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I've never seen much talk of FE music. It's always mentioned in an offhand comment, rather than there being some focus and discussion on it. Rather, most of the focus in discussions is the game mechanics or the story/characters/pairings. That's pretty bad, because I think Fire Emblem has some of the best music ever, and it deserves more praise and attention, so here we are with a topic about it.

I haven't listened much to the JP only games, but from what little I've heard, they have nice soundtracks. I used to really love FE7's soundtrack, but I think FE9/10 outclasses it in every way. There is much emotion and eloquence in the music of those two games, and I'm not saying that just because they're "orchestrated" (synth, but whatever). What's great is that they create the perfect mood for in the games and yet, when you listen to them on their own, they manage to be amazing. The compositions are rock solid, and the instrumentation is perfect. The variety of the pieces, among other things, is stunning, with there being pieces that are heroic and inspiring, ones that are sorrowful and empowering, and then you have something completely nuts like Beauty Is A Mad Mistress.

And yes, the aforementioned song is one of the best tracks in that game. It's bold, explosive and...well, beautiful.

So that I don't sound extremely pretentious (which I will if I continue) and don't get too passionate (which I will if I continue), let me just list some of my favourite tracks from each game I've heard so far and then leave it be:



An Unexpected Caller

Rise to the Challenge

Winning Road

The Archsage Athos

The Kingdom of Bern


Powerful Foe (only one I can remember loving)


The First Fight

Congregation of Ambition

Side Battle (originally from FE4, but w/e)

Against the Black Knight


A Mighty Foe

With Us!

Move Out!

Bittersweet Victory

Wonderful Pirates

Power-Hungry Fool

His Father's Son

Father's Back

Brave General, Brave King (Tibarn <333)

The Black Knight

Puzzling Truth

(I'll stop before listing the whole soundtrack because I really don't dislike any track)


Wisdom of Ages (so powerful)

Hymn of the Righteous

Zelgius The Brave

King of the Sky

Beauty Is A Mad Mistress ( :D )

Divine Healing

Goddess of Dawn

March of the Lion King


Dawn Brigade

Proud Fight

Echoes of Daybreak

...That should be enough, I suppose. Though really, I love all map themes from 9/10 and most all battle themes from 10.

By the way, don't bother arguing about whether it gets discussed enough or not, just...discuss the music of FE.

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Yeah I agree that the FE series have excellent music in them mostly the military marches themes I enjoy the most.Yuka Tsujiyoko (FE3-FE7, FE SD and the upcoming one) and Yoshtio Hirano(FE8-FE10) did an excellent job at composing imo.





Fire Emblem Theme

Birth of the Holy Knight

Girl of the Spirit Forest

Light and Dark


FE Theme

Advance B

Arena Entrance


Beyond the Sky

Beneath a New Light

In the Name of Bern

Winning Road


Precious Things


Friendship and Adventure

Main Theme Arrangement


Ray of Hope

Distant Roads


Truth Despair and Hope


Side Battle

Move Out A

To Challenge Ashnard

With Us


Fire Emblem Theme

On Gory's Wings

Bearer of Hope

Battle of Pride

Zelgius the Brave

March of the Lion King


The theme that plays during the Ashera battle, don't know what the name of it was.

Proud Flight

Beauty is a Mad Mistress

Stalwarts Unite


Footsteps of Fate


Emblem Theme

The Time to Act

Edited by Generic Officer
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No Bearer of Hope, Nightmare?

I'm disappointed.

Though really, I love all map themes from 9/10

: (

I'll agree though, Bearer of Hope is amazing. I like how it builds up to certain level and then suddenly drops down and goes back into the softer intro part. Intense stuff right there.

But uh, regarding the FE9 songs in FE10, I prefer the original ones. The FE10 ones, while good, kind of feel lacking in comparison to the FE9 ones. I'm not sure exactly what it is, but I guess the FE10 versions sound too "hollow" for my liking, in comparison to the FE9 ones which are more concise and less filled with unnecessary amounts of instruments.

I guess what I'm trying to say here is that the FE9 songs were more fitting for that game because the tracks were composed to be in the same style and "mood" as the game, and transferring them to the style FE10 has is kind of awkward. At least to me.

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There's two songs in the series that I hate: FE2 Recruitment theme, and Battle Preparations (FE8).

Edited by MGS: Metal Gear Solid
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I like that version the best, but it isn't in any of the games. FE11 still has the best overall version in the games.

I don't remember the differences, honestly. I can only really think of FE7's.

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I like the orchastrated (no clue how to spell that) versions of FE6 Winning Road, FE7 Strike, and FE4 The Final Holy War. I also like the unused Gaiden Remix song from FE10.

I also like the battle theme from FE11. And Camus's battle theme.

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I see everything you guys posted and raise you the recruitment theme.

I actually don't like the Fire Emblem (Melee) track from Smash Bros. Together, We Ride! and the Main Theme don't seem to mesh well together.

Oh, and most people don't like Together, We Ride! and the many variations of it because it's incredibly overrated and it's pretty much the only song anyone who hasn't played Fire Emblem cares about from Fire Emblem.

