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Mini Mafia Round 7


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This is the thread for Mini Mafia Round 7, since Ether's game is closing up and it looks like Lightning's game isn't ready.


Have fun. I won't be enforcing this, but it's a game, it should be fun.

Nighttime is for sleeping. This means that you may not post during the night. Only those with night actions should be active (and obviously, they can't post either).

No PMs. Nobody except the mafia may communicate via PM, and with the PM I sent you. This also includes MSN/AIM/etc.

No talking after death. If you are dead, be silent. One post to say goodbye I'll allow, but that's it. Feel free to talk with other dead players, since there's no revival.

Try to be active. Mafia gets boring if everyone just sits and does nothing. During the day, try to post at least once every 24 hours, preferably more often. Even if there's nothing to talk about, generate something to talk about somehow.

Vote in this format. To keep track of votes easily, I'm going to steal the voting system from another forum. All votes should be in the format: ##Vote [user]. This makes it much easier for me to go through and check votes, and it makes it easier for all of you, too. Similarly, unvote by saying ##Unvote [user]. You can vote for a No Lynch.

Each Day will last 72 hours. This is a maximum. If a person reaches a majority of votes, they will be lynched after a grace period of 6 hours. After that time, consider the day over.

Do not edit your posts. Simply unvote as shown above. I'm not actually going to enforce this rule, HOWEVER, if people see you've been editing your posts more than a few minutes after making the post, expect unhappy suspicion.


Townie (3):

You are a townie. You have no ability at night


You are the bodyguard. Each night, you may choose one user to protect. If that user is killed, you will defend them and kill the attacker, but will be killed yourself in doing so.


You are the tracker. Each night, you may choose one player. You will see who they visited that night. Note: The watcher does not visit when he watches people, and only two mafioso need to visit someone.


You are the watcher. Each night, you may choose one player. You will see who visited them that night. You can do this without visiting the person, so the tracker will not know you have visited them.


You are the Janitor. Once during the game you may choose to clean up someone's body after you kill them. After this, that person's role will not be revealed, but you will learn what it is.

Vanilla (2):

You are a vanilla. You have no special powers outside of your night kill.

[spoiler=Basic Strategy hints (Use if you want))]Tracker should always claim D1, and out any mafia, if he has them. Watcher should keep quiet, unless he has mafia, and watch the Tracker if there's no CC. BG should also protect the Tracker for obvious reasons, unless there's a CC in which case being on a random person might be better.

The mafia should strongly consider claiming Tracker D1, especially if the tracker is Janned. Their strategy from there should vary depending on what role is Janned - Tracker is best, BG is good as well since the Tracker can be taken out on N2, Watcher is ditto the above, since you can fake a claim without a CC, and if you get Blue, then it all comes down to skill with your fakeclaims.

Looking at http://wiki.epicmafi...?title=Setup163 may help, but some of the information is out of date or irrelevant (Watchers work differently now, and we don't have a guiser)

Player List:

Lightning the Townie - Killed in the massacre

Ulki the Vanilla - Took over

WeaponsOfMassConstruction the ??? [bodyguard] - became food (Night 1)

Raymond the Watcher - Killed in the massacre

Psychout50 the Tracker - Killed in the massacre

Ether the Janitor - Took over

Sync the Tempest the Vanilla - Took over

BK-201 the townie - Dead body found (Night 2)

John Dory the townie - Stangled to death (Day 1)

Roles are being generated and Distributed now. This game starts at night though, so you should have nothing much to say anyway.

Any questions to me via your role PM, please.

Edited by I Eat Tables
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Oh, yeah, flavour. Nothing nearly as good as Bizz's, but... hey guys, I wrote flavour!

Stranded on this island. Nobody but me and nine other guys, shipwrecked here. Will we ever escape? I don't know. I've been elected the leader of the group, but they want blood now. Not mine, thankfully, but each others. Three of them - calling themselves the "New Mafia" - have decided that the food we have won't last, that we should kill the least useful people in the group so there's less mouths to feed. They confided this in me, but I'm not sure - after all, we have some skilled people in the group - one of these guys could track an animal anywhere, another has the patience of a stone, just watching over people all night, while a third... well, he's completely against the New Mafia, and he's vowed that he'll protect anyone they try and kill, like a bodyguard.

Still... I remain neutral. More hands, or more food... either way could be our best bet, but I have a feeling that once the New Mafia start killing, everyone will start a witch hunt for them. Ah well.

from the pages of I Eat Table's journal

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"Come with me." a voice from behind me said, during the dead of night. I didn't turn, but I knew who it was and what was about to happen. "We have something to show you." I got up and thought to myself, that this would be the last chance to stop this... but still, I did not know which side was in the right.

He led me through the forest, a thick canopy of brown and green with very little wildlife, to the place with his two comrads, and in front of them, gagged and on his knees, WoMC. "We have food to last us barely 2 weeks and there is almost nothing to eat on this island... cannibalism might be taboo... but it really is our only option." the first man said, and as his eyes met mine he quickly looked away, feeling the guilt of what he was doing. "WoMC, I'm sorry."

One cut. Straight across the neck, and WoMC fell to the ground, dead. "This will provide food for a few days..." another of the men said, "But we need to disguise his body as meat." As he looked back up at me, he continued, "We don't have anything against them... but survival is the most important thing right now. Don't you agree."

"Mmm," was all I could manage to say, still conflicted. "They'll try and kill you, you know. They won't be happy with this."

"Let them." The final man spoke up, "If they do, are they really better than us? Killing their comrades for a longer life?"

The sun was beginning to rise now, and the other survivors were waking. I knew all I could do was let them discuss and come to their own conclusion on what to do, so I decided to remain, once again, neutral, and allow them to decide on their plans once again.

From the pages of I Eat Tables' journal.

WoMC has been killed. His body has been turned into food. Yum!

It is now day 1. Watcher/Tracker/Janitor results being sent out now.

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Good point; if the BG was cleaned up by the Janitor, then you aren't safe at all.

And just to point out, today is MYLO, so we have to either lynch correctly or no lynch.

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Because I have a PM to prove it. :newyears:

I'll screen shot and post it ig you want me to.

Plus, here's my logic. I have you on my report. If you were body gaurd, WoMC wouldn't have died, and I can't see the watcher.

Townie's can't visit at night, so you're mafia.

Edited by psychout50
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You might be mafia because simply you might be forging your report. Its called faking.

And I don't think you can screen shot BTW.

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How would i know you are not making this up? For all I know you could be the janitor and and you janned the tracker.

Well, is he making it up? 'cause if you indeed visited WoMC, that's pretty crushing evidence against you.

For now, I'll believe psychout and vote Ulki.

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Remember that its mylo and if you lynch me you'll end up losing.

Even if you were a townie, chances are that we still have our bodyguard to mess with the mafia's kill.

That was more like lucky tracking >_>

So you admit that you're mafia?

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