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[FE10] Draft Playthrough

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Now you can Bexp the hell out of Volug/Neal :D

Yeah. I'm not sure exactly how I'm going to do it exactly because lol growths.

ah k, guess gatrie will do good with adept this chapter.

Yeah. Again, I say good luck. I suggest giving Gatrie Celerity and a bunch of hand axes.

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I had ike with celerity since he has 27 speed already... So i don't know, lthough i might as well try what you say.

Whoever's on north-end-of-the-map duty has to be durable because there are a lot of enemies, hit hard because there are a lot of enemies, and have good 1-2 range options because the boss is a druid and he has a few hand axe/javelin general lackys. Also a healer, kill him as soon as you get up there. First order of business would be to make sure Gatrie can double (the magic speed on NM is 23 rather than 25, nice that Gatrie's second tier cap is 23), then go for it. Ike's overall less durable than Gatrie and has lolwindedges so he tends to have a fair bit of trouble up there. I personally had Ike do it, but in retrospect Gatrie would have been much better. He may even have saved me a turn or two. If I'm not wrong, hand axe!Gatrie 2RKOs generals in that chapter, while wind edge!Ike 3RKOs. Adept gives you a good chance of making both of those a round faster.

Actually, that's a problem. Neither Ike nor Gatrie have the capacity to hold both Celerity and Adept. If you can get Gatrie up to the back set of supplies in time with Adept, that's very good, and you should do it. Celerity Ike made it for me, but... I had four units. Two of them were Mist and free Soren, but I had more than you have. Still, just try stuff, and hopefully it'll work out for you.

Edited by Naglfar
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3-3 15 turns no penalty, took Gatrie. Also, i forgot to check this topic this morning. If not i might have been able to cut a turn if i did as Naglfar told me with Gatrie.

Well, many close tries, and i figured i needed 3 wind edges with Ike in order to be able to clear some mages on the last part and kill some other 1-2 rangers on my way there. However Gatrie took the boss down :awesome: I could only get the ashera icon and the master crown ;_;... Any other would have made me lost a turn or so, and i couldn't as you can see... Rolf saw some action, he killed the people left behind by ike, and sometimes 1rko mages with the Killer Bow. I had a little trouble with the healer but i managed to get around it, and kill him turn 13. Turn 14 i approached the are a and Gatrie dressed as a cake infront of the fence near the boss and the Tmage range. He kills the Boss and gets shade. Ike kills the Tmage and is able to get all the way to the crate ending the mission. :newyears:

3-4 begins. I get mordecai :newyears: *throws confetti*. I leveled him up to level 27, he gets 20 speed :/ was expecting more but whatever. This one seems easier. He capped defense though :) And i forgot resolve :( would have been so much better if i hadn't Tsk Tsk

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3-4 13 turns. Had some trouble with the fire mages :( Ah well, also who needs resolve when you have wrath mordecai it activated about 75% of the battles mordy had. Except the boss battles :/. (I still miss resolve) Almost had to do a 14 turns. Ike had 1 hp, and the he could 1rko the last general. But the general had 33 display hit, i decided to risk it and see what happened. Ike won, and arrived with ranulf..

3-5 6 turns. Rolf stayed on the seize square and held out to only one 1 sword master for 4 turns. He criticalled once, but then he missed which allowed me to heal and hold out for another phase. Ike avoided the bulk that headed for the seize square. He used a thicket near the boss and attracted the horseys with his wind edge. Ike criticals and kills the body guard. He then uses the forged sword (Draft sword) which has 3 uses now ;_;, and 1RKO's the boss.

3-6 10 turns. Aran kicked ass, got the brave bow. Leo killed untransformed laguz, and sometimes the transformed cats. only one yellow survived, but they helped alot. A moment of silence please.... NVM, anyways,the black knight arrived and went through the north. Fun fact, if i had to stay one more turn i could have killed Transformed Mordecai with Aran.

3-7, just hold out for 12 turns right, this shouldn't be too hard.

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3-7 12 turns. Wow no way, shortest turncount ever. I know. Anyways, pretty straight foward. Had to start retreating turn 11 due to Laguz untransforming. Rolf saw some fights here, he has b support with ike now. Mostly ike used his iron sword to weaken, Rolf killed.

3-8, a bit hard considering i only have 11 olivi grass and 6 laguz stones which i'm a bit reluctant to use. The meteor place, makes it harder for my Mordy. Specially if he is untransformed... :/

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3-8 13 turns. May have been able to 12 turn it possibly 11 turn it if i had resources...

3-9 7 turns + Geoff penalty. Marcia got the boss to like 15/17 hp, Callil ended with meteor. I think i was going to use meteor later on but i forgot for what... Anyaways, its broken now so whatever it was it doesn't matter anymore.

