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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 13: Stabby Stabby Stabby!


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"Found the inn's stables," Kelas informed Helios, returning from putting Amari and Francis away. "Back that way. Tessa, we can put Trevor away. You want to walk inside, or you need a lift?" she asked, indicating that she could carry Tessa inside if necessary.

It had been a long day's ride; Arrin was tired and hungry. "Is there food here?" he asked, stomach rumbling.


She'd spent the day, and the day previous, bounding across the countryside. The land was... wonderful... but Helenos had been abroad far too much.

She'd encountered few humans; those who'd spotted her, she'd simply run from. Even with horses, none would be able to catch her. She'd reached the mountains in Elyisima, only occasionally running into patches of corruption, and was about due for a nap. A few hours, only; there was far too much to do to sleep for years again.

Lying on the ground, in the open, with no fear at all of wyverns or other attackers, Tanair slept.

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Ixion: You want the body, but I'm more concerned about what traces of itself Shanice may have left on it. Let me retrieve what I can from her here and now, and you can take her back to her family. Will that satisfy your need to protect the dead?

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And yet, as Tanair slept, she could feel the taint of her sister within the world. Far beneath the world, down beyond the reach of her healing powers, the stench of the caverns and passages in which her sister had dwelt for year upon year, each ripe to the point of bursting with her taint, was so strong as to flow up through the soil and into her senses.


"So long as you do not defile or mar it, yes." said the headmaster.


Many years ago

"Tanair! Tanair! Wake up! I'm hungry!" The voice of a small child filled the room, already stuffed to overflowing with the morning light, as well as flowers and plants galore. A young girl, seemingly only seven years old, black of hair and wearing a dark dress studded with diamonds that glittered like the stars above bounced up and down at the foot of Tanair's bed. Quickly, the little girl sprung up onto the covers and crawled over the sleeping body of her sister, approaching the older woman's face. The child planted a kiss upon her cheek before giggling. "I'm hungry, and you promised to take me hunting today!"

Edited by Snowy_One
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Ixion: If you insist ... no "defiling" or "marring".

With that, Ixion approached, phasing through the dark energy that composed the cage. Once he was close enough, he knelt down and examined Lucille as closely as he could. Sure enough, he could sense demonic energy fading from her body. He placed one hand on her neck, and the other appeared with a small glass container in it.

Ixion: Field sampling really isn't my forte ...

With an intense glare, the demonic traces left by Shanice were pulled into the container, and it was closed tightly. Ixion then hid the container under his large cloak, came to his feet, and let out a sigh of relief as the cage vanished.

Ixion: ... this should suffice.

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Rita led Dani by the hand through the streets. She say the inn from a distance, and a man with an axe, one with a sword, and a girl with a staff were in front of it.

"Okay, it should be over he-YOU! You must fight me! You have a sword! Let's duel!" She quickly drew her Wo Dao, and stepped into a battle stance.

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Ixion: I don't ask for anything if it isn't necessary or advantageous to do so. The body would have been useful in my research as well, but I won't risk a serious injury just to acquire it. Only these samples are worth that risk. Humans die everyday, there's no shortage of death so ... I can cut my losses here, I think.

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Ages ago

"Already?" she'd asked, languidly swinging her feet over the side of pallet to the dirt-and-grass floor and standing up to absentmindedly pace the room. "Very well then..." She'd wandered outside, Helenos trailing behind. Into the woods, and... ah, life, everywhere. She'd lost herself in the glory of earth and trees again.

OOC: Yeah Tanair was not the most attentive.

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"? ... Alright," Eric said, drawing his blade. "I'll let you strike first."

OOC: PVP stat combat?

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It'd been a long day. The travelling swordsman had once again taken his leave of the group, a few others joined up with Eric. Tessa either didn't catch the reasons, or in her current state of mind they just hadn't quite registered properly. Since he'd most likely be catching up with them again later, she stopped trying to focus on the matter. Kelas had swung by, muttered something quietly she couldn't catch, and then headed to try to recover whatever possible from the tents. At some point, there'd been another bout of tension, some woman had flown in on a wyvern whose color was hard to pick out from the sky and started asking questions and making demands, but the situation was handled well enough by Isotov it seemed, and she flew off again.

After a makeshift breakfast, the rest of the group had gone on their way. Tessa was starting to feel a bit better here, and the fuzziness in her brain had all but disappeared, but she slipped up slightly while climbing into the saddle, which had apparently caught Arrin's attention, and led to him riding along with her instead of on Francis as he often had of late. Part of her was glad, and part of her was guilty.

