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I need a good game

luigi bros

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Metroid Metroid Metroid Metroid Metroid Metroid Metroid Metroid Metroid Metroid Metroid. And did I mention Metroid?

I just got hooked on the series a few months ago, and I can't stop playing it; it's just way too addicting. The 2D series (Metroid, Return of Samus, Super Metroid, Zero Mission, and Fusion) are a mix of the Mario and Zelda series' gameplay, with Zelda-style exploration from a Mario side-scrolling perspective. All five are spectacular games (especially Super Metroid). Though I would advise you not to start with the original Metroid, because it has no world map, and - at least in my opinion - is brutally hard.

Oh, and don't let the Metroid Prime games intimidate you just because they're first person. All three console Primes are more about exploration than shooting (Prime Hunters for DS is more about shooting, so avoid that if you dislike FPS's). They're basically Zelda from first person with a gun. And Metroid Prime Trilogy just came out for Wii, so snag that if you're interested in owning the best compilation disc of the decade. It has all three main Primes on one disk with Wii pointer controls, instead of the slightly less precise Gamecube aiming of Prime 1 and 2.

And my Kingdom Hearts fanboyism won't allow me to pass up an opportunity to suggest it. There's three for PS2 (KH1, KH2, and Re:Chain of Memories), one for GBA (Chain of Memories), soon to be two for DS (358/2 Days and the upcoming Re:coded), and soon to be one for PSP (Birth by Sleep). Most are pretty good games, though the plot is kinda hard to understand if you don't start at KH1. If you don't know, the KH games combine Disney with FF, with the gameplay being a menu-based action system (hard to explain; look it up if you want to see more).

Edited by Ragnell
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Um, I'd suggest Star Ocean 2 and 3. You'll probably want to look up stuff on GFAQ's because of the item creation stuff.

Also, if you really want to try something (and make me happy), give Legend of Legaia a try (not the PS2 'sequel'). However, it can be more than a bit of a grind-fest if you want to beat the bosses without hundreds dozens of deaths... :/

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Um, I'd suggest Star Ocean 2 and 3. You'll probably want to look up stuff on GFAQ's because of the item creation stuff.

Also, if you really want to try something (and make me happy), give Legend of Legaia a try (not the PS2 'sequel'). However, it can be more than a bit of a grind-fest if you want to beat the bosses without hundreds dozens of deaths... :/

Legend of Legaia was amazing. I fucking loved that game.

My disc is now too scratched to be played on my home consoles. :(

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Legend of Legaia was amazing. I fucking loved that game.

My disc is now too scratched to be played on my home consoles. :(

I've heard about Legend of Legaia just recently, because Sachiko Sugawara, the seiyuu of Saki Nijino in Tokimemo 1, has voiced the heroine of this game in the Japanese version. Since I see that you and Esau like this game, you both got me interested, I should maybe give it a try if I get the chance to grab it (but I guess this a rare game to find nowadays, huh ?).

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I've heard about Legend of Legaia just recently, because Sachiko Sugawara, the seiyuu of Saki Nijino in Tokimemo 1, has voiced the heroine of this game in the Japanese version. Since I see that you and Esau like this game, you both got me interested, I should maybe give it a try if I get the chance to grab it (but I guess this a rare game to find nowadays, huh ?).

Actually, there's no difference in the VA'ing - they use the Japanese voices in the English version. (Don't worry, most of the game is text; the VA is just for battle cries and such.)

Anyway, I'd suggest Ebay. Or you can always emulate if your computer can run a PS1 game. And don't be afraid to ask for advice and hints - there are a LOT of secret items and stuff that you won't find unless you know what to be looking for.

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I think I remember Legaia... and that it was pretty cool and fun, from memory.

If suggestions are still open, Bahamut Lagoon on the SNES and Just Breed on the NES (Super Famicom and Famicom, actually, but eh). There's translation patches for each if you go that way.

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Total War series

Command & Conquer series

Warhammer 40,000 - Dawn of War (Man, this series is GRIMDARK)

Age of Empires III


Mount & Blade

Dragon Age: Origins

Mass Effect 1 and 2

Assassin's Creed.


Children of the Nile

Caesar IV

Online Flash Game

Mud and Blood 2 (This game is extremely brutal and random. Expect to lose)

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Total War series

Command & Conquer series

Warhammer 40,000 - Dawn of War (Man, this series is GRIMDARK)

Age of Empires III


Mount & Blade

Dragon Age: Origins

Mass Effect 1 and 2

Assassin's Creed.


Children of the Nile

Caesar IV

Online Flash Game

Mud and Blood 2 (This game is extremely brutal and random. Expect to lose)

Wow, you like a lot of my favorite games, do you happen to like or play the tabletop form of Warhammer or just the PC games?

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Play halo. Like. For real. If you have an xbox 360, and you don't own Halo 3 or ODST, go buy it. I know its like, all time traitor-ism for us Tactical Strategy nerds(especially since Halo has no strategy), but you will have fun. Start with campaign, don't go straight into online. You'll get your ass kicked. Seriously though, once you start playing halo, you'll realize why its as amazing and why its as well-thought of as it is.

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I personally would have to reccomend I Wanna Be the Guy. It's a free download from its main sight and is considered one of (if not the) hardest platformers currently in existence. Despite being the creation of an independepnt programmer, It is remarkably well made and, all considering, not too buggy.

I also must second the reccomendation for Okami(try to get the PS2 version if you can, its better than the wii version).

Out of the Metroid and Zelda series, I personally believe that the following are the better titles:


Ocarina of Time( N64, GC, Wii[download from online])

Link to the past(snes, GC)


Super metroid

Metroid Prime 2

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