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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 13: Stabby Stabby Stabby!


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"Astra's a very advanced technique. Basically, one can hit five solid blows, in the blink of an eye. It's the pinnacle of swordsmanship. Only those great enough to be called Trueblades can wield it," Eric said. "My teacher used to do it, before he died. It was really amazing."

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"Wow...Almost too bad I don't use swords. I wonder what the ultimate axe technique is. Oh well. Let's eat and get drunk!" said Alferis, almost skipping to the dining room.

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Rita walked back to the table with a plate piled high. "They have so much good stuff here, it's ridiculous! I'll probably eat too much, but oh well!" Rita took a bit of the steak. "Were you talking about Astra? Do you know the skill, could you teach me? I'm only at the first too hits, I tried it on you back when we sparred, but you disarmed me before I could get the second hit in."



"Well, since we were going to Septimus, and the others decided to split up, I've been thinking. Since Jerdon was invaded, they lost their home. But were do nomads mainly live? I know you were seperated from Kelas, but you probably knew where she's from, right?"



"Really?" Pary bent down aand exaimined Morgan. He took his staff out, and held it over her chest, letting the energy seep down. "You may want to take some tea with dinner, and try to avoid the stables for a while. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll take my leave."

Pary turned, and headed into the inn they were staying at.

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Arrin thought back to the geography lessons his teacher had grudgingly given him. "The tribes go where they will, for the most part," he replied, "though many of them tend to stay around the south of Halton, because that's closest to the desert where they used to live. I think... I think we were one of the ones in Halton, though I'm not sure. Why do you ask?"

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"I can't teach you what I can't do yet," Eric said, cutting up some meat. "I'm just focusing on matching my masters' speed, before I try to learn Astra. As for an ultimate axe technique, I'm not the one to ask. Maybe you should find a warrior, or something."

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"Um, I think so. I remember hearing something about it being called Colossus, but that's all I know. There's one for lances as well, but I'm not sure about other weapons." She turned to Eric. "I've been working on speed, but my attacks keep having openings. People are able to stop the skill mid hit. The most I've been able to do in a row was two, so I'm long far off."



"I'm just curious. Since Septimus invaded Jerdon, I had wondered how other countries were doing. The Shoon islands have never been invaded since their far off the coast. They don't even have an army. We probably got the least during the Azure war."

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"Well, the tribes were never really a country to begin with," Arrin explained, glad he'd taken notes. "The closest they ever came to that were a few farming tribes who stayed in one place, but the land was ruined by the Lord of Azure Flame. I'm pretty sure that all the tribes that are left stay on the move, and tend not to pay attention to any royal authority. Kelas would know more about it than me, though..."

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OOC: Throwing in some realism for a change.

The long journey finally came to an end upon reaching one of the border towns. The scuffle at the gates was short and didn't draw nearly as much attention as the group was used to. With the incident behind them, they headed into the town, and began looking for a place to stay. Since the group numbered in the twenties, the inn that they found wasn't going to suffice. The entire party couldn't stay there without all couping together in the six or so remaining rooms available. Some decided to stay in other inns close by.


As much as Iso wanted to talk with Katie about something ... anything, he was dead tired like some others. He knew he was going to pass out soon, so he put up his coat, and lied face down on the bed, speaking from his pillow. He would turn his head occasionally to glance at anything Katie put up to read.

Iso: Uuuuuugh ... I can't believe we've traveled so far in such a short span of time.

Why are you tired? We were riding with your sister the whole time.

Iso: aaaaaand my butt is sore now ...

She giggled and then hopped right onto the very spot Iso had just mentioned, sitting down, and leaning over to see what his reaction would be!

Iso: Aigh! Ah ... ow ... very funny ...

Irina and Levski

Surprisingly, this border town was severely lacking in wyvern related necessities such as aeries. Kiev and Kirnkov didn't mind though. They flew up to the roof top of the inn Irina and Levski had decided to stay in. Kiev used his nose to become familiar with the surroundings while Krinkov used his hawk like eyes to scout out the entire area. From civilians to armed patrols, he could see all of them.

Levski paid for a room, but intended that it be shared with anyone who needed it. He sat down at a dining table and leaned back as Irina came over. He had a cup of water in his hand and was casually sipping it down. She quickly grabbed a seat and collapsed into her chair, exhausted from the trip.

Irina: Okay ... things to do in the morning: Find a market so I can buy some more chickens, clean my armor, do something with my hair which is totally tangled up now ... urgh, I think I'm gonna just cut it off.

