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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 13: Stabby Stabby Stabby!


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"... Milady, Alf, she already left. I am not going to ask how they know about something like that," Eric said, upon hearing the comment about a crimson group. "Anyways, shall we go in?"


"Sounds Good!" Dani exclaimed, running enthusiastically into the inn.

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"Yay!" squeaked Helenos before shifting into her draconic form. Gone was the eager child of late childhood. In her place was a small and sleek black drake, no highter than a grown man's knee. Covering her body, the diamonds from her dress remained, turning Helenos from into a astral dragon whelp. Barreling forwards, she nuzzled up to the tree, slamming it as hard as she could and causing one of the oranges to fall. The small fruit hit her square on the head before bouncing to the ground, prompting Helenos to shift out, rubbing her forehead. "Ow! Tanny! It hurts." she moaned, picking up the fruit and returning to her sisters side.

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"I never actually delivered the message you asked me to the other day," Tessa said softly, while staring at the floorboards. "Somehow I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I'm sorry."

Edited by Balcerzak
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Running up to the counter, Dani in tow, she quickly pulled out a small bag from her satchel. "3 rooms please. For me and my friends!" She handed the man a fist full of small diamonds. "Keep the change."

The others had walked in by now, and she turned to talk to them. "Oh, yeah, sorry. My name's Rita. I paid for your rooms already too. I was going to see if one of the heroes was there, or a master swordsman or something. I was thinking of heading home, but the boat got delayed, so that's not an option any more...."

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"Sounds nice. Hopefully, there'll be no trouble in there," said Alferis, taking a step in.

"Sister, I think you may need to be a bit more careful here. There are some unpleasant people in inns, so stay close to one of us."

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"Message? What message?" Had she told Tessa to tell somebody something, when she'd been lightheaded from bloodloss. "...What did I say exactly?"


Ages ago

"Silly hatchling," Tanair had chuckled, patting Helenos on the head. She walked to the tree and jumped, snatching several oranges as she somersaulted over the tree's branches. "Here you go.

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"It would be unfortunate, if one of those unsavory individuals came upon you alone," Eric agreed. "Now, where's Dani...?"


"Oh, you didn't have to do that," Dani said. "We had enough money. Wait, you're from the islands? I know someone who's from there as well. How is it?"

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"How do you know about the islands? Not many people go there. But it's always warm, and the beach is always very close. It's wonderful. I live on the same island as the Waterfall lagoon, and the Twin Peaks Gorge. The gorge is a mating grounds for sea wyverns. My brother rides one in fact. Where's the dining room? I'm starving."

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"You don't remember?" Tessa seemed a bit surprised when Kelas hadn't seemed to know what she'd been referring to. "Maybe it was for the best then..."

However, the nomad seemed curious, and had followed up wanting to know what it was that she had said. Leaning in and whispering so as to not be overhead, Tessa continued, "You'd told me to tell Sis to..." and she repeated the description of the act as best she could remember it.

"It had seemed a bit mean-spirited, and I'm not even sure it's possible for things to work like that... But if I wasn't going to follow through, I shouldn't have let you think that I would."

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"Yay!" squeaked Helenos, jumping up and down, alternating from one leg to the other as she grabbed the fruit. Without stopping to peal it, she bit into the fruit, sending squirts of juice flying everywhere and staining her dress as she hungrily chowed down on the fruit. "YoMphr Thish Besht Shistsher eveUrk *gulp*!"

As Helenos ate though, a sudden and worried chirping came from the tree where they had just taken their fruit. At the base of the tree, a small nest lay, the eggs inside having fallen and shattered either from Helenos's or Tanair's interference. The mother bird was hopping around in a panic, and for good reason. The chicks were almost fully developed. Already feathered and ready to be born, they could have been born if the eggs had simply been cracked. However, the fall had killed them. As Helenos devoured her fruit, she at last heard the calling. Turning her attention, she ran over to the tree.

"Oh... Oh my. I'm so sorry." she said, bending down beside the nest. "Let me help Mrs. Birdy!" she said, picking up one of the shattered eggs. Then, she closed her eyes. Small shadows darted across her fingertips, forming into tiny tendrils that flowed into the chicks mouth. A moment passed, two, then a sudden chirp came from the downed hatchling. Helenos didn't know how, but she had managed to mend the body and restart the heart. Picking up the nest, she put it back before turning to Tanair. "Tanair, what's a mate? Mrs. Birdy doesn't have one." she said before a sudden brightness overcame her. "Will you be her mate Tanny? Will you be Mrs. Birdie's mate?"

