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Let's Play Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones

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I am currently doing a Let's Play of this game. I don't mind if you subscribe or not but it would be appreciated. I would like it if you could tell me how I'm doing as it is blind. I have however done a limited amount of research. Basically what classes promote into what. Heres the link to the channel.http://www.youtube.com/user/JamesHoganable This lp will not be continued for about a week as I will be away however different lps will be.

I apologise if this is against the rules but I have seen another lp up here and that didn't get closed or deleted so I think that they are allowed.

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Yeah, Let's Plays are completely within the rules: They're effectively a playthrough log, which there's plenty of, and they provide some interesting discussion about the game.

As for the actual video... I'll be checking it out soon, see what I think.

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Okay, from what I've seen so far:

Try not to move away/towards the mic so much. It's quite clear in the prologue, as the volume changes quite extremely.

No game sound :(?

As for your actual style, it's not that much to my taste, but then again I'm not really a fan of LPs. So, I'll leave others to comment on if they like it or not :P.

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Thanks for the feedback. I'll try not to move so often. As for the game audio it comes back in chapter 2. I am still working on better a better recording system and I do need feedback to find out what I'm doing wrong so thank you. If anyone has seen all of my videos so far could they tell me how I'm doing and if Im using the right characters.

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I want Ross to get as much experience as possible and I was kind of confident that he would survive. By the way should Ross go pirate or fighter as I have heard that there's only one Ocean Seal and there's an excellent thief that wants it. Although I have also heard that Ross makes an excellent Berzerker. Which one would be more useful to promote with the ocean seal?

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Probably Ross. Colm is good, but he's not a combat unit primarily, so promoting him isn't even really needed. He can wait until later in the game when you get a Master Seal. Alternatively, Ross can go Fighter - Hero, which gives extra SPD that Ross desperately wants.

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Probably Ross. Colm is good, but he's not a combat unit primarily, so promoting him isn't even really needed. He can wait until later in the game when you get a Master Seal. Alternatively, Ross can go Fighter - Hero, which gives extra SPD that Ross desperately wants.

Thanks for the reply. I think I'll go with Pirate for Ross as I've heard that there's an excellent Hero (Gerick?) who I'll probably use. By the way are Vanessa and Franz worth using or are there better units of the the same class later in the game? Thanks for the help.

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Pirate->Zerker is, speed wise, superior to Fighter->Hero. In the end, he gets the same speed, but in tier 1, pirate gives him an extra speed point.

Vanessa's great for efficiency thanks to flight, but her combat is mediocre. Franz is freaking amazing and is easily the second best unit in the game and one of the best units in the series. Kyle and Forde (the other two cavaliers) are also really great.

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So this team would work? Ross Berzerker

Franz Paladin

Vanessa? Wyvern knight

Lute Sage

Artur Bishop?

L'archel Valkyrie

Colm Rogue



Joshua Swordmaster

Gerik Hero

Amelia General

get me through the game reasonably quickly? Who should I add/ cut? Is this good for supports. I mainly care about this because I enjoy reading them and I like to get to know the characters but the stat boosts help too.

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If you want to get through the game quickly, drop Ewan, L'arachel and Amelia, all three of them are awful characters. Asides from that, looks fine, that leaves you with 9 characters, plus Tethys of course. I'd probably drop Artur for Moulder, since having a healer early is pretty useful, and both have the same promotion paths. Also, it's Joshua, not Jacob.

As for promotion paths, make Lute a Mage Knight. Better MAG and +2 Con over Sage, which Lute needs. Everything else looks good, Moulder can go either path really, it's Sage for better tomes vs. Bishop for better attack against Monsters.

Also, I thought this was a blind playthrough...?

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It is I'm just trying to come up with a balanced team from the units that I've heard of. And I don't want to have to abuse the tower of Valni to win the game. I don't want any more info please. If anyone is interested in updates and my thoughts on the game etc. If not I won't post on this topic again and I hope I will enjoy the rest of my time on this forum. Thanks to everybody who gave me feedback and advice.

And about the typo with Joshua sorry I was typing quickly.

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I'm not really sure what it is you want from us, mate. It's not really a blind playthrough if you're looking ahead for any reason, and what exactly in IET's post was too much info?

Also, when was the Tower mentioned?

EDIT: As to the team, so I don't seem too hostile, you really can't go wrong in FE8. Amelia is one of the worst units you can possibly pick and even she's passable if you feed her kills.

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It is I'm just trying to come up with a balanced team from the units that I've heard of. And I don't want to have to abuse the tower of Valni to win the game. I don't want any more info please. If anyone is interested in updates and my thoughts on the game etc. If not I won't post on this topic again and I hope I will enjoy the rest of my time on this forum. Thanks to everybody who gave me feedback and advice.

And about the typo with Joshua sorry I was typing quickly.

You might want to use Tethys too, since she is a pretty useful character overall and can potentially support both Artur and Gerik potentially.

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@Integrity I have just heard a lot of times that this game is too easy because you can grind at the Tower of Valni. I suppose it was never going to be a fully blind as I already knew a reasonanble amount aboout the game just from reading about it on forums. So this game really is as easy as they say. Don't worry you don't sound hostile. And nothing in IETs post was too much information I just don't want any more information. I apologise if I came off as rude. I suppose I kind of ruined the blind run but I don't think it's the most important thing in the world.

@Brighton Thanks but I don't think I'll use her. The games easy enough and I think that I've ruined a lot of the difficulty. Thanks anyway.

@Yossarian I think that one is enough as I never like to use two of the same class especially an amazing one in an easy game.

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To be fair, it's not the ToV that makes this game easy. This game being easy makes this game easy.

Is truth. Don't get me wrong, this is still my favorite of the FEs (rapidly being contested by 10 but that's another story) but it's definitely not a difficult game.

The Tower just makes it absolutely trivial.

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So it's really easy regardless. I suppose thats kind of a good thing considering I'm not amazing. I'm liking this game a lot so far because it's fairly similar to Final Fantasy Tactics another fairly easy game. I'm hoping that I don't need the tower but I probably shouldn't. Once again thanks to everybody for the help. If anybody is interested it will be continued sometime after next Thursday, if not thanks for helping other people enjoy it (if anybody does lol).

This forum seems very friendly as I expected everybody to complain that I was annoyed/sucked at the game so thanks for that too.

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I'm loathe to complain that somebody else isn't good at strategy because frankly - though I am a tactical genius - I take things slow anyway so my turncounts tend to number rather high.

EDIT: Put it this way, Mr. Blazing Sword. My first run of that game I had four or five stars in everything except Tactics, which was 1.

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I'm loathe to complain that somebody else isn't good at strategy because frankly - though I am a tactical genius - I take things slow anyway so my turncounts tend to number rather high.

EDIT: Put it this way, Mr. Blazing Sword. My first run of that game I had four or five stars in everything except Tactics, which was 1.

I am a lot like that lol. Everything for me is always 3-5 stars except tactics which is always one. It's good to know that somebody else plays like that. Although I'm sure I'm not as god as you.

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I am a lot like that lol. Everything for me is always 3-5 stars except tactics which is always one. It's good to know that somebody else plays like that. Although I'm sure I'm not as god as you.

I agree, I'm really really ridiculously good.


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