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SM crazy.

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On my current Pt, I am going a bit SM crazy, training and taking each one to the endgame this does include lolcia I was wondering what Sword should go to who(alondite to eddy vauge katti to mia etc)?? I have a double sword card to make a Silver sword for lucia at the begining of P4.

Also, how many units can you bring to the last stage?

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You choose 10, plus Ike, Micaiah, Sanaki, Sothe, Ena, Kurth and a Heron.

I wouldn't worry much about who gets each sword, but I'd say Mia probably gets the Hero Sword (since her Fire Affinity means double as much extra damage), Stefan gets a Tempest Blade (low hit is offset by Heaven), Eddie can take the Alondite, Zihark can take the Silver Forge (Earth means he has no durability problems) and that leaves Lucia with Vague Katti.

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I say replace the Tempest Blade with a Killing Edge or a Wo Dao.

And if you're doing a sort of sword run, I think you should take Meg, Makalov, and Renning since they can all use SS swords.

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I say replace the Tempest Blade with a Killing Edge or a Wo Dao.

No. Killing Edges aren't blessing material, and neither are Wo Daos.

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Tempest Blades are 2 range and powerful. That makes them good for blessing. Killing Edges and Wo Daos are common and not very good against any of the bosses, making them a bit redundant to bless.

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I did a trueblade only PT once, in endgame I gave Edward his prf sword (forgot the name), Mia had Alondite, Lucia had brave sword, Zihark had vague katti and Stefan had tempest blade. surprisingly, Edward was my best trueblade while Eddie, Mia and Zihard all had all their stats maxed (Lucia almost maxed, Stefan far from maxed)

Ashera didn't stand a chance, would be weird if it was hard since it was easy mode...

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You choose 10, plus Ike, Micaiah, Sanaki, Sothe, Ena, Kurth and a Heron.

I wouldn't worry much about who gets each sword, but I'd say Mia probably gets the Hero Sword (since her Fire Affinity means double as much extra damage), Stefan gets a Tempest Blade (low hit is offset by Heaven), Eddie can take the Alondite, Zihark can take the Silver Forge (Earth means he has no durability problems) and that leaves Lucia with Vague Katti.

Thats a good strategy and don't forget to bless wyrmslayer somehow.

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On my current Pt, I am going a bit SM crazy, training and taking each one to the endgame this does include lolcia I was wondering what Sword should go to who(alondite to eddy vauge katti to mia etc)?? I have a double sword card to make a Silver sword for lucia at the begining of P4.

Also, how many units can you bring to the last stage?

I'll defeneatly use Lucia as well, since I got transfers for her. 8]

As for what sword should go to who...

Alondite to Mia because of awesome 2-range and +5 Def.

And Eddie should keep the Vague Katti. Don't take any other SM, as much as it hurts you, don't.

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I'll defeneatly use Lucia as well, since I got transfers for her. 8]

As for what sword should go to who...

Alondite to Mia because of awesome 2-range and +5 Def.

And Eddie should keep the Vague Katti. Don't take any other SM, as much as it hurts you, don't.

well, its for fun mainly, so while i know that there are better options than Lucia and Stefan, I wanna use them for fun.

Someone said that i should use meg mak and renning, instead i chose to use marcia tanith and elincia, I wanted to play around with the whole triangle attack thing.

Good idea to give stefan tempest blade b/c of his heaven affinity, this got me to thinking, Lucia is supporting Elincia so she will have heaven hit, so i'm leaning towards her(she needs less durability b/c of the support Stefan is earth-less) therefore, Stefan will take the Alondite. Mia can take brave sword or a Silver forge(needing less damage from fire aff) eddy and zihark can use vauge katti/silver forge(one with +3 mt from twin sword card)

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Edward can use his prf weapon, Mia gets Alondite, Zihark gets Vague Katti, Lucia gets Brave Sword (she ain't killing anything otherwise) and Stefan can use Tempest Blade.

BTW, a Trueblade-only pt is on my list. :awesome:

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There's not much point in Eddie using Caladbolg - it's worse in everything than a max Silve forge, and +8 luck doesn't really make up for that (8 avoid is nice, but it loses by 2 mt, 12 hit and 10 crit)

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I agree with I eat tables about Caladbolg.

Btw Your sig fucks shit up :awesome:

Not to mention you can't count on Lucia with the Brave Sword. Astra's activation rate is unreliable, so is her Str.

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Thats a good strategy and don't forget to bless wyrmslayer somehow.

Bring Mist. It conincides with your swords only thing, and since she's useless with a sword in the endgame anyway, give the wrymslayer to her to bless. I always thought it was completely stupid that Mist could SS in swords but only S in Staves. Completely pointless since her max strength is 25, and according to Serenes Forest's Average Stat Page For Mist, she would usually have a 22-23 strength stat at level 20. If she used Vague Katti, she would have an attack of 42-43(Vague Katti has a mgt of 20). Dhegy has a Def of 50, Sephiran has a defense of 25(but he has the Rudol Gem plus he's standing on the +5 defense square, so he actually has a 35 Def), and the Aura's have a 50 Def. Thus rendering Mist useless in the SS sword area during the final chapter. But bringing her along isnt completely pointless. She can still use staves, and having more than one staff user is never a bad idea.

