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Mini Mafia Round 7


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It seems that most are agreed upon Psychout's status as a tracker. The mafia has a 1/8 chance of killing the tracker N1, that's 12.5%. Life has stated that he isn't the tracker, I feel that the best chance of lynching a mafia is to lynch you.

You mean the mafia can shoot themselves? God dammit, why didn't they do that last night?

Oh, and Life claims to be a normal townie as well, though now that I think about it, claiming tracker while being a townie is stupid. So amongst me, Raymond, BK and Ulki, 2 of us are most probably mafia. Ether and Lightning have shut up the whole game aside from voting, so I guess either of them is the watcher/BG, and the other is a mafioso. And WoMC is ???. If WoMC was a townie, then the mafia's been stupid and had all 3 members claim townie, so that's out. By that conclusion, WoMC must have been the watcher or BG.

Oh yeah, before I forget...

##Unvote Psychout50

##Vote John Dory

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Everyone has voted, but there's no majority. Hmm... I think I forgot to consider this scenario. I think I'll give about 4 hours from now for additional discussion and assuming there's not much discussion and the votes haven't changed by then, I'll end the day.

Note: Votes as they currently stand are:

John Dory - 4

Psychout50 - 3

Ulki - 1

Edited by I Eat Tables
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You mean the mafia can shoot themselves? God dammit, why didn't they do that last night?

Oh, and Life claims to be a normal townie as well, though now that I think about it, claiming tracker while being a townie is stupid. So amongst me, Raymond, BK and Ulki, 2 of us are most probably mafia. Ether and Lightning have shut up the whole game aside from voting, so I guess either of them is the watcher/BG, and the other is a mafioso. And WoMC is ???. If WoMC was a townie, then the mafia's been stupid and had all 3 members claim townie, so that's out. By that conclusion, WoMC must have been the watcher or BG.

Oh yeah, before I forget...

##Unvote Psychout50

##Vote John Dory

Oh lol, then 1/5, 20%. I'm still backing 80%.

It's obvious that WoMC is a mafia. I'm willing to bet that Ulki is one of two that is lying.

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Whoever we end up lynching, we're getting some part of the truth. That's the bright side.

Ulki seems much less dangerous than Life, which is why I think we should save him for tomarrow once my report seems definite to everyone by lynching Life.

Another reasone to vote Life, is this mess he made and since he's probably like 75% mafia in my eyes, If I get lynched, you'll know my report on Ulki was certain and vote him tomarrow.

Edited by psychout50
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I'm about to go to work (if I don't leave in 10 minutes, I'm late) but I'll say this quickly.

You lynch me, game over. Congrats Psych and Raymond, you actually swayed the town brilliantly with faulty logic. I'm a pure townie and Tables will reveal that on my death but it's not like I care anymore. Why? Because Sync and BK voting for me is the dumbest thing they will do.

I faked my Tracker so that the real Tracker could feel safe to claim, even if the BG didn't claim. Besides, nobody's said anything yet about Psych not voting for his "official guilty report" of Ulki.

Peace guys. Working 4-Closing in 35+ weather is not fun but the money's decent.

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I see no vote changes.

We gathered around the fire, and I broke the news to the group. Some looked to their feet, some became angry, and a few looked away. But then one man came forward.

"We have to do something about this. I knew this would happen, and..." he paused, looking in Ulki's direction "He went to kidnap WoMC last night. He's one of them." A few people gasped at his claim, and Ulki was dumbstruck. After a few arguments, John woke up and joined us, after his long night's work.

"Hold it! That man is a fake, and Raymond was up to something last night." John told the group. I knew he was lying, but kept quiet.

"Yeah, I was. Sleeping." came the reply, and the group argued about who to believe, and even, what skills WoMC had. The camp was divided, one group believing John, the other believing Psychout. Eventually, John admitted he was lying, and that he thought Psychout was a fake, but only a few people were swayed. I knew what was coming next.

A decision was finally reached. John was lying, and the islanders didn't want to put up with that in their community. They took him to the beach, with the gentle breeze, and tied him down. I volunteered to be the one to end his life; knowing the others wouldn't want it on their conscience, and the mafia wouldn't be willing to kill him.

"Any last requests?" I asked, not sure what he'd want.

"Just one." His hands were tied behind his back, but he was still able to point towards Psychout. "Someone, anyone, kill this lying bastard."

I didn't reply. I couldn't promise anything. I took the cord, stood behind him, and pulled it tort. Resigned to his fate, he gave little resistance, falling unconscious and then, into death.

"Tables. You know who the mafia are, don't you? Was he with them?" Psychout asked me, confident in what my reply would be.



"You made this choice. I gave you advice before this started... his blood is on your hands."

"No... no!"

I could see now which side would be winning this battle. But I had to wonder, how far would they go? Who else would they kill?

From the pages of I Eat Tables journal.

Life the Townie has been lynched. Yes, my flavour text did mostly just describe the day. Yes, Life is going to complain about his character's personality :awesome: (I expect).

It is now night 2.

