stat RPs (which is exactly what you just did in here, only I was under no illusion that you were attacking us), and you took that as a personal attack on your RP of choice. If you want to write in it, hey, that's fine by me - but this is an alternative that, to me, takes a lot less work. For all I know, your RP could be the superbest most fun one ever created and I'm just missing out - but the chances of me joining it are slim anyways, so it's a moot point.

Yeah, I used your post for reference, because, you may not get this since you're in aggressive posture, the situations aren't really that different.

Edited by OtherPhase
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The thing is, I wasn't trying to change it, whereas he said something about changing it so there's no stats whatever etc. I was just stating why I didn't sign up for it.

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He never said he was trying to change yours either... I read the topic, he was asking why you RPed the way you did.

At least, that's what I got from it.

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I' date=' uh, gotta agree with e_s on this one, I can't even get myself to read the first post, and the idea of stats/defined skills seems really constraining and counter-intuitive to something that should be creative and such. I looked at the actual RP posts, and it looks like it turned into simple one-lining, which I also can't get behind, so...[/quote']
Mostly? How this is fun. I understand RPing' date=' I've been doing it for quite some time, and, if I'm allowed to let my ego shine through, I'm pretty good at it. But I've never once had fun in an RP that threw numbers into the mix, and I've been in a few of those. I just like having a little more freedom in something that's supposed to be creative and free-form. I understand that it's supposed to limit what the characters can do - but isn't that what the RPer is supposed do? If you trust everyone so little to control themselves and their characters... I find that a little insulting, personally.[/quote']

There's my posts, tell me where I told you to change the RP. Those are my opinions and experiences, I don't really care what you think about them, I just shared them because I figured they were worth stating.

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Hm. There is something bothering me here. There is no stat battles or anything huh. So if character X kills character Y how will that be justified?

Also, no stats, and we're not gonna be super badasses, so don't sign those up.

Stats make you badass? You need a new dictionary. Stats keep stuff in balance so that characters cant kill of each others with ease. I didnt see a rule that restricted killing of other users characters. So what are you going to do if i join and become some sort of badass monkey ninja type of character and kill off everyone else. Just something you might want to take into account.

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Stats make you badass? You need a new dictionary. Stats keep stuff in balance so that characters cant kill of each others with ease. I didnt see a rule that restricted killing of other users characters. So what are you going to do if i join and become some sort of badass monkey ninja type of character and kill off everyone else. Just something you might want to take into account.

He was saying.

1) There's no stats

2) Don't sign up as an instant super-badass dude.

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Indeed, Lightning has the right of the interpretation.

If you kill all the other characters with a normal, non-badass character, congrats, you're clearly a better writer than anyone else here.

Edited by OtherPhase
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Well with Lord of Azure Flames, the stats are to resolve combat more efficiently. Now I know you're going to be like "duh", but the group rarely gets into fights, and instead, we tend to prefer complex character interaction and development. Plus when you create your characters, you're customizing what you want to be. It's like D&D.

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You may be fine with someone killing your character but like i said..............

Just something you might want to take into account.

It doesnt take much to kill someone in an RP

Character X pushed character Y into a canyon of spikes

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I'm pretty sure you missed the sarcasm there Kai.

Anyway, it's probably frowned down upon to start mauling other people's characters without just cause.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Really guys? We're talking about this?

Look, I'm really trying to avoid this pointless bickering. You guys are doing an RPG, or at least an RP with game elements. Your combat actions are dictated by dice rolls, cool, whatever. That's not what we're doing here. We coming together and making a world, a story, and that's all. We're not playing a game, we're telling a story, a few stories, actually. If the story turns out cool, awesome. If it gets bogged down in petty argments, less so.

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Also, character contol is generally very frowned upon in RPs.

You wouldn't say you pushed them, but rather you made to push them. It's common courtesy to let someone else decide if you hit them/connect your push w/e.

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I'm pretty sure you missed the sarcasm there Kai.

My sarcasm detector is broken according to another user <_<

There is always going to be another Nady. *Shudders*

I may seem like an enemy but like i stated twice

Just something you might want to take into account.

Edited by Kai
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Ok. We're not trying to say your game sucks, we're just voicing our opinions and suggestions and so far, it doesn't seem like you're doing what you're setting out to do. I'm sorry if we're being a bit aggressive.

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