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(FE7) Drafting Tourney III


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Bartre can only double things with 2 AS. Hector hasn't procced speed in seemingly 10 levels. I feel like I could give it to anyone. Sain already can double reliably, Marcus can as well but is seriously beginning to slow down.

This chapter could be the one where I just stop this run completely, every try so far has resulted in misery. There are just way too many things going on for my group of units to handle.

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You're on Jerme's map? What's posing the biggest roadblock at the moment?

For the speedwing discussion, I was going to mention you probably should keep an eye out and make sure you'll have a unit that won't get doubled by (Maxime) that Paladin boss in Battle Before Dawn, but he's actually avoidable if you go down the other side, so you never _actually_ have to fight him, though you'll likely lose the treasures in that case. If you're fine with that then you're probably going to want a wing on Hector possibly, unless you have a cunning plan for his post-promotion chapter. It would also really suck if he was slow enough to get doubled by Fire Dragon, and while Athos could still solo the bugger, given time, Armads chip is always useful.

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You're on Jerme's map? What's posing the biggest roadblock at the moment?

For the speedwing discussion, I was going to mention you probably should keep an eye out and make sure you'll have a unit that won't get doubled by (Maxime) that Paladin boss in Battle Before Dawn, but he's actually avoidable if you go down the other side, so you never _actually_ have to fight him, though you'll likely lose the treasures in that case. If you're fine with that then you're probably going to want a wing on Hector possibly, unless you have a cunning plan for his post-promotion chapter. It would also really suck if he was slow enough to get doubled by Fire Dragon, and while Athos could still solo the bugger, given time, Armads chip is always useful.

I'm on Kenneth's map. There are numerous issues with this one.

1) The shit load of wyvern reinforcements that show up. The only person who can ORKO them is promoted Erk, and while he does a good job, he still faces hit rates around 30something displayed.

2) The purge bishop who can hit almost anyone he pleases.

3) The hero in the large building to the east that pretty much prevents me from going in there, making me go through the ridiculous chokepoint in the middle of the map (see #2)

4) The sword master right outside Kenneth's room with the silver sword, and also all those assholes with longbows.

5) The fact that Kenneth himself has purge and is rather accurate.

Concerning the speedwing, I'll either give it to Sain or Hector. My issue is that I gave the Afa's Drops to Bartre because I wanted to stimulate some kind of stat growth from that asshole, to which he has responded by giving me more shit level ups. Hector hasn't procced speed since around level 13, and is currently at level 20, so he won't for quite some time. Maxime, as you said, can be avoided, and I'll probably end up doing that.

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This one was annoying as sack. I had to work fast in order to make my way through the chokepoint in the middle of the map before reinforcements stopped spawning. Erk and Wil each received a promotion prior to the start, which was incredibly helpful. This allowed Erk and Wil BOTH to ORKO those pesky ass wyverns which happen to be everywhere. Anyway, the following units did the following things:

Bartre&Wil: Assaulted the room with the general and knights. Wil then went outside to where Merlinus was chillin' and sniped some more wyverns. This continued until all the wyvern reinforcements were dead, then Wil smiled and cuddled Merlinus for the rest of the map.

Hawkeye: Headed right and sat on a forest while 3 wyverns poked him nonstop. All 3 had 33 displayed hit, and he eventually died around turn 10 or so. RIP.

Erk, Marcus, Sain, Isadora, Hector, Matthew: Listed in order of importance, these 6 all headed through the chokepoint. Sain ORKO'd the bishop on turn 3 or 4, because he was taking shots at Bartre. I don't blame him, Bartre is fucking awful. Marcus used the swordreaver and killed almost every sword unit in the area that doesn't require a key. I love you Marcus. Sniper and co. suicided against Erk and Sain. A few thieves tried to unlock the door to all of the enemies in the center of the level, but I was all HELLLL NAH and killed them.

Kenneth's area was a pain. There was nobody who could tank a shot from purge AND survive a round of combat from the silverswordasshole!Swordmaster, so I was forced to allow Kenneth to shoot at people until his purge was gone, and then had Hector trade for the swordreaver and kill the swordmaster. Sain and Marcus combined for the kill, both avoiding a critical (thank god, I would've killed myself if he had.) Had a few dudes get some cheap kills, and then Hector seized. Am I happy with the turncount? Fuck no, but it really was the only way to take care of business while skipping the annoying mass of units in the middle of the level.

16 turns, 165 total.

Notes about the next level:


Serious notes about the next level:

I have a speedwing to use, who should I use it on? I might not use it on Sain, because I don't plan on going toward Maxime (or whoever Generic Paladin Mini-boss is.)

I'm running out of weapons to use. Seriously. This is awful.


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Alright, well fuck this shit.

I finally had a strategy working. Sain cannot ORKO Ursula with the horseslayer due to AS loss, so I had to adapt. I decided to abuse Pent and just eat the 4 turn penalty. Since Zephiel was absolutely useless in dodging anything.