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Bring Mist. It conincides with your swords only thing, and since she's useless with a sword in the endgame anyway, give the wrymslayer to her to bless. I always thought it was completely stupid that Mist could SS in swords but only S in Staves. Completely pointless since her max strength is 25, and according to Serenes Forest's Average Stat Page For Mist, she would usually have a 22-23 strength stat at level 20. If she used Vague Katti, she would have an attack of 42-43(Vague Katti has a mgt of 20). Dhegy has a Def of 50, Sephiran has a defense of 25(but he has the Rudol Gem plus he's standing on the +5 defense square, so he actually has a 35 Def), and the Aura's have a 50 Def. Thus rendering Mist useless in the SS sword area during the final chapter. But bringing her along isnt completely pointless. She can still use staves, and having more than one staff user is never a bad idea.

A few screw-ups to correct:

sephiran has 25, yes, but his gem gives +10 and he's on a cover tile (+10 type). 45 def.

Auras only have 30 def. Some are on cover tiles (+10 type) and thus have 40, but half of them only have 30.


Not as if that actually helps Mist anyway, but it needs to be said.

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Not to mention you can't count on Lucia with the Brave Sword. Astra's activation rate is unreliable, so is her Str.

This is why she's getting Tempest blade, but she might end up just getting a wrymslayer blessed.

Bring Mist. It conincides with your swords only thing, and since she's useless with a sword in the endgame anyway, give the wrymslayer to her to bless. I always thought it was completely stupid that Mist could SS in swords but only S in Staves. Completely pointless since her max strength is 25, and according to Serenes Forest's Average Stat Page For Mist, she would usually have a 22-23 strength stat at level 20. If she used Vague Katti, she would have an attack of 42-43(Vague Katti has a mgt of 20). Dhegy has a Def of 50, Sephiran has a defense of 25(but he has the Rudol Gem plus he's standing on the +5 defense square, so he actually has a 35 Def), and the Aura's have a 50 Def. Thus rendering Mist useless in the SS sword area during the final chapter. But bringing her along isnt completely pointless. She can still use staves, and having more than one staff user is never a bad idea.

I just finished P3 today. She isn't even high enough to use holy crown, I like the idea, but Elincia does what she does for the most part except Elincia has access to H4X sword and can triangle.

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I double dare you to use Meg!

Anyways I don't see how its a bad idea giving Lucia a good sword, it helps her keep up. Before the blessings give them all silver blades and things to save uses on the better swords ;).

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I double dare you to use Meg!

Anyways I don't see how its a bad idea giving Lucia a good sword, it helps her keep up. Before the blessings give them all silver blades and things to save uses on the better swords ;).

She's at base level at begining of P4, I think i can pull it off :awesome:

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Just shove her full of BEXP and Paragon.

You might need Arms scrolls or Discipline, but you should be good to go. Not sure though, if you're gonna use Makky too.

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Just shove her full of BEXP and Paragon.

You might need Arms scrolls or Discipline, but you should be good to go. Not sure though, if you're gonna use Makky too.

wait...did you just say that...about meg? i am playing hard mode durrr durr dur =P

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Um, yeah I did.

The rest of your TB's should be promote by now, and you'll have plenty of BEXP from part 4/left over from part 3.

If you need too, seal her at like level 15. SHe'll be fine. I swear.

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Um, yeah I did.

The rest of your TB's should be promote by now, and you'll have plenty of BEXP from part 4/left over from part 3.

If you need too, seal her at like level 15. SHe'll be fine. I swear.

Lots of my Bexp now is going to Lucia, i dont wanna train a non 3rd tier unit who isn't even that good.

and i am playing on HM if you didn't catch on.

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Sounds crazy, but consider giving Lucia Blossom. Her stats are shaky but not terrible going into 4-2, and with Blossom her exp gains start okay due to her low level, but don't slow down quite as much as they would without it (or with blossom), since she stays at a lower level. And it boosts up her growths to:

75% HP

44% STR

36% MAG

91% SKL

84% SPD

51% LUK

28% DEF

75% RES

Which is pretty decent, especially with the boosts to DEF, LUK and STR, stats she's normally mediocre in. Comparing a 20/5 Blossom!Lucia to 20/11 Lucia (Blossom!Lucia gaining 11 levels in the time Lucia gains 17 seems reasonable given the higher level of Lucia):

HP: 47 vs. 49

STR: 25.4 vs. 25

MAG: 18.6 vs. 18.2

SKL: 35.64 vs. 39

SPD: 35.36 vs. 38

LUK: 24.1 vs. 23.8

DEF: 19.8 vs. 19.4

RES: 24 vs. 26

It's fairly balanced there, slightly in favour of blossomless Lucia, but bear in mind Blossom during 4-2 would leave you nicely in BEXP abuse range by the end of the chapter (at around level 18, compared to probably 20/1 without), and of course Blossom!Lucia at this point can still grow more, and quicker, if you remove Blossom.

And of course, doing this will raise Lucia well up into the realms of the other Trueblades, rather than being the extra woman on the sides.

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A few screw-ups to correct:

sephiran has 25, yes, but his gem gives +10 and he's on a cover tile (+10 type). 45 def.

Auras only have 30 def. Some are on cover tiles (+10 type) and thus have 40, but half of them only have 30.


Not as if that actually helps Mist anyway, but it needs to be said.

I couldn't quite remember whether the stat boosting things for Sephiran were +5 or +10. And I was using Serenes Forest's Maximum Stat page for each class. I had assumed that all the Auras were at Max stats(thus having 50 Def) but now if I think about it that seems completely unreasonable.

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