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I actually don't like the Fire Emblem (Melee) track from Smash Bros. Together, We Ride! and the Main Theme don't seem to mesh well together.

Oh, and most people don't like Together, We Ride! and the many variations of it because it's incredibly overrated and it's pretty much the only song anyone who hasn't played Fire Emblem cares about from Fire Emblem.

How dare you insult my taste in music.

How dare, sir.

EDIT: Bolded is an overstatement, in my opinion.

Edited by Integrity
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Oh, and most people don't like Together, We Ride! and the many variations of it because it's incredibly overrated and it's pretty much the only song anyone who hasn't played Fire Emblem cares about from Fire Emblem.

I think it might be the opposite. I know I grew to detest it because of how often it was thrown in muted videos that it made me sick to hear it. Glad there's a quick mute button on my on laptop.

Some tracks I like from the older games:

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: (

I'll agree though, Bearer of Hope is amazing. I like how it builds up to certain level and then suddenly drops down and goes back into the softer intro part. Intense stuff right there.

But uh, regarding the FE9 songs in FE10, I prefer the original ones. The FE10 ones, while good, kind of feel lacking in comparison to the FE9 ones. I'm not sure exactly what it is, but I guess the FE10 versions sound too "hollow" for my liking, in comparison to the FE9 ones which are more concise and less filled with unnecessary amounts of instruments.

I guess what I'm trying to say here is that the FE9 songs were more fitting for that game because the tracks were composed to be in the same style and "mood" as the game, and transferring them to the style FE10 has is kind of awkward. At least to me.

I somewhat agree with you on the FE9/10 stuff. While I like most of the FE10 tracks better (especially all the really kick-butt tracks you can't hear in the sound room and sometimes can't hear at all), I always liked FE9's rendition of

better because the highest notes are played super short by a violin instead of what sounds to me like a wind instrument. And no remix of the Goldoa theme comes close to matching the epic-ness that is FE9's

All in all, I think FE9 has the best soundtrack of any game I've ever played. With epic stuff like

, sad stuff like
, and the best villain tunes in any FE,
the game really nails every type of music. The FE10 stuff was good, but none of the tension music was nearly as engrossing as
in FE9. Edited by Ragnell
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This Remix of Chapter 9: For Whose Sake (wish I could find it)

Is that not just the same one from the arranged album? I haven't had time to listen to the arranged version and the one from the video, but it sounds awfully familiar to what I heard of the arranged version in the past. I did compare the ending of both songs (the one in the video ends around 1:57) and they seem practically identical.

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Is that not just the same one from the arranged album? I haven't had time to listen to the arranged version and the one from the video, but it sounds awfully familiar to what I heard of the arranged version in the past. I did compare the ending of both songs (the one in the video ends around 1:57) and they seem practically identical.

... They're the same. The first few seconds of it sounded nothing like what I heard from the video, thought it would be too good to be true if it were on the site so like an idiot I quickly dismissed the possibility. -__-

Thanks for pointing it out anyway... might've looked for it again on other locations.

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Unless it's under a different name, I'm surprised Elincia's theme barely ever gets any mentions (PoR). I also find BK's theme overrated, but overall, I think PoR's music crushes the music from all the other games. SS also had some cool tunes, probably my favorite being the final battle.

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Silent Ground

The Eight Generals

Distant Utopia

A Knight's Oath

The Kingdom of Bern

Unshakable Faith


The Prince's Despair

Land of Promise

Return of the Demon King


Lost Heart

Both versions of Lyon's Theme

Victory and the Future

Lights in the Dark


A Knight's Oath


Tranquility of Goldoa


For Tomorrow's Sake

With Heads Held High

Showdown in Dolhr Keep

Shadow and Light

Last Revels

Clash of Two Virtues

For whatever reason, I never really liked the FE9/10 music much.

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Fire Emblem Theme


For the Commanders

Fire Emblem Theme


Fire Emblem Theme


Rise Above

Powerful Foe

Fire Emblem Theme


A Change of Scenery

Bittersweet Victory


I liked a lot of them actually. Just decided to list my favorites.


For Liberty

Fire Emblem Theme


Stalwart Opposistion

Clash of Two Virtues

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There's two songs in the series that I hate: FE2 Recruitment theme, and Battle Preparations (FE8).

There are quite a few that I hate, the worst being

However, on to the list of ones I like.



Together, We Ride!

A Knight's Oath

Main Theme Arrangement

Blessing of the Eight Generals II

In the Name of Bern

Legend of the Dragon God


Rise Above

Follow Me!

Determination (my all-time favorite, but TC already knows that!)

Truth, Despair and Hope

Ray of Hope

Main Theme (obviously, I like every rendition of the FE main theme, but this version is supreme!)


Victory is Near

Against the Black Knight

Power-hungry Fool



The Devoted

Time of Action

Bearer of Hope

March of the Lion King

Stalwarts Unite

Battle is Joined

Zelgius the Brave

Caineghis, King of Lions

Tranquility of Goldoa

Victory Theme 1 (unused, plays when

blood pact is destroyed

And, of course, the songs I listed for FE9 that appear in FE10



Come, Join Us

Clash of Two Virtues

Showdown in Dolhr Keep

Footsteps of Fate


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