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"I... oh gods, I probably did, too, didn't I, I was that exasperated with her..." Kelas mumbled, staring at the wall. "And you didn't understand any of it either, it sounds like... oh dear..."


Ages ago

"It doesn't work that way, dear," she'd said. "I think it might be time for a nap."

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"Well we were traveling with the Crimson Weapons group and there was a shaman named Cess with us. He was from the Shoon Islands." Charlotte said to Rita in a hushed tone, as to not attract too much attention.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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"CESS! YOU SAW CESS? WHERE? TELL ME! He's my best friend! We were neighbors, and I brought him with me when I became a mercenary. I lost him in Elysima though, and I haven't been able to find him. Please! You gotta tell me where he is!"

OOC: Totally ruined Charlottes's "Be discreet" moment.

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"Well he was here in Halton, but last we saw he was traveling to Septimus along with the rest of our comrades. I am not sure exactly where he is at the moment though." Charlotte shrugged.

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;_; "I lost him again. I'll never find him. Wait...you said you were with the Crimson group? Then that means the play was... :sweatdrop: Whoops. Sorry about how I thought you guys were. Where are you all headed next though? If you saw him last, maybe I should come with you guys!"

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The Septimian company, after marching relentlessly for the whole day, stopped just inside the border as night fell. In the command tent, General Alex was listening to scouting reports.

Scout: ... The Crimson group, suspected to be harboring the princess of Jerdon, is about two days away from the border, Sir. If we wait here, they can walk right into an ambush.

Alex:... And, if we were to press the advance?

Scout: We could encounter them by midday the day after tomorrow, sir. But that would entail-

Alex: That will be what we do.

Scout: But Sir, that might cause war between-

Alex: I am aware of that. It is going to be fairly quick, though, and I honestly doubt they'll be going to Altia for just a company. Anything else?

Scout: No, sir.

Alex: Dismissed.

Saluting, the soldier left the tent. Slipping out the back of it, Alex removed the silver helm, letting long, dark blue hair fall. Looking up at the sky,she thought, We'll meet them in two days... Looks like my 25th will be really special.



"They're heading for Septimus, to meet Jace. Maybe if you find him, you'll find Cess," Eric said, looking aside. "We may be here for a few days, though, so, maybe you should go ahead of us."

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"You feeling better Tessa?" asked Esphyr, finally working up the nerve to see how her charge had been doing. Though she was involved in the middle of a conversation, Esphyr wasn't sure when the next oppertune moment would come for her. Better now than never.

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"Ick, Jace. I'd rather meet someone like Harold! Someone who really knows how to use a sword. And if you guys only have a general idea where he is, it be better to stick with you and meet the rest of your friends, than get lost trying to find him. Plus I can keep training with you! I will perfect the Shooting Star skill!" Rita lifted her arm above her head in a victory pose.

"Anyway, let's go eat. I hope they have chocolate!" She grabbed Dani by the arm, and led her through the inn to the dining room, leaving the other three in the dust.

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"'Shooting Star skill'?" Eric wondered. "Could she be talking about Astra?"


"It's the capital! Of course they'll have chocolate!" Dani exclaimed, running as fast as Rita was.

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Having been able to get into the town, Pary walked through, looking at the various shops. He say Morgan near Chase, and decided to go over to negotiate.

"Are you okay after everything that's happened with your tome and all? I'm not sure if I shouldd worry or something. And I'd like to ask to increase my contract by an additional gold, since I'm not to keen on going to Septimus."



Cess walked with the group through the gate, and followed Kelas, Tessa, and Arrin to stable Morrey. He saw Arrin in the distance. "Arrin, could I ask you something?



Dani and Rita went ahead and got a plate for the buffet. "Look! They have buttered shrimp! And real Tora beef! And chicken soup!" Rita kept walking down the aisle. She reached the dessert cart. "Oh. My. God. Look at all the desserts. They have chocolate souffle, canolies, and I think you can even request ice cream! Woah! They have Shoon coconut cakes! I love the capital!"


Berry, Marry, Verry:

Far away on a warm beach

"Mistress, I have a report on the group. They've split up. Some are heading to Altia, and some are going to meet Jace, and that thief woman. They haven't encountered the Earth dragon yet. Should we head for the smaller group and maybe use them as bait? Or shall we wait for Jace to clean up for us, and swoop in for the spoils?"

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