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This Is Where The Tiger Sleeps

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Blarggh, I guess I just put here stuff that I like from November to this day...

Battle Sprites


New battle sprite for Yahn! He really deserves different BS than other totally random Manaketes.





Zexion, Ultimecia, Squall and Stefan


Lollipops <3


Iron Spriter entries (that robot is kinda incomplete and... I though that I ran out of time so shading is what is it)


Better and not so incomplete version of that Robot (still have to finish that left foot, left side of head (our POV), and replace that lolballista with other weapon)



First time making pretty much custom stuff for mugs, I'm actually pretty happy of this smile.gif


Lol, it's uncle Hugh! (result of my short boredom)



Splice contest stuff


Yes, It's Alice Margatroid from Touhou Project.

And then... Mugs that I have made of my lovely OC, Pura <3

CasualPura.png (First halfbody that I have ever made)

PuraZeroSuit-1.png (wtf.gif ... did something for one competition (SSB cosplay) but never bothered to fix it's problems + I was late...)

SSBCompetion.png (for same competition, couldn't choose between Samus Aran or Pikachu so I made them both and choose later)


Juust random stuff... =Mug and battle sprite of more or less random characters



Fencer -> Hero that I had in one RP.


Everybody knows who this guy isgee_wiz_emoticon.gif


First mug (and only battle sprite) of Pura <3

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Hmm... dunno, I'm thinking that you're better than me XD

Lollipops are actually meant for hitting... like hammerz. (But lollipops will ALWAYS killgee_wiz_emoticon.gif)

Moulder has always been The Boulder. He looks like that without his robes.

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Hmm... dunno, I'm thinking that you're better than me XD

Lollipops are actually meant for hitting... like hammerz. (But lollipops will ALWAYS killgee_wiz_emoticon.gif)

Moulder has always been The Boulder. He looks like that without his robes.

You definitely have more experience than me, that's for sure.

I still haven't moved onto half bodies. >w>

From their sweetness, ENEMIES DIE!

....I c wut u did thar. XD

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Thankies for comments~

You definitely have more experience than me, that's for sure.

I still haven't moved onto half bodies. >w>

From their sweetness, ENEMIES DIE!

Blah... for those finished ones, I have always used the same base. ATM I have 2 unfinished ones (but at least I don't think that I'm gonna finish that other one :/)


These are pretty good(better than I could do) :)

I really like the Fencer-->Hero character too(battlesprites as well), and Pura.

Thanks and dunno since I haven't tried to work with PoR/RD sprites (okay, I have tried once but after 30 mins I said ''fuck this shit'' and went to smoke).

Oh wow. Stabbing people with LOLLIPOPS. W00t.

Lollipops are actually meant for hitting... like hammerz. (But lollipops will ALWAYS killgee_wiz_emoticon.gif)

E: Oooh yeah, couple maps that I didn't remember to post/upload.

First one ever (I guess I made this in... eh... about July/August 09 (FETO style))







Any Shadow of The Colossus fans?

Shrine of Worship


And... ehehehe, FETO style.


Green Cape


More randoms...




Blue: Cleric

Red: ''tactician'' and Wyvern


Red: -something from those empty red squares at some point- (E: and also other places, like those that are in the edges of the map)

Blue: Toubadour and 2 cavaliers from those empty blue squares after turn 10.


1. Survive 10 turns.

2. Escape (by moving leader(cleric) into those stair things where enemy reinforcements appear in canon FEs, above of those empty blue squares where the reinforcements will come)

Some other shit:

-''Tactician'' won't move, it will just stay there but Wyvern (also peg, cav, nomad and troub) will start moving after x turn.

- Also those Assassins won't move... unless you come into their range.

So... yeah, blue just have to survive for 10 turns and then move that cleric into stairs

Lol Slave Arena (yeah, nothing interesting)


Random shit that I was supposed to use in my sprite fic but... I canceled it after writing scripts of 3½ chapters...


