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Radiant Dawn HM 0% growths

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I'm sure I've handed out more than enough clues, but while I am waiting for my camcorder AC adapter to ship, I decided to go ahead and start playing through the game. Note that I was too lazy to edit the stats after every chapter (due to always getting +HP on a level up), but as far as I know I have not encountered a circumstance yet where the extra HP saved me.

So for now, just a text summary.

Chapter 1-P:

Standard fare. HP manipulation allowed Eddie to get the Wrath crits that he needed. 7 turns.

Chapter 1-1:

I forgot to take notes on this one, since it is fairly straightforward. I did manage to get the Hand Axe from the church and the Steel Sword from Isaiya. 7 turns. (I might have done it in 6.)

Chapter 1-2:

For this, I had to make sure that both of the soldiers right of the starting point had 14 atk (so Eddie could take 2 rounds and survive) and that the fighter up top did not have 26 HP, 7 def (otherwise Micaiah + Nolan would have missed the 2RKO). Sothe solo'd the top with Laura trailing while everyone else went for the Thani chest; Sothe got the Energy Drop on turn 6. I left the Wind Edge behind. 6 turns.

Chapter 1-3:

Sothe, Micaiah, and Nolan rushed down the right side while I directed Kurth to block the cross shaped chokepoint. The turn that I finished the chapter, Eddie, Leo, and Ilyana all shoved Laura so that she could recruit Aran. Aimee had to retreat. 7 turns. (I might be able to do it in 6.)

Chapter 1-4:

Assign Wrath to Micaiah. Assign Cancel to Sothe. Buy Beast Killer. Forge +5 MT, +15 hit Iron Axe. Forge +3 MT, +10 hit Iron Knife. Create support (Nolan, Leo) C. Nolan breaks the center wall with his Hand Axe (funnily enough, he needs the +1 atk from the Leo support to do this). Ilyana walks up to block the chokepoint while Sothe heads down and begins wiping out enemies. Sothe moves counterclockwise around the map, grabbing the Master Seal on turn 2 and Beastfoe on turn 6. Leo, Laura, and Eddie follow him, and some well positioned shoves allow Sothe to KO Pain (or Agony?) on enemy phase turn 3. Leo, using the Chest Key from 1-2, gets the Seraph Robe. Everyone else copes with the north chokepoint until Sothe comes around to KO the last of the tigers on enemy phase turn 6. I miss out on 3000G. 6 turns.

Chapter 1-5:

Give Volug Dracoshield and Energy Drop. Give Nolan Master Seal. Forge +5 MT, +10 hit Iron Knife. I only deploy Nolan and Laura for this map. Sothe climbs on the ledge while Volug heads straight up and Nolan stays behind to counterkill a fighter over 2 enemy phases. When the Master Seal soldier swings around, Sothe backtracks and steals it. The rest of the map is basically getting Volug as much strike WEXP as possible. I end up nearly routing the entire map. 6 turns.

Chapter 1-6-1:

Give Jill Master Seal. Forge +5 MT, +15 hit Iron Axe. Forge +5 MT, +10 hit Thunder. Forge +5 MT, +10 hit Iron Knife. Buy Hand Axe from Bargains and give to Tauroneo. Remove Resolve from Tauroneo. Remove Cancel from Sothe. Assign Resolve to Sothe. Assign Cancel to Volug. I deploy Nolan, Laura, Ilyana, Jill, Zihark, Edward, Leo, Aran. Shove Sothe twice on turn 1 so that he can attack the fighter while being able to counter the archer and soldier. Jill starts on the bottom left tile and rescues Tauroneo, then moves straight left. Ilyana is positioned to counter the Hand Axe fighter (whom she survives with 1 HP, but she hasn't gained any levels yet). Sothe heads left while Jill avoids enemies and drops Tauroneo in the northwest on turn 3. Meanwhile, Volug deals with the armor reinforcements in the northeast by doing a calculated retreat (if they're wounded, they will only attack if they stop in an adjacent spot to a player unit). On turn 4, a lot of shoving forced Sothe over back to the east side where he counterkilled an archer, a wounded armor, and 2 PK reinforcements. 4 turns.

Chapter 1-6-2:

I deploy Nolan, Laura, Ilyana, Jill, Zihark, Aran. I first clear out the enemies near the starting point as best as I could. Jill rescues Tauroneo and goes straight up. On turn 2, she drops him on a space within reach of Laverton and retreats back across the river. 2 turns.

Chapter 1-7:

Remove Imbue and Savior from Fiona. Remove all weapons from Tauroneo. Assign Savior to Volug. Assign Imbue to Zihark. Sell Red Gem. Forge +5 MT, +10 hit Iron Knife. Buy Wind Edge for Zihark. I deploy Nolan, Ilyana, Jill, Zihark, Aran, Leo. Jill starts on the bottom right tile. She picks up Micaiah on turn 1 and moves so that Volug can use his full move and take Micaiah. Sothe is shoved twice on turn 1 so that he could recruit Tormod on turn 2. He is shoved twice again on turn 5 so that he can find the Master Seal. Everyone, including Muarim, runs up the stairs and rushes to the seize tile. 5 turns.

Chapter 1-8:

Give Ilyana Master Seal. Remove Celerity from Tormod. Remove Resolve from Sothe. Remove Cancel and Savior from Volug. Assign Celerity and Cancel to Sothe. Assign Resolve to Tormod. Assign Fortune to Volug. Buy Olivi Grass for Muarim. Sell Arms Scroll. Forge +5 MT, +10 hit Fire. Buy Steel Dagger for Sothe. Sell all Herbs. Sell unforged Fire, Thunder, and Light. Forge +5 MT, +10 hit Iron Lance. I deploy Nolan, Zihark, Ilyana, Aran. With that Iron Lance forge, I now have just enough power to KO all units to the north on turn 1 player phase. Combine for KOs on mages, use support for Sothe to KO soldier, Brave Sword for brigand. Vika and Muarim use Olivi Grass and I position Vika for the 0 damage trick on the brigand in a thicket. Some shoving allows Ilyana to intercept the enemy DK on turn 3. On turn 2, Vika shifts and rescues Tormod, dropping him near Radmin's section of land on turn 3. Combined with Sothe, Tormod was in range of the mages while Sothe was in range of the soldiers. 4 turns.

Chapter 1-9:

I used oval's strategy. 8 turns. It sucks that you can't transfer skills from other characters because Celerity Micaiah would have let me do this in 7 turns by revealing Jarod on turn 7.

Chapter 1-E:

Remove Celerity from Sothe. Remove Adept from Zihark. Remove Fortune from Volug. Remove Resolve from Tormod. Assign Pass to Volug. Assign Resolve to Sothe. Assign Celerity and Savior to Ilyana. Give Ashera Icon, Hammer, Blue Gem, Paragon, Adept, Brave Sword to Ilyana. Remove Concoction and Vulnerary from BK. Remove Concoction from Nailah. Give Volug Concoction. Buy Olivi Grass and stick it in the convoy. Give Volug Chest Key. Forge +5 MT, +15 hit, -2 WT Steel Axe. I deploy BK, Tormod, Muarim, Vika, Rafiel, Zihark, Ilyana, Jill, Nailah.

