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(FE7) Drafting Tourney IV


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C13: In Search of Truth

Turn 1: Oswin slowly moves down, Marcus swords a bandit. Matthew and Serra follow Marcus, Eli, Hector and Dorcas go left. Eli STABS the snag, Dorcas gets in range of the 2 peggies. Dorcas hits the 2 peggies on EP. Marcus tramples 2 peggies, then dodges 2 archers.

Turn 2: Oswin gets in range of 1 archer, Marcus stalls. The 2 peggies Dorcas weakened are killed, Eli breaks down the snag. Eli gets hit by a Jav, Marcus gets shot twice.

Turn 3: Hector and Eli kill the Jav Cav, Marcus HAND AXES an archer. I move Serra out of range of the peg knight. The peg knight hits Eli, who goes down to 4 HP but kills the peg knight. Marcus kills the second archer. The Mine village is destroyed, meh.

Turn 4: Marcus destroys the bandit and Serra heals Eliwood. Hector and Dorcas move up. Matt follows Marcus. Marcus gets attacked by a bandit.

Turn 5: Hector owns the second snag, Dorcas stands behind him. Marcus and Oswin kill the bandit which attacked Marcus. Eli lags behind Dork. Marcus goes into raeg mode and kills a soldier, a cav, and lures 3 archers.

Turn 6: Marcus hand axes an archer, Matthew recruits Guy. Guy trades Oswin his KE and Vuln, then Oswin rescues Matthew. Serra heals Dorcas, Lowen also runs up with Eli, Dork and H4xtor. Marcus kills a soldier, Hector weakens a cavalier, Dorcas hits one as well. Guy gets shot by 3 archers.

Turn 7: Serra heals Dorcas, Hector holds the snag on his own and misses a cav with 85% hit =( Marcus kills a Soldier, Oswin walks up with Matthew in tow. Guy stands on the fort. Hector kills 2 cavs on EP, Marcus kills a peg knight. He misses a third cav, and he gets hit by an Archer and a Bandit. Guy dodges all 3 archers :awesome:

Turn 8: Hector hits the bandit, Eliwood stabs the cavalier, Dorcas finishes off the Bandit. Marcus runs up in range of the cavalier and last peg knight. Marcus hits the cav once on EP, and KOs the cav. Eliwood misses the cavalier >_> This time, Guy gets hit by all 3 archers >_>

Turn 9: Eliwood hits and Dorcas misses the cavalier. Lowen buys a Javelin and 2 Hand Axes. Marcus kills the cavalier, Hector moves towards the boss. Serra is shot but survives. Guy continues his Archer dodging shenanigans.

Turn 10: Dorcas and Eli kill an Archer. I buy 2 vulneraries. Hector gives the finger to the boss and kills him. GUY SURVIVED HAHAHAHA

Turn 11: Serra heals, Hector seizes.

        Level HP Str/Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 
Hector:  7.36  27 13      8   9   5   12  3
Eliwood: 2.77  21 7       7   10  8   7   2
Marcus:  2.33  32 15      16  11  9   11  8
Dorcas:  4.77  31 8       7   6   3   4   1
Oswin:   9.38  28 13      9   5   3   13  3
Serra:   2.12  18 2       5   8   7   2   5

Oswin still needs to bludgeon stuff. Anyway, going for C14 soon, and Erk will have to fend for himself~

Turns: 11

Total: 26

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Definitely do that. I ended up getting the killing edge and giving it to Matthew, and it helped make his ridiculously inept offense somewhat useful, especially in annoying chapters like 16 and 18

This playthrough? You can't use Matthew for fighting, I picked him.

Unless it was some other time. Thanks for that tip though. I have Guy and Matthew though, so... hmm, tough decision.

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This playthrough? You can't use Matthew for fighting, I picked him.

Unless it was some other time. Thanks for that tip though. I have Guy and Matthew though, so... hmm, tough decision.

He's in Draft 3. Or was it 2? Either way, a draft run that isn't this one.

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This playthrough? You can't use Matthew for fighting, I picked him.

Unless it was some other time. Thanks for that tip though. I have Guy and Matthew though, so... hmm, tough decision.

Yeah, what Balcerzak said, I'm in tourney 3.

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I still feel stupid for not having a magic user aside form Serra, lolNino and lolAthos.

Don't feel bad, I have no magic users at all until Athos besides Pirscilla. I'm going to have to Barrier spam soooo much.

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C20-8 turns Pretty standard strategy of "run Marcus and Hector towards throne" and have others clean up. Fiora got Cameron, Marcus got Darin. Hector couldn't catch Legault without hurting turncount so I missed another Guiding Ring. Kileld Legault for the Barrier though.

C21-2 turns Marcus/Hector rushed forward, other people stayed back to shop and kill monks. Marcus critted Oleg with a Hand Axe on turn 2 Enemy Phase. Only bad thing was no Whip for Fiora.

C22- 12? turns Stayed back to defend, since rushing forward was just getting me killed, meaning I missed the Brave Axe and like 10000 gold. Recruited Heath. Gave Angelic Robe to Isadora.

Name 	Level   HP 	ST 	SK	SP 	LK      DF      RS
Hector 	15.52 	32 	14 	8 	9   	5    	15   	6  		
Marcus 	10.58   37 	18 	22 	13 	9   	11    	9
Bartre  2.47    41      11      10   	6       7       10      6
Erk     13.45   27      10      11      15      8       3       11
Fiora   11.48   24      9       15      14      8       10      11
Isadora 2.30    36      14      12      17      10      8       6

Total turns: 94

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C23- 11 turns. Matthew stole the Guiding Ring, but didn't get to the the Body Ring or anything. Isadora killed both Paul and Jasmine.

