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Mini Mafia Round 7


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@psychout: How about not telling that in advance? The mafia might end up doing nothing at all if they know they might end up on your report.

@Ulki: Well, how about you start trying for once? I've seen that from you countless times by now - you never try to convince anyone of your case. Whenever someone accuses you of being mafia, you of course deny it, but you don't make any real arguments. That's not going to win you any games, you know.

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I did...

You did not. Psychout said "oh hi, I'm the tracker, I tracked Ulki and he visited WoMC", and there was no CC. Of course, the mafia might have gotten lucky enough to jan the tracker, but it actually isn't all that likely (1 in 6 chance). Anyway, you proceeded to deny it, of course. We then asked you to defend yourself, and all you did was say "oh hey, if you mislynch today we lose". And upon Ether's remark about psychout excellent's tracking choice, you proceeded to call it "lucky" tracking, which wasn't denying, but instead confirming that he tracked you successfully. When we pointed out this fact, you just were like "you won't believe me anyway" and gave up.

Seriously, I'm not blaming you here, I'm trying to help you become a better player at mafia. And to me, it just appears like you're not even really trying to defend yourself, which isn't good. Especially if you're actually town.

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No i stated the possibility of the tracker being janned.

If the tracker did not out, then how can i defend my self but by only saying that?

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However, it just occured to me that all of this is starting to appear a little odd. It's MYLO today. If the mafia didn't jan the tracker, then why the hell do they not try to throw the town off with a CC? Also, if our tracker actually is fake, Ulki of course is a very obvious choice to accuse of being mafia, as it's well-known that he's pretty bad at defending himself.

Maybe I'm just being paranoid here, but I'm not going to buy a fake tracker claim and lose on day 1. I'm just not going to.

We can afford to wait a day, so I think we should use this to rule out the possibility of a fake tracker and possibly catch the mafia red-handed.

##Unvote Ulki

##Vote No Lynch

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I literally chose him randomly.

So it was lucky like he said.

I don't think I've ever played a game with Ulki, so it wouldn't make sense that I'd know he wouldn't defend himself.

Edited by psychout50
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Wow, fuck you guys. I was working last night and I missed all the drama?

Anyways, I call bullshit on Psychout's tracker claim since he's not the tracker. I am. And I saw Raymond visit WoMC last night.

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Just reread the game thread. And wow, I can't believe that you guys followed a "fake" (didn't matter if Psych was telling the truth about being the tracker at all, following behind him was just plain stupidity) tracking report just like that. I had higher hopes, guys.

##Raymond since that's the report I got.

Ulki, stop shooting yourself in the foot. I'm pulling your best quote.

No i stated the possibility of the tracker being janned.

If the tracker did not out, then how can i defend my self but by only saying that?

Ok, Tracker might have been janned (he wasn't 'cause I'm still alive). Big fucking deal. Does that convince me that you might be innocent?

Honestly, if you really don't have the heart to play Mafia, don't. I'm getting sick of telling you to be more assertive and do something to help you win. It's almost as if you really don't care (starting to sound like GR now). So stop being a donkey and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! OTHERWISE, GET THE FUCK OUT AND GIVE ME YOUR FUCKING JACKET!

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Well I'm the real tracker.

You and Ulki are mafia, and we just have to find the janitor.

The sad part, is once the game is over, everyone will see I'm telling the truth.

And if I was lying, wouldn't I claim something better like Watcher?

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Well I'm the real tracker.

You and Ulki are mafia, and we just have to find the janitor.

The sad part, is once the game is over, everyone will see I'm telling the truth.

And if I was lying, wouldn't I claim something better like Watcher?

Why am I automatically Mafia? Your logic makes no sense. Is it because you claimed tracker before me (WELL PARDON ME FOR WORKING FOR 8 HOURS, I SHOULD DEVOTE MORE TIME TO MAFIA)? Is it because I didn't investigate Ulki and he just happened to be the person that you picked? Please, tell me why. I'm interested to know your reasoning.