This one is a bit complicated. Jill rescues Micaiah. Rafiel refreshes Vika, BK, Nailah, Volug at the base of the stairs. BK attacks archer on the ledge and is then rescued by Nailah. Vika grasses up to full and then performs a trade chain with Sothe to transfer the Olivi Grass to Muarim and have him use it. Tormod and Zihark hang around to deal with the bottom. Ilyana basically does nothing, as her accuracy even with the forged Thunder sucks.

Some complicated rescuing goes on. After Rafiel refreshes Vika and Jill on turn 2, Vika rescues Rafiel. Volug has to pass through an enemy and shove him off a chokepoint so that Nailah, Jill, and Vika can go through. Sothe and Muarim travel not too far behind. On turn 4, Rafiel and BK are dropped. Turn 5, BK moves to the space above the door and the enemies within range all die on enemy phase. Turn 6, some shoving puts Jill, Vika, Volug, and Micaiah in a position where Vika can open the Parity chest and Jill can take the scroll, Volug can open the Vantage chest, and Micaiah can seize. Volug ends the chapter at roughly 4 attacks from S strike. 6 turns.

By the way, I did not transfer the Speedwings. Those will go to Volug. The items obtained this chapter were Reaper Card, Speedwings, Parity, Vantage. In my future recording, I need to remember to transfer Resolve instead of Thunder on Ilyana.

Part 1 total: 68 turns

Chapter 2-P:

This is a really dumb chapter. Cool, but dumb. Marcia and Nealuchi tag teamed the DKs in the top half of the map with Leanne's help. It is much easier to do this chapter if Leanne doesn't get captured. Once Haar appears, Marcia recruits him and Leanne proceeds to help him rambo through the rest of the map. I'm trying to get him as much EXP as possible because having third tiers early on in part 3 is really cool. Since I am transferring Paragon to the GMs, maybe I can use the 3-3 Master Crown on someone else. No rush here, as there is no way to end the map prematurely (oh, how I wish there was). 9 turns.

Chapter 2-1:

This is also a really dumb chapter, and not as cool as the last one. Neph goes down to attack Hand Axe fighter turn 1. Shove Neph once on turn 2 so she can get Concoction from the house. Move Brom down 1 on turn 3 so that he can block the ledge on turn 4. Neph heals on turn 3, ORKOs priest turn 4, and recruits Heather turn 5. Brom gets Spectre Card turn 5. All units move north. Manipulate Neph's HP to be between 19 and 27 with healing items and Antitoxin. Neph needs to activate Wrath once against Yeardley. She needs another attack to hit and Brom needs to hit once (this part of the chapter really pissed me off, partially because Wrath is only +50 crit and partially because Neph's biorhythm cycles to bad and Yeardley's cycles to good, so I have to hit twice and crit once at 69 and 64 hit). Heather gets Ashera Icon turn 8. 8 turns.

Chapter 2-2:

A rather disorganized strategy (save for turn 1). Remove Talisman and Elixir from Lucia and give to Nephenee. Remove Vulnerary from Mordecai and give to Lucia. Move Mordecai to 3U 1L above Lucia to reveal general. Move Nealuchi to 1U above Lucia and use Laguz Stone. Refresh Nealuchi and Lucia with Leanne. Attack soldier with Nealuchi and move all the way right. Mordecai and Lethe must use Olivi Grass. Continue plowing to the right while Brom blocks left and Neph blocks mid, if necessary. One of Lethe or Lucia gets boss kill. 4 turns.

I had forgotten to transfer Marcia's Steel Lance over to Nealuchi or Leanne, but I don't think it would have mattered. Interestingly, Nealuchi's FoW sight is quite literally 1 (with 1 being the space that he occupies).

Chapter 2-3:

Buy Horseslayer from Bargains and give to Marcia. Buy Hammer from Bargains and put in convoy. Buy Javelins for Geoffrey and Danved, Steel Blade for Makalov. Remove Concoction from Astrid and give to Kieran. Remove Vulnerary from Kieran and give to Makalov. Remove Coin from Makalov and give to Marcia. Remove Herb from Makalov and give to Geoffrey. Deploy Astrid, Makalov, Danved, Marcia.

Marcia starts on far left. Marcia and Danved tag team a knight on turn 1 so that Marcia can stop 1R 8U. Makalov rescues Danved. Astrid takes and drops left. Direct to Astrid, so that partner units will surround her. Marcia moves 9U on turn 2. Geoffrey needs to stop on the Arms Scroll spot (he is at best biorhythm and thus has a 43% chance at finding the item) and attack with Short Spear. Direct to Geoffrey to move the partner units up. Makalov and Astrid tag team a warrior on turn 3. Astrid retreats to the left. Direct to block center intersection. Kieran breaks door with Steel Poleaxe on turn 4. Geoffrey attacks Tashoria with Brave Lance. Direct to Kieran. This draws away the onager fire from Kieran, while the longbow archers attack Kieran instead of Geoffrey and Geoffrey is free to KO Tashoria with the Brave Lance on enemy phase. Send Brave Lance to convoy on turn 4. Have Marcia score KO on Speedwings halberdier. 5 turns.

Chapter 2-E:

This one took me a long while to plan out (and those in #feto are well aware of that). Buy Recover from Bargains and give to Neph. Take Physic from Elincia and give to Neph. Take Javelin from Haar and give to Neph. Take Brave Lance and Hammer from convoy and give to Haar. Take Laguz Stone from Nealuchi and give to Brom. Buy Steel Poleaxe for Haar. Buy Wind Edge for Elincia. Take Olivi Grass from Lethe and give to Nealuchi. Deploy all units. Heather starts on leftmost tile, Nealuchi and Lethe start on left plateau. Haar, Leanne, Mordecai start in center. Calill starts on right plateau. Brom and Nephenee start on right side.

Heather trades Speedwings and Horseslayer from Marcia on turn 1. Marcia rescues Heather 7R. Nealuchi goes 3D 2L and uses Olivi Grass - at this position, he is attacked by the Bowgun warrior (who has 20-30 hit) and his gauge will increase to full on the subsequent player phase. Elincia goes 9D and ORKOs soldier. Haar breaks wall. Leanne refreshes Elincia and Haar. Elincia rescues Leanne 7R 2U. Brom goes 5D and take/drop L. Neph goes to the nearest chokepoint. Calill descends and Mordy shoves her. Haar breaks door with Steel Poleaxe (well, not really break - the door had 2 HP left).