As she mentioned cutting her hair, Levski reflexively spit out the water he was drinking with a horrified look on his face!

Lev: What?!

Irina: It's ... kind of in the way sometimes. I have to tie it back nowadays just so my hair doesn't get caught in the enemies' weapons during a miss or something. It's scary.

Lev: So wear your damn helmet. Don't cut your hair.

Irina lowered her head and put her finger tips together, fiddling to try to distance herself from the embarrassing information she was about to reveal.

Irina: ... ... ... I lost it.

Lev: ... f*****ck ....

Irina: I can't remember when.

Lev: Irina, that's very amateur.

Irina: You never even wear your helmet, and you still have one! That's macho stupid, Lev! Where do you think that scar came from?

Lev: Heh. Kitty owes me big time for letting her maim me like these.

Irina: You let her slice your eye with a lance?

Lev: I could tell she hadn't injured anyone in awhile and thought "You know what? I'm going to give her courtesy hit.".

Irina: ... I hope you're being sarcastic.

Lev: Irina ... sometimes it's just better to give women what they want. Resisting doesn't work out as much.

She quickly shoved him lightly with her hand and stuck her tongue out at him.

Irina: Pushover :P

Lev: Do that again, and I'll show you why resisting isn't always the best idea.

Irina: <.< >.>

She tried to shove him a little harder this time, and he allowed himself to fall back in his chair! Before falling though, he grabbed Irina, and they both fell back in his chair with a loud thud!

Irina: Ack!

Lev: And look at where we are now ...

Levski gave a mischievous grin at Irina who was nervously lying right on top of him.

Lev: Sometimes putting up with the bullsh*t can yield great rewards.

Irina: (Tricked again! Every single time without fail!) ... right ... so I guess you and the "Kitty" should be engaged in a couple of weeks.

Lev: Anything's possible.

Viveka and Jasmine

Viveka and Jasmine got some help moving their cases around. The pegasi were both put in stables with the rest of the horses, and left with some feeding bags on. After renting out a room for themselves, Both Viveka and Jasmine headed straight for the tubs. Once they were cleaned off of the journey's accumulated dirt, Jasmine changed into one of Viveka's numerous high cut night gowns, and went to bed. Viveka looked through her two gigantic cases making sure Naelia hadn't stolen anything from her in particular. Seeing that everything was still there, she changed as well, and laid back on her bed. She wasn't quite ready to doze off, so she went over battle formations, stances, techniques, and procedures all in her head. She wanted to do anything to distract herself from the demons, those creatures she couldn't hope to match on any level.


Upon his return, Ixion entered the dark chamber with the glass container in hand. He set it down at a large desk in a barely lit corner of the room, and then walked out to the center of the chamber.

Ixion: (Where is Shanice? When it attacked them, it transformed several times, but its final transformation was interrupted ... then came the smokescreen ... and then they all vanished. There were four of them in all, and they retreated as soon as Shanice was injured. Why did they settle for just one crimson weapon when they clearly had the advantage. Even injured, Shanice still had a fighting chance. Something doesn't add up. I don't know how long they have until the demons strike again, but I must capture Shanice no matter the cost. If I had known that it was such a critical piece of the puzzle ten years ago, I would have captured it then, but the past is done. The only thing I can do now is extract what I need from that creature. Isotov ... your quest for vengeance against Shanice is going to get in my way, and if it does, don't think for a second that I won't destroy you and everything you hold dear. I'll only put up with this crimson weapon nonsense for so long ...)

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"So you never told me your name. But are you looking for work? If so, I'd join with Ivanko's mercenaries. They're pretty well known and they get a lot of high end jobs. You can make serious cash and learn from the best there."

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"Ivanko? I can't believe you never heard of him. He's one of the greatest wyvern riders and axe fighers ever known. It's said one blow from his tomahawk equals certain death. Even non axe or lance users can learn a lot from him. His mercenary band is very famous and very powerful. In fact I know some of them."

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"Somehow, I doubt you know them. And that's why. I only know important sword fighters! He's probably just some big weirdo who lives with wyverns and keeps one in his back yard."

OOC: I love making jokes with knowledge I have, but the characters would never know of. :awesome:

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"Hey just ask these guys. They know his mercenaries. Anyway he is indeed a great fighter and wyvern rider. You should investigate him. I don't know many famous swordfighters though. Except for this one known as the Crimson Serph. She's pretty good."