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At first I was thinking of picking Raymond, cause I know he plays a lot and is mafia a lot, but I thought that might end up useless since he seemed okay to me at the time, and I think I remembered a game where Ulki was mafia, and I felt drawn to him so I picked him.

I know you're lying, but the only evidence I have is conjecture. Seeing that and my log on Ulki, there's one other mafia to find. You'd have no reason to lie if you weren't mafia.

I bet I'm getting killed tonight if Weapons was bodyguard. That might solidify my facts.

Edited by psychout50
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I know you're lying, but the only evidence I have is conjecture. Seeing that and my log on Ulki, there's one other mafia to find. You'd have no reason to lie if you weren't mafia.

1. So... because you say I'm lying, I'm lying? Yep, that holds a lot of water in court. Pointing fingers is all well and nice but it's not proof.

2. One other guy or two guys? Is there 1 Vanilla and 1 Janitor or 2 Vanillas and 1 Janitor. If it's the second one, you better fucking lynch Raymond right now since he claims that today is MYLO when I don't even know HOW many people are in the Mafia. Besides, makes no sense for the Mafia to be 3 people. Tables isn't an idiot and wouldn't balance a game that badly. Town can't afford a mislynch? I call bull on that shit.

3. This is for the bolded part. Let's assume that WoMC was the bodyguard. If he died last night, then a Tracker has no protection at night. But going back to the second part (about how many people are in the mafia), a MYLO mislynch is a horrible idea and sets up a LYLO very soon. So he needs to out his claim on Day 1. But wait, he has no protection so the mafia can night kill him. So what's the best move for the town to protect? A FAKE TRACKER OUT IN THE OPEN.

I'm going to HOPE to God that you aren't the Janitor and are just a townie. Because if you're Mafia, the town just lost us the game by following you blindly (Ulki's usual idiocy of "I don't really care so I won't try to help my team win" didn't exactly help). And if WoMC wasn't the bodyguard, I need that person to protect me tonight.

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Ulki's the mafia, and you're only solidifying my idea you are too.

It's two vanilla and a Jan.

I know why you claimed tracker. I already had, and you just want to cause chaos and have no one trust me. Or we can blindly follow you to our doom.

If I was a townie, why would I lie that I'm tracker to confuse the town. I want them to win.

And it wouldn't make sense that if I'm mafia, and I'd know who the other mafia's were, why I'd be trying to get rid of Ulki who is a mafia.

I'm taking the chance telling people I'm tracker because I'M not lying and I trust there's still bodyguard in place. Following you will kill us all.

If you think I'm so stupid to make this all up, I'm not making it up. I'm honestly telling the truth.

And if I was mafia, wouldn't I know Weapon's role? It would make no sense to go out in the opening if he had been the bodyguard.

Edited by psychout50
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Wow. I just gotta ask nicely and there I get another tracker claim!

Anyways, I call bullshit on Psychout's tracker claim since he's not the tracker. I am. And I saw Raymond visit WoMC last night.

HOLD IT! I call bullshit on that claim, as there's no way you could've seen me visiting anyone, for lol and behold, I can't!

2. One other guy or two guys? Is there 1 Vanilla and 1 Janitor or 2 Vanillas and 1 Janitor. If it's the second one, you better fucking lynch Raymond right now since he claims that today is MYLO when I don't even know HOW many people are in the Mafia. Besides, makes no sense for the Mafia to be 3 people. Tables isn't an idiot and wouldn't balance a game that badly. Town can't afford a mislynch? I call bull on that shit.

Reading Tables' first post helps. It is written (lol pun) that there are two regular mafia goons and one janitor in this game, which makes for a mafia consisting of three people. So unless the mafia seriously fucks up and gets itself lynched and intercepted by the BG at consecutive day/night phases, the town is constantly at MYLO in this game (or LYLO if they decide to no lynch once).

I know now that we either have two fake tracker claims from the mafia, or that psychout is the real tracker while Life isn't, which would make Ulki and Life mafia, leaving only one more dude to find.