Elincia KOs archer and stays 2U from Haar on turn 2. Haar KOs sniper and moves back. Leanne refreshes both. Neph attacks if possible. Elincia mends Neph and moves 1L from Haar. Haar forces Elincia to equip Amiti (she has to take an attack from a longbow sniper, who leaves her with 2 HP with Amiti's +3 def), attacks a general and fills in the space where there used to be a door. Brom blocks the other chokepoint, 2D from Neph. Trade Olivi Grass from Nealuchi, shove with Lethe and transform Nealuchi.

Clear a path for Calill with Brom, Neph, and Nealuchi on turn 3. Shove Calill once with Mordecai and Meteor Ludveck. Drop Heather at the far edge of Leanne's range. Move Haar to the close edge. Make sure both have 1 empty item slot. Have Elincia KO the general or priest. Steal Dracoshield and kill Ludveck with Haar. 3 turns.

I obtained the Energy Drop and Dracoshield. Nullify had to be passed up, partially because Haar didn't have the luxury to have enough AS to double Ludveck, so Calill was on Meteor duty.

Part 2 total: 29 turns

Chapter 3-P:

Remove Adept from Soren. Remove Provoke from Shinon. Assign Provoke to Ike. Assign Adept to Mia. Quite simply, I just plow forward while going for KO combinations. Leave Rolf behind to assist on a ballista. It ended up that I leave Rhys, Gatrie, and Soren behind because they can't keep up. 7 turns.

By the way, I don't understand what's so hard about 7-turning this chapter. Skrimir even went the wrong way at the beginning.

Chapter 3-1:

Plow BEXP into Titania (in this case, I only BEXP'd her to 99). Give Crossbow to Shinon if necessary. Take Vulnerary from Soren and give to Gatrie. Take Concoction from Rhys and give to Ike. Take Vulnerary from Rolf and give to Ike. Take Killer Axe from Boyd and give to Titania. Take Short Axe from Titania and give to Boyd.

After Boyd attacks turn 1, trade chain Hand Axe to Titania. Gatrie gets Blue Gem turn 1. Have Shinon equip Crossbow by some means. Halt ally units. Shinon must ORKO longbow sniper on turn 2 (2 shots with 41 crit). Mia must crit warrior at least once, preferably ORKO with Adept + crit (28 AS, 29 crit, neutral bio). Oscar must be in position to reveal north halb on turn 3 (1R of right torch). Have Rolf chip at halberdier near Ike. Titania must be in position to Short Axe counter general and Crossbow sniper. Direct to 2U 2L of left torch.

Ike stays in the thickets and waits to counter Rommit. Shinon picks off ranged enemies from across the fence. Gatrie finishes up the south generals on turn 3 enemy phase. Everyone else floods onto the north part of the map. North reinforcements are dealt with turns 4 and 5. Ike, Shinon, Gatrie, Rolf, and Lethe mop up the turn 5 reinforcements. I make an incredibly dumb mistake here and forget to roam ally on turn 5, so what should have been 5 turns, is actually 6 turns.

Note that I did not get the Seraph Robe. I am keeping a save of this chapter just in case that I'll need it, but the DB already has 2 in storage, so I'm not sure if I will.

Chapter 3-2:

A quick one. Sell 2 Blue Gems. Sell 2 Ashera Icons. Forge +5 MT, +15 crit Steel Bow. Forge +5 MT, +15 crit Steel Sword. Forge +5 MT, +10 hit Steel Axe. Forge +5 MT, +10 hit Steel Lance. Buy 2x Steel Blade, 3x Wind Edge, 2x Stl Greatlance, 3x Javelin, 2x Steel Poleaxe, 3x Hand Axe. Sell Silver Card. Give Ike Steel Blade and Wind Edge. Give Mia Steel Blade and Wind Edge. Give Titania Hand Axe. Give Boyd Steel Poleaxe. Give Oscar Stl Greatlance and Javelin. Take Steel Bow from Rolf and give to Shinon. Give Gatrie Javelin. Give Haar Hand Axe. Most of these weren't necessary for this chapter, but it looks like standard fare for subsequent chapters.

Deposit unnecessary items. Give Haar Horseslayer. Take Short Axe from Titania and give to Boyd. Assign Adept to Shinon. Assign Paragon to Titania. Remove Celerity and Savior from Ilyana. Assign Celerity to Haar. Remove Provoke from Ike. Assign Provoke to Oscar. Plow Titania with BEXP (again, only to 99, but I hardly had any left after that anyway). Position Mia, Haar, Oscar on front diagonal. Position Boyd, Shinon, Titania on second diagonal. Deploy Titania, Mist, Boyd, Oscar, Shinon, Gatrie, Rhys, Mia, Haar, Brom.

Combine for KOs on the front 3 enemies on turn 1. Shove Ike twice to chip at back SM and KO with Oscar. Let Oscar end in range of all sages (one of 54 hit, 54 hit, and 32 hit need to miss). Haar uses max move and enters range of paladins. Titania rescues Shinon and remains behind wall of units. Titania gives Shinon to Haar and attacks for EXP on turn 2. Haar drops Shinon on the edge of Istvan's range. All other units grab some EXP. Shinon needs to crit Istvan once (33 crit, 24 AS, good/best bio) since he 4HKOs. 2 turns.

Chapter 3-3:

(Titania, Oscar) C. (Mist, Boyd) C. (Shinon, Gatrie) C. Plow Titania with BEXP (I run out and get her to 18.68). Give Ike Speedwings. Remove Provoke from Oscar. Assign Provoke to Gatrie. Remove Pass from Heather. Assign Pass to Oscar. Make sure Oscar has Brave Lance. Take Concoction from Ike and give to Gatrie. Take Vulnerary from Neph and give to Haar. Give Titania Hammer. Give Gatrie Hammer. Give Rhys Physic. Deploy Titania, Mist, Boyd, Oscar, Shinon, Gatrie, Rhys, Mia, Haar, Neph. Haar starts on right most tile. Rhys, Mia, Shinon start on left diagonal. Boyd starts on tile next to Mia and Shinon. Mist starts on tile below Boyd.

Have Mist break door with Florete turn 1. Combine for KOs on halbs and let Shinon + Titania wreck general. Equip 2-range on Oscar and Titania. Haar picks up Gatrie and moves 11U. Combine for KOs on halbs on turn 2. Shinon ORKOs senator with Crossbow. Oscar equips Brave Lance, rescues Ike, and moves to left chokepoint. Titania follows and drops Ike behind. Haar moves 2L 9U and drops Gatrie U. Make sure Gatrie has Hammer equipped.

Neph picks off weakened SM turn 3. Shinon picks off other weakened SM with Crossbow. Combine for KO on general with Oscar and Titania. Make sure Titania has Hand Axe equipped. Ike ORKOs top halb reinforcement. Make sure Mist has Florete equipped and physic Oscar if necessary. Trade Haar Hammer and smack general, then canto up. Gatrie blocks chokepoint, equips Javelin, and uses Concoction or Vulnerary.