(those blue/green/red squares just show where I was supposed to put OW sprites :/ (+ there is supposed to be like 3-4 ballistae other side of that... lake thingy (northern side)))

And eh... I was supposed to make that ship to look more like airship (like in FF IX)

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Random4-1.png =>> Random4E1.png (V0.?, gonna work with that a little)

And.. blah, I guess I'll add these too:


My entry to splicing contest (right is fix'd (even it still needs some fixing... but I can't be bothered) version of it (with little addition)).

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  • 4 weeks later...

*posting for no damn reason*

... over 20 days and only 3 pieces of something that I can show (damn I hate this damn summer... like I don't hate it anyways but why this summer have to so damn hot...)

LArachel2.png ==> CeciliaHalfBody.png

Blah... I started that half body.. maybe about 3 months ago (it didn't had right hand and some of the right side of the body (our POV)) so I just did it... no wonder why it sucks as hell)

... I just wonder why I bothered to do so much for that damn armor ('cause I suck at them so it takes shitloads of time to work with them) and then I cover it with oversized sleeve...


yay, almost full custom (most of the face... I guess it belongs to Eliwood) and I dunno how long it have been when I done this and I still haven't bothered to fix it... w/e.

Maybe it takes ~3 months until I bother to do it...


Yay, just little splice for boredom....(Klein with Limstella's eyes and hair... yay)

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*posting for no damn reason*

... over 20 days and only 3 pieces of something that I can show (damn I hate this damn summer... like I don't hate it anyways but why this summer have to so damn hot...)

LArachel2.png ==> CeciliaHalfBody.png

Blah... I started that half body.. maybe about 3 months ago (it didn't had right hand and some of the right side of the body (our POV)) so I just did it... no wonder why it sucks as hell)

... I just wonder why I bothered to do so much for that damn armor ('cause I suck at them so it takes shitloads of time to work with them) and then I cover it with oversized sleeve...


yay, almost full custom (most of the face... I guess it belongs to Eliwood) and I dunno how long it have been when I done this and I still haven't bothered to fix it... w/e.

Maybe it takes ~3 months until I bother to do it...


Yay, just little splice for boredom....(Klein with Limstella's eyes and hair... yay)

I love staying inside. AAAAACCCCCC

Well, the only thing I can say is, the proportions. >.>;

That shirt is bothering me, because of the pillow shading. >A>

The splice makes Limstella into an even bigger trap than BEFORE

That's awesome.

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  • 8 months later...

I guess I could show some stuff even I'm mainly back just for competitions... (omg, I was gone for almost 10 months)

so.. yeah... 10 months is pretty long... so I guess I won't show EVERYTHING I have done... (Members and stalkers in FEEF and FEP might have saw at least some of these)

Battle Sprites (only 2? O_o)

DarthVader.png "I am your father." ... random request sprite



Tygr.png It's me!

KarelCosplay.pngPuraKarelCosplay.png LAZY Karel Cosplay competition stuff

Henry.png Henry's new look (see first post for earlier look)

CustomHairCompetition.png Custom Hair Competition entry. Emo Eli + Zexion hair for lulz.

Ramsay.png OMG FULL CUSTOM! yes... it's Gordon Ramsay... and I know... it's kinda fucked up, most of the time I spent doing those eyes but they STILL fuck up XD

Mug10.png This is how Gilliam should look if he was a villain >:3

Other/ Random?

2quqhcm.png Dunno.

WIPs and canceled stuff...

ShouToramaru.png I dunno but looks like I have "canceled" this one... everything on that is completely custom work

JokaWIP.png Same as above

PuraWhiteMageWIP.pngPuraBlueMage.png Pura's FFT(A) Blue and White Mage costumes, WIP (haven't been working with these for a while tho...) IMO White Mage's not looking too bad but Blue.. ugh, if I ever finish it, I have lot do (well, I have done some fixing... I guess? 'o_O)

RoyEDITWIP.png Hurr, Roy edit

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Your halfbodies could use some love in the proportion areas. And, ya know, have the body maybe face the same direction as the face.

