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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 13: Stabby Stabby Stabby!


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"Some mage wanting knowledge of the weapons." explained Esphyr, then lowering her voice so no others in the room could hear. "I didn't know what to tell him. It would have been one thing if I didn't have one myself, but I didn't know what to do. I had to confront him, but I'm not good at that at all."

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"He's too curious for his own good," Heinz replied. "It didn't seem like he actually knew anything himself about the weapons though , but insisting that he learn about them and running away like that is suspicious." Good, he's run away for now. "We should probably tell the others about this, to make sure it's not just one of their friends or something," he added grudgingly.

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"Sure," Kelas called, exiting the room and looking for the quickest path to the kitchen that avoided the current conflict.

Arrin found her in the hall. "Did anyone pay for rooms?"

"Someone must have," Kelas replied. "You must have gotten food, else you'd be pestering me about it. Just pick a room, it looks like. Not that one," she added as Arrin headed for the room Tessa had chosen.

"All right," Arrin yawned, heading into the next room. "Wake me up if anything important happens."

Skirting the cluster of people in the common room, Kelas headed in search of dinner.

OOC: Run into her if need be, I don't know. Arrin's ready for TS. Next post will be Kelas ready for TS if nothing happens.

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Seeing that Eric has been restored to consciousness...sort of, she moved on to healing the unconscious Alferis.

My dress is all ruined...can't see the emperor in this. The guards who were fighting the sisters looked as if they might want to say something, but Charlotte was rather busy healing.

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Coming back to consciousness, Eric sat up. "Damn mages," he said, tingling from the magic. "Milady, are you alright?"

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"I am fine Sir Eric." Charlotte replied. "They are gone, but I don't think we can see the emperor looking like this..."

She moved over to heal Rita. "You seem to be rather unlucky Alferis. At least you do not seem to be the magnet for falling objects that Sir Eric is." Charlotte laughed despite the recently grim situation.

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"We encountered them before with old group, some witches looking for the Crimson Weapons. of course we don't have any Crimson Weapons, so why they would attack us is unclear.' Charlotte said.

"We're going to have to go back to the inn." Charlotte said to Alferis. "One does not have an audience with the emperor of Halton in a dress with scorch marks on it. I would say you all require more fashinable clothing, but bodyguards have relaxed restrictions on dress."

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"Um, I suppose I can buy us some clothes. I have some diamonds left over. And maybe the town really does have good shopping, I mean, they are the capital."

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Charlotte pondered Alferis's suggestion. "Hmm, perhaps you have a point. It is rather unusual though. And the marks aren't very stylishly placed, I have a hole on my left shoulderblade, no one wants to see that. However, desperate times do call for desperate measures" With that, she walked boldly towards the palace.

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Kelas managed to quietly obtain some food, and headed back to the room with it. Arrin was already asleep, snoring lightly on top of the far bed. Sighing, Kelas draped his cloak, which she'd found again among the remains of a tent, over him. "Going to catch cold," she muttered.

She stretched out on the other bed, but could not sleep. She'd been a failure of late, passing out the day before and then failing to protect Tessa today.

Such thoughts repeated themselves as she stared at the ceiling, tormenting her until finally exhaustion proved merciful and resolved into a cold, dreamless sleep.

OOC: Ready for TS/new chapter/whichever.

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Deciding not to get too involved in the conversation, Viveka simply let Derek handle the timid looking shaman. He seemed like he was going to work his way into the group given his interest in the crimson weapons. Once he left, Derek was ready to head to the stables.

Viveka: So, what kind of horse are you getting? Halton Standard Bred, a war horse? (A white stallion just for the knight in shining armor look heheh.)

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"A war horse, preferably," Derek said, eying the buildings. "I had one as my first horse, until a while ago. Here we are," he said, entering a stable. Looking around, the cavalier could see several different breeds. Stepping in further, he began to look every one of them over.

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OOC: Is that bird always on Derek's shoulder or does it disappear from time to time?


While Derek looked over horses, Viveka did the same. She first came up to a bright peach colored horse. She wasn't sure if the horse was friendly or not, but she decided to risk petting it on the head. Luckily it was either friendly, or sleepy, and accepted the petting.

Viveka: Teehee. You could use some wings.

She then heard a snort from a nearby horse in the adjacent pin. She looked over and saw a black horse. It looked at her, and she looked right back.

Viveka: You on the other hand don't need any wings. One black pegasus is enough for me thanks.

The horse snorted again as she finished her statement, and she quickly trotted over to Derek to see if he'd found the kind of horse he was looking for.

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OOC:Disappears from time to time. Not on his shoulder ATM.


"...This one," Derek said, petting a gray mare on the head. The horse nickered gently, enjoying the petting. "Will this do?" he asked the trader, showing him the last two diamonds.

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She took a close look at the horse Derek had picked out. Like most animals, she thought it was cute. She wasn't sure about the color, but she kept playfully overriding herself with the phrase "Appearances don't matter on the battlefield." Another phrase also came to mind, "Even a horse with dalmation spots could still ..." She couldn't even finish the thought, and instead laughed out loud.

Viveka: Okay, so this may be one of the new horses. I wonder what Kelas will think of you.

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"The nomad? She probably thinks I'm a bit of a loose cannon, after the guards," he replied, as he passed the trader the diamonds, and took the mare out of the stables. As the cavalier was approaching the inn stables, Loc flew down and around him, confused. Was this his master?

"Haven't seen me like this, have you, Loc?" Derek asked, producing some seeds. Seeing the seeds, the pigeon realized it must be his master, so he hopped onto his gauntlet and picked at the seeds, chirping happily.

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"That's right. He's my messenger pigeon. I usually let him do as he pleases, when he's not passing a note along," Derek said, as Loc pecked at the seeds. The mare whinnied, eying the seeds. "You want some, too? Here you go," he said, pulling out the bag of seeds in his pocket with his free hand, and holding it out to the mare. The horse looked at it, then began to put her snout in the bag, devouring the seeds.

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Viveka: Well, that's enough sight seeing for me. I'm going to get back to my room and get some sleep. Oh! And thank you for the jacket. It's not my size or glamorous but it's still too appealing to pass up.

OOC: Will say goodnight-esque thing after next post. Seems like too much to stuff into one post.

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"You're welcome," Derek said, closing the bag of seeds, and leading the mare to the inn stables. "Glad you like it. Well, I'm going to go stable her, and head to bed, myself. I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

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