Gatrie attacks halb guarding supplies with Stl Greatlance on turn 4. Haar burns some supplies. Physic Oscar if necessary and have him visit tent. Prepare to burn center supplies next turn. Move Boyd and prepare to burn right supplies. Burn left supplies. Get Blossom. Kill senator with Shinon on turn 5. Burn supplies with Ike. Burn supplies with Boyd. Burn supplies with Gatrie. Visit tent with Haar. Get extra EXP with Titania. Burn supplies with Oscar. 5 turns.

This map took me a little longer to plan than I would have liked - I originally had 6 turns, but realized with some better skill distribution I could cut it down another turn. Gatrie needs to get a little lucky where he is (by lucky, I mean he can't get hit by everything and crit by the Killer Bow sniper, though I think he'll still survive). I also need the Steel Sword general to have 39 HP, 24 def, otherwise Gatrie misses the OHKO, although I could drop Gatrie in a slightly different location and create a different way for him to get to the northeast supplies with fewer attacks, so not a problem.

Chapter 3-4:

Plow Titania with BEXP. Give Haar Master Crown. Sell White Gem. Sell Blue Gem. Sell Ashera Icon. Sell Blossom. Buy 2x Olivi Grass from Bargains. Assign Savior to Haar. Exit base and return. Remove Pass from Oscar. Assign Pass to Ranulf. Remove Adept from Shinon. Assign Adept to Ranulf. Remove Smite from Mordy. Assign Smite to Gatrie. Make sure Haar has Brave Lance, Hammer, Short Axe, and Concoction. Make sure Ike has Brave Sword, Wind Edge, and Concoction. Give Mordy Olivi Grass. Deposit Lethe's and Kyza's inventories. Haar and Rhys start on left diagonal. Titania and Oscar start on left. Boyd and Mist start adjacent. Gatrie and Shinon start adjacent.

Move Ike and rescue him with Haar 9U 1L turn 1. Smite Ranulf and shove twice. Let Titania get KOs. If top warrior near the starting point survives, block him off. Move Rhys 3L and 3U so that I can shove him 4 times next turn. Move Haar 10U and use Vulnerary turn 2. Move forward with Ranulf and attack halberdier. Combine for KOs, and shove Rhys 4 times, but make sure Rhys uses his full move. If Rhys doesn't have to attack, equip Physic.

Ranulf uses full move and uses Olivi Grass on turn 3. Move Haar 6U 4L and drop Ike L. Make sure Ike has Wind Edge equipped. Physic Haar with Rhys. Rescue Rhys back with Titania and Oscar. Heal Rhys and move up 2 units capable of shoving Rhys. Ranulf uses full move and uses Olivi Grass on turn 4. Haar KOs Wyrmslayer SM. Ike equips Steel Blade and uses Vulnerary or Concoction. Have Haar equip Steel Poleaxe. Shove Rhys once and Rhys physics Haar. Rescue back Rhys with Titania and Oscar and choke the left path.

Physic Haar if necessary on turn 5. Haar attacks general on arrive tile and cantos in front of Callum. Prepare Ike and Ranulf to arrive. A unit can block Ike's way to the arrive tile; stand 5 spaces away from the right arrive tile and equip Wind Edge. Clear out remaining enemies on arrive tiles with Haar, Ike, and Ranulf on turn 6. 6 turns.

I originally created (Ike, Mia) C, but after some thought and talking with Int, I decided it wasn't worth it.

Chapter 3-5:

(Boyd, Mist) B. (Titania, Oscar) B. (Shinon, Gatrie) B. (Haar, Ike) C. (Rhys, Mia) C. Plow Titania with BEXP (promotes to Gold Knight). Remove Paragon from Titania. Assign Paragon to Oscar. Give Horseslayer to Haar. Make sure Titania has a Hammer. Give Brave Lance to Oscar. Give Laguz Stone to Reyson. Deploy Titania, Mist, Boyd, Oscar, Shinon, Gatrie, Rhys, Mia, Haar, Heather, Reyson. Titania is center right, Oscar is center left. Haar and Heather start further left. Reyson and Gatrie start right.

Titania OHKOs right general and Oscar trades away her Hammer turn 1. Haar rescues Heather and moves to lip of cliff. Reyson uses Laguz Stone. Build adjacent supports. The target area on turn 2 is where Reyson will vigor 8D 1R. Haar OHKOs top paladin blocking Lombroso and retreats up. Titania and Oscar move into position. Oscar takes Heather and drops U. Shove Reyson once. Reyson vigors. Heather steals Energy Drop. Haar rescues Heather. Titania attacks Lombroso and cantos away. Oscar takes Horseslayer from Haar and KOs Lombroso. 2 turns.

Starting here, I should have begun to BEXP Ranulf to 99 at the beginning of each chapter for access to Rend ASAP.

Chapter 3-6:

Sell Reaper Card, Fortune, unforged Steel Axes, unforged Steel Lances, unwanted Steel Swords, Iron Bow, Steel Bow, and unforged tomes. Buy Physic, Torch, Storm Sword, Short Spear, Short Axe, and Beast Killer from Bargains. Buy Mend and 2 Concoctions. Give Physic to Micaiah. Give Beast Killer to Sothe. Give all Olivi Grass to Volug. Give 2 Concoctions each to Sothe and Zihark. Give Mend and Torch to Laura. Give Iron Sword to Zihark. Remove Resolve from Sothe. Remove Wildheart and Pass from Volug. Assign Renewal to Sothe. Assign Beastfoe and Pass to Volug. Give Zihark Master Crown, Storm Sword, and Resolve. Use Speedwings on Volug. Deploy Volug, Zihark, Nolan, Leo, Jill, Fiona, Laura, Aran.

It turns out that the Concoctions were overkill. At this point I was literally trying to pawn anything for money.

Direct under cat turn 1. Shove Sothe once with Aran. Micaiah and Sothe tag team tiger. Laura mends Sothe. Leo and Zihark tag team untransformed cat. Jill flies out and ORKOs other untransformed cat. Fiona attacks cat and retreats. Volug goes to space in middle of thickets and uses Olivi Grass. Nolan stands in thicket left of cat with Tarvos. Always make sure that Sothe and Zihark end their turns with weakest weapons equipped. Halt ally on turn 2. KO untransformed cat with Sothe. Combine for KO on untransformed tiger with Leo and Jill. Mend Volug and physic Nolan. Make sure Nolan heals to full HP. Volug uses Olivi Grass.

KO cat with Sothe on turn 3. Mend Volug and roam ally. Heal Sothe to max HP. Jill KOs untransformed cat and retreats. Finish off untransformed cat with Nolan. Halt ally turn 4 if in favorable position; target 2 tile chokepoint on right if not. Steal Olivi Grass with Sothe and heal to max HP. Chip with range 3 times to induce untransformation. Mend ally and move Volug into the swamp. KO untransformed enemies around target with Leo. Double Physic Volug on turn 5 and wait. Attack untransformed tigers at range with Sothe and Jill.