By the end of the ride, though, all of her was exhausted. The bumping and bouncing of horseback, which ordinarily wouldn't have bothered her in good health, turned out to be a lot more aggravating to a body that had slipped into focusing on repairing what had been damaged. Even though she'd been fixed up by someone, and magically as confirmed by a trivial inspection, it seemed that sometimes it takes the body awhile to catch on to the fact that it was no longer in a critical state.

There'd been some trouble when they'd gotten to town, and the knight... Derek was it, had acted much too aggressively for her tastes―drawing one's blade at a slight provocation, really?―but she was in no shape to interfere, and somehow things had ended up working out. One of the group had located an inn, and there really was nothing more that Tessa wanted to do than to collapse face first on a bed and pass out.

Kelas was offering to carry her, but that seemed somehow excessive... "I don't want to be a burden. I can walk... but I would not turn down a hand to hold onto, or maybe a even a shoulder to lean up against if it gets to be too much," Tessa offered a compromise.

Edit: Oh dear, the grammars. Missing words, punctuation, and borked phrases. Hopefully all better now.

Edited by Balcerzak
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"Very well. Now, you are neither husband, child, friend, or work associate. You have no reason to be in my personal space, and I am going to enforce this with a valued tome being on my body."


Ages ago

"Tanair! Your dreaming again!" squeaked the child Helenos, springing up on her sisters arm and trying to pull her to the ground. "Do all two hundred year olds dream like you? I don't wanna be like that! I wanna be a hundred and twenty forever! Eeeee! Lookie! Lookie! Lookie Tanair! A pegasus!" screamed the child, pointing up into the air as the wild animal flew by overhead. "Can we eat it?"

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"Fight, fight fight! Let's go, go, go! Perfect time to try out my Shooting Star skill! Even though it's not complete yet...En garde!"


Hit! Damage delt, 6! Eric 3/9

Rita quickly dashed towards the man, stopping short. She gave an up stroke he wasn't expecting, and was able to nick him. "Up! Now the first down strike!" She quickly back flipped away, as to prevent him from getting too painful a hit.

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"Right then, I think I can manage that," Kelas replied, offering Tessa a hand. "Arrin, you put Trevor away, hey?" Arrin nodded and led Trevor off toward the stables.

Ages ago

"Mm? Are you really that hungry?" Tanair had replied, snapping out of her reverie for a moment. "If you must, though you ought to remember to clean up afterward."

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Ixion: ... probably best for my own personal safety that I'm not someone you care for. Your irresponsibility is troublesome. I'll be leaving now. Enjoy your corpse, Headmaster. There'll be plenty more where that one came from.

With that, Ixion turned to leave and walked away into this distance, his cloak slightly flowing in the wind.

Ixion: (With this I may be able to get a better look at Shanice's structure, and how its mana network can so drastically change its composition. I still need to capture Shanice, but for now I can at least delve deeper into this little mystery ...)

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"Not bad," Eric said, preparing to counter. He focused, and disappeared, landing two solid blows before reappearing![spoiler=roll]http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2616830/


[5,2,4] = Hit! 7-2 = 5 points of damage.

[6,2,4] = Hit! 7-2 = 5 points of damage. Miracle activate! Rita 1/9 HP

"That was a pretty good match," he said, disarming the myrm.


[4,2,6] = Hit! 7-2 = 5 points of damage! Rita is down!

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The headmaster wasted no time, and was soon airborn as well, heading back to bury the body.


Ages ago.

"No..." said Helenos, sighing. "I'm not hungry enough to eat a pegasus. Not all of one anyways." she said before tugging on Tanair's arm. "Tanny, when is mommy going to be home? She left a year ago to aid that Azure guy and hasn't come home yet. And... What about your boyfriend? OH! Tanny! I smell oranges!"

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When the swordsman had parried her blade, it had flown out of her hand, and landed a few meters away. She went and retrieved it.

"Awww. ;_; I was so close. I only got the first Star hit too. ;_;" Rita stared at the ground. I'm never gonna perfect the strike. I keep losing.

