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Warcraft 3


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Yeah I know the game is pretty damn old...and funky. Yet I have to wonder if anyone else here plays it, or at least has an opinion on it. I know Starcraft, and the upcoming Starcraft 2 are/will be bigger, but anyone got love for this one aside from me?

Also, no WoW crap. Different game, if you wanna talk about that, make a different topic that I will never visit.

You know things are bad when you're playing a Blizzard game at the asscrack of dawn

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I used to really love this and play it regularly with people at some place. Always chose Undead and always got my ass handed to me because I kept developing and upgrading everything before making a huge army, and my opposition always just made a hero and two mooks, got the hero to max level and then he would come to lay waste to my buildings.

Wasn't exactly pretty, but uh...yeah, that's about most of my experience with this game. That, and some single player campaign that I never finished. This all was over four years ago, and I haven't played anything since.

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I used to really love this and play it regularly with people at some place. Always chose Undead and always got my ass handed to me because I kept developing and upgrading everything before making a huge army, and my opposition always just made a hero and two mooks, got the hero to max level and then he would come to lay waste to my buildings.

Here's some tips. Sorry, I'm about to explode dork all over ya.

1. Build order is important in helping you get things out quick. As an undead, what you should do is send your two acolytes to gold, the ghoul to wood as the third acolyte builds up Altar, Crpyt, then Ziggurat (that preferrably being near the gold mine, especially if playing against an Orc). Get your hero out while building ghouls (send them to wood until the hero comes out), then make a Tomb of Relics to get the Rod of Necromancy. Once your hero's out, bring 2 ghouls off lumber, get the rod, go creep hunting. This point, make a Graveyard, branch out what units you're going to make while you either upgrade your necropolis, or seek to get another gold mine. THEN upgrade.

2. If you see you have a lot of resources, you aren't spending enough. Upgrade, Research, moar units or production buildings. Don't get upgrades when you're strapped for cash, get upgrades when you see you have plentiful amounts of cash. Luckily though, Undead rarely has to deal with researching, since all their research is nearly useless. Only research worth it most of the time are for getting Destroyers from Obsidian Statues.

3. Make Nerubian Towers to mostly block your gold mine. Just enough opening to let an acolyte in and out to build extra stuff, and just enough to trap anyone stupid enough to charge in to harass the mine.

4. Scout. Send an Acolyte to the spawning points to see what they are, what they're opening with, and where they are. If you know what they're making, you know how to counter it. It becomes pretty easy if you're Undead once you get a Sacrificial Pit. Pin a Shade to an enemy hero, know where their army is at any given time. Nightmare for Orcs with their Windwalking Blademaster, though Humans with their multiple ways to detect might not let you get away with that all the time. But hey, if you know they're making a bunch of magic units, you know to make crypt fiends and gargoyles to shut them down.

5. Even your hero order matters. Most go for Death Knight with Death Coil (because he eventually gets Unholy Aura, which is awesome) at the start. Then, they get a Lich (Frost Nova rocks to do cold effect and AoE damage, helps keep heroes on their toes knowing a Frost Nova could slow them down, get them surrounded and thus killed, Lich having a ranged attack puts the Orb of Corruption to the best use, Frost Armor is mighty helpful), then Crypt Lord for the Death Coil+Frost Nova+Impale nuke. Some can start with Crypt Lord for early Impale and their summon, build that up and have a tankier hero, then Lich then Death Knight with Death Coil if you decide on a third hero.

Don't bother with Dread Lords. Their abilities are basically weaker versions of other people's spells (Carrion Swarm is just a piss weak Shockwave, Sleep is Storm Bolt without the damage, Vampiric Aura is gimmicky since it's melee only, only good if teamed up with Ghouls with Ghoul Frenzy, Abominations, Necromancer's Frenzy and Death Knight with Unholy Aura, and his Ultimate is lame).

6. Shift+number like 9 assigns something to that number (Example, shift+0 with a Town Hall highlighted binds the Town Hall to 0, so whenever you push 0, you have command of the Town Hall even when looking clear across the map. You can press P to make Peasants that way, saving time of having to go back every time and click on the peasant. You can do this for say a Barracks to 9, and you can press that to Barracks, press F to make a Footman). You can do that for Buildings, or seperate your teams (Bind your fighters to 1, bind mages to 2 so that you can still move them around without having to worry about them NOT casting magic when you're focusing something down).

7. Rally Points. Highlight a production building, right click somewhere and a rally point is set so that whenever something is made, it goes straight for that point. I bring this up since I know this is probably info you already know, but assign rally points to your hero. That way, you can always constantly reinforce your hero on the fly by pressing keys bound to production buildings, hitting the hotkeys to make units, and the rally points take care of the rest.

Sorry if this was stuff you already knew/exploding dork all over ya. Just...Felt like talking about Warcraft 3 ;;>> Funny thing is, I also happen to like Undead. easiest part of them is setting up builds, since one guy can just blink buildings into existence, then g back to mining gold which barely halts your resource collecting int he least. Hard part is keeping your heroes alive, since the undead heroes love to die quick...Except for the tanky Crypt Lord.