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All relevant night actions (Mafia + BG) are in.

A dead body, left in the centre of the camp. This time, I wasn't the first to know about it, rather, Psychout called us all over. It was BK-201. On top of his mutilated body, was a cleanly folded sheet of paper. On the front, written in blood - probably BK's blood - was a name - Tables.

I took the note, and the message inside was written too, in blood. Care had been taken to not smudge it, which made me think... they killed him early in the night and had left him since then. Was this kill not for food, but as another sign to the town?

"Hello, my fellow islanders." the note started, as I read it to everyone else. "I must thank my friends, John and Raymond, for they made this convenient twist of fate possible. Were it not for you,I might have had to do something on my own." Raymond gasped, and backed away. He could predict what was coming. So could I. I continued reading. "P.S. Wasn't Weapons of Mass Construction the best bodyguard you ever tasted?" Lightning started shaking, before turning around, vomiting into the trees. "Signed, Ether the Janitor."

Everyone looked around, trying to spot Ether, but he wasn't with us. As they panicked, I read the final part of the note to myself. "Also, for not interfering, I ask you to join us, of course. I won't attack, no matter the reply, so long as you don't try attacking the man with a bloody meat cleaver."

We heard the shrillscream from the bushes. Ether jumped out, knife in hand, straight onto Lightning. Showing his amazing strength, and the sharpness of his blade, Ether cut straight through, taking Lightnings head clean off. I reached for the knife in my back pocket. I had no intention of dying today, so I would gladly take the offer I was made. I saw Ulki and Psychout turn to face each other. Psychout back away, but as he did, Ulki took his hands from his pocket, revealing... claws? No, I realised, not claws, but eight blades, one attached to each finger. He grinned, charging one 'claw' into psychout's chest, then digging the other into his face. I paused for a second, considering the brutality. Were they really hunting these men for food, or were they killing them for fun? I didn't know, but I had no choice; it was conform or be killed.

There was just one man left, Raymond. He was standing some twenty yards from me, and Sync, the last of the mafia, was already working on making a pile of the bodies. Clearly, they were suggesting they wanted me to deal with him. I started running towards him, expecting him to flee. He didn't.

Then I noticed. The crossbow.

As it's bolt flew into my chest, I felt the air leave my lungs, and my energy fail me. I fell over, gasping for breath but unable to take any air in. I looked towards Raymond, and saw him coming towards me. The crossbow rose again. I heard the trigger pull, then...

BK-201 the townie was killed. The mafia then killed the rest of the town, and won the game.


Lightning: Townie

Ulki: Vanilla

WoMC: Bodyguard

Raymond: Watcher

Psychout50: Tracker

Ether: Janitor

Sync: Vanilla

BK-201: Townie

John Dory: Townie

I've already made some of my thoughts on the game clear in the D1 flavour. The town really shouldn't have lynched on D1, although I'm not sure how much difference it would have made. Life made a good move claiming Tracker, although it obviously backfired, and the mafia had some great discussion from the game (they reached page 5). I'll leave the rest of the discussion up to you guys.

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My stupidness caused all this chaos :awesome:

BTW, i basically claimed there when i said lucky. However i supposed it worked for us. I wonder what life is going to say. Oh wait no, that Chef who yells instead of talking.

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Oh, hey, what did people think of the flavour? Creative Writing isn't my strong point, but if people like it I'm happy to do it in my next (full size) game.

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It was pretty good, i had in mind transforming and then tearing apart Psychout with my talons, but i still like the way it sounds. I has finger blades :awesome:

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That's good to know :). Next game I run (which will probably be AW Mafia) will have a distinctly different style (more in the style of the games, with nothing but talking to describe what's going on) but hopefully it'll be good. I have a few jokes and things worked out already.

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Unbalanced as fuck. Tables, you can't do that shit to us, man. No mislynches allowed? Even though a no lynch on Day 1 is preferred, it's still not great.

Also, I was quite surprised that the Mafia didn't fakeclaim Tracker. Then again, they won so who's complaining? And Ulki, don't think you deserved the win. Because with the way that you defended yourself, you didn't. That was quite pathetic of a defense.

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Unbalanced as fuck. Tables, you can't do that shit to us, man. No mislynches allowed? Even though a no lynch on Day 1 is preferred, it's still not great.

Yeah, it's surprisingly balanced, you just got unlucky that the mafia didn't fakeclaim tracker. Normally the mafia will have to construct a web of lies that means day 2 is pretty much the deciding factor - if a mafioso gets lynched, they all go down (or at least 2), and if a townsman goes down, the mafia wins.

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Unbalanced as fuck. Tables, you can't do that shit to us, man. No mislynches allowed? Even though a no lynch on Day 1 is preferred, it's still not great.

Also, I was quite surprised that the Mafia didn't fakeclaim Tracker. Then again, they won so who's complaining? And Ulki, don't think you deserved the win. Because with the way that you defended yourself, you didn't. That was quite pathetic of a defense.

Its more balanced in a IRC setting. And when you don't lynch on day 1.

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