C24- 2 turns. Isadora counters Lloyd with Javelin, Marcus Silver Lances and Isadora finishes him off on Turn 2 Player Phase. Fiora gets the Earth Seal.

C25- 5 turns. Promoted Fiora and Erk. Fiora goes northeast, Isadora goes southwest, guys charge up the middle. Marcus kills Psacal.

C26- 12 turns. Standard defend chapter stuff. Game developers are very mean for putting shop with Killers next to godly Vaida. IsadoraxMarcus reached C

Name 	Level   HP 	ST 	SK	SP 	LK      DF      RS
Hector 	16.91 	33 	15 	9 	9   	5    	15   	6  		
Marcus 	12.90   38 	19 	22 	13 	9   	11    	9
Bartre  3.58    42      11      10   	7       8       11      7
Erk     2.27    33      12      13      15      9       7       14
Fiora   3.21    32      13      18      15      9       13      15
Isadora 7.87    39      16      14      20      12      8       7
Pent    6.94    33      18      21      17      14      11      16

Total turns: 124

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C27(Kenneth version)-10 turns I went around the outside so that I could kill the Speedwings!General instead of the bishop in the center (and killing both triggers Karel). Standard rush to boss tactics applied. Didn't bother getting treasures since Purge!Bishop targeting Matthew was too annoying. Marcus boss kill, Isadora recruits Harken. Speedwings to Marcus.

Name 	Level   HP 	ST 	SK	SP 	LK      DF      RS
Hector 	18.47 	34 	16 	9 	9   	6    	16   	6  		
Marcus 	14.09   40 	19 	23 	15 	10   	11    	10
Bartre  4.22    43      12      11   	8       8       12      7
Erk     2.91    33      12      13      15      9       7       14
Fiora   3.82    32      13      18      15      9       13      15
Isadora 8.27    40      16      15      21      13      8       7
Pent    7.55    34      18      22      18      14      11      16
Harken  8.00    41      22      22      18      12      16      11

Total turns: 134

I'll probably slow down and let you guys catch up, play RD or something.

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C14: False Friends

The rain fucked this up >: Marcus went west, lanced Erik and then went south to pirates, Hector killed soldiers before helping Marcus, Eli, Dorcas and Serra went north, Oswin went north -> middle. Missed Iron Blade (like I care) and Priscilla (I don't care that much). 10 Turns, could prolly have done better.

36 Turns so far.

        Level HP Str/Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 
Hector:  8.82  28 13      9   9   5   12  3
Eliwood: 3.75  22 7       7   10  8   7   2
Marcus:  3.42  32 15      17  11  10  11  8
Dorcas:  5.79  31 8       8   6   3   5   1
Oswin:   10.05 29 13      9   5   3   13  3
Serra:   2.67  18 2       5   8   7   2   5

C15: Talons Alight

Didn't deploy Matthew this map and everyone undrafted this map.

Basically, Oswin stood on the throne the whole map, everyone else went up and right. Hector was basically the rear guard while Marcus charged up. Hector X Eliwood get.

        Level HP Str/Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support
Hector:  9.50  29 14      0   9   5   13  4   Eliwood C
Eliwood: 5.21  24 8       7   10  9   7   4   Hector C
Marcus:  3.75  32 15      17  11  10  11  8
Dorcas:  7.21  33 8       9   7   4   6   1
Oswin:   10.33 29 13      9   5   3   13  3
Serra:   3.14  19 2       5   8   7   2   5

Turns : 8

Total: 44

I am disappointed with my turncount *weeps*

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Okay I really am hating my emulator right now I'm on the third time I've lost my sav file right now

is it all right if I use savestates AFTER I clear a level in case my emulator is retarded again I won't cheat with them just as a back up in case I lose my data

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C16: Noble Lady of Caelin

So many people died here. Sain, Wil, Bartre, Lowen, and Florina all kicked the bucket. Marcus killed some stuff, ran back to rescue Hector, and then ran up to kill more stuff. Everyone else stayed back. While Sain and Wil were distracting enemies, Kent grabbed Lyn and ran off towards the main party. Marcus OHKO'd the boss with a Silver Lance crit :awesome: Wasn't able to visit any villages >:

        Level HP Str/Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support
Hector:  10.15 30 14      11  9   6   14  5   Eliwood C
Eliwood: 7.35  25 9       8   10  9   8   5   Hector C
Marcus:  4.35  33 15      18  11  10  11  8
Dorcas:  8.14  34 8       10  7   5   6   1
Oswin:   11.33 30 14      9   6   3   13  4
Serra:   3.69  19 2       5   8   7   2   5
Kent:    6.26  24 8       7   8   4   6   2

Turns : 9

Total: 53

Doing pretty badly >: I'm also in desperate need of new items.

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Lightning has been subbed out for Soul.

C17: Whereabouts Unknown

15 turns. Damn that sucks >: I hate this map, though I had liek 10 Vulns and 5 shots of Heal to work with so... Hector got the boss kill because Marcus missed Bernard. Lost me one turn =( I got all the crests though, so that helps.

        Level HP Str/Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support
Hector:  12.30 32 16      13  10  7   15  5   Eliwood C
Eliwood: 9.35  27 11      9   10  10  8   6   Hector C
Marcus:  5.05  34 15      18  11  10  11  9
Dorcas:  9.84  35 8       10  7   5   6   1
Oswin:   12.75 31 15      9   7   4   14  4
Serra:   4.24  19 3       5   8   7   2   5
Kent:    8.37  26 8       9   10  5   6   2

Turns : 15

Total: 68

6 turns more than Cynthia. =(

C18 will be hell, but THERE'S THE SHOP OH FUCK YES <3

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