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[FE10] Draft Playthrough

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Oh I see anyways these seem fun maybe I should be part of one someday.

I think me and 4 others(Genaric officer, Soul, Fayt. correct me if im wrong) are also up for one, that puts us at 5 with you.

3-3: 13 turns, Gatrie was freedrafted.

Embarrassingly, I almost forgot a southern pack of supplies and that cost me a turn. However, the rest of the horses escaped in that turn, so I kept it. I got all the treasure and max BEXP.

It wasn't THAT embarrassing cause you could post it XP

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I'm about ready to just concede and call Dark the winner... Seriously. Those turn counts are ridiculous.

He still got 3-1 yet, whcih, btw, was teh mystery chapter I mentioend earlier :P.

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2-3: 11 turns + 3 for Geoffrey. He and Danved charge ahead. Lots of failed attempts at ally AI manipulation. Should've done it in 10 but couldn't. Not much else to say. Did get the wing though.

2-E: 3 Turns + 5 for Elincia. I figured out how to coax Ludveck into attacking her at one range. It still took awhile to get everything just right so it would work out.

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After 2 attempts I don't feel like playing 3-1 :(

Dude. I feel you. I really, really do. It took a penalty for me to even figure out how to manipulate the fuck out of everything to do it, and you've seen how much I hate penalties.

FYI folks, a promoted Heather for 3-3, having eaten the bargain Dracoshield, is incredible. Pass + Celerity = <3

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Dude. I feel you. I really, really do. It took a penalty for me to even figure out how to manipulate the fuck out of everything to do it, and you've seen how much I hate penalties.

FYI folks, a promoted Heather for 3-3, having eaten the bargain Dracoshield, is incredible. Pass + Celerity = <3

Love for teh lesbians, which leads to the question, is same sex marriage legal in tellius?

PM me answer since this would most likely tkae the thread wayyy off topic.

on a more on topic note, Dark will not be slowed down by Sothe + miccy + Fiona. no friggin way he's not winning

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3-P ?? Turns. Seriously, I forgot to look what the turncount was before Skrimir seized. I think it was 9, but I'm nowhere near certain.

3-1 In progress. Honestly, I don't know if Ike/Shinon/Soren is possible, and I'm not even certain if Ike/Shinon/Soren/Titania is going to happen. It wouldn't be too bad except for all the reinforcements that come near your starting position... :( If those weren't there, I'd say that it wouldn't be too bad.

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Go start the stage with full inventory for whoever you are using and send the speedwing to the convoy.

I should ask dark a question about every stage :awesome:

I'd get second place

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1-6-2 4 truns plus tauro penalty = 10 T_T

Volug with Worst Biorythm is the worst unit in this world. He got hit by everyone and dropped dead 1000 times :facepalm:

BTW, i'm not very sure for the turncount on 1-6-1. I think it was a nine though i'm not very sure :sweatdrop:

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1-5: 6 turns

Miccy used the robe. Volug used the drop and the shield. Bronze knife for Sothe and +15 critforge for Miccy. 4 mt because that's only 96G more. It's red and called "Nestling".

The chapter itself? Lol.

Name        Level      HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Micaiah     9/0/0      18| 3|14|11| 7|16| 2|11
Sothe       X/4/0      37|21| 4|23|21|17|14|10
Volug(HS)   15         49|19| 3|18|19|13|16| 7

1-6-1: 12 turns

Renewal for Volug.

Oh god turn 10 reinforcements I hate you so much. Renewal was brilliant, I never had to stop to heal Volug. I really ahted the 1-2 range enemies and pegs, especially when Sothe/Miccy and Volug were split up for the first few turns. Volug got Howl once, though. And Micaiah got speed with a level!

Name         Level      HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Micaiah     11/0/0      27| 4|16|11| 8|16| 3|13
Sothe        X/5/0      37|22| 5|24|22|17|14|11
Volug(HS)   15          49|19| 3|18|19|13|16| 7

1-6-2: 8 turns

Volug got S Strike in time for an 8-turn finish. Ugh. Neither he nor Sothe were durable enough to do it faster. Volug got a sweet level for the boss kill, though. HP, STR, MAG, SPD, LUK, DEF.

Name         Level      HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Micaiah     11/0/0      27| 4|16|11| 8|16| 3|13
Sothe        X/5/0      37|22| 5|24|22|17|14|11
Volug(HS)   16          50|21| 4|18|21|14|18| 7

1-7: 9 turns

Two iron daggers and a bronze knife for Sothe. He also gets Paragon. Volug drops Renewal for Resolve, we'll see how that goes.