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3-10 10 turns. Rolf was at 25 speed and 26 STR, he was awesome and wasn't hit alot (Shade :awesome: ) At the end he capped str and speed and hp and 29 skill. I gave him a master crown. Ike, was just as always. Ulki teared or adept making 1rko to people he would usually do 3/4hko. Mordecai was at 24 speed, he doubled a lot and got to S rank. :awesome: Ulki ike and rolf went thru the southern part while mordecai went trhu the center.

If the CRK had gone straightly upwards, and not go for 3 priest i was going to kill next turn i would have done a 9 or 8 turn... :/ damn AI

Also, if anyone could tell me, should i give my master crown to Calill? She has capped HP, SKL and Mag, and has 20 speed. I capped HP giving her a seraph robe. She is also level 14 but i ran out of BEXP... Damn laguz eat a ton, but they are worth it...

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3-11 9 turns Pretty good considering i usually 11-12 turn it normally. My units kicked ass aside from Marcia, i seriously need an energy drop... 2hkoing horses with a horseslayer is just :facepalm: worthy.

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3-12 7 turns. Not too much to say, Leo and Aran kicked those soldiers and sent them running. Sothe and micaiah joined soon after the start. I had to make Tauro go around the map, if enemy units didn't prioritize yellow units i would have had trouble with tauro.

3-13 6 turns. Aran went below the ledge and rampaged all those laguz, i lol'd when tigers did like 2-4 damage. the above part was a complete mess, and i could only support one side with leo and Sothe... but the Yellow units managed to survive and defend for 6 turns. Aran killed ike in the enemy phase, Had it not been for Impale, Aran would have most likely die next turn.

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3-E 6 turns. Did the samething Fayt did except replace devdan with Ulki and Sigrun with Marcia. Not much Happened, Marcia promoted but she's still 2hkoing with horseslayer ;_;...

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3-E 6 turns. Did the samething Fayt did except replace devdan with Ulki and Sigrun with Marcia. Not much Happened, Marcia promoted but she's still 2hkoing with horseslayer ;_;...

llololololololololol marica failz

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Calill, Mordecai, and Ulki are sent to Micaiah's team.

Aran and Rolf to Ike's team

Leo and Marcia to Tibarns team.

No stats because i'm lazy and i don't feel like it.

4-P 13 turns could have done better had i eaten a naesala penalty, probably 7 or 8 turn it... anyways, those 2 rangers are annoying to laguz <_<. Callil took the east and killed every single one,. Gave her resolve because in a dummy attempt she went in to danger many times. With resolve she survived until flare.

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4-1 umm i can't remember anyways Nailah penalty.- Rolf couldn't go for 1 range enemies, in enemy phase, restart use nailah. Send rolf west with Aran, Ike goes North, to the boss then west to the reinfrcements area. Nailah takes care of generals. Also ike got 34 spd I was like :o seeing so many spd level up...

4-2 Can't remember either, Tibarn Penalty - Marcia and leo take care of the upper part Tibarn of the lower part. Marcia kicked ass, Leo took care of the reinforcements in later turns but couldn't finish them fast enough to avoid the 4 north and the next turn 4 south. Should have sent Marcia... :/ ah well. What ev. Marcia capped SPD and DEF and got her STR up a bit up to 24 i think.

4-3 I BEXP Micaiah to 19, and now she has capped mag, skill, 23 speed, capped defence, capped resistance. Yay for paragon :newyears: Also, she has 14 str. I think she is going to be purging B)

Ahhh there is no Nailah penalty does that mean i'll have to redo?

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If someone could please tell me the penalty for nailah, i'd appreciate it, or if i have to restart. Otherwise i'll assume its something like five and go on.

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- The only characters you can deploy are those you drafted, or those who are needed to recruit another character(can be any character).

There is no penalty for deploying Nailah. She's not forced, so she should not - under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES - be even deployed.

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wait why u have to start over?


a: if he doesn't have any saves before finishing 4-1, he'd have to start over

b: did he maybe deploy people he shouldn't have earlier on and thus needs to start from the top?

c: maybe he just meant he needs to redo 4-1?

I suspect one of these 3 is true, though it is entirely possible there is some 4th option I have not considered.

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a: if he doesn't have any saves before finishing 4-1, he'd have to start over

b: did he maybe deploy people he shouldn't have earlier on and thus needs to start from the top?

c: maybe he just meant he needs to redo 4-1?

I suspect one of these 3 is true, though it is entirely possible there is some 4th option I have not considered.

I dont understand scenario A.

If b is true, i think he should just be slapped with like a 10-25 turn penalty and restart if so desired

Yeah or that...

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I dont understand scenario A.

he has to redo 4-1 because he played it illegally

in order to do so, you need a save before the completion of 4-1 (otherwise it is impossible to redo 4-1)

if he lacks a save, he can't replay 4-1

thus, if he doesn't have an old enough save he'd need to go again from the beginning.


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