Physic Volug on turn 6 and move him further out. Roam ally. Use Torch if possible. Move BK up and rescue with Jill into swamp. Attack from range with Sothe and Zihark. Retreat Zihark and turn 7 and attack from range with Storm Sword. Mend Zihark. Drop BK on north island. Force right tiger to untransform and KO. Move Volug northeast and heal. Retreat with Volug slightly on turn 8 and use Olivi Grass. Mend Sothe and Zihark. Fully retreat with Volug on turn 9 and use Olivi Grass. Physic Volug. Finish up on turn 10. Trade Brave Axe to Zihark. 10 turns.

I had forgotten to have Sothe stop on the Brave Bow spot, so that's an item that I should have gotten. If you're wondering what Aran and Fiona were used for, they were basically there to reduce laguz gauge by throwing Javelins. Fiona is particularly effective at it because she can free up her spot by cantoing away. I also slightly messed up the BK drop on turn 7, which resulted in no counters (because an untransformed cat blocked the only spot that the BK could be attacked from); I could have ended this map in 9 turns if I hadn't messed that up. Also, on the future recording I will need to remember to remove Physic from Micaiah and Laura before the chapter ends so that they don't use it up in 3-7. Removing ranged weapons would help too so that the DB could suicide onto Ulki and Janaff instead of draining their gauge.

Another note to self: Try dropping Laura with Physic into the swamp so she can Physic Volug while Volug only has to worry about his gauge.

Chapter 3-7:

Buy 2x Olivi Grass and Quickclaw from Bargains. Assign Adept to Ranulf. Assign Pass to Mordy. Remove Celerity from Haar. Assign Celerity to Reyson. Remove Adept from Mia. Make sure Reyson, Mordy, and Ranulf have Olivi Grass. Give Haar Brave Lance and forged Steel Axe. Give Ike Spectre Card and 2 Olivi Grass. Deploy Titania, Mist, Boyd, Oscar, Rhys, Haar, Reyson, Mordy. Boyd and Mist start adjacent in back. Titania and Oscar start adjacent in front. Advance and use Olivi Grass with laguz turn 1. Move Haar into range of south DK. Ike hangs back. Move Haar all the way left turn 2. Keep laguz out of range of enemies and conserve Olivi Grass. Ike talks to Ulki turn 3. Ulki and Janaff take Ike's Olivi Grass and rescue-drop him forward. Form a cross shape so Reyson can transform and vigor.

Recruit Zihark with Mordy and obtain as much strike WEXP as possible for laguz. Keep Titania + Oscar and Boyd + Mist adjacent. Tag BK with Ike. 13 turns.

Janaff got killed in one attempt by BK + Leo =/ The amount of 2 range enemies was incredibly annoying in this chapter, but in the end, Ulki and Janaff got roughly 1/2 of the WEXP needed for S strike and Ranulf was at roughly 1/3. Ranulf ended up getting ganged up on and untransformed on turn 4 or 5 and couldn't really keep up after that, but he had done slightly better in my first attempt. Oh well. I didn't feel like trying very hard on this map.

Note to self: Mordy doesn't need Pass on this chapter. If I have Resolve, assigning Adept on him might be a good idea.

Chapter 3-8:

(Ike, Haar) B. (Titania, Oscar) A. (Mist, Boyd) A. Buy Olivi Grass from Bargains. Sell Spectre Card. Use Master Crown on Shinon. Use Energy Drop on Ulki. Remove Pass from Mordy. Assign Pass to Ranulf. Assign Resolve to Mordy. Remove Wrath from Nephenee. Assign Wrath to Mordy. Assign Adept to Ike. Assign Daunt to Ike. Assign Pass to Ranulf. Give Reyson Laguz Stone. Restock Olivi Grasses. Give Haar Brave Lance and Hammer. Give Titania Brave Axe and Hammer. Give Ike Storm Sword and Brave Sword. Give Mordy Herb and Vulnerary. Deploy Titania, Mist, Oscar, Rhys, Haar, Reyson, Mordy, Janaff, Ulki, Shinon. Ulki and Janaff start back on right. Shinon, Haar, Rhys are also on right. Mordy starts on rightmost tile on left. Titania starts right of Ike. Other positions don't matter.

Haar KOs weakened SM on turn 1 and cantos right. Mordy takes SM's place and uses Olivi Grass. Titania KOs general and Oscar follows 2 spaces behind. Reyson uses Laguz Stone. Make sure Titania is the only unit in the range of the generals. On turn 2, Olivi Grass to full with Ranulf, Ulki, and Janaff, and vigor them and Titania with Reyson. Maximize enemy phase exposure.

For remaining turns, converge on Septimus. Attack ranged enemies on player phase with laguz, vigor with Reyson, and use Olivi Grass. 6 turns.

I should have forged a Hand Axe for Haar and had him equip it for turn 1 enemy phase, which would have resulted in a cleaner strategy, but it didn't really matter in the end. I'll keep in mind to do this when recording. I also should have started to BEXP Ulki to 99 at the beginning of the chapter for access to Tear ASAP.

Note to self: Janaff and Ulki are missing ORKOs all over the place against halbs and generals. Assigning Adept to them instead of Ike/Ranulf might be a better idea.

Chapter 3-9:

Buy Shine Barrier and Adept from Bargains. Remove Paragon from Geoffrey. Remove Paragon from Astrid. Assign Paragon to Marcia. Assign Adept to Kieran. Put all unused items in convoy. Buy 2x Stl Greatlance for Marcia and Danved. Make sure the general in the thickets has 16 AS. Deploy Calill, Marcia, Kieran, Makalov, Danved, Astrid. Danved and Calill start on top tiles. Marcia starts on top left. Kieran starts adjacent to Geoffrey.

Calill and Danved climb up gap to tag team SM turn 1. Kieran and Geoffrey tag team halb. Marcia flies up to attack soldier. Roam ally. Continue to get KO combinations on turn 2. Advance Geoffrey and Kieran near the general in the thickets, but stay out of range of the halbs. Put out fire with Marcia. Direct an ally unit to a thicket spot near Geoffrey and Kieran to draw a halb on turn 3 while Geoffrey and Kieran KO the general. Draw out the warriors on turn 4. KO warriors on turn 5 and direct Kieran and Geoffrey to spaces furthest away from Roark. Calill + Geoffrey + Kieran will KO Roark - trade away Calill's Meteor. Put out as many fires as possible to maximize BEXP. 6 turns.