Oh, now this is my chapter (Dark still smashes me here anyway, somehow). Volug, Sothe and Tormod cut through everything, basically. Screw the prisoners. Tormod got to kill the boss for ~50 EXP.

Name         Level      HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Micaiah     12/0/0      28| 5|16|12| 9|16| 3|14
Sothe        X/6/0      37|22| 6|25|22|18|15|11
Volug(HS)   16          50|21| 4|18|21|14|18| 7
Tormod       X/5/0      34|13|17|16|20|14|12|14

My turncounts are improving, but I'm still gonna place badly. :awesome:

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3-4: 13 turn clear, nobody except draftees.

I found Ike had tremendous doubling issues on everything except the non-boss armor knights - and he couldn't double the boss. Combine that with the fact that Oscar can't climb and it = sadfaec. Heather found the extra Ettard, though, and Ike Brave Sworded the boss.

Incidentally, because I feel it should be reported, Ranulf found a Coin that I didn't know about. Nobody else stopped on that square for the entirety of the rest of the map and I immediately destroyed it, so hopefully no foul there.


3-5: 3 turn clear, nobody except draftees.

Heather procced Bane a laughable number of times to kill ever so many ponies. Heather was kept alive by Imbue and Oscar by Sol as I rushed the boss with a Horseslayer Neph brought me. Oscar one-rounds the boss on the EP of Turn 3. I missed the Energy Drop, but oh well.


3-6: 12 turn clear, nobody except draftees.

Laura was integral in my walling. No, I'm fucking serious. The Burger King showed up and ended up killing exactly one enemy. Laura is getting BEXPed as far as I can next Brigade chapter, since she has HP, MAG, SKL and SPD all capped already. Nolan hit the top w/ Resolve, Tarvos. That's about it. Sothe continued to be a pimp-ass mofo for some reason.


3-7: 12 turn clear, whatever defense chapter.

Never recruited Ulki or Janny, just let them do their thing as Other units. Janaff almost died to a bowman though, which was funny. Oscar did a good impression of Astrid, Ike did a good impression of a support-builder, and Heather did a good impression of Jesus. Laura wasted some Physic charges because I forgot to take it from her (damn.)


3-8: 12 turn clear, nobody except draftees.

Heather got some good Bane procs on Armorknights, leaving them to die to the double/the fire. Oscar Sol'd the boss for massive damage. Ike tagged along with Shade. Nothing special.

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3-9: 6 turn clear, plus 3 for Geoffster. 9.

I got Biorhythm fucked AGAIN as Geoffrey rolls up to the boss with Brave Lance in hand having JUST HIT WORST. Whore. No Sol for me. Either way, crowned him in the beginning of the map and had him tear arse through the map and that was that. Astrid stuck behind and killed exactly one dude in those turns.

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Damn i forgot what i got in 1-7, i think it was a 9 turns. Anyways, no penalties, let the NPC go around and follow sothe and free 3 of the 5 prisoners.

1-8 Turn 7. Used Vika and Nailah.

BEXP Aran and get him to 20/1. Got a forge of iron knifes for sothe and olivi grass for vika. Vika follows the wyvern rider. Sothe kills reinforcement in the Tormods island. End before 8th turn starts.

1-9 13 turns.

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3-10: 9 turn clear, nobody except draftees.

Heather was moderately generous with the Bane procs, allowing her to clear the south while Ike and Oscar rocketed through the north. The Crowned Geoffrey finally procced Sol as a green unit which is raaaeg.

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3-1 11 Turns + Titania = 16.

Not much to say. Gave a bit BEXP to Soren. Titania gets Boyd's hand axe. Ike gets the Wo Dao (doesn't use it, but he might need it later). Titania goes down and to the right. Soren and Shinon work their way up and through the hole on the far left side of the grate after helping Ike clear the enemies in the middle. Ike stays back to deal with the reinforcements, move party to the middle and eventually to the bottom right corner. Cats do very little. Titania takes advantage of the short axe and hand axe to deal lots of damage. Soren gets fed the boss KO on turn 10; remaining enemies die on turn 11.

Enter the Neph Stomp!

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3-11: 10 turn clear. Nobody except draftees.

Tibarn certainly did his work here as a yellow unit, which was helpful. Astrid...did...fuck all. Heather stole a Physic staff on Turn 10 for epic win. :awesome:

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3-2: 5 Turns

Everyone rushes toward the boss. Ike wyrmslayers the boss's face off.

Shinon and Soren picked up some kills along with Neph. Also of note; Soren now has an 11 Mt wind tome (max forge + Axe card). Keep a lookout for this being used in future chapters. Neph has a couple of lances, and I bought Shinon a bowgun so he can get some 1-Range. Also, Neph is now using Tormod's celerity, which will be a big help in the next chapter.