My strategy was invincible. I would have my Paladin trio ferry go right with my entire army and skip Maxime (how the fuck is he so strong? Seriously.) I would have Matthew pick the chest with the rescue staff, have Pent rescue Zephy into the treasure room, and then hold out until the map ended.

Around try #10 or 11, I got to the rescue part. Wonderful. Pent was tanking blows in the treasure room, while I had the Pally trio retreat back toward the start with Nino and Hector. Matthew, Wil, and Barf man chilled in the treasure room behind Pent's manlyness. Matthew had 7/30 health. Here's the part I didn't know, having not made it this far before. Ursula moves on turn 13.

She decided to be cute and run directly north and kill Matthew.

I cannot beat this level.

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Oh shit. Hell yes.


This strategy took a shit ton of refining, but I got it done. Everyone went right, I decided to give up on the treasure on the left side. I charged down toward Ursula, planning on killing her with a tagteam of Swordreaver!Marcus and Ironlance!Sain. Marcus critted and ORKO'd her, so I left him down there to mop up the mercenaries. I used Pent's A staff rank to rescue Zephy from danger, so 4 turn penalty there, but no matter. Jaffar did me a solid by killing a shit ton of enemies, including one of those pesky heroes.

16(15) turns (+4 penalty,) 185 total.

Oh yeah, you know that treasure I gave up on? Both thieves ran toward the unopen Delphi Shield and I killed them both, obtaining the Brave Lance and Boots. FUCK YEAHHHH.

I'm thinking boots on Sain? I already gave him the speedwing and the talisman, he's pretty much my boss killer and I think he could be the guy I use to kill Linus next chapter. Oh yeah, time for a MAJOR shopping trip. Wow I'm so excited to have beaten this level. Oh yeah, and before I forget...


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I was demotivated enough for this runthrough BEFORE you started documenting your lack of success. Really, I wouldn't find this so maddening if I had savestates...

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I thought I had been fucked for the past 2 levels. I really AM fucked for this level. My only magic user, Erk, has E staves. Great. All of the Valkyries can double my entire team. Awesome. My Pally trio has actually run out of ranged weapons to use, so the fact that every single magic user can decide to 2 range or 1 range my units is ridiculous. That's great, too. I have no restore staff, no pure water, my strongest unit has 7 resistance thanks to the talisman.

Combine all of the factors listed above with the fact that there is an abhorrant amount of crossfire thanks to all of the long range tome users and staff abusers, and I really think I've hit the end of the line now.

Oh yeah, the druids flanking Linus have 29 Magic and Luna. As well as staves. What the fuck is wrong with this level?

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Yeah... I got screwed over by status staves in the FE 6 draft as well (My only magic user was Lugh... with E staves). I actually believe that staves might be the best 'weapons' in the series. Heal/Physic, Restore, Sleep/Silence, Warp/Rescue... all of these staves make the game MUCH easier.

At least I didn't have to deal with WTF fast Valkyries and Druids with near-capped Magic and Luna...

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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Yeah... I got screwed over by status staves in the FE 6 draft as well (My only magic user was Lugh... with E staves). I actually believe that staves might be the best 'weapons' in the series. Heal/Physic, Restore, Sleep/Silence, Warp/Rescue... all of these staves make the game MUCH easier.

At least I didn't have to deal with WTF fast Valkyries and Druids with near-capped Magic and Luna...

If I could draft again, I definitely would've gone for Lucius before someone like, say, Bartre. At least when Lucius promotes, he gets C staves immediately. I figured drafting Erk would help in that department, but when he's my only Res hitter on the team, I need him to attack more than I need him to heal.

I also somehow ended up with only a 12 use heal staff in my convoy when Erk promoted. That didn't help.

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I think chapter 29 is impossible, I wish I could enter another drafting tournament... :/

I've been thinking about making a normal mode draft tournament, since more people seem to finish normal mode drafts compared to hard mode ones, but with the FE 6 Hard Mode draft, creating a Mafia game, and college all getting in the way, I don't think I'll have the time to participate.

Anyway, if you want to enter another drafting tournament, just start one.

EDIT: Screw it, I'm starting one. I'm a glutton for punishment.

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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I think the issue with HHM drafts is that people fall into the Jeigan trap and use Marcus a lot to get through early chapters fast, neglecting their other units who are more limited than they realize which gets them screwed over later.

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I think the issue with HHM drafts is that people fall into the Jeigan trap and use Marcus a lot to get through early chapters fast, neglecting their other units who are more limited than they realize which gets them screwed over later.

Problem is, a lot of people have issues with the fact that early on, they don't have many other options besides the usual Marcus/Hector.

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If you're convinced you can't win with your team, you could try with mine. (It has Priscilla, I think.) I really...can't find the motivation to run through FE7 a third time in quick succession. Without savestates.

I'll torture myself through FE8 first.

Edited by Furetchen
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