Chapter 3-10:

Buy 6x Olivi Grass from Bargains. BEXP Ulki, Janaff, and Ranulf to 99. Remove Celerity from Reyson. Assign Celerity to Haar. Remove Adept from Ike. Remove Adept from Ranulf. Assign Adept to Ulki. Assign Adept to Janaff. Remove Savior from Haar. Assign Provoke to Haar. Forge 2x +5 MT Hand Axe. Make sure Titania and Haar have Hammer. Give Horseslayer to Haar. Redistribute Olivi Grass. Make sure Reyson has Laguz Stone and one with 2+ uses remains in convoy. Deploy Titania, Mist, Oscar, Rhys, Haar, Reyson, Mordy, Janaff, Ulki, Shinon, Boyd, Gatrie. Janaff and Ulki start top. Mordecai and Reyson start second row. Oscar, Titania, and Haar start in right tiles.

Move Mordy adjacent to top halb on turn 1 to get into Resolve range. Combine for KOs on other 2 halbs with Titania, Oscar, Haar, Shinon. Make sure Haar has Horseslayer equipped for enemy phase. Reyson uses Laguz Stone and other laguz use Olivi Grass. KO Wyrmslayer paladin with Shinon + Boyd on turn 2. KO 3 generals with Titania, Haar, and Oscar, using Reyson's help. Reyson vigors Haar, Titania, Ulki, Janaff. Ulki and Janaff head north to the open field. Make sure that Haar has Horseslayer, Titania has Hand Axe, and Shinon has Crossbow equipped for enemy phase. Keep Haar out of range of the 2 far bishops.

Rescue Ike up into the open field with Haar and take-drop with Ulki or Janaff on turn 3. Reyson vigors and Haar equips Horseslayer for enemy phase. It doesn't appear that any of the enemies past the paladins in the northeast corner move to attack. Titania, Oscar, and Shinon come up from the bottom. Ike backtracks to help out the CRKs and Ulki, Janaff, Titania, Haar do most of the work with Reyson vigoring. Oscar comes up with some extra damage to assist for OHKOs on generals. Sergei is the only enemy left on turn 5 enemy phase and dies by Titania's Hand Axe. 5 turns.

Ranulf and Mordy saw a lot less action than I wanted them to on this map, but that can mostly be attributed to them not being able to canto. I got cautious when approaching that Crossbow sniper near Sergei, but I was surprised to find out that no enemies there moved, even after my units had already broken through the line of generals. Ulki and Janaff are now about 10 WEXP away from S strike. Ranulf is in a bit of a predicament because I have 2 maps to get him to S strike (probably not happening) or to get him to level 30 (also not happening, due to not pumping BEXP a chapter earlier) for a Satori Sign.

Chapter 3-11:

(Ulki, Janaff) C. BEXP Oscar, Sigrun, Ulki, and Ranulf to 99. Use Satori Sign on Janaff. Assign Paragon to Sigrun. Remove Provoke from Haar. Remove Celerity from Haar. Remove Smite from Gatrie. Remove Adept from Janaff. Remove Adept from Kieran. Assign Savior to Haar. Assign Adept to Haar. Assign Smite to Janaff. Assign Celerity to Ike. Assign Adept to Titania. Give Laguz Stone to Ulki or Janaff. Use Master Crown on Tanith. Buy 2x Pure Water and give to Haar and Ike. Give Steel Lance forge and Horseslayer to Marcia. Forge 2x +5 MT, +10 hit Javelin. Give Brave Axe to Haar. Give Brave Lance to Tanith. Give Brave Sword to Sigrun. Deploy Titania, Mist, Oscar, Rhys, Haar, Ulki, Janaff, Marcia. Ulki and Janaff start below Ike. Haar and Titania start above Ike.

Haar attacks a paladin with Hand Axe turn 1. Titania KOs paladin and retreats. Ike attacks a paladin with Ragnell. Ulki and Janaff move forward and use Laguz Stone. Sigrun and Tanith advance with Tanith 2L of Sigrun. Ranulf moves below the top sandbag and uses Olivi Grass. Begin picking off leftover enemies with Oscar, Marcia, Titania on turn 2. Make sure Hand Axe paladin is removed. Janaff KOs warrior and moves 1R 1U of sage. Ulki KOs sage and moves 2D of Janaff. Vigor Janaff and Ulki with Leanne and move 2U of Tibarn. Heal units if safe. Advance Oscar, Marcia, Titania, Ike, Ranulf through the top passage. Ulki KOs Shine Barrier wind sage; Janaff moves into Ulki's support range. Block Leanne off with Haar, Sigrun, Tanith, and a pitfall space.

Ulki and Janaff use Olivi Grass on turn 3 and retreat so Leanne can vigor them. Rescue-drop Leanne with Sigrun and Tanith to the bottom edge of the map. Ike moves next to Haar. Haar rescues Ike and advances. Clear out Leanne's section of the map with Janaff. Ulki attacks wind sage from its left. Oscar, Marcia, Titania, and Ranulf pick off enemies.

Rhys uses Physic on Leanne turn 4. Janaff smites Leanne R. Place Ulki on the far end of Leanne's vigor range and Haar on the close end. Ulki uses Olivi Grass. Haar uses Pure Water. Vigor Ulki and Haar. Haar moves 9R. Ulki takes Ike and drops R, then moves 1U. Sigrun and Tanith rescue + drop Leanne back behind the sandbag. Haar attacks Goran with Brave Axe turn 5. Ulki KOs Goran. Use Leanne to give Janaff and Sigrun as much WEXP and EXP as possible before Ike seizes.

I made sure that Ike equipped a Slim Sword before ending the chapter. 5 turns.

The Pure Water for Ike wasn't necessary, nor was the one for Haar. The Elthunder sage decided instead to attack an ally hawk, but it is a good safeguard anyway. And hilariously enough, Haar decided to proc Adept and Stun on Goran. Overkill much?

Chapter 3-12:

(Leo, Nolan) B. (Jill, Tauroneo) C. Use Master Crown on Tauroneo. Give Short Axes and Short Spears to Tauroneo. Give all Olivi Grass to Volug. Give Concoction to Tauroneo. Give Silver Lance to Tauroneo. Give Steel Axe forge to Tauroneo. Remove Beastfoe from Volug. Remove Renewal from Sothe. Remove Cancel from Sothe. Assign Renewal to Volug. Assign Cancel to Tauroneo. Assign Vantage to Tauroneo. Buy Bowgun and give to Nolan. Deploy Fiona, Volug, Laura, Nolan, Jill, Leo. Jill and Fiona start left, with Fiona on top.

Tauroneo moves 6R turn 1. Fiona rescues Tauroneo and moves R. Micaiah pushes free stone. Nolan and Leo shove Sothe L, who then moves 7L. Volug uses Olivi Grass. Fiona gives Tauroneo to Jill and retreats out of FK range turn 2. Jill retreats out of FK range. Sothe attacks left FK. Volug moves 3L and uses Olivi Grass. Leo moves L, staying out of FK range. Nolan moves L, at the edge of Leo's support range.