Note: I intend to use Gatrie as my extra unit to burn. Just saying, since we do get a free 6-move unit for this upcoming chapter.

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3-12: 6 turn clear by the yellow units, nobody except draftees.

Laura walled again. That's just too damn funny. Nolan and Sothe helped and Micaiah tagged along. I REFUSE PELLEAS'S COMMAND.


3-13: 4 turn clear. Nobody except draftees.

This one is a story, my friends. I killed Aran in 1-3 (or maybe just didn't recruit him. either way:) so I don't get the Sleep staff. I planned instead to rush Laura, the Patron Saint of Bangin', to Adept!Purge Ike until he died. Unfortunately, I have no Arms Scrolls and Laura has a C in Light - B necessary for Purge.

So what do I do? Give Laura Resolve and drop her in the Laguz. She makes her bloody way with Nolan in tow to Ike. She's dropped to Resolve health by a cat and a tiger. Nolan attacks Ike with Tarvos (in retrospect, ought to have used the Brave Axe). Laura runs up behind Nolan, attacks Ike and procs Cancel. She then doubles him with Ellight and kills him.

Three cheers for Laura!


Busy sipping drinks and watching the green units move. I'll update this in a minute with 3-E and the 3-Tally.

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3-3: 12 turns. Used Gatrie as free deploy. Not much else to be said here. Pumped Neph to 20 with BEXP and crowned her after the chapter. Go Nephinel!!!

Also, Soren and Shinon are both sitting at level 16, Ike's at 17 (or 18, can't remember exactly). I'll probably give Ike the 'wing if he needs it to get to 27 Spd for the BK fight in 3-7 (since I do need to do that to get Lehran).

Beginning 3-4 now.

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3-E: 6 turn clear, no penalties.

Oscar killed no fewer than 8 enemies in a row unsupported on Turn 6 with 1hp (after a bad encounter with Nolan) to end the map.


So anyway, Part 3:

3-P    10
3-1    12+5
3-2    4
3-3    13
3-4    13
3-5    3
3-6    12
3-7    12
3-8    12
3-9    6+3
3-10   9
3-11   10
3-12   6
3-13   4
3-E    6
 = 140
= 324 total

Part 4 time!

Oh, and route split + stats:

Silver Army

Micaiah   5.26   29/ 8/25/20/13/27/ 8/24   Sothe A     Discipline
Sothe    13.50   37/22/ 9/26/25/24/19/14   Micaiah A   Savior, Beastfoe
Skrimir  24.00       --base--
Heather   9.85   47/27/14/33/36/33/22/23   no support  Vantage, Imbue
Astrid    8.20   37/16/12/17/20/21/16/17   no support  Blossom

Greil Army

Ike       1.00   53/29/ 6/32/26/16/27/11   Oscar A     Celerity, Provoke
Rafiel   14.00   heron, lol
Nolan    16.53   46/27/ 5/26/26/25/21/12   Laura A     Vantage, Paragon
Laura     2.66   44/17/28/25/26/36/19/27   Nolan A     Resolve, Cancel

Hawk Army

Oscar     9.52   49/28/16/30/32/27/21/18   Ike A       Miracle, Adept

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3-3: 12 turns. Used Gatrie as free deploy. Not much else to be said here. Pumped Neph to 20 with BEXP and crowned her after the chapter. Go Nephinel!!!

Also, Soren and Shinon are both sitting at level 16, Ike's at 17 (or 18, can't remember exactly). I'll probably give Ike the 'wing if he needs it to get to 27 Spd for the BK fight in 3-7 (since I do need to do that to get Lehran).

Beginning 3-4 now.

Do you need 27 spd because of not having any fliers, or is it because you don't know about cards? How will you deal with crits? You can't use Mist or Ranulf for the cev boost if they aren't drafted, and Ike doesn't have enough luck to prevent BK crits. Do you have fortune with the GMs?

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Do you need 27 spd because of not having any fliers, or is it because you don't know about cards? How will you deal with crits? You can't use Mist or Ranulf for the cev boost if they aren't drafted, and Ike doesn't have enough luck to prevent BK crits. Do you have fortune with the GMs?

A little of both, really. However, I do have 2 ashera icons with the mercs. I have no choice but to take the 4% chance of a critical hit, since using a card on BK during player phase opens me up to a 1-range counter on enemy phase.

Wait, Soren gives a +5 boost, so I will have the 25 I need to avoid a critical with certainty.

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