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I have a new future wife


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As long as it's not this one, I'm fine.


That's a girl? Looked kind of shota in that picture. Surely there's more flattering works of her if you're so enamoured, but... meh.

This fella tends to go after real deals, so you are safe.

That said, I guess he'll go for......maybe the chick that plays Abby? People could get that desperate.

Going after Abby is not desperate. You take that back.

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That's a girl? Looked kind of shota in that picture. Surely there's more flattering works of her if you're so enamoured, but... meh.

Going after Abby is not desperate. You take that back.

Once again Balcerzak comes to shed some light. How the fuck could you people not find that woman attractive? She's like the most attractive character on that entire program.

Usually I don't like goth chicks. But the things I would do to her, man. THE THINGS.

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Usually I don't like goth chicks. But the things I would do to her, man. THE THINGS.

As Tony said, she's the Happiest goth you'll ever see.

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She's hot, but she needs a namechange. I can't pronounce (Let alone spell) her surname, and Olga is the ugliest name in the world. It's like someone vomited and decided to name their child the vomiting noise.

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That's a girl? Looked kind of shota in that picture. Surely there's more flattering works of her if you're so enamoured, but... meh.


There's a better shot. I think she's kinda hot, but clearly not on the same level as FZ here. I'm more of a Maria kinda guy...

As for the original topic at hand, meh. I don't find her amazingly attractive.

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There's a better shot. I think she's kinda hot, but clearly not on the same level as FZ here. I'm more of a Maria kinda guy...

[spoiler='This might be a more-universally 'hot' picture of Nel.]nel5.jpg

Just saying.

Though I will concede that Maria is still pretty awesome.

Edited by Fayt Zelpher
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