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How do you rate Caineghis?

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I use Naesala every playthrough. (Only for Leanee.) But I see Fox's point on how the royals are a little unfair. (Why raise a bunch of units if you get uber ones at the end of the game?) But I love Caineghis anyway for his theme. I used him my first playthrough, but that's it. I used to use Tibarn, till I decided Elincia is cooler.

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I used him in my first playthrough on the final chapters and yeah, he's pretty overpowered. The main reason I used him is that, story-wise, he really should be there (and so should Tibarn)

My rule is to use a maximum of two laguz royals (excluding Kurthnaga) in the final chapter, and only have them fight if absolutly nessicary. (I used Caineghis mainly as a wall, to protect the good, but frail characters you must take, i.e. Micaiah and Herons)

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I used almost every royal in my first pt then in my second i brought more beorcs (the dragons were really annoying!!)

And caenghis(sp) is a great unit

Edited by Fireemblemfan
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  • 2 weeks later...
He is literally the strongest character in the game in other words he is broken. All Laguz Royals are broken. And unlike everyone else here I only use broken characters ****ERS!!!

why do you only use broken characters? whats the fun in that?

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