Laura and Micaiah shove Leo L turn 3 if necessary. Leo and Nolan blick FKs. Jill moves onto the stone platform second from the left. Sothe moves 7R. Leo and Nolan move L to the FK reinforcement zones turn 4. Volug uses Olivi Grass. Jill flies down, drops Tauroneo L along a choke tile, then ends in support range, in range of 2 paladin enemies but none others. Halt ally. Continue to attack and Physic Tauroneo while Volug aims to position for best coverage. Unhalt ally if necessary to score extra KOs. 9 turns.

I hated this chapter. This is now my new least favorite chapter. Between the allied units not doing what I wanted them to do (i.e. getting in the way or not dying fast enough), Volug suddenly facing 8+ enemies on a single enemy phase and untransforming, Tauroneo activating Luna too much and dying, and Nolan or Leo missing the FKs with 65-85 hit, I had to redo this chapter a copious number of times. I thought I could maybe do this chapter faster, and it's probably possible with significantly greater risk of death.

The (Tauroneo, Jill) support was actually of paramount significance. Without it, Jill would have been KO'd by the 2 paladins that attacked her after her Tauroneo drop. She had only gained 1 level (so 1 HP on base), but was left with 2 HP.

Chapter 3-13:

Buy Physic from Bargains. Remove Renewal from Volug. Assign Parity to Volug. Remove Cancel from Tauroneo. Assign Beastfoe to Tauroneo. Deploy Fiona, Volug, Laura, Nolan, Jill, Leo, Aran. Fiona starts on top left tile. Aran and Nolan start on upper platform. Laura starts on bottom right tile. Volug starts L of Tauroneo. Leo starts R of Tauroneo. Jill starts in tile near Leo.

Move Laura down gap turn 1. Jill rescues the halb guarding the middle gap and cantos R. Tauroneo takes halb and drops L. This allows that halb to block the right side from the enemies in the center, and it ensures that he doesn't get ganged up on. Volug moves 7R and uses Olivi Grass. Leo moves 1L 2D. Fiona moves down stairs and rescues general. Shove Sothe R once and move him 6D. Aran, Nolan, and Micaiah block top center gap. Enemy laguz must have KO'd the 2 armors on the RHS. Leo OHKOs hawk on turn 2. Sothe moves 7R, with Laura healing. Volug moves 5D 1R and uses Olivi Grass. Tauroneo OHKOs tiger.

Halt ally turn 3. Sothe and Tauroneo mop up enemies. Laura mends halb. Volug moves next to the R sandbag on the bottom floor, shifts, and heals if necessary. Fiona moves 2L 1D and drops D. The general will block the left side. Volug attacks Ike with Parity on turn 4. Other units grab kills on enemies and block the bottom gap on the RHS. Volug counterkills Ike on enemy phase (Ike is like, the 4th enemy to move - he also won't use any healing items). 4 turns.

Chapter 3-E:

(Haar, Ike) A. (Tanith, Sigrun) C. Ulki uses Satori Sign. BEXP Sigrun to promotion. BEXP Ranulf, Oscar, and Marcia to 99. Remove Paragon from Sigrun. Remove Paragon from Oscar. Assign Paragon to Mist. Assign Paragon to Ranulf. Remove Smite from Janaff. Remove Adept from Haar. Remove Pass from Ranulf. Remove Celerity from Ike. Assign Celerity to Haar. Remove Adept from Titania. Assign Adept to Ike. Assign Adept to Janaff. Buy 2x Restore and give to Mist and Rhys. Give Recover to Mist. Forge +5 MT, +10 hit Hand Axe. Forge 2x +5 MT, +10 Javelin. Forge +5 MT, +10 hit Steel Lance. Forge +5 MT, +10 hit Steel Axe. Deposit all free skills, stat boosters, Torches into convoy. Give Reyson all remaining Laguz Stones. Give Steel Sword forge to Tanith. Deploy Reyson, Ulki, Janaff, Marcia, Tanith, Titania, Mist, Oscar, Rhys, Haar, Shinon, Heather. Reyson, Ulki, Janaff start on left diagonal with Reyson at top. Tanith and Titania start on right diagonal, with Shinon and Oscar behind. Haar starts adjacent to Ike and Ranulf.

Ranulf, Ulki, and Janaff move U turn 1 and use Olivi Grass. Reyson follows and uses Laguz Stone. Tanith, Sigrun, Marcia move R. Ike uses Pure Water. Haar rescues Ike and moves 11U. Titania moves 2U 3R and Oscar stays on the edge of her support range. Shinon, Heather, Rhys, and Mist form a diagonal from Oscar's position.

Move Ranulf, Janaff, and Ulki in a diamond formation and use Olivi Grass turn 2. Move Haar to the top of the diamond formation and use Pure Water. Haar ORKOs Sleep bishop with Brave Axe. Ranulf, Janaff, and Ulki move to block off the north enemies. Finish off enemies in the center group and advance Titania. Get KO combinations with Marcia, Tanith, Sigrun.

Haar attacks and retreats to where Reyson is turn 3. Form a diamond formation with Janaff, Ulki, Ranulf and Olivi Grass. Ranulf finishes off KOs. Janaff and Ulki move to center. Haar moves U and attacks paladin with Horseslayer if possible. Advance Titania with Hand Axe. Move Heather 8 tiles away from Rescue and form a diagonal from her position.

Haar moves into the heart of the enemy army turn 4 and drops Ike. Ulki and Janaff finish off enemies in the center of the map, and Reyson vigors them. Ulki and Janaff advance and use Olivi Grass. Clear out enemies and shove Heather. Heather picks up Rescue. Rescue Heather with Titania and take+drop with Oscar. Grab KOs with Marcia, Tanith, and Sigrun. Finish as many KOs as possible turn 5. Chapter should end on enemy phase. 5 turns.

At one point in the chapter, Haar does face a chance to get ORKO'd by a Wyrmslayer SM. Due to a +30 avo Ike support, Daunt, and worst bio on the SM, Haar only faced 30 disp on each attack. Pretty ballin'. I should have been less conservative with Haar and had him drop Ike a turn earlier after a quick Physic from Rhys. Ike only saw 1 turn's worth of combat; I should have kept Adept on Titania since that increases her ORKO percentage against generals (whom she still doubles).

Part 3 total: 91 turns

I will stop this preliminary run here, as there are a few mistakes that need to be rectified and the extra HP growths are starting to have a significant impact. Additionally, units like Oscar, Sothe, and Shinon capped their HP at some point and grew some additional points of str, which is not good.

Parts 1-3 combined total: 188 turns

Edited by dondon151
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When you gave Ilyana only 6 items, I was assuming you were trying to get her to take the wing or something else during the chapter, but I didn't see any mention of it.

Also, out of curiosity, any regrets on Ilyana's forge being only +10 hit?

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When you gave Ilyana only 6 items, I was assuming you were trying to get her to take the wing or something else during the chapter, but I didn't see any mention of it.

She also had a Thunder forge on her. Can units only carry 7 items? That's probably why.

Also, out of curiosity, any regrets on Ilyana's forge being only +10 hit?

