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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 13: Stabby Stabby Stabby!


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"Just rest, huh..." Tessa echoed a little uncertain. Her body was in no shape to protest, however, for when she tried turning her head quickly to check up on things―she'd been hearing heated conversation a stone's throw away―she found her vision suddenly narrowing to thin tunnels, which then closed up completely with static. The effect only lasted a short time, before fading away, but it was disconcerting to say the least.

"Wow... Never been this hurt before. I guess you're right," she accepted the situation, unhappily and a little embarrassed. "An actual case of 'The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak'," she recited an old adage. "I wouldn't have expected it."

Consigning herself to Arrin's watchful care, she slipped into a state of half-consciousness, trying to follow what was going on, but never quite managing to keep it all straight.

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Heinz raised his eyes. "Helios is a prince?" A noble perhaps, but I assumed a prince would be able to ride a horse, he thought wryly. He twitched as the headmaster suggested disguising Charlotte as a man, struggling to keep himself from outright laughing. Wonder she'd make a better "prince" than princess, he thought, smirking at the idea.

The healer declined, claiming she had business with the church. Claiming asylum under the Halton emperor? A safer location than Septimus, but it'd be far easier to monitor your location there. Perhaps I should sell the information to another buyer more willing to attack Halton, he considered, trying to guess how much gold he could earn.

Seeing as the group hadn't decided what to do yet, Heinz turned to watch the mute mage repeatedly hit the headmaster with her tome. Looks like there's nothing else to do for now.

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"I'm afraid the business is confidential." said Charlotte plainly. "Anyway, I really must be going, anyone who wishes to follow is welcome to do so. Say goodbye to Tessa and Arrin for me!" she called out, as she grabbed her things and began to walk away.

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Kelas drew up next to Arrin and Tessa. "Arrin? Are you staying with this lot, going to Septimus?" she asked quietly.

"Yes. We need to keep the weapons together," Arrin replied resolutely. He hoped that Tessa would also stay, but regardless...

"Right, I'm coming too, then. I suppose we'll be salvaging whatever we can?" she added, directed at the group. "And there are other things we have to deal with first as well. ...The rider."

edit: Added last sentence

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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Eric and Dani

"I shall be joining you," Eric said, freeing himself from the headmaster's grip.

"Me too! Dani said. "Even if you're my great great grandmother, it doesn't change that Jace killed my dad. I'd probably kill him, if I met him!"

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"Well then, I guess this is goodbye." said Charlotte with tears in her eyes. "I think we will all see each other soon though, once you return from your excursion to Septimus."

Pary seemed to going towards them, but Charlotte approached him. "Sir Pary, you need to tend to the wounded." She ran forth to give him a hug before she left, and used the opportunity to whisper in his ear.

"Your princess wishes to know what's going on in Septimus, she trusts you as her eyes and ears. Sir Derek will help you." she said in his ear before walking away with Eric, Dani, and Alferis.

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"Oh, it was a pretty peaceful place," Eric said. "A bit colder than where we are right now, but the land was still fertile. There were a few mountains, but mostly plains, and forests. In winter, however, was really when the land showed itself. One of the most beautiful places in the world, my mother always told me... I haven't seen it in over a year. Doubt I ever will again."

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Charlotte frowned. "Sir Eric, you cannot lose hope. We will see our homeland restored again. Or at least that's what you told me, do you not believe it?"

OOC: Alferis learned Charlotte was princess like 4 chapters ago in case anyone forgot, so free speaking here.

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"Yes, Princess, but I fear the Septimians may have ravaged it, beyond complete recovery," Eric said. "Though, perhaps it might be saved."

"To an extent, yes. Since we came upon her in Hamburg, I've been protecting her," he said to Alferis.

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"I was sent away to a small, extremely boring village in Elyisimia while my parents were chopped in half by a giant axe." said Charlotte, her frown not lifting. "Where have you been Alferis?"

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Isotov and Irina

Iso: Everyone's talking about going to Septimus.

Irina: I've only been there once, and I never went that deep into the country.