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The draconic woman had been spending her time upon the beach with much relaxation. There was no need for her to do anything now, not until a more urgent issue arrived. So when one of the three sisters appeared, her good mood was once again, spoiled. Turning her gaze to them, a clearly annoyed look upon her eyes, she almost snapped at them.

"Idiot!" she hissed under her breath. "If they've split up, they are weak and divided! Do I need to spell things out for you? Go for the smaller group, seek their wielders, and capture one for me. Alive. I didn't pit you before against the full group because to have any degree of success you would have needed too much power and risked killing them. Why haven't you alread- Wait... I have a use for you. Seek out the smaller group, find a wielder and take him to me. But, find that earth dragon, and when you do... give her an orange rind. I don't care the condition, just do so. If she understands, that is good. If not, it won't be any worse."

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Berry, Marry, Verry:

"Right away, mistress!" Berry quickly dissolved into the shadows and off of the beach. She reappeared a couple miles inland, watching her sisters sitting in some trees eating fruit.

"Come on girls, we have a new mission."

"But Berry! Should Helenos know that the group-"

"Yes, I know. But we'll get them all except one, and he can run back to the others scared and crying that his friends were taken. We strike tomorrow! Let's go!"


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Having stabled the horse he had borrowed, Derek, retreated into his room for a little while. Stripping off his chest plate and gauntlets, he stared at them for a while. So, they're in Altia right now... Guess it's time to go back to being cavalry, he thought. Pulling off a rather large pack he had concealed under his sword sheath, the Jerdonian opened it, and took out several pieces of blue armor, finishing with a blue helm with a silver trim. For the next hour, Derek polished every single piece of his armor, until they practically gleamed. Having finished that, he donned all of his armor, including the helm, and stepped out of his room, coat folded in his left hand, and his Steel Blade on his back.

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After Cess had wandered off, Arrin headed for the kitchen. He returned to the inn's common room with a heaping plate of food. As he ate, he got out the Bolting tome he'd been given, and continued to read through.

As the book progressed, the formulae grew more complex, and less about thunder magic, Arrin realized. "Ah!" He jumped with surprised: one of the formulas contained a familiar symbol, a ray of light superimposed on an upside-down flame. He knew that symbol; it had factored a great deal into his teacher's research. This array was designed to interact with a Crimson weapon.

Rereading the margin notes, he realized that the only name mentioned for the past few pages had been Isotov. He'll want to see this tome, Arrin realized. It looks like he knew its owner.

Getting up, Arrin set off to find Isotov.

OOC: oh man drama (?)

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OOC: @ Snowy Oh, you're on! You run Katie! XD


As Iso lied face down with this head buried in the pillow, Katie playfully bounced up and down on his rear. Occasionally she'd lean over to see if he was still awake since he didn't seem to be responding.

Iso: This pillow isn't as comfy as you were. Would you mind if I cuddled with you again?


She leaned over and let him read the note.

Iso: Heheh.

Irina and Levski

After getting off of the floor and placing the chair back up, Lev finished off his water, and sat the cup on the table.

Lev: It's too early for me to be lying down, so I'm going to go for a walk. If you're not too tired, you can come along.

Irina: ... sure. No one else to talk to around here, and I'm not quite ready to hit the hey either, tired or not.

Viveka and Sleepy-Head

Unable to distract herself anymore, and having gone over nearly a thousand different theorems in her head, she shot out of bed. Maybe a walk would clear her head. Before she set out, she grabbed a thin silk robe to put on. Once she sleeved both of her arms, she opened the door to the room and stepped out, making sure to quietly close it behind her.

EDIT: Added Viveka.

Edited by Phoenix
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As Arrin wandered the halls of the inn, still half-absorbed in reading the tome, he passed Irina and Lev. He doubled back. "Have you seen Isotov?" he asked them. "I may have found something important."

edit: just some minor details (carrying tome)

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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Irina and Levski

Irina: Oh, hi, Arrin! You're looking for Iso? Which room did you rent out, Lev?

Lev: Room number five. He's probably upstairs with his curvy teacher. Third door on the right.

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"Sheesh you fools. Do you always cause trouble wherever you go?" said Reika, standing in the hall of the inn, near Irina. "Sooner or later, the guards are going to come too and when they tell the authorities what happened, you can bet your sorry asses that we're going to get run out of here or arrested."

Edited by Dark Sage
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Continuing down the hall, Derek saw Viveka step out of her room. Nodding at her, he walked past her, intent on getting to an armory.

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