Not really; +10 hit was good enough for most of part 1. It sucked on 1-E due to -15 hit from authority, but she only had to attack once (and technically she shouldn't attack at all).

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I think Astrid, Lyre and Fiona just got more useless... Is that even possible?

I think Fiona might come in useful in 3-6 for rescuing healers (since Laura does not yet have C staves... lol). Lyre is never going to see the light of day.

It almost looks like nobody got the wing, not even the DB. I'm sure you've analyzed it and decided this won't hurt, but I find that curious.

Hm? A thief pilfered the Speedwing, then Vika killed him and traded the Speedwing to Jill on the last turn. I just edited into the first post.

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Shame you couldn't get the Speedwing to the Greil Mercenaries. Unless you think it would be better off with the Dawn Brigade? But who, I mean, Volug doubles fine, and Sothe won't double even with the Wing. The only one I can think of is Zihark. Or Crowned Tauroneo, I guess, for 24AS.

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Speedwing Volug reaches 30 AS. That's generally trivial for part 3 (I guess extra 4% Vantage activation or extra 8 avo plus 4 more avo with Resolve), but it's paramount in part 4 because 30 AS doubles most enemies there unless you're in 4-4. The more 30 AS units that I have, the better.

Also, Speedwing Volug doubles Speedwing Ike in 3-13.

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Summaries up to 3-P are up. Does anyone have suggestions for how to do 3-1? I wanted to 3-turn it but that was too ambitious... Although I certainly think it's possible given that Shinon crits once against every enemy that he faces. The problem now is that there's the group of reinforcements on turn 4 up north and then 2 halbs on turn 5 in the south. I didn't bother playing past that (FEWoD informs me that there are more southwest reinforcements are turn 6), and given the nature of the turn 4 reinforcements, it will take me more than a turn to defeat them, but I'm looking at a 5 turn clear at best.

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By the way, I don't understand what's so hard about 7-turning this chapter. Skrimir even went the wrong way at the beginning.

Issue is with max BEXP and 7-turning, not the 7-turn in and of itself. Only Paperblade really complains about it, though.

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3-3 is up. Any ideas for 3-4? Haar took the Master Crown and can thusly carry both Celerity and Savior, so I will probably have him carry Ike up to the top. But otherwise, I don't really know. I might give Ranulf Pass and have him rush up along the left side.

Oh yeah, also, minor problem. Shinon is level 15 and has capped HP, so I'll need to start resetting stats soon... Does anyone know how to edit this?

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Posting to say I approve vehemently and I'm looking forward to vids. I already told you what I know on IRC...

I presume you'll end up with tier 3 Titania, Haar, Mia and Shinon on the GMs at the very least.

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Titania is 19.96 going into 3-4. She will be promoted by the next map.

Promoted Shinon is cool (but first, I have to get rid of that annoying str growth), and 26 AS will last me throughout part 3. Promoting Mia also greatly improves her offense with +3 atk. I really want to promote Oscar as well because he is currently supporting Titania and his offense could use any sort of improvement that he can get.

Also, 3-4 is giving me a bit more trouble than I thought it would. It went swimmingly until around turn 3 when Haar dropped Ike in the planned spot and both of them subsequently died on the ensuing enemy phase (yeah...). Once you drop someone on the top platform, all of the enemies there decide to charge your position. Haar could do fine with Physic support since he can fly by a general on an arrive square, Hammer him, and fly to the other side, but Ike has to somehow get to the arrive square with enemies and Ranulf has Pass to help him even get up there in the first place (since there is that section on the LHS where the gap is blocked by a ballista and 2 thunder sages).

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I know you've already started, but why don't you make everyone gain Luck instead of HP? Luck will take quite a while for any unit to cap, and there will be less of a chance of having to reset because a unit got criticaled. Also, are you planning on using bonus experience on anyone?

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Well, I didn't *make* anyone gain HP. I just set all growths to 0% to see how the game would determine the fixed stat up and it turns out that it always picks the first uncapped stat (usually HP), and I didn't bother going back to change it. It's also easy to tell if a strategy would work after taking away the HP gains because basic math is basic math, but luck affects hit and avo. Now, I wouldn't mind a small hit buffer because missing is the one thing that ruins my strategies (more than getting crit), and I wouldn't mind a cev buffer either because that's the second most common mishap that ruins my strategies, but the avo bonus is really something I don't want to have to deal with. I don't typically rely on all or most enemies to miss - that's just a bad strategy in general - but in the occasions where I do need 1 out of 3 or 4 enemies to miss, I want an accurate hit representation. So that's why I don't force units to gain luck.

I already PM'd Goldie a question about using USBGecko to edit stats back to their bases, which is what I originally planned on doing before starting every chapter. But she doesn't seem to have been checking her PMs lately, so as a last resort I will probably edit the magic caps for all physical units to 40 and the str caps for all magical units to 40, then edit in the appropriate growths to guarantee me stats in those areas. The only problems are: Elincia and Mist require both stats (so then I suppose I will use HP or luk for either of them), physical units aren't allowed to use Imbue, and magical units aren't allowed to get attacked when using tomes that reduce AS - this will generally not be a problem as the only tomes that violate this rule on characters that I will use are siege tomes, and god knows I'm not going to let anyone get attacked with one equipped, but Sanaki is also a big problem with her 2 base str, so I'll have to find a way around that.

I have been using BEXP. It is probably responsible for at least 80% of Titania's current EXP gain. I will probably use it later on to push Tanith and Sigrun to promotion and to push anyone among Volug, Ranulf, or Skrimir to level 30 where they can use a Satori Sign for their masteries.

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3-7 finished. If you're wondering what Zihark had, the important items were Storm Sword, Master Crown, Brave Axe, and Resolve. I should have given him the Brave Bow (if I had found it in the first place), but that doesn't seem to be a huge loss as even a crowned Shinon with 23 str is ~3 HP short of a 2HKO on SMs in 3-8.

At least Titania 2HKOs warriors, snipers, and SMs with Brave Axe. She also still OHKOs generals with Hammer, which is pretty amazing.

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Bumping to share some Provoke info. I tested the status staff theory in 4-3 with Skrimir and Nolan: no dice. Nolan had 20 RES (capped) and Provoke, Skrimir had 9 RES (untransformed, lowest in the deployed army). Even though they were both the same distance from the Elsleep Bishop, Skrimir was targeted every time.

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Actually, I have some Provoke info. Only basing this on what Int said, I have no idea what the question was >>

Provoke will damn near always work when there are two targets, one with one without. However, Provoke will never work if the second target is an untransformed Laguz.

Case in point: I did 4-E-4 with Laura with Provoke + Nosferatu. The Spirits would target and kill Nasir and Ena every time despite Provoke, until one time I transformed them both with Stones on turn 1. From there, every single Spirit, even though they mostly tink!ed Laura, singled her out despite many juicier targets who couldn't counter.

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