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Wi-Fi Battling Speculation/Discussion

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Vincent added a page for class caps, and it's looking like the viable classes will not be changing. Falcoknights have +1 Spd, putting them on par with Heroes.

This, of course, assuming all damage calculations remain the same, and we can still forge +10 Mt on weapons; the rest of my post also relies on these assumptions.

The swords page also supplies some interesting information. The Brave Sword appears to remain unchanged, which leads me to believe the others will follow suit.

The Master Sword looks kind of nice, but the Killing Edge will probably be more efficient to forge because of the base price difference. However, with +10 Mt, it can kill any unit with less than 26 defense with a single crit. Interesting.

Levin Swords get a nice base Mt boost. I didn't do any calculations with this, but it's obviously a little more formidable.

Final observation: The new Swordslayer weapon. Heroes may finally see the light of day thanks to this weapon -- they gain the ability to OHKO Swordmasters with it. Falcoknights sadly fall short (as do opposing Swordmasters).

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I pray for no more +10mt forges. If it was only halved things would be more balanced, and certain classes could survive more then one round.

Edit: I'm wrong, all the previous forge options are back, I just checked it out myself. +10 mt, 50 Hit, 30 Crit. Wifi will be like old times...

Edited by Wolt
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I'm gonna try a little clock abuse and see if I can get anything going. Using old times, we might be able to see into some character growths ahead of time.

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0.o wow. This is nuts. There's an arena in the menu with a save button next to it = very easy to reroll and boost stats. Add to this items that give stats beyond the cap, and I got a 34 magic, 27 speed sage by the end of chapter 12. And I haven't even forged anything yet. I have yet to play wifi, but if it works the same way as the last one did, it is going to be ridiculous even without hackers. the good side is that this means everyone else can legitimately get broken teams.

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Thats a little hard to believe unless you amassed immense amount of money, considering the said arena doesn't give you anything back for winning. Since it's always taking away from you, it's a little counterproductive with you funds, IE you can't forge as much.

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If it's funds you're worried about, there are actual arenas too, which I assume will basically give you infinite cash, though I have yet to use them.

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At a glance, it looks like WiFi uses the same 6 maps as in shadow dragon.

Edit also, there are stat boosting items which can increase stats above their maximum caps. I think these will see a lot of use on wifi. (e.g. 27 speed falco, 29 speed berserker, 31 speed swordmaster. And that's just +1 I think you can go +2 or higher depending on the item availability.)

Edited by Sylvan
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I didn't realize you could break caps... Are you guys sure it doesn't silently get ignored?

Something else I thought of: With the inclusion of a Dancer, there is potential for more first-turn abuse.

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So we're looking at an even more over reliance on the previous abused classes and those items that raise stats above their caps. Next thing we should ask is if there are the secret shops that give us x3 of each booster.

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I didn't realize you could break caps... Are you guys sure it doesn't silently get ignored?

Not sure. It'll say "30+1" or something, so I don't see why it would be ignored.

Something else I thought of: With the inclusion of a Dancer, there is potential for more first-turn abuse.

Dancer is a bit iffy. Because it takes a unit to be the dancer, it's possible to just have 2 units and not use the dancer. I don't really see the dancer being that useful in wifi.

So we're looking at an even more over reliance on the previous abused classes and those items that raise stats above their caps. Next thing we should ask is if there are the secret shops that give us x3 of each booster.

Basically yep. But abuse is so easy (you don't even need to turn off the game) you can make a good wifi team in no time at all.

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I'd like more maps really. I just hate the fact that the first one is nothing more than a glorified link arena. It would be really cool if they could do stuff like have different modes of play too. Like one guy could control and spawn generic enemies to attack while the other guy has to defend from this attack for x turns. If the defender lasts x turns, he wins, or if the attacker breaks through, he wins. I'd really like to see that, but it'll probably be just another link arena.

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So,who thinks WyvernStone!Chiki will go up?

12 Mov,Flight,27 Spd,28 def,40 Mt at Max.If Necessary,DivineStone nets her 57 mt,and the ability to WTFNuke other Mamkutes,while netting 30 Def/Res,but 24 AS for a turn.

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Sure, they'd be more useful, but I doubt they would be great.

Let's look at the possibilities:

-lack of range weapons (not sure)

-27 comes at a cost to strength (40 str, which is less than 20 damage to most units.)

-speed is too low to double, resulting in very limited attack option.

-24 speed has better attacking options, but can still be doubled by berserkers.

-dancing or trading to swap out a stone comes at the cost of needing the manakete to attack first (ie, it can't be the last unit to move.) making it difficult to follow up chip damage with a manakete.

-6 move is very low, 8 is not much better

That seems like too many limitations to be better than standard units with braves.

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Would it be worth using Marth for a support oriented team considering all his caps are essentially raised to 27? Means he's not getting double as much and can take a hit or 2 now. Although with forges the only reason to support is for a crit bonus because the avoid isn't helping with +50 hit to every weapon. Falchion isn't a good weapon choice but having a Rapier would prove useful against Paladins and Horsemen.

Splitting all the shards up is also a big factor if you make the team before they get combined. Who gets what? Do you give Paladins +2 speed so they stop getting doubled? Do you give it Swordmasters/Horsemen so they can still double those units? Or could units that weren't previously good become more useful due to the boosts? So many decisions...

As it turns out getting good stats with Feena isn't hard, so she can defend herself should the need arise, but she still isn't the best type of unit to field.

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As for using Marth, I'd have to know more about cards to say for sure.

Looking at evade, you can get something like +40 from supports, swordmasters get +10 and then weapon triangle has a play for another +10. It could make axe users almost unuseable, even with forged hit rate. Although it wouldn't help against lance users, it wouldn't hurt any, since all lance users have a lower speed cap. For an axe user, it looks like they'll be left with maybe 70% hit rate on a fully forged weapon. Which is low considering braves hit twice.

The thing is, with the boosting items, I think they are lost on chapter 14. I believe there is only 1 arena before that, making it nigh on impossible to forge great weapons for everyone and keep the items. (Arena is in chapter 9, giving 4 missions to forge in after abusing for money) Although I could be mistaken here, I don't know if there is an arena before that, or if the forging restriction is the same as shadow dragon.

I think funds matter here, more so than the items. Unless there is a way to keep the items past mission 14.

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I don't know if this is true or not because I never tried in the original FE3, and I haven't been able to play this version of the game yet, but you might be able keep the shards if you skip at least one of them and don't complete the Star Orb.

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