Your shading is pretty pillowy and chunky, as well.

I do approve of Evil!Gilliam, though.

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ShouToramaru.png I dunno but looks like I have "canceled" this one... everything on that is completely custom work



You disappointed me man.

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I love the Yahn sprite, I know it's a pain but you should consider sheeting it for the fun of it, or at least the transformation. I would have loved to see that instead of the typical generic Mamkute.

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You disappointed me man.

It's possibly canceled.

I'm would like to finish it (mostly becuase I have been thinking about turning my Halberdier lord in FETO into Shou :awesome:) but... dunno, at least now I'm bit too busy with other stuff... (and after two unofficial FETO tourneys that I host, have ended, I will be even more busier (sprite prizes, yay))

I love the Yahn sprite, I know it's a pain but you should consider sheeting it for the fun of it, or at least the transformation. I would have loved to see that instead of the typical generic Mamkute.

I think I was sheeting it (if it wasn't that one, I have no idea what I was sheeting <_ <) a little before my previous laptop blew up.

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Lazy battle spritezZzZzZz....

ArmorLance1.pngArmorAxe1.pngArmorSword1.pngArmorBow1.png(Got inspiration for that Weapon Icon Contest from that axe gee_wiz_emoticon.gif)

That... dress and weps (except bow) are custom, rest are from Gen and Knight (shoulder armors, slightly edited)


Moar lulzy weaponry! ... and yay for cut'd tail!

FootSword1.png Lyn got edited

FootSword2.pngFootAxe2.png ... and so did GayGuy... looks manlier with no sleeve(s) and with open_clothes -tag


Starting to finish/fix/etc those WIPs (just for improvement... I can't be fucked to create whole new mug if I mostly need to practice shading)...

Decided to start from Shou... blame those arranges/remixes of Shou's theme that I listened few hours ago...

Anyways... after like ½hour, I felt to do a battle sprite of her :3

Amelia promotes to... wut!? That's not Cavalier!!!ohmy.gif



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Both are currently almost done.

(gotta still get rid of Amelia's hooker boots)


And she's done... I think.


(at least I'm happy with that lamp thing... after ½h fighting with it...)

Edit #2

Yay fix'd her clothing a bit... or... at least I think I fixed it <_ <''

Strange thing's in that .pnd file was that...

1. Layer that contained a face was missing (added random Pura's/FE7 female villager's head... I need to work with that)

2. There was missing pixels every here and there in her hair and clothing O_o


Next thing to do:

-Head, she needs new head... and fix hair

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Oh joy...

Anybody knows/remembers (if you have been lurking at FEP or FEEF) that big robot battle sprite? (see first post, it should be there)

Well, Pura Does It Again.

This time I'm making 110px high "battle sprite" or Akron, final boss of flash game called Epic Battle Fantasy 3 *can't wait for 4th EBF :3*

... or actually I'm just making half of it... at least for now (If I did whole monster, it's heigh would be about doubled)


Not much done tho, just showing how I just spent last 2½-3h unsure.gif

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Lazy battle spritezZzZzZz....

ArmorLance1.pngArmorAxe1.pngArmorSword1.pngArmorBow1.png(Got inspiration for that Weapon Icon Contest from that axe gee_wiz_emoticon.gif)

That... dress and weps (except bow) are custom, rest are from Gen and Knight (shoulder armors, slightly edited)


Moar lulzy weaponry! ... and yay for cut'd tail!

Are you going to be scripting for these?

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Not really caring to even keep those on my laptop...they're just semi-random crap.

And if I ever even bother, I would most likely do for Jahn's battles sprite (in first post) or sprite below, when it's done.


"When I'm ready, I swear I'll eat your babies"

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Meh, not IMO (maybe because I know I can do better than that...)

...and why not to wish that you sprite ppl like... Vampire Elf/ BwdYeti? (hey! Just threw first 2 names that came into my mind, there's A LOT of better spriters who do better work in 10 seconds than I do in 24 hours cool.gif)

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