Iso: It's not as bad as some people are making it out to be. A bit, strange yes ... hostile to some in the group, yes ... but Elyisima was the same way. Splitting up now is just begging for trouble.


Levski was standing by Morgan just listening to the arguing. Once it quieted down, he blurted out his own thoughts.

Lev: *sigh* Septimus. That means there's a 60% chance we'll run into Daneka ... ... sh*t.


Still riding with Derek, Viveka held on and stayed quiet at first. One of her best friends had died, and there was no guarantee that the demons wouldn't come at them again even stronger next time. She had no idea how to counter demonic beings in battle since she'd never faced them before. She felt almost helpless, just like when she was attacked by that giant bull wyvern the day her brother died, and just like that day, she lost someone precious to her.

Viveka: Lucille ... I'm sorry ... ... forgive me for my weakness ....

As she struggled not to cry, her grip on Derek's waists tightened a bit, and she shut her eyes tight. Crying wasn't her thing, and she didn't want to get into her pre-military habits no matter what.

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"Well I grew up around Vaorin. I used to live in the mountains but I moved into the city. For reasons of my own, I had to leave it and I've been to many places, like Halton, Zaftra, Tora, and Elysimia.

I sympathize with you guys. The Septimians invaded my home and I've been on the run from them since I've been disrupting them."

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"Well if you've ever been to Altia, you can lead the way. I am only going on what I learned in geography, that it is the capital city of Halton, made of bright red brick and spiked walls. Lots of fountains too apparently. And that it's on the southeast coast of Halton obviously." Charlotte said.

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Having ridden out of sight of the group,Derek shifted the horse around, upon seeing nothing.

"You know... If you feel it was your weakness that led to her death, Miss Viveka, you're deluding yourself. You saw how it could transform. The only thing to do, I would guess, is to grow stronger," he said, eyes looking out for any threats.

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Xenia and Travis looked below and saw two figures riding a horse.

"Hey, one of them has green hair!" Travis said "That could be the deserter I was looking for!"

"Lots of people have green hair." snapped back Xenia. "Nevertheless they could prove useful."

Svetlana swooped down! Travis lept off the wyvern and tired to jump sword first at Derek. Luckily Derek was looking for threats and blocked the blow. The impact of it knocked him off the horse however.

"Long time, no see traitor" said Travis, drawing his sword and shield and facing Derek.

Xenia remained on Svetlana and pointed her lance at the other rider. "Listen up blondie, come quietly and I might not skewer you. If you struggle, your chances of survival decrease significantly." Svetlana pointed her tail at Viveka as if mimicing her rider.

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The word "stronger" brought back a lot of memories of her days in training. Her voice became lifeless and monotone as she responded.

Viveka: Stronger ...? Strength without strategy is meaningless ... strategy without strength is meaningless. We ... have neither ... ... I already tried to get stronger ... I tried so hard. I swore I'd never let something like this happen again.

Suddenly a sea wyvern came down upon the both of them! Travis was parried by Derek, but Viveka had no weapons to fight back with from horse back!

Viveka: Urgh! Who the hell are you people?!

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"I am Xenia, strongest Wyvern Lord in the world! The idiot over there is named Trevor or something, I never paid attention to his stupid singalongs."

"Unarmed?" Xenia was taken aback. "You must be a whore, or dancer, or chef or something. Never mind, you'll make a good hostage." Xenia lunged forward her lance and Svetlana's jaws snapping. Viveka dodged the bite, but the blunt end of the lance hit Viveka in the head. Added to her previous injuries, this knocked her unconscious. Xenia dragged her body and set it atop Svetlana.

"Finish him up, we haven't got all day!" barked Xenia at Travis.

"Look who's talking, you got the unarmed blonde chick! Just gimme a minute." said Travis, parrying one of Derek's blows.

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"So the 'hero' gets his kicks by falling from the sky onto his ex-employees?" Derek asked, swinging his blade. "Man, your obsession is a bit unhealthy." Seeing that Viveka was capped, Derek increased the force of his blows, aiming to shatter the hero's sword.

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