"Well! Anyway, the inn is right behind you. But if you have time tomarrow, you should see the play in the park about some crimson group. It has this one zap-happy thunder mage, some pathetic swordsman, and this pretentious cleric, just to name a few. It's so funny! I suppose I can head to Septimus tomorrow." She turned to Dani. "Come on! We can eat. They have the best fish and all sorts of meals! Maybe they even have chocolate desserts!" She grabbed Dani by the arm, and puller her into the inn while the others were still outside.

OOC: I picked those three on purpose. :awesome:

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Bluffing Xenia and the other man, the fire mage successfully convinced both that the Jerdonian princess was going towards Septimus. Idiots, Heinz thought as the two flew away. You would think they'd scout ahead before giving us back the hostage, but it looks like they were in too much of a rush. Waiting for the others to finish arguing over what to do with the body, Heinz mounted his horse, raising his eyes when he saw Derek had a pair of gloves underneath his gauntlets.

That mercenary almost never takes those off, doesn't he? I thought he was related to the others who left, but if he's a Jerdonian, why did he choose to stay? Narrowing his eyes at the man, Heinz continued to watch his actions as they traveled towards another town to rest. He's pretty restrained for a mercenary too, those two guards won't end up with anything worse then a bump on their heads, urging his horse through the gates.

Before heading towards the inn like the others, Heinz navigated himself through the twisting alleys and narrow streets of the town, ensuring that anyone who followed him would be throughly lost. There's always a bounty office somewhere in these towns, I'll find it eventually. Heinz thought moodily. Finally seeing a ramshackle building covered in posters up ahead, Heinz dismounted from his horse and entered the dimly lit room. Raised the bounty on that pair of thieves again, they still haven't been caught? The Fire Bandits, eh? Not a bad nickname, and no pictures of me yet to boot. Walking forwards, he spoke to the manager of the place. "Got info on the Jerdonian princess, but I'm already on a job, can't quit it right now," he grunted. "Going towards the Halton capital, wants to speak to the emperor. Posing as a cleric, has a swordsman, thunder mage, and ex-guide following. All loyal to her. Payment?"

The man looked at Heinz. "Huh. Nice lead, but we can't promise much without a body to confirm it. You got some details though, so I suppose I can give you something. 10 gold," sliding a couple of coins across the counter. Heinz glared at the man. Lousy sum, but there's not much I can do about it I suppose. "Thanks," he said shortly, leaving the room and remounting the horse. Within minutes he was at the inn, putting the horse away and walking inside.

Traveling towards the Halton/Septimus border:

Following the orders of the grey-eyed man, the cloaked man had been traveling constantly for several days now. Stopping over at a town near the Septimian border, he had heard word of a large group in a town nearby. Coupled with a few scattered sights of a flying wyvern or two, the man figured he was relatively close to the Crimson Weapon group. Besides, he had seen a number of rowdy mercenaries at a pub nearby, squandering their coins on a heavy night of drinking. "Not the best, but they'll work," smiling thinly as he watched the group burst out into boisterous song again. Standing up, the man threw his stool into the middle of the chaos, causing many of them to lose their footing and fall off the tables.

"Hey, what was that for?!" One mercenary yelled. "You're gonna pay for that, you bloody bastard-," another joined in, lurching toward the cloaked man unsteadily. Beneath the cover of his hood, the man smiled. "I couldn't think of any other way to get your attention," he stated coldly. "I have a job for all of you. Meet me in front of this place at dawn tomorrow." Reaching into his pocket, he tossed a couple coins into the air, causing a mad dash and creating an instant brawl in the pub.

Walking outside, the man let down his hood, looking up into the sky. The moon's rays cast a pale glow onto the man's face, illuminating the scar that ran down one side of his face. "No more time for you to run," he spoke softly.

OOC: Ironic that Tessa thought Derek was being too violent, Heinz thought he was being nice.

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Taking the offered hand, Tessa expressed her gratitude, "Thanks, Kelas. This whole experience has been... enlightening. I think I have a better understanding now of some of what you've gone through some of these past battles where things... didn't quite work out for you."

Her mind recalling to the most recent incident, Tessa suddenly remembered something. "Oh! I have a confession to make, actually."

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"Hm?" Kelas wasn't sure what Tessa was talking about.

Arrin cared for Trevor as best he could, leaving the rest to the inn's hostler, and headed inside, wandering in the direction of the kitchens. He could smell the food...


Ages ago

"You know full well I haven't any mate," Tanair had chuckled. She'd pointed: "The oranges are growing over there. Try not to demolish the tree," she instructed, sidestepping around the issue of their mother.

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