But I still insist on going No Lynch for today. We can afford it, so let's take this chance and maximize the amount of info we can get. Then we can lynch all three mafioso in a row. Life is 100% mafia, Ulki is 90% and I don't know the third one yet.

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Just reread the game thread. And wow, I can't believe that you guys followed a "fake" (didn't matter if Psych was telling the truth about being the tracker at all, following behind him was just plain stupidity) tracking report just like that. I had higher hopes, guys.##Raymond since that's the report I got.Ulki, stop shooting yourself in the foot. I'm pulling your best quote.Ok, Tracker might have been janned (he wasn't 'cause I'm still alive). Big fucking deal. Does that convince me that you might be innocent?Honestly, if you really don't have the heart to play Mafia, don't. I'm getting sick of telling you to be more assertive and do something to help you win. It's almost as if you really don't care (starting to sound like GR now). So stop being a donkey and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! OTHERWISE, GET THE FUCK OUT AND GIVE ME YOUR FUCKING JACKET!

... Who is GR and what Jacket? Pardon my ignorance about this.

Ulki's the mafia, and you're only solidifying my idea you are too. I don't see how i'm 100% mafia now, since we can't be sure that you are not a mafia

I know why you claimed tracker. I already had, and you just want to cause chaos and have no one trust me. Or we can blindly follow you to our doom. He could be the real tracker and you a fake or it could be the other way around.

If I was a townie, why would I lie that I'm tracker to confuse the town. I want them to win. Maybe because you are not a townie but a mafia instead?

And it wouldn't make sense that if I'm mafia, and I'd know who the other mafia's were, why I'd be trying to get rid of Ulki who is a mafia. You could be mafia, and i could be townie. What does the mafia do? get rid of townies.

I'm taking the chance telling people I'm tracker because I'M not lying and I trust there's still bodyguard in place. Following you will kill us all. If you were mafia (which i think you are) you wouldn't care about a bodyguard because there is no other role that can kill you

If you think I'm so stupid to make this all up, I'm not making it up. I'm honestly telling the truth. And we should all trust you because you can't lie?

And if I was mafia, wouldn't I know Weapon's role? It would make no sense to go out in the opening if he had been the bodyguard. If you were mafia you wouldn't care, since you can't be killed at night.

Bolded part.

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That was more like lucky tracking >_>

Didn't you just admit you were mafia?

From what I can tell, there are a few possible scenarios.

Mafia janned, let's say, BG.

Psychout is the real tracker, and claims tracker while having caught Ulki. Then Life CCs while claiming to have caught Raymond in the act. Life's probably trying to save his mafia partner while getting either Raymond or Psych voted out in order to win N1.

Life is the real tracker, and Psych fakeclaims tracker while claiming to have caught Ulki, who in this case can be either town or mafia (town if Psych wants a quick N1 win, Mafia if Psych's trying to gain the town's trust). Life CCs and claims to have gotten Raymond, who in this case must be mafia (since it's stupid to say your fellow townie is guilty and lose N1).

Assuming we lynch Ulki, and he turns out to be mafia, then Life is innocent and either Psych or Raymond will kick the bucket on D2. Then D3 is a simple affair.

Assuming we go for a no lynch, mafia may want to take out some inactive dude and then on D2, and then lynch Life or Psych, depending on who is the tracker.

Abstaining from voting for now, because I'm a jackass like that.

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Tables, I can sub in for one of the inactives, if you need someone. I have improved internet access now.

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@bold: Then... ???

I suppose I might as well vote Life, but "counter-voting" someone just because they voted for me generally seems to be ill-received by the other players around here, making me look more suspicious in their eyes than the actual fake claim.

Then again, I guess I shouldn't give as much of a damn and just go for it.

##Unvote No Lynch

##Vote John Dory

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##Unvote Ulki

While either of them could be the real tracker,faking it seems like a stunt Life would pull.I hope that Psychout isn't craftier than I conceive him to be...

##Vote John Dory

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