Wasn't exactly pretty, but uh...yeah, that's about most of my experience with this game. That, and some single player campaign that I never finished. This all was over four years ago, and I haven't played anything since.

Should get back into it, it's pretty fun. Just have to know how to work things ;;>>

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That's a lot of info. Thanks, even though I probably won't be playing this again for a long, long time.

And yeah, a lot of my incompetence was due to my age. I was too young to play this efficiently (four years might have been an understatement), who knows what will happen when I start playing again. If I do get this again, I might hit you up sometime. Funny thing is, just yesterday, I was just thinking if there will be another RTS WarCraft. And here this topic is made.

By the way, Abominations creeped the hell out of me.

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That's a lot of info. Thanks, even though I probably won't be playing this again for a long, long time.

Who knows man, who knows.

And yeah, a lot of my incompetence was due to my age. I was too young to play this efficiently (four years might have been an understatement), who knows what will happen when I start playing again. If I do get this again, I might hit you up sometime.

Anytime. Only problem is I think this game's ladder is wonky so you have a hard time playing with friends. Either that, or I'm just incompetent on working Battle.Net correctly.

Funny thing is, just yesterday, I was just thinking if there will be another RTS WarCraft. And here this topic is made.

Warcraft 4? Would be cool I suppose. I wouldn't mind a return of the hero aspect, it helps keep it's own taste away form Starcraft. Some kinks need to be worked out sure (The Demon Hunter can fuck off, for example), but I think it works fine.

That reminds me though.

8. The Tab key shifts who you command in a team. For example, a team with two heroes, footmen and a priest. Hit tab key once, it switches to your second hero. Second time, switches to command all your footment. Third time, switches to command all your mages. Great way to make a full team of footmen switch between Defend and normalcy, or have your mages Dispel before switching right back to your hero.

By the way, Abominations creeped the hell out of me.

They were fucked up for sure, but I don't think they're that bothersome. Now if they upped the graphics and we saw a less cartoony version of them...Yeah, that is fucked up central.

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Should get back into it, it's pretty fun. Just have to know how to work things ;;>>

You are sooo close to finishing ff5, though. Well, ff5A I guess has a couple extra things to do, probably, but I'm sure you are still awfully close. 2 or 3 more sittings, probably.

In other words, please please finish ff5 first.

(and I hate to say it but Blizzard is probably getting so much money from WoW that another RTS Warcraft game is...unlikely...to say the least.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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I like WC3 but I hate how unresponsive the units are, it makes it impossible to micro. Also, the upkeep annoys be for some strange unknown reason, might be my OCD telling me not to waste any money.

WC4 will be made eventually, WoW is definitely not stopping it. Blizz is just really, really slow.

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I played a lot of Warcraft 3 back in the day, Night Elves mostly. Gogo Huntress rush!

DoTA is pretty cool, though too many players get anal about it. Some of the strategy for it is weird as well (you're supposed to kill your units and only attack enemy units low on health).

WC4...maybe in like 2020 or something.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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I played WC3 its a good game played as humans. DOTA is alright didn't get much into it since people treat it as serious buisness. (Example being on banlist for making one mistake.) The world editor was good though didn't make much besides random trigger stuff.

Edited by Generic Officer
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You are sooo close to finishing ff5, though. Well, ff5A I guess has a couple extra things to do, probably, but I'm sure you are still awfully close. 2 or 3 more sittings, probably.

In other words, please please finish ff5 first.

I am, I am, just relax!

(and I hate to say it but Blizzard is probably getting so much money from WoW that another RTS Warcraft game is...unlikely...to say the least.

WoW will still exist if they make Warcraft 4.

Did I seriously not see a single mention of DotA here?

I pretty much agree with everyone here, DotA is too srs bzns.

I like WC3 but I hate how unresponsive the units are, it makes it impossible to micro. Also, the upkeep annoys be for some strange unknown reason, might be my OCD telling me not to waste any money.

WC4 will be made eventually, WoW is definitely not stopping it. Blizz is just really, really slow.

There's no reason to ever GET into Low Upkeep. Small armies you want to keep alive are the name of the game in WC3, spend more money on healing items than pumping out units constantly. Only reason to go into Low Upkeep is to pump out power units to just attempt to decimate the enemy.

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But then that goes against my macro mentality in SC:BW. I build units much faster than they go down, that is if they go down. Given the slowness of WC3, it isn't too hard.

Thus the vast distinction between the two games. WC3 is an RTS with RPG aspects to it, so treat it as such. Basically think it this way.

Earlygame: Muster up a basic army, train hero, pressure/ward off other team (Particularly easy for Undead to ward off thanks to Necro Rod and Death Coil Death Knight, easy for Orc to pressure thanks to Blademaster's Windwalk), scout out enemy base.

Midgame: Expand or tech up, make more production, research. Heal current army/replace fallen army with new recruits. (Particularly easy for Humans, since the can just speed up building)

Lategame: Screw upkeep, mass up whatever and steam roll. (Depends on unit combination)

Endgame: Micro everyone like they're the last survivors of the apocalypse (or if you're a Night Elf, uproot your production trees and behold your new army for a rush to base crush).

I dunno, maybe I'm not the best person to ask cause I'm not a master of Warcraft 3 by any means, but you need a different mindset from Brood War. The transition I hear throws most off, but Warcraft 3's a fun game in it's own right. Just...Has kinks it needs worked out.

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Yea, I know how to play, used to watch WC3 when it was on GOMTV. It's just not as fun as SC:BW I feel.

I find both fun still to be honest.

If you enjoy watching the stuff, I can PM you some youtube links to channels with some good plays. Even videos of Starcraft 2 Beta plays from people who got the Beta.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I love Warcraft III. Although I'm not the greatest, I still thoroughly enjoy playing. Especially the Night Elves.

I feel slightly bad reviving a dead thread, but I was just curious. Am I the only Warcraft III player who loathes Starcaft? I hated Starcraft I so much. In part because I prefer games set in the past as opposed to games set in the future (like Fire Emblem, most Final Fantasy games), and also in part because I prefer having fewer, more important units as opposed to massive armies.

So basically I love Warcraft but hate Starcraft. I also love Fire Emblem but hate Advance Wars. Does that make me crazy?

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I love Warcraft III. Although I'm not the greatest, I still thoroughly enjoy playing. Especially the Night Elves.

I feel slightly bad reviving a dead thread, but I was just curious. Am I the only Warcraft III player who loathes Starcaft? I hated Starcraft I so much. In part because I prefer games set in the past as opposed to games set in the future (like Fire Emblem, most Final Fantasy games), and also in part because I prefer having fewer, more important units as opposed to massive armies.

So basically I love Warcraft but hate Starcraft. I also love Fire Emblem but hate Advance Wars. Does that make me crazy?

Thread ain't quite dead, t would require to be a month old, and the last post was on July 6th. You're good.

As for liking Warcraft but hating Starcraft, I can't really follow you there. I like what they did with Warcraft 3, but it is just inferior to Starcraft as it is as a game. If we want to get into technicals, I'll be here all day, but I feel that Warcraft 3 had a nice system but has some kinks to work out. If they ever make a Warcraft 4 (something I imagine they'll never do thanks to WoW being their money cheat code) and they work those kinks out, I'd certainly be more a fan cause as it is now, Warcraft 3 is just too slow and frankly can be really really cheesy at times. Still fun, but it's not hard to see that it has issues.

Crush Night Elves under my Undead hoof

Edited by Etzel's Hips
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Hey, do you still play Etzel? I missed your profile name...add me if you want to, my name is Bucket.

What good would adding do? Unless I'm missing the most unexplained way I can set up matches with a specific person rather than just going random and hoping for the best, I don't see what the point of adding is.

...Unless you know how to.

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Seems you hate SC for only reasons of lore, which really I could care less about. Both are ripoffs of other fantasy/sci fi settings any way.

Also just because you have fewer units in WC3 doesn't mean they're more important. In fact, with the higher HP, lower micro, and general forgiveness of the mechanics, I'd say they're less important than key units in SC.

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What good would adding do? Unless I'm missing the most unexplained way I can set up matches with a specific person rather than just going random and hoping for the best, I don't see what the point of adding is.

...Unless you know how to.

I like doing AT sometimes, but w/e.If you aren't interested that's OK with me.

Edited by SeverIan
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Thread ain't quite dead, t would require to be a month old, and the last post was on July 6th. You're good.

As for liking Warcraft but hating Starcraft, I can't really follow you there. I like what they did with Warcraft 3, but it is just inferior to Starcraft as it is as a game. If we want to get into technicals, I'll be here all day, but I feel that Warcraft 3 had a nice system but has some kinks to work out. If they ever make a Warcraft 4 (something I imagine they'll never do thanks to WoW being their money cheat code) and they work those kinks out, I'd certainly be more a fan cause as it is now, Warcraft 3 is just too slow and frankly can be really really cheesy at times. Still fun, but it's not hard to see that it has issues.

Crush Night Elves under my Undead hoof

Hm, I guess to each his own. I know some people hate the base building aspect of it (if thats what you mean by slow), but I actually really enjoy that part. Its like playing a medieval sim city! Haha, and I also really enjoy leveling up my hero and making it to level 6 to unleash Starfall/Mass Teleport/whatever.

If they don't make a Warcraft IV I will be so angry at Blizzard I'll never buy another of their games again! Haha, although considering the fact that the only blizzard games that I like are Warcraft and Rock N Roll Racing, that shouldn't be too hard.

The one thing I loved about Warcraft as well are the custom games. Ryoko TD, Zoatar TD, and Legion TD were all very excellent games. I